[Soc-coordination] Project Idea fot GSoC

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Tue Mar 25 23:59:53 UTC 2014

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 05:09:04PM +0100, José Luis Sanroma Tato wrote:
> The problem is that I did send my proposal in melange and I filled all the
> fields and put a link to the debian wiki where they can find my proposal,
> but I did not receive a confirmation or anything. That is why I asked if
> anybody have to review my proposal in melange.

You don't get an email confirmation from melange for submitting your
proposal, but you can check in your dashboard to make sure it was
submitted (though it's too late to fix now if it didn't I'm afraid).

I'm not mentoring for Debian this year, so I can't check if your
proposal is in the list myself.

> Even my mentor, after the registration and requested the connection
> with Debian didn't receive anything.

The org should get an email about each new proposal, but this was broken
during the earlier part of the application period, so that might be why
the mentor didn't see it.

I can't see a proposal from you here - you should add it:



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