[Surfraw-devel] Surfraw 2.2.5 released

Ian Beckwith ianb at debian.org
Wed May 13 02:13:45 UTC 2009

I've just released and uploaded to Debian Surfraw 2.2.5, with a few
minor fixes. NEWS:

  * Replaced scaleplus elvi with comlaw.
  * rfc: use HTML for RFCs and BCPs.
  * Support '--' to indicate end of options, so, for instance,
    "sr google -g -- foo -bar" works.
  * debpackages, debcontents: update ubuntu release names.


Ian Beckwith - ianb at debian.org - ianb at erislabs.net - http://erislabs.net/ianb/
GPG fingerprint: AF6C C0F1 1E74 424B BCD5  4814 40EC C154 A8BA C1EA
Listening to: Kristin Hersh - Strings - The Key
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