[Soc-coordination] Status Report for Elektra configuration Merge

Ian Donnelly ian.s.donnelly at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 02:06:15 UTC 2014

I spent time this week working on the Debian packages, figuring out some
lintian errors and such. I have been looking over some changes to the merge
code to support metakeys and to fix a few edge cases. Additionally, I spent
time this week looking into implementation details for the dpkg patch as
well as looking into some other projects that are working towards the same
goals with conffile merging. I also started work on a new plugin for
elektra that stores files as KeySets with each line being a key. It's a
simple plugin but will allow us to try automatic merging on packages that
haven't included any data on how to mount their conffiles. It won't succeed
in most cases for automatic merging but it can work for simple conffiles
and simple merges and will definitely help in our goal of of making most
conffile upgrades seamless. Next week I will be continuing to work on this
plugin, updating the mergecode and pushing it upstream, as well as
researching a few options for our dpkg patch to see which will work best.
We are leaning towards making a hook for dpkg to allow automatic merging
using any tool of the user or package manager's preference as opposed to
only support kdb merge. Hopefully this will be well received upstream.

Until Next Week,
Ian S. Donnelly
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