[Teammetrics-discuss] Checksums for NNTP list parsing.

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 08:50:35 UTC 2011

> t_last - 30 days will not change any more.  IMHO this is a reasonable
> and safe assumption for normal mails.  It will fail for possibly removed
> SPAM mails which might make our input for listmaster about spam less
> usefull - but hey, lets use this as an argument to enable mboxes for us!

Gmane doesn't update the archives and remove SPAM unlike
lists.debian.org. Even though I have an implementation ready which
compares dates, but here is what we are going to do. Feel free to
suggest otherwise.

Instead of dates, we keep track of message ID's. So we store a
configuration for a list called FOO as:

    start = 1
    end = 32

So the next time the script runs, it will start downloading from
message ID 32 to the current message.

IMHO, this works wonderfully rather than playing with dates :-) I have
the date thing read but I don't like it already!

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