[tryton-debian-vcs] tryton-modules-purchase branch upstream-2.8 updated. upstream/2.8.1-1-g9523711

Mathias Behrle tryton-debian-vcs at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 11 18:09:49 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the upstream-2.8 branch:

commit 952371158d9c0ba145ad114251f23330dc087704
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date:   Wed Dec 11 18:29:11 2013 +0100

    Adding upstream version 2.8.2.

index 2672ce9..bc968b4 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 2.8.2 - 2013-12-04
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
 Version 2.8.1 - 2013-10-01
 * Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 2569955..fc0b03e 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ include view/*.xml
 include *.odt
 include locale/*.po
 include doc/*
+include tests/*.rst
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index f5fde0f..d91f1c2 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.1
 Name: trytond_purchase
-Version: 2.8.1
+Version: 2.8.2
 Summary: Tryton module for purchase
 Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
 Author: Tryton
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index b231cb4..3d962ab 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ setup(name='trytond_purchase',
         'trytond.modules.purchase': (info.get('xml', [])
-            + ['tryton.cfg', 'view/*.xml', 'locale/*.po', 'purchase.odt']),
+            + ['tryton.cfg', 'view/*.xml', 'locale/*.po', 'tests/*.rst',
+                'purchase.odt']),
         'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
diff --git a/tests/scenario_purchase.rst b/tests/scenario_purchase.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72fc513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/scenario_purchase.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+Purchase Scenario
+    >>> import datetime
+    >>> from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+    >>> from decimal import Decimal
+    >>> from operator import attrgetter
+    >>> from proteus import config, Model, Wizard
+    >>> today = datetime.date.today()
+Create database::
+    >>> config = config.set_trytond()
+    >>> config.pool.test = True
+Install purchase::
+    >>> Module = Model.get('ir.module.module')
+    >>> purchase_module, = Module.find([('name', '=', 'purchase')])
+    >>> Module.install([purchase_module.id], config.context)
+    >>> Wizard('ir.module.module.install_upgrade').execute('upgrade')
+Create company::
+    >>> Currency = Model.get('currency.currency')
+    >>> CurrencyRate = Model.get('currency.currency.rate')
+    >>> currencies = Currency.find([('code', '=', 'EUR')])
+    >>> if not currencies:
+    ...     currency = Currency(name='Euro', symbol=u'€', code='EUR',
+    ...         rounding=Decimal('0.01'), mon_grouping='[3, 3, 0]',
+    ...         mon_decimal_point=',')
+    ...     currency.save()
+    ...     CurrencyRate(date=today + relativedelta(month=1, day=1),
+    ...         rate=Decimal('1.0'), currency=currency).save()
+    ... else:
+    ...     currency, = currencies
+    >>> Company = Model.get('company.company')
+    >>> Party = Model.get('party.party')
+    >>> company_config = Wizard('company.company.config')
+    >>> company_config.execute('company')
+    >>> company = company_config.form
+    >>> party = Party(name='B2CK')
+    >>> party.save()
+    >>> company.party = party
+    >>> company.currency = currency
+    >>> company_config.execute('add')
+    >>> company, = Company.find([])
+Reload the context::
+    >>> User = Model.get('res.user')
+    >>> Group = Model.get('res.group')
+    >>> config._context = User.get_preferences(True, config.context)
+Create purchase user::
+    >>> purchase_user = User()
+    >>> purchase_user.name = 'Purchase'
+    >>> purchase_user.login = 'purchase'
+    >>> purchase_user.main_company = company
+    >>> purchase_group, = Group.find([('name', '=', 'Purchase')])
+    >>> purchase_user.groups.append(purchase_group)
+    >>> purchase_user.save()
+Create stock user::
+    >>> stock_user = User()
+    >>> stock_user.name = 'Stock'
+    >>> stock_user.login = 'stock'
+    >>> stock_user.main_company = company
+    >>> stock_group, = Group.find([('name', '=', 'Stock')])
+    >>> stock_user.groups.append(stock_group)
+    >>> stock_user.save()
+Create account user::
+    >>> account_user = User()
+    >>> account_user.name = 'Account'
+    >>> account_user.login = 'account'
+    >>> account_user.main_company = company
+    >>> account_group, = Group.find([('name', '=', 'Account')])
+    >>> account_user.groups.append(account_group)
+    >>> account_user.save()
+Create fiscal year::
+    >>> FiscalYear = Model.get('account.fiscalyear')
+    >>> Sequence = Model.get('ir.sequence')
+    >>> SequenceStrict = Model.get('ir.sequence.strict')
+    >>> fiscalyear = FiscalYear(name=str(today.year))
+    >>> fiscalyear.start_date = today + relativedelta(month=1, day=1)
+    >>> fiscalyear.end_date = today + relativedelta(month=12, day=31)
+    >>> fiscalyear.company = company
+    >>> post_move_seq = Sequence(name=str(today.year), code='account.move',
+    ...     company=company)
+    >>> post_move_seq.save()
+    >>> fiscalyear.post_move_sequence = post_move_seq
+    >>> invoice_seq = SequenceStrict(name=str(today.year),
+    ...     code='account.invoice', company=company)
+    >>> invoice_seq.save()
+    >>> fiscalyear.out_invoice_sequence = invoice_seq
+    >>> fiscalyear.in_invoice_sequence = invoice_seq
+    >>> fiscalyear.out_credit_note_sequence = invoice_seq
+    >>> fiscalyear.in_credit_note_sequence = invoice_seq
+    >>> fiscalyear.save()
+    >>> FiscalYear.create_period([fiscalyear.id], config.context)
+Create chart of accounts::
+    >>> AccountTemplate = Model.get('account.account.template')
+    >>> Account = Model.get('account.account')
+    >>> account_template, = AccountTemplate.find([('parent', '=', False)])
+    >>> create_chart = Wizard('account.create_chart')
+    >>> create_chart.execute('account')
+    >>> create_chart.form.account_template = account_template
+    >>> create_chart.form.company = company
+    >>> create_chart.execute('create_account')
+    >>> receivable, = Account.find([
+    ...         ('kind', '=', 'receivable'),
+    ...         ('company', '=', company.id),
+    ...         ])
+    >>> payable, = Account.find([
+    ...         ('kind', '=', 'payable'),
+    ...         ('company', '=', company.id),
+    ...         ])
+    >>> revenue, = Account.find([
+    ...         ('kind', '=', 'revenue'),
+    ...         ('company', '=', company.id),
+    ...         ])
+    >>> expense, = Account.find([
+    ...         ('kind', '=', 'expense'),
+    ...         ('company', '=', company.id),
+    ...         ])
+    >>> create_chart.form.account_receivable = receivable
+    >>> create_chart.form.account_payable = payable
+    >>> create_chart.execute('create_properties')
+Create parties::
+    >>> Party = Model.get('party.party')
+    >>> supplier = Party(name='Supplier')
+    >>> supplier.save()
+    >>> customer = Party(name='Customer')
+    >>> customer.save()
+Create product::
+    >>> ProductUom = Model.get('product.uom')
+    >>> unit, = ProductUom.find([('name', '=', 'Unit')])
+    >>> ProductTemplate = Model.get('product.template')
+    >>> Product = Model.get('product.product')
+    >>> product = Product()
+    >>> template = ProductTemplate()
+    >>> template.name = 'product'
+    >>> template.default_uom = unit
+    >>> template.type = 'goods'
+    >>> template.purchasable = True
+    >>> template.salable = True
+    >>> template.list_price = Decimal('10')
+    >>> template.cost_price = Decimal('5')
+    >>> template.cost_price_method = 'fixed'
+    >>> template.account_expense = expense
+    >>> template.account_revenue = revenue
+    >>> template.save()
+    >>> product.template = template
+    >>> product.save()
+Create payment term::
+    >>> PaymentTerm = Model.get('account.invoice.payment_term')
+    >>> PaymentTermLine = Model.get('account.invoice.payment_term.line')
+    >>> payment_term = PaymentTerm(name='Direct')
+    >>> payment_term_line = PaymentTermLine(type='remainder', days=0)
+    >>> payment_term.lines.append(payment_term_line)
+    >>> payment_term.save()
+Create an Inventory::
+    >>> config.user = stock_user.id
+    >>> Inventory = Model.get('stock.inventory')
+    >>> InventoryLine = Model.get('stock.inventory.line')
+    >>> Location = Model.get('stock.location')
+    >>> storage, = Location.find([
+    ...         ('code', '=', 'STO'),
+    ...         ])
+    >>> inventory = Inventory()
+    >>> inventory.location = storage
+    >>> inventory.save()
+    >>> inventory_line = InventoryLine(product=product, inventory=inventory)
+    >>> inventory_line.quantity = 100.0
+    >>> inventory_line.expected_quantity = 0.0
+    >>> inventory.save()
+    >>> inventory_line.save()
+    >>> Inventory.confirm([inventory.id], config.context)
+    >>> inventory.state
+    u'done'
+Purchase 5 products::
+    >>> config.user = purchase_user.id
+    >>> Purchase = Model.get('purchase.purchase')
+    >>> PurchaseLine = Model.get('purchase.line')
+    >>> purchase = Purchase()
+    >>> purchase.party = supplier
+    >>> purchase.payment_term = payment_term
+    >>> purchase.invoice_method = 'order'
+    >>> purchase_line = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> purchase.lines.append(purchase_line)
+    >>> purchase_line.product = product
+    >>> purchase_line.quantity = 2.0
+    >>> purchase_line = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> purchase.lines.append(purchase_line)
+    >>> purchase_line.type = 'comment'
+    >>> purchase_line.description = 'Comment'
+    >>> purchase_line = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> purchase.lines.append(purchase_line)
+    >>> purchase_line.product = product
+    >>> purchase_line.quantity = 3.0
+    >>> purchase.save()
+    >>> Purchase.quote([purchase.id], config.context)
+    >>> Purchase.confirm([purchase.id], config.context)
+    >>> purchase.state
+    u'confirmed'
+    >>> purchase.reload()
+    >>> len(purchase.moves), len(purchase.shipment_returns), len(purchase.invoices)
+    (2, 0, 1)
+Purchase 5 products with an invoice method 'on shipment'::
+    >>> config.user = purchase_user.id
+    >>> purchase = Purchase()
+    >>> purchase.party = supplier
+    >>> purchase.payment_term = payment_term
+    >>> purchase.invoice_method = 'shipment'
+    >>> purchase_line = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> purchase.lines.append(purchase_line)
+    >>> purchase_line.product = product
+    >>> purchase_line.quantity = 2.0
+    >>> purchase_line = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> purchase.lines.append(purchase_line)
+    >>> purchase_line.type = 'comment'
+    >>> purchase_line.description = 'Comment'
+    >>> purchase_line = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> purchase.lines.append(purchase_line)
+    >>> purchase_line.product = product
+    >>> purchase_line.quantity = 3.0
+    >>> purchase.save()
+    >>> Purchase.quote([purchase.id], config.context)
+    >>> Purchase.confirm([purchase.id], config.context)
+    >>> purchase.state
+    u'confirmed'
+    >>> purchase.reload()
+    >>> len(purchase.moves), len(purchase.shipment_returns), len(purchase.invoices)
+    (2, 0, 0)
+Validate Shipments::
+    >>> config.user = stock_user.id
+    >>> Move = Model.get('stock.move')
+    >>> ShipmentIn = Model.get('stock.shipment.in')
+    >>> shipment = ShipmentIn()
+    >>> shipment.supplier = supplier
+    >>> for move in purchase.moves:
+    ...     incoming_move = Move(id=move.id)
+    ...     shipment.incoming_moves.append(incoming_move)
+    >>> shipment.save()
+    >>> ShipmentIn.receive([shipment.id], config.context)
+    >>> ShipmentIn.done([shipment.id], config.context)
+    >>> purchase.reload()
+    >>> len(purchase.shipments), len(purchase.shipment_returns)
+    (1, 0)
+Open supplier invoice::
+    >>> Invoice = Model.get('account.invoice')
+    >>> invoice, = purchase.invoices
+    >>> config.user = account_user.id
+    >>> invoice.type
+    u'in_invoice'
+    >>> len(invoice.lines)
+    2
+    >>> invoice.invoice_date = today
+    >>> invoice.save()
+    >>> Invoice.post([invoice.id], config.context)
+    >>> invoice.reload()
+    >>> invoice.state
+    u'posted'
+    >>> payable.reload()
+    >>> (payable.debit, payable.credit) == \
+    ... (Decimal('0.00'), Decimal('25.00'))
+    True
+    >>> expense.reload()
+    >>> (expense.debit, expense.credit) == \
+    ... (Decimal('25.00'), Decimal('0.00'))
+    True
+Create a Return::
+    >>> config.user = purchase_user.id
+    >>> return_ = Purchase()
+    >>> return_.party = supplier
+    >>> return_.payment_term = payment_term
+    >>> return_.invoice_method = 'shipment'
+    >>> return_line = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> return_.lines.append(return_line)
+    >>> return_line.product = product
+    >>> return_line.quantity = -4.
+    >>> return_line = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> return_.lines.append(return_line)
+    >>> return_line.type = 'comment'
+    >>> return_line.description = 'Comment'
+    >>> return_.save()
+    >>> Purchase.quote([return_.id], config.context)
+    >>> Purchase.confirm([return_.id], config.context)
+    >>> return_.state
+    u'confirmed'
+    >>> return_.reload()
+    >>> (len(return_.shipments), len(return_.shipment_returns),
+    ...     len(return_.invoices))
+    (0, 1, 0)
+Check Return Shipments::
+    >>> config.user = stock_user.id
+    >>> ShipmentReturn = Model.get('stock.shipment.in.return')
+    >>> ship_return, = return_.shipment_returns
+    >>> ship_return.state
+    u'waiting'
+    >>> move_return, = ship_return.moves
+    >>> move_return.product.rec_name
+    u'product'
+    >>> move_return.quantity
+    4.0
+    >>> ShipmentReturn.assign_try([ship_return.id], config.context)
+    True
+    >>> ShipmentReturn.done([ship_return.id], config.context)
+    >>> ship_return.reload()
+    >>> ship_return.state
+    u'done'
+    >>> return_.reload()
+Open supplier credit note::
+    >>> credit_note, = return_.invoices
+    >>> config.user = account_user.id
+    >>> credit_note.type
+    u'in_credit_note'
+    >>> len(credit_note.lines)
+    1
+    >>> credit_note.invoice_date = today
+    >>> credit_note.save()
+    >>> Invoice.post([credit_note.id], config.context)
+    >>> credit_note.reload()
+    >>> credit_note.state
+    u'posted'
+    >>> payable.reload()
+    >>> (payable.debit, payable.credit) == (Decimal(20), Decimal(25))
+    True
+    >>> expense.reload()
+    >>> (expense.debit, expense.credit) == (Decimal(25), Decimal(20))
+    True
+Mixing return and purchase::
+    >>> config.user = purchase_user.id
+    >>> mix = Purchase()
+    >>> mix.party = supplier
+    >>> mix.payment_term = payment_term
+    >>> mix.invoice_method = 'order'
+    >>> mixline = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> mix.lines.append(mixline)
+    >>> mixline.product = product
+    >>> mixline.quantity = 7.
+    >>> mixline_comment = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> mix.lines.append(mixline_comment)
+    >>> mixline_comment.type = 'comment'
+    >>> mixline_comment.description = 'Comment'
+    >>> mixline2 = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> mix.lines.append(mixline2)
+    >>> mixline2.product = product
+    >>> mixline2.quantity = -2.
+    >>> mix.save()
+    >>> Purchase.quote([mix.id], config.context)
+    >>> Purchase.confirm([mix.id], config.context)
+    >>> mix.state
+    u'confirmed'
+    >>> mix.reload()
+    >>> len(mix.moves), len(mix.shipment_returns), len(mix.invoices)
+    (2, 1, 2)
+Checking Shipments::
+    >>> mix_returns, = mix.shipment_returns
+    >>> config.user = stock_user.id
+    >>> mix_shipments = ShipmentIn()
+    >>> mix_shipments.supplier = supplier
+    >>> for move in mix.moves:
+    ...     if move.id in [m.id for m in mix_returns.moves]:
+    ...         continue
+    ...     incoming_move = Move(id=move.id)
+    ...     mix_shipments.incoming_moves.append(incoming_move)
+    >>> mix_shipments.save()
+    >>> ShipmentIn.receive([mix_shipments.id], config.context)
+    >>> ShipmentIn.done([mix_shipments.id], config.context)
+    >>> mix.reload()
+    >>> len(mix.shipments)
+    1
+    >>> ShipmentReturn.wait([mix_returns.id], config.context)
+    >>> ShipmentReturn.assign_try([mix_returns.id], config.context)
+    True
+    >>> ShipmentReturn.done([mix_returns.id], config.context)
+    >>> move_return, = mix_returns.moves
+    >>> move_return.product.rec_name
+    u'product'
+    >>> move_return.quantity
+    2.0
+Checking the invoice::
+    >>> config.user = purchase_user.id
+    >>> mix.reload()
+    >>> mix_invoice, mix_credit_note = sorted(mix.invoices,
+    ...     key=attrgetter('type'), reverse=True)
+    >>> config.user = account_user.id
+    >>> mix_invoice.type, mix_credit_note.type
+    (u'in_invoice', u'in_credit_note')
+    >>> len(mix_invoice.lines), len(mix_credit_note.lines)
+    (1, 1)
+    >>> mix_invoice.invoice_date = today
+    >>> mix_invoice.save()
+    >>> Invoice.post([mix_invoice.id], config.context)
+    >>> mix_invoice.reload()
+    >>> mix_invoice.state
+    u'posted'
+    >>> mix_credit_note.invoice_date = today
+    >>> mix_credit_note.save()
+    >>> Invoice.post([mix_credit_note.id], config.context)
+    >>> mix_credit_note.reload()
+    >>> mix_credit_note.state
+    u'posted'
+    >>> payable.reload()
+    >>> (payable.debit, payable.credit) == (Decimal(30), Decimal(60))
+    True
+    >>> expense.reload()
+    >>> (expense.debit, expense.credit) == (Decimal(60), Decimal(30))
+    True
+Mixing stuff with an invoice method 'on shipment'::
+    >>> config.user = purchase_user.id
+    >>> mix = Purchase()
+    >>> mix.party = supplier
+    >>> mix.payment_term = payment_term
+    >>> mix.invoice_method = 'shipment'
+    >>> mixline = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> mix.lines.append(mixline)
+    >>> mixline.product = product
+    >>> mixline.quantity = 6.
+    >>> mixline_comment = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> mix.lines.append(mixline_comment)
+    >>> mixline_comment.type = 'comment'
+    >>> mixline_comment.description = 'Comment'
+    >>> mixline2 = PurchaseLine()
+    >>> mix.lines.append(mixline2)
+    >>> mixline2.product = product
+    >>> mixline2.quantity = -3.
+    >>> mix.save()
+    >>> Purchase.quote([mix.id], config.context)
+    >>> Purchase.confirm([mix.id], config.context)
+    >>> mix.state
+    u'confirmed'
+    >>> mix.reload()
+    >>> len(mix.moves), len(mix.shipment_returns), len(mix.invoices)
+    (2, 1, 0)
+Checking Shipments::
+    >>> config.user = stock_user.id
+    >>> mix_returns, = mix.shipment_returns
+    >>> mix_shipments = ShipmentIn()
+    >>> mix_shipments.supplier = supplier
+    >>> for move in mix.moves:
+    ...     if move.id in [m.id for m in mix_returns.moves]:
+    ...         continue
+    ...     incoming_move = Move(id=move.id)
+    ...     mix_shipments.incoming_moves.append(incoming_move)
+    >>> mix_shipments.save()
+    >>> ShipmentIn.receive([mix_shipments.id], config.context)
+    >>> ShipmentIn.done([mix_shipments.id], config.context)
+    >>> mix.reload()
+    >>> len(mix.shipments)
+    1
+    >>> ShipmentReturn.wait([mix_returns.id], config.context)
+    >>> ShipmentReturn.assign_try([mix_returns.id], config.context)
+    True
+    >>> ShipmentReturn.done([mix_returns.id], config.context)
+    >>> move_return, = mix_returns.moves
+    >>> move_return.product.rec_name
+    u'product'
+    >>> move_return.quantity
+    3.0
diff --git a/tryton.cfg b/tryton.cfg
index 2e500f3..57ed693 100644
--- a/tryton.cfg
+++ b/tryton.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/trytond_purchase.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_purchase.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 9cd4956..dd56ce5 100644
--- a/trytond_purchase.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_purchase.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.1
 Name: trytond-purchase
-Version: 2.8.1
+Version: 2.8.2
 Summary: Tryton module for purchase
 Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
 Author: Tryton
diff --git a/trytond_purchase.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_purchase.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 8e0a17a..5143a8a 100644
--- a/trytond_purchase.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_purchase.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ locale/es_ES.po

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