[Teammetrics-discuss] [GSoC-2012] Team Activity Metrics

Boris Bobrov breton.linux at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 23:48:06 UTC 2012

В сообщении от Wednesday 21 of March 2012 02:43:04 вы написали:
> Hi Boris,
> thanks for your interest in the GSoC project!
> That's only part of the truth.  There is some part of the statistics
> obtained from UDD (Ultimate Debian Database) which is SQL and this will
> not change.  So you have to deal with SQL for good and I do not see any
> problem with this.
> I don't know Django personally but I guess it has an SQL adapter and
> will be perfectly able to use data in SQL databases, right?
> Kind regards
>       Andreas.

UDD is running on postgres, right? Django's ORM can be tied with it, without 
altering the db of course.

Anyway, if there will be no user input capabilities, then, frankly, I see no 
reason to use Django here.
I see this web interface as a web service, which collects data from some 
internal sources, works with it (in some tricky way maybe) and then outputs to 
the user. There will be no direct input from users or even admins. So, no 
admin interface is needed, no forms, no user input processing. Django is too 
heavy for this task.

In my opinion, the best solution here will be flask [0] + sqlalchemy [1]. It's 
lightweight and more flexible, and the amount of work which needs to be done is 
not more, than with Django.


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