[Teammetrics-discuss] Gitstat problems.

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 19:23:41 UTC 2011


Something weird.

First clone the debian-med ball repository.

    git clone http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-med/ball.git

Now, within this directory, run David's script, grep debian and output
the hashes.

After that, run the command (same dir only):

    git log -z --format="%n%x00%H" --name-only

Now, some hashes that are in the output of the command from the
terminal _are not_ in the output of the script.

For example:


Clearly, this is a Debian commit right? However, this hash (ff1876) is
not in the output of David's script.

Why is that? I found this because the output from my script was
different from the output of David's script. This should not be,

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