[Surfraw-devel] Surfraw 2.2.7 released

Ian Beckwith ianb at erislabs.net
Thu May 6 20:16:39 UTC 2010

I've just released surfraw 2.2.7


NEWS for this release:

 * New elvi (surfraw now has over one hundred elvi!):
   + by tczy:
     * bing: Search using Microsoft's Bing.
   + by Ivy Foster:
     * bookfinder: Search for books using www.bookfinder.com.
     * bugmenot: Bypass compulsory web registration with bugmenot.com.
   + by Ian Beckwith:
     * duckduckgo: Search the web via duckduckgo.com.
     * scroogle: Search Google anonymously via www.scroogle.org.
   + by Simone Fittabile:
     * jamendo: Search Jamendo: free music with Creative Commons licenses
 * Removed elvi: genpkg (use genportage instead).
 * Fixed elvi:
   + cnn
   + imdb (thanks to Sadako)
   + bbcnews (thanks to Sumant Oemrawsingh and James Rowe)
 * aur: added options (thanks to Ivy Foster)
 * wikipedia, ixquick: support https. Thanks to Simone Fittabile.
 * debwiki: remove -w, Debian Women wiki is being merged into main
   Debian wiki. Thanks to Simone Fittabile.
 * Improved support for screen(1). Thanks to Ivy Foster:
   + Support for using tmux as $SURFRAW_screen.
   + Added `-ns|-newscreen' switch for setting $SURFRAW_new_screen.
   + Added $SURFRAW_screen_args for passing arguments to the defined
     screen tool.
 * uzbl_load_url_from_surfraw: fix menu.
   Thanks to Sumant Oemrawsingh.


Ian Beckwith - ianb at erislabs.net - http://erislabs.net/ianb/
GPG fingerprint: AF6C C0F1 1E74 424B BCD5  4814 40EC C154 A8BA C1EA
Listening to: Grails - Burning Off Impurities - Silk Rd
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