[Teammetrics-discuss] Git repositories parsing is ready.

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 20:28:23 UTC 2011

> Isn't there any mapping between users and usernames also inside the Git
> repository?

Uhm, no. I think (I am pretty sure) Git is completely oblivious to the
fact that which username is committing. It is bothered only with the
'Name' and 'Email' fields that are set by the users on their
respective computers.

The Alioth admins are the only people that can provide us with this
data. What we need is a list of names that are registered with Alioth.
If you visit:


The "First Name" and "Last Name" fields are what we want.

I have decided to get in touch with the admins on IRC tomorrow morning
to see what they have to say. I just hope they don't bring the privacy
issue into this!

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