[Soc-coordination] week 9

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Mon Jul 21 18:20:30 UTC 2014

On 18/07/14 23:18, Juliana Louback wrote:
> Status report - WebRTC portal for the Debian community
> Week 6
> This week began with a video conference hosted by Yehuda Korotkin, a
> tech professor at one of Israel's leading colleges for women. During
> this conference, Shauna Gordon-McKeon and I talked to the girls in
> Yehuda's class, introducing them to the world of open source and showing
> them why it's great to contribute and how they can go about it. The
> virtual meet up also included a practical component where I helped the
> girls set up Git, taught them some basic commands and how to do a pull
> request. As a result, Yehuda's class made their first pull request: A
> Hebrew translation for JSCommunicator!

This is good, it is great to see people building on top of your work to
internationalize the project

> A more extensive description of our video conference can be found
> at http://julianalouback.com/non-tech/2014/07/16/become-an-open-source-contributor/.
> That leads to another bit of news, I (finally) got my blog up and
> running and submitted my first posts.

Excellent - you are now syndicated on http://planet.debian.org

Some people have even seen your post and contributed more translations
(see the pull requests)

> I've been working a lot on the jscommunicator xtuple extension, I will
> be pushing the new code shortly (see
> https://github.com/JLouback/xtuple-extensions) adding sip account
> information to the UserAccount business object in XTuple. I'm also
> looking into packaging the repro server into the xtuple-server package,
> so the installation can be done seamlessly.

In theory, they should be able to add:

Depends: repro

to their debian/control file.

A more generic solution may be:

Recommends: repro | sip-router

which would allow people to install alternatives like Kamailio.

If xtuple-server detects that the repro package is on the system, it
could then help setup the repro.config file and/or invoke reprocmd from
a script to set up domains, users, ...

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