[Teammetrics-discuss] Something new regarding Gmane.

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Fri Aug 5 10:22:21 UTC 2011

On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 03:34:13PM +0530, Sukhbir Singh wrote:
> Now I see why you asked about compression of the mailboxes and I asked
> you back about it :)

> Once the mailboxes have been created, they are immediately parsed and
> after that they serve no purpose. The count of the mailboxes
> downloaded is maintained in a separate file. So if you want, I can
> delete the mailboxes in the end.

If they really do not have any use they could be deleted.  However, for
debugging purpose I would leave them for the moment because the download
just costs time.  I also do not think that we should spend to much time
into this approach any more.  So leave it as it is for the moment and
lets see how we can get direct mboxes quickly.

Kind regards



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