[Surfraw-devel] surfraw 2.2.4 released

Ian Beckwith ianb at erislabs.net
Sun Mar 1 03:48:18 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I've just released surfraw 2.2.4:


I've also just uploaded the package to Debian.


 * New elvi:
   + ntrs, scicom, springer - Thanks to Wim Van Hoydonck.
   + urban - Thanks to J. R. Mauro.
   + aur - Thanks to René Reigel.
 * excite: fixed.
 * cite: changed to use citeseerx.ist.psu.edu, the old
   citeseer is no longer being updated.
 * amazon: fixed; updated categories.

Incidently, the wikipedia page for surfraw is under threat of deletion
for being non-notable. Oh Noes!!!


Ian Beckwith - ianb at erislabs.net - http://erislabs.net/ianb/
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