[Teammetrics-discuss] Django Website Deployment

Vipin Nair swvist at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 02:06:49 UTC 2012

Hi Sukhbir/Andreas,

Yay! After quiet a struggle, I have finally managed to make this work
over mod_wsgi.

Andreas, I do not have the permission to edit the apache configuration
file. For a bare minimum setup, all we need to do is add the four
lines below to the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default/

WSGIScriptAlias /path/to/project/web/teammetrics.wsgi
<Directory /path/to/project/web/>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

/path/to/project/ is the location where the code will reside. It must
be a location that is accessible to the user www-data.
If you could add these lines to the configuration file, we can setup
the project quick.

I took so much time because there were some subtle bugs in the code
that the current unit tests were not able to catch. I updated the
tests and discovered a very subtle bug of whose possibility I had
overlooked in the initial test case. I have updated the tests and code
to and eliminated the bug :D


Vipin Nair
National Institute of Technology, Calicut

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