[Soc-coordination] Seventh report: Provide some metrics in Debile

Clément Schreiner clement at mux.me
Sun Jul 6 21:40:56 UTC 2014


this is the seventh weekly report on my Summer of Code project 'Provide
some metrics in Debile'[1].

(Previous report:

This week I made on a new check for debile, which fails when a package
does not honor the CC and CXX variables. Many packages do not, and that
complicates things for some debile jobs (building with clang, running
clanganalyzer, …)

To that end, I wrote a new plugin which installs two fake compilers in
the build chroot: one, in /usr/bin/gcc (with symlinks from g++ and cpp),
creates a file in /tmp, while the other immediately exits the
build. When the temporary file is created, the script knows that gcc has
been used instead of CC or CXX.[2]


Debile is now almost ready for lauchning a full rebuild of Debian's
archive, with normal and clang builds, as well as a number of analyzers:
lintian, pep8, cppcheck and the new "honorcxx" check.

I'm currently working on making coccinelle[3] work too, with Matthieu
Caneill's help. Depending on the difficulty of that task, the first full
build might include coccinelle too (and I hope it will.)


Once that is done, I'll start working on UI improvements, at first with
the objective or making sense of the data provided by honorcxx. 

Thanks for reading,


[2] [http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-debile/debile.git;a=blob;f=debile/slave/runners/honorcxx.py]
[3] [http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/]

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