[Teammetrics-discuss] Teammetrics project

Lucas Kanashiro kanashiro at debian.org
Wed May 15 13:44:34 BST 2019


On 5/15/19 9:21 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Lucas,
> [please excuse that I'm CCing teammetrics list but since there is no
>  private information in your mail I think this is rectified and might
>  create further input for you]
That's okay, I didn't realize that the project has a mailing list,
otherwise I'd have sent my last email to it.
> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 08:40:43AM -0300, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> I am organizing the Ruby Team BoF we will have at DebConf19 and I'd like
>> to collect some general data about the team to present to the rest of
>> the team. boutil told me about the Teammetrics project and at a first
>> glance that seems to be what I am looking for :)
> Looking forward to meet you at DebConf. ;-)
Me too :-)
>> I found this link [1] which actually contains some data about the Ruby
>> team [2][3]. I'd like to know if Teammetrics is able to gather data from
>> salsa and BTS. If yes, how can I generate those metrics by self?
> There is also information about the Uploaders and Bug fixers.  Just seek
> for "ruby" on this web dir and you'll find:
> authorstat_debian-ruby.png
> authorstat_debian-ruby_year.txt
> bugs_pkg-ruby.png
> bugs_pkg-ruby.txt
> uploaders_pkg-ruby.png
> uploaders_pkg-ruby.txt
Sorry, I missed those files.
> Regarding Salsa: I'm also doing commit statistics and maintainer per
> package stats.  For the moment I have not yet included the ruby team
> (no idea why it was not included - not yet requeste / I might have
> forgotten).  I've just rewritten the code which was pretty simple when
> Alioth lived but is now quite exhausting on Salsa since there is no
> local access to the repositories.
> However, my rewrite seems to have stress tested Salsa to hard and
> yesterday Salsa-admin has blacklisted blends.debian.net. :-(  I've just
> hit "Sent" for a mail to salsa-admin to sort things out.  So I'd like to
> say:  Yes, I'd love to give you these data (see other examples like
> commitstat_debian-med.png / maintainer_per_package_debian-med.png)
> until DebConf - but for the moment I need to wait for salsa-admins how
> we can continue from here.

Right, if I can help some way let me know.

Another question is: can we generate those same metrics but selecting a
time window? For instance have those statistics for the last year (or
couple of years). That would be interesting to analyze the current
status of a team, have all these data from all those years is nice but
things might have changed recently in a team context and we can't easily
see this with all this time history.

Thanks for the prompt response.


Lucas Kanashiro

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