[Teammetrics-discuss] Error in liststat.py

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 18:31:39 UTC 2011

>> 2011-08-08 10:47:16,181 INFO: Fetched 2616 message bodies
>> 2011-08-08 10:47:16,209 ERROR: Invalid timezone for Message-ID: <E17cLoW-0005Tt-00 at grunt4.ihug.co.nz>
>> 2011-08-08 10:47:16,209 INFO: Setting timezone to UTC

git pull

Fixed :) This was due another invalid date. I have saved the
Message-IDs also but:

    $ cat /var/log/teammetrics/liststat.log | grep Skipping
    2011-08-08 23:54:49,758 WARNING: Skipping message:
<E17cLoW-0005Tt-00 at grunt4.ihug.co.nz>

So there is only one such message!

Though my mbox code is ready, there is another scenario I am exploring
that might be a lot better than the current approach so wait till
tomorrow morning :) I didn't get much time today but now I am going to
work on it.

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