[Soc-coordination] Weekly report (14th week) - Debian GNU/Hurd Debianish initialization

heroxbd at gentoo.org heroxbd at gentoo.org
Tue Sep 24 01:49:53 UTC 2013

4winter at informatik.uni-hamburg.de writes:
> I implemented /proc/mounts, umount, freed up PID 1 for sysvinit, fixed
> ifupdown, sysvinit and initscripts on Hurd, implemented a
> proof-of-concept cgroupfs and fixed many small issues along the
> way. Almost all of my patches are already upstream and in Debian, a
> Debian/Hurd booting using sysvinit is just a few uploads away.

This is incredible. Are you going to stay in the community of
Debian/Hurd after soc?

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