[Surfraw-devel] Re: Bug#240629: surfraw: bash-completion
Moritz Muehlenhoff
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 01:29:27 +0200
Justin B Rye wrote:
> I don't bother adding the elvi directly to my $PATH - instead I add
> them to /etc/bash_completion.d/surfraw (attached). That way, typing
> "sr g<tab>" is enough to invoke Google.
Thanks, this was on my TODO, but I never had the time.
I commited it to our CVS repo.
> I hasten to add that it's a distinctly simplistic bash-completer
> compared to most of the existing Debian-packaged ones; but It Works
> For Me. A properly written version might also cover the sub-options
> such as --lucky, which would require hard-coding the elvi-list.
It would also be very useful to have tab-completion for the debbugs,
debpackages and debcontents elvis.
> (PS - why "an elvis"? And furthermore, why "elvi"? Was Elvis
> Presley famed for his commandline expertise and poor grasp of Latin
> morphology?
Frankly, I have no idea.