[Soc-coordination] Status Report of Improve Debian Port on Mipsel, Week7

Xilin Sun s.sn.giraffe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 12:39:47 UTC 2014


In the past week I have been working on packages which are
uninstallable or failed to build from source on Debian port on mipsel.
Here are some of the packages that I looked into in the past week.

fp-compiler: As mentioned in the previous report, this package has
caused a number of packages to be uninstallable. According to the
Lazarus wiki[1], fpc is available on mips and mipsel at version 2.2.*.
It seems that 2.6.* is not available yet. Following the wiki, I tried
to compile fpc 2.6.* by cross compiling but have not had much progress
yet. Some even older versions can be found at sourceforge[2]. In week
8 I will continue working on this package and see if it is possible to
build it.

ghc-ghci: Ghci is not available on mips and mipsel, which leads to a
lot of packages to be uninstallable. However, some of these packages
can be compiled and installed without ghc. haskell-nettle is an
example ( https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=752460 ).
I am looking for other packages like haskell-nettle and try to get
them installed without ghci.

In week 8, I am still working on packages which are uninstallable or
fail to build from source. Also, I will put some effort on packages
which fail to build from source on more than just mipsel port, as it
is not easy to get much work done on the mipsel part.

1. http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/MIPS_port
2. http://sourceforge.net/projects/fpc-mips/files/fpc-mips/0.90/


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