[Teammetrics-discuss] Updates and fixes based on recent discussions.

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 16:22:43 UTC 2012


> Updatenames.py seems to work and I was running some cycles with adding
> robots and name changes.  I hope that my last change will create proper


> graphs.  Seems there is no real need to rerun the gatherer so far at the
> moment - so I would like you to wait about one week because the current
> database could probably perfectly serve as the data we need to base some
> slight announcement on debian-project.

Ok, it's about time!

> I also need to run the commitstat gatherer which was based on a very
> small config file (only debian-med and debian-science).

Yes, that's important.

> I'll keep you informed in case something might not went as expected.

Please let me know and I will fix it (I have lots of time these days).
My next step is to learn about the DM process :)

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