[tryton-debian-vcs] tryton-modules-currency branch upstream created. 32226661cfd0269123a119c851ecede7ef473c40
Mathias Behrle
tryton-debian-vcs at alioth.debian.org
Wed Nov 27 17:01:56 UTC 2013
The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 32226661cfd0269123a119c851ecede7ef473c40
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Sun Nov 24 17:27:15 2013 +0100
Adding upstream version 3.0.0.
index 5ff1feb..b4bbd84 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Version 2.8.1 - 2013-10-01
+Version 3.0.0 - 2013-10-21
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 2.8.0 - 2013-04-22
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 0a4af1c..70e6637 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.8.1
+Version: 3.0.0
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.8/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/3.0/
Description: trytond_currency
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Natural Language :: French
Classifier: Natural Language :: German
Classifier: Natural Language :: Russian
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Slovenian
Classifier: Natural Language :: Spanish
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
index 3d6dae9..33be586 100644
--- a/currency.xml
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
- <data skiptest="1">
+ <data skiptest="1" grouped="1">
Output of scripts/currencies.py
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
- <data noupdate="1">
+ <data noupdate="1" skiptest="1">
<!--- Default rate -->
<record model="currency.currency.rate" id="eur_rate">
<field name="date" eval="time.strftime('%Y-01-01')"/>
diff --git a/locale/es_AR.po b/locale/es_AR.po
index 6571e11..45905a3 100644
--- a/locale/es_AR.po
+++ b/locale/es_AR.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr "Una moneda sólo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr "La tasa de cambio de la divisa debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
+msgstr "La tasa de cambio de la moneda debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "Usuario creación"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ msgstr "Usuario modificación"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
msgid "UAE Dirham"
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ msgstr "Código reservado para pruebas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr "Sin divisa"
+msgstr "Sin moneda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
@@ -898,19 +898,19 @@ msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divisas"
+msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisas"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divisas"
+msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
-msgstr "Administración de divisas"
+msgstr "Administración de monedas"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rate"
@@ -922,11 +922,11 @@ msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divisas"
+msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
diff --git a/locale/es_ES.po b/locale/es_ES.po
index cd0e414..a6e362f 100644
--- a/locale/es_ES.po
+++ b/locale/es_ES.po
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
msgstr ""
"No se ha encontrado ninguna tasa de cambio para la moneda \"%(currency)s\" "
-"en la fecha \"%(date)s\""
+"en la fecha \"%(date)s\"."
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
diff --git a/locale/fr_FR.po b/locale/fr_FR.po
index f6c2599..55f2052 100644
--- a/locale/fr_FR.po
+++ b/locale/fr_FR.po
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
-msgstr "Séparateur décimal"
+msgstr "Séparateur de décimal"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ msgstr "Code numérique"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr "Symbole de depositif en premier"
+msgstr "Symbole positif en premier"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
@@ -923,14 +923,6 @@ msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Devises"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Devises"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Devise"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Devise"
@@ -939,13 +931,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formatage"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Formatting"
-msgstr "Formatage"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Taux"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Taux"
diff --git a/locale/es_ES.po b/locale/sl_SI.po
similarity index 74%
copy from locale/es_ES.po
copy to locale/sl_SI.po
index cd0e414..8f11bad 100644
--- a/locale/es_ES.po
+++ b/locale/sl_SI.po
@@ -4,41 +4,39 @@ msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
-msgstr "Una moneda sólo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
+msgstr "Valuta ima lahko samo en teÄaj na dan."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr "La tasa de cambio de la moneda debe ser mayor o igual a 0."
+msgstr "TeÄaj valute mora biti veÄji ali enak niÄ."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
-msgstr "Agrupación \"%(grouping)s\" en la moneda \"%(currency)s\" no es correcta."
+msgstr "Neveljano združevanje \"%(grouping)s\" po valuti \"%(currency)s\"."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
-msgstr ""
-"No se ha encontrado ninguna tasa de cambio para la moneda \"%(currency)s\" "
-"en la fecha \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr "Za valuto \"%(currency)s\" na dan \"%(date)s\" teÄaja ni možno najti."
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
-msgstr "Activo"
+msgstr "Aktivno"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Código"
+msgstr "Oznaka"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr "Fecha creación"
+msgstr "Ustvarjeno"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Usuario creación"
+msgstr "Ustvaril"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
-msgstr "Decimales a mostrar"
+msgstr "Decimalke"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
@@ -46,99 +44,99 @@ msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
-msgstr "Separador decimal"
+msgstr "Decimalna vejica"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
-msgstr "Agrupación"
+msgstr "Združevanje"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
-msgstr "Separador de miles"
+msgstr "LoÄilec tisoÄic"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr "El signo negativo va delante"
+msgstr "Simbol na zaÄetku"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
-msgstr "Signo negativo separado por espacio"
+msgstr "LoÄeno s presledkom"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
-msgstr "Posición del signo negativo"
+msgstr "Pozicija predznaka"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
+msgstr "Naziv"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
-msgstr "Signo negativo"
+msgstr "Negativni znak"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
-msgstr "Código numérico"
+msgstr "Å ifra"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr "El signo positivo va delante"
+msgstr "Simbol na zaÄetku"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
-msgstr "Signo positivo separado por espacio"
+msgstr "LoÄeno s presledkom"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
-msgstr "Posición del signo positivo"
+msgstr "Pozicija predznaka"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
-msgstr "Signo positivo"
+msgstr "Pozitivni znak"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio actual"
+msgstr "Trenutni teÄaj"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
+msgstr "TeÄaji"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
+msgstr "Ime"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
-msgstr "Factor de redondeo"
+msgstr "Zaokroževanje"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
-msgstr "SÃmbolo"
+msgstr "Simbol"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr "Fecha modificación"
+msgstr "Zapisano"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr "Usuario modificación"
+msgstr "Zapisal"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr "Fecha creación"
+msgstr "Ustvarjeno"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Usuario creación"
+msgstr "Ustvaril"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Moneda"
+msgstr "Valuta"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Fecha"
+msgstr "Datum"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
msgid "ID"
@@ -146,31 +144,31 @@ msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgstr "TeÄaj"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
+msgstr "Ime"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr "Fecha modificación"
+msgstr "Zapisano"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr "Usuario modificación"
+msgstr "Zapisal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Moneda"
+msgstr "Valuta"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
msgid "UAE Dirham"
-msgstr "Dirham de los Emiratos Ãrabes Unidos"
+msgstr "Dirham"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
msgid "Afghani"
-msgstr "AfganÃ"
+msgstr "Afgani"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
msgid "Lek"
@@ -178,39 +176,39 @@ msgstr "Lek"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
msgid "Armenian Dram"
-msgstr "Dram armenio"
+msgstr "Armenski dram"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
-msgstr "FlorÃn de las Antillas Neerlandesas"
+msgstr "Nizozemsko-antilski gulden"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
msgid "Kwanza"
-msgstr "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Kvanza"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
msgid "Argentine Peso"
-msgstr "Peso argentino"
+msgstr "Argentinski peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
msgid "Australian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar australiano"
+msgstr "Avstralski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
msgid "Aruban Guilder"
-msgstr "FlorÃn de Aruba"
+msgstr "Arubski gulden"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
-msgstr "Manat de Azerbayán"
+msgstr "Azerbajdžanski manat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
msgid "Convertible Marks"
-msgstr "Marcos convertibles"
+msgstr "Konvertibilna marka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
msgid "Barbados Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Barbados"
+msgstr "Barbadoški dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
msgid "Taka"
@@ -218,23 +216,23 @@ msgstr "Taka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
-msgstr "Lev búlgaro"
+msgstr "Bolgarski lev"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar bahreinÃ"
+msgstr "Bahrainski dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
msgid "Burundi Franc"
-msgstr "Franco de Burundi"
+msgstr "Burundijski frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Bermudas"
+msgstr "Bermudski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
msgid "Brunei Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Brunei"
+msgstr "Brunejski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
msgid "Boliviano"
@@ -246,11 +244,11 @@ msgstr "Mvdol"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
msgid "Brazilian Real"
-msgstr "Real brasileño"
+msgstr "Brazilski real"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de las Bahamas"
+msgstr "Bahamski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
msgid "Ngultrum"
@@ -262,31 +260,31 @@ msgstr "Pula"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
-msgstr "Rubla bielorrusa"
+msgstr "Beloruski rubelj"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
msgid "Belize Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Belize"
+msgstr "Belizejski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
msgid "Canadian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar canadiense"
+msgstr "Kanadski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Franco congoleño"
+msgstr "Kongoški frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
-msgstr "Euro WIR"
+msgstr "WIR evro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
msgid "Swiss Franc"
-msgstr "Franco suizo"
+msgstr "Å vicarski frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
msgid "WIR Franc"
-msgstr "Franco WIR"
+msgstr "WIR frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
msgid "Unidades de fomento"
@@ -294,63 +292,63 @@ msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
msgid "Chilean Peso"
-msgstr "Peso chileno"
+msgstr "Äilski peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
-msgstr "Yuan renminbi"
+msgstr "Kitajski juan renminbi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
msgid "Colombian Peso"
-msgstr "Peso colombiano"
+msgstr "Kolumbijski peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
-msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Kolumbijska revalorizirana enota"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
-msgstr "Colón costarricense"
+msgstr "Kostariški kolon"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
msgid "Cuban Peso"
-msgstr "Peso cubano"
+msgstr "Kubanski peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
-msgstr "Escudo de Cabo Verde"
+msgstr "Zelenrtski eskudo"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
msgid "Cyprus Pound"
-msgstr "Libra chipriota"
+msgstr "Ciperski funt"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
msgid "Czech Koruna"
-msgstr "Corona checa"
+msgstr "ÄeÅ¡ka krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
msgid "Djibouti Franc"
-msgstr "Franco de Djibouti"
+msgstr "Džibutski frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
msgid "Danish Krone"
-msgstr "Corona danesa"
+msgstr "Danska krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
msgid "Dominican Peso"
-msgstr "Peso dominicano"
+msgstr "Dominikanski peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
msgid "Algerian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar argelino"
+msgstr "Alžirski dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
msgid "Kroon"
-msgstr "Corona estonia"
+msgstr "Kroon"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
msgid "Egyptian Pound"
-msgstr "Libra egipcia"
+msgstr "Egiptovski funt"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
msgid "Nakfa"
@@ -358,23 +356,23 @@ msgstr "Nakfa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
-msgstr "Birr de etÃope"
+msgstr "Etiopski bir"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
msgid "Euro"
-msgstr "Euro"
+msgstr "Evro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
msgid "Fiji Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Fiji"
+msgstr "Fidžijski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
-msgstr "Libra de las Islas Malvinas"
+msgstr "Falklandski funt"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
msgid "Pound Sterling"
-msgstr "Libra esterlina"
+msgstr "Britanski funt"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
msgid "Lari"
@@ -382,11 +380,11 @@ msgstr "Lari"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
msgid "Ghana Cedi"
-msgstr "Cedi ghanés"
+msgstr "Ganski cedi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
-msgstr "Libra de Gibraltar"
+msgstr "Gibraltarski funt"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
msgid "Dalasi"
@@ -394,75 +392,75 @@ msgstr "Dalasi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
msgid "Guinea Franc"
-msgstr "Franco guineano"
+msgstr "Gvinejski frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
msgid "Quetzal"
-msgstr "Quetzal"
+msgstr "Kecal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
msgid "Guyana Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar guayanés"
+msgstr "Gvajanski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Hong Kong"
+msgstr "Hongkonški dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
msgid "Lempira"
-msgstr "Lempira hondureño"
+msgstr "Lempira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
msgid "Croatian Kuna"
-msgstr "Kuna croata"
+msgstr "Hrvaška kuna"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
msgid "Gourde"
-msgstr "Gourde haitiano"
+msgstr "Gurd"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
msgid "Forint"
-msgstr "Forint húngaro"
+msgstr "Forint"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
msgid "Rupiah"
-msgstr "Rupia indonesia"
+msgstr "Indonezijska rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
-msgstr "Nuevo sheqel israelÃ"
+msgstr "Novi izraelski Å¡ekel"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
msgid "Indian Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia india"
+msgstr "Indijska rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar iraquÃ"
+msgstr "Iraški dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
msgid "Iranian Rial"
-msgstr "Rial iranÃ"
+msgstr "Iranski rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
msgid "Iceland Krona"
-msgstr "Corona islandesa"
+msgstr "Islandska krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar jamaiqueño"
+msgstr "Jamajški dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar jordano"
+msgstr "Jordanski dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
msgid "Yen"
-msgstr "Yen"
+msgstr "Japonski jen"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
-msgstr "ChelÃn keniata"
+msgstr "Kenijski Å¡iling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
msgid "Som"
@@ -470,27 +468,27 @@ msgstr "Som"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
msgid "Riel"
-msgstr "Riel camboyano"
+msgstr "Riel"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
msgid "Comoro Franc"
-msgstr "Franco comoriano"
+msgstr "Komorski frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
msgid "North Korean Won"
-msgstr "Won norcoreano"
+msgstr "Severnokorejski won"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
msgid "Won"
-msgstr "Won surcoreano"
+msgstr "Južnokorejski won"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar kuwaitÃ"
+msgstr "Kuvajtski dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Caimán"
+msgstr "Kajmanski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
msgid "Tenge"
@@ -498,47 +496,47 @@ msgstr "Tenge"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
msgid "Kip"
-msgstr "Kip laosiano"
+msgstr "Kip"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
msgid "Lebanese Pound"
-msgstr "Libra libanesa"
+msgstr "Libanonski funt"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia de Sri Lanka"
+msgstr "Šrilanška rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
msgid "Liberian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dóla liberiano"
+msgstr "Liberijski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
msgid "Loti"
-msgstr "Loti lesothense"
+msgstr "Loti"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
-msgstr "Litas lituano"
+msgstr "Litvanski litas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
msgid "Latvian Lats"
-msgstr "Lat letón"
+msgstr "Latvijski lats"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
msgid "Libyan Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar libio"
+msgstr "Libijski dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
-msgstr "Dirham marroquÃ"
+msgstr "Maroški dirham"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
msgid "Moldovan Leu"
-msgstr "Leu moldavo"
+msgstr "Moldavijski leu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
-msgstr "Ariary malgache"
+msgstr "Madagaskarski ariary"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
msgid "Denar"
@@ -546,7 +544,7 @@ msgstr "Denar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
msgid "Kyat"
-msgstr "Kyat"
+msgstr "Kiat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
msgid "Tugrik"
@@ -554,47 +552,47 @@ msgstr "Tugrik"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
msgid "Pataca"
-msgstr "Pataca"
+msgstr "Pataka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
msgid "Ouguiya"
-msgstr "Uquiya"
+msgstr "Uguija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
msgid "Maltese Lira"
-msgstr "Lira maltesa"
+msgstr "Malteška lira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia mauricia"
+msgstr "Mauricijska rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
msgid "Rufiyaa"
-msgstr "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Rufija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
msgid "Kwacha"
-msgstr "Kwacha malawiano"
+msgstr "KvaÄa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
msgid "Mexican Peso"
-msgstr "Peso mexicano"
+msgstr "Mehiški peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
-msgstr "Unidad de Inversión Mexicana (UDI)"
+msgstr "Mehiška enota za naložbe"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
-msgstr "Ringgit malasio"
+msgstr "Malezijski ringgit"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
msgid "Metical"
-msgstr "Metical mozambiqueño"
+msgstr "Metikal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
msgid "Namibia Dollar"
-msgstr "Dóla namibio"
+msgstr "Namibijski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
msgid "Naira"
@@ -602,23 +600,23 @@ msgstr "Naira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
msgid "Cordoba Oro"
-msgstr "Córdoba"
+msgstr "Zlata kordova"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
-msgstr "Corona noruega"
+msgstr "Norveška krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia nepalesa"
+msgstr "Nepalska rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar neozelandés"
+msgstr "Novozelandski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
msgid "Rial Omani"
-msgstr "Rial omanÃ"
+msgstr "Omanski rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
msgid "Balboa"
@@ -626,7 +624,7 @@ msgstr "Balboa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
msgid "Nuevo Sol"
-msgstr "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "Novi sol"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
msgid "Kina"
@@ -634,67 +632,67 @@ msgstr "Kina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
msgid "Philippine Peso"
-msgstr "Peso filipino"
+msgstr "Filipinski peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia pakistanÃ"
+msgstr "Pakistanska rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
msgid "Zloty"
-msgstr "Zloty"
+msgstr "Poljski zlot"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
msgid "Guarani"
-msgstr "GuaranÃ"
+msgstr "Gvarani"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
msgid "Qatari Rial"
-msgstr "Rial de Qatar"
+msgstr "Katarski rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
msgid "New Leu"
-msgstr "Leu"
+msgstr "Novi romunski lev"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
msgid "Serbian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar serbio"
+msgstr "Srbski dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
msgid "Russian Ruble"
-msgstr "Rublo ruso"
+msgstr "Ruski rubelj"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
msgid "Rwanda Franc"
-msgstr "Franco ruandés"
+msgstr "Ruandski frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
msgid "Saudi Riyal"
-msgstr "Rial saudÃ"
+msgstr "Saudski rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Solomón"
+msgstr "Salomonovootoški dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia de Seychelles"
+msgstr "Sejšelska rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
msgid "Sudanese Pound"
-msgstr "Libra sudanesa"
+msgstr "Sudanski funt"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
msgid "Swedish Krona"
-msgstr "Corona sueca"
+msgstr "Å vedska krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
msgid "Singapore Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Singapur"
+msgstr "Singapurski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
-msgstr "Libra de Santa Helena"
+msgstr "Funt Svete Helene"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
msgid "Leone"
@@ -702,11 +700,11 @@ msgstr "Leone"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
msgid "Somali Shilling"
-msgstr "ChelÃn somalÃ"
+msgstr "Somalijski Å¡iling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
msgid "Surinam Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar surinamés"
+msgstr "Surinamski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
msgid "Dobra"
@@ -714,15 +712,15 @@ msgstr "Dobra"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
msgid "El Salvador Colon"
-msgstr "Colón salvadoreño"
+msgstr "Salvadorski kolon"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
msgid "Syrian Pound"
-msgstr "Libra siria"
+msgstr "Sirijski funt"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
msgid "Lilangeni"
-msgstr "Lilangeni suazi"
+msgstr "Lilangeni"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
msgid "Baht"
@@ -734,67 +732,67 @@ msgstr "Somoni"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
msgid "Manat"
-msgstr "Manat"
+msgstr "Turkmenski manat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar tunecino"
+msgstr "Tunizijski dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
msgid "Pa'anga"
-msgstr "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Paanga"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
msgid "New Turkish Lira"
-msgstr "Nueva lira turca"
+msgstr "Nova turška lira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago"
+msgstr "Dolar Trinidada in Tobaga"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
-msgstr "nuevo Dólar taiwanés"
+msgstr "Novi tajvanski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
-msgstr "ChelÃn tanzano"
+msgstr "Tanzanijski Å¡iling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
msgid "Hryvnia"
-msgstr "Grivnia"
+msgstr "Hryvnia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
msgid "Uganda Shilling"
-msgstr "ChelÃn ugandés"
+msgstr "Ugandski Å¡iling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
msgid "US Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar estadounidense"
+msgstr "Ameriški dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
-msgstr "Dólar estadounidense (dia siguiente)"
+msgstr "Ameriški dolar (naslednji dan)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
-msgstr "Dólar estadounidense (mismo dia)"
+msgstr "Ameriški dolar (isti dan)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
-msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Urugvajski peso v indeksiranih enotah"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
-msgstr "Peso uruguayo"
+msgstr "Urugvajski peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
-msgstr "Som uzbeco"
+msgstr "Uzbekistanski sum"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
-msgstr "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "Bolivar fuerte"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
msgid "Dong"
@@ -810,128 +808,128 @@ msgstr "Tala"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
-msgstr "franco CFA BEAC"
+msgstr "CFA frank BEAC"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
msgid "Silver"
-msgstr "Plata"
+msgstr "Srebro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
msgid "Gold"
-msgstr "Oro"
+msgstr "Zlato"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
-msgstr "Unidad Compuesta Europea (EURCO)"
+msgstr "Evropska skupna enota (EURCO)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
-msgstr "Unidad Monetaria Europea (E.U.M.-6)"
+msgstr "Evropska monetarna enota (E.M.U.-6)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
-msgstr "Unidad de cuenta europea 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "Evropska raÄunovodska enota 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
-msgstr "Unidad de cuenta europea 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "Evropska raÄunovodska enota 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar del Caribe oriental"
+msgstr "Vzhodnokaribski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
-msgstr "Derechos especiales de giro"
+msgstr "Posebno prav.Ärp."
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
-msgstr "Franco de oro"
+msgstr "Zlato-frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
msgid "UIC-Franc"
-msgstr "Franco UIC"
+msgstr "UIC-frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
-msgstr "franco CFA BCEAO"
+msgstr "CFA frank BCEAO"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
msgid "Palladium"
-msgstr "Paladio"
+msgstr "Paladij"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
msgid "CFP Franc"
-msgstr "Franco CFP"
+msgstr "CFP frank"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
msgid "Platinum"
-msgstr "Platino"
+msgstr "Platina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
msgid "Code for testing purposes"
-msgstr "Código reservado para pruebas"
+msgstr "Šifra za preizkušanje"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr "Sin moneda"
+msgstr "Brez valute"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
-msgstr "Rial yemenÃ"
+msgstr "Jemenski rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
msgid "Rand"
-msgstr "Rand"
+msgstr "Južnoafriški rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Kwacha zambiano"
+msgstr "Zambijska kvaÄa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar zimbabuense"
+msgstr "Zimbabvejski dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgstr "TeÄaj"
msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Monedas"
+msgstr "Valute"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Moneda"
+msgstr "Valuta"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Monedas"
+msgstr "TeÄajnica"
msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
-msgstr "Administración de monedas"
+msgstr "Valuta - vodenje"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgstr "TeÄaj"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
+msgstr "TeÄaji"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Monedas"
+msgstr "Valute"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Moneda"
+msgstr "Valuta"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
-msgstr "Formato"
+msgstr "Oblika"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
+msgstr "TeÄaji"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 571f64e..6df2271 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
'Natural Language :: French',
'Natural Language :: German',
'Natural Language :: Russian',
+ 'Natural Language :: Slovenian',
'Natural Language :: Spanish',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
index ae76301..d70527c 100644
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from .test_currency import suite
+__all__ = ['suite']
diff --git a/tryton.cfg b/tryton.cfg
index 0a7e53f..ad0de63 100644
--- a/tryton.cfg
+++ b/tryton.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 1fa3bce..f30ae67 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.8.1
+Version: 3.0.0
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.8/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/3.0/
Description: trytond_currency
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Natural Language :: French
Classifier: Natural Language :: German
Classifier: Natural Language :: Russian
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Slovenian
Classifier: Natural Language :: Spanish
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index c721f39..1f70afa 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ locale/es_ES.po
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index c0b1648..36632df 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trytond >= 2.8, < 2.9
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 3.0, < 3.1
\ No newline at end of file
commit 1c548f66a44f22af135ddd83b06a10e6ad237e06
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Sun Oct 13 20:01:55 2013 +0200
Adding upstream version 2.8.1.
index e3b10d4..5ff1feb 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 2.8.1 - 2013-10-01
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 2.8.0 - 2013-04-22
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 5a436db..0a4af1c 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.8.0
+Version: 2.8.1
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index e2a1ff9..05afa36 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
currencies = None
field = None
for field in ('code', 'numeric_code'):
- currencies = cls.search([(field,) + clause[1:]], limit=1)
+ currencies = cls.search([(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])], limit=1)
if currencies:
if currencies:
- return [(field,) + clause[1:]]
- return [(cls._rec_name,) + clause[1:]]
+ return [(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
+ return [(cls._rec_name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def on_change_with_rate(self):
now = datetime.date.today()
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
if rates:
res[currency.id] = rates[0].id
- res[currency.id] = 0.0
+ res[currency.id] = 0
rate_ids = [x for x in res.values() if x]
rates = Rate.browse(rate_ids)
id2rate = {}
diff --git a/tryton.cfg b/tryton.cfg
index 69a7d0e..0a7e53f 100644
--- a/tryton.cfg
+++ b/tryton.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 4442f34..1fa3bce 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.8.0
+Version: 2.8.1
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
commit 9a1651732896934a50d56b3e67091f29b5c3b2cc
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Thu May 2 00:36:18 2013 +0200
Adding upstream version 2.8.0.
index 0f9464e..e3b10d4 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Version 2.6.1 - 2012-11-05
+Version 2.8.0 - 2013-04-22
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 2.6.0 - 2012-10-22
index 2057c72..9192c97 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Cédric Krier.
-Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Bertrand Chenal.
-Copyright (C) 2008-2012 B2CK SPRL.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Cédric Krier.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Bertrand Chenal.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2013 B2CK SPRL.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index f55ca19..2f34bcd 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ include COPYRIGHT
include LICENSE
include tryton.cfg
include *.xml
+include view/*.xml
include *.odt
include locale/*.po
include doc/*
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index c34ac53..5a436db 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.6.1
+Version: 2.8.0
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.6/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.8/
Description: trytond_currency
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Classifier: Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Classifier: Natural Language :: Bulgarian
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Catalan
Classifier: Natural Language :: Czech
Classifier: Natural Language :: Dutch
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index 618bd8e..e2a1ff9 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -42,13 +42,11 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
def __setup__(cls):
super(Currency, cls).__setup__()
cls._order.insert(0, ('code', 'ASC'))
- cls._constraints += [
- ('check_mon_grouping', 'invalid_mon_grouping'),
- ]
- 'no_rate': 'No rate found for the currency: ' \
- '%s at the date: %s',
- 'invalid_grouping': 'Invalid Grouping!',
+ 'no_rate': ('No rate found for currency "%(currency)s" on '
+ '"%(date)s"'),
+ 'invalid_mon_grouping': ('Invalid grouping "%(grouping)s" on '
+ ' currency "%(currency)s".'),
'compute': RPC(),
@@ -110,6 +108,12 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
def default_n_sep_by_space():
return False
+ @classmethod
+ def validate(cls, currencies):
+ super(Currency, cls).validate(currencies)
+ for currency in currencies:
+ currency.check_mon_grouping()
def check_mon_grouping(self):
Check if mon_grouping is list of numbers
@@ -118,10 +122,12 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
grouping = safe_eval(self.mon_grouping)
for i in grouping:
if not isinstance(i, int):
- return False
+ raise ValueError
except Exception:
- return False
- return True
+ self.raise_user_error('invalid_mon_grouping', {
+ 'grouping': self.mon_grouping,
+ 'currency': self.rec_name,
+ })
def check_xml_record(cls, records, values):
@@ -203,8 +209,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
Take a currency and an amount
Return the amount to the new currency
- Use the rate of the date of the context or the current date if ids are
- given
+ Use the rate of the date of the context or the current date
Date = Pool().get('ir.date')
Lang = Pool().get('ir.lang')
@@ -223,12 +228,13 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
name = to_currency.name
- lang, = Lang.search([
+ languages = Lang.search([
('code', '=', Transaction().language),
- cls.raise_user_error('no_rate', (name,
- datetime_strftime(date, str(lang.date))))
+ cls.raise_user_error('no_rate', {
+ 'currency': name,
+ 'date': datetime_strftime(date, str(languages[0].date))
+ })
if round:
return to_currency.round(
amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate)
@@ -250,7 +256,7 @@ class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
super(Rate, cls).__setup__()
cls._sql_constraints = [
('date_currency_uniq', 'UNIQUE(date, currency)',
- 'A currency can only have one rate by date!'),
+ 'A currency can only have one rate by date.'),
('check_currency_rate', 'CHECK(rate >= 0)',
'The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0'),
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
index b1cf005..3d6dae9 100644
--- a/currency.xml
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -28,79 +28,12 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_view_form">
<field name="model">currency.currency</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
- <field name="arch" type="xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <form string="Currency" col="6">
- <label name="name"/>
- <field name="name"/>
- <label name="symbol"/>
- <field name="symbol"/>
- <label name="active"/>
- <field name="active" xexpand="0" width="100"/>
- <label name="code"/>
- <field name="code"/>
- <label name="numeric_code"/>
- <field name="numeric_code"/>
- <label name="rounding"/>
- <field name="rounding"/>
- <notebook colspan="6">
- <page string="Rates" id="rates">
- <label name="rate"/>
- <field name="rate"/>
- <field name="rates" colspan="4" mode="tree,form,graph"/>
- </page>
- <page string="Formatting" col="6" id="formatting">
- <label name="digits"/>
- <field name="digits"/>
- <newline/>
- <label name="mon_grouping"/>
- <field name="mon_grouping"/>
- <label name="mon_thousands_sep"/>
- <field name="mon_thousands_sep"/>
- <label name="mon_decimal_point"/>
- <field name="mon_decimal_point"/>
- <newline/>
- <label name="positive_sign"/>
- <field name="positive_sign"/>
- <label name="negative_sign"/>
- <field name="negative_sign"/>
- <newline/>
- <label name="p_sign_posn"/>
- <field name="p_sign_posn"/>
- <label name="n_sign_posn"/>
- <field name="n_sign_posn"/>
- <newline/>
- <label name="p_cs_precedes"/>
- <field name="p_cs_precedes"/>
- <label name="n_cs_precedes"/>
- <field name="n_cs_precedes"/>
- <newline/>
- <label name="p_sep_by_space"/>
- <field name="p_sep_by_space"/>
- <label name="n_sep_by_space"/>
- <field name="n_sep_by_space"/>
- <newline/>
- </page>
- </notebook>
- </form>
- ]]>
- </field>
+ <field name="name">currency_form</field>
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_view_tree">
<field name="model">currency.currency</field>
<field name="type">tree</field>
- <field name="arch" type="xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <tree string="Currencies">
- <field name="name"/>
- <field name="symbol"/>
- <field name="code"/>
- <field name="numeric_code"/>
- <field name="rate"/>
- <field name="active" tree_invisible="1"/>
- </tree>
- ]]>
- </field>
+ <field name="name">currency_tree</field>
<record model="ir.action.act_window" id="act_currency_form">
<field name="name">Currencies</field>
@@ -137,50 +70,19 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_rate_view_list">
<field name="model">currency.currency.rate</field>
<field name="type">tree</field>
- <field name="arch" type="xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <tree string="Rates">
- <field name="currency"/>
- <field name="date"/>
- <field name="rate"/>
- </tree>
- ]]>
- </field>
+ <field name="name">currency_rate_list</field>
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_rate_view_form">
<field name="model">currency.currency.rate</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
- <field name="arch" type="xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <form string="Rate">
- <label name="currency"/>
- <field name="currency"/>
- <newline/>
- <label name="date"/>
- <field name="date"/>
- <label name="rate"/>
- <field name="rate"/>
- </form>
- ]]>
- </field>
+ <field name="name">currency_rate_form</field>
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_rate_view_graph">
<field name="model">currency.currency.rate</field>
<field name="type">graph</field>
- <field name="arch" type="xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <graph string="Rates" type="line">
- <x>
- <field name="date"/>
- </x>
- <y>
- <field name="rate" fill="1" empty="0"/>
- </y>
- </graph>
- ]]>
- </field>
+ <field name="name">currency_rate_graph</field>
<record model="ir.model.access" id="access_currency_rate">
@@ -1313,7 +1215,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="n_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
<field name="p_sep_by_space" eval="False"/>
<field name="n_sep_by_space" eval="False"/>
- <field name="mon_grouping">[]</field>
+ <field name="mon_grouping">[3, 3, 0]</field>
<field name="mon_decimal_point">.</field>
<field name="mon_thousands_sep">,</field>
<field name="p_sign_posn" eval="1"/>
diff --git a/locale/bg_BG.po b/locale/bg_BG.po
index 7f53f1d..4bf0177 100644
--- a/locale/bg_BG.po
+++ b/locale/bg_BG.po
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Ðа ден валÑÑаÑа може да има Ñамо един кÑÑÑ!"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÑÑÑ ÑÑÑбва да е по-голÑм или Ñавен на 0"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Ðевалидно гÑÑпиÑане!"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "Ðе е намеÑен кÑÑÑ Ð·Ð° валÑÑа: %s за даÑа: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -931,9 +931,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "ФоÑмаÑиÑане"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "ÐÑноÑение"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑове"
diff --git a/locale/ca_ES.po b/locale/ca_ES.po
index 81fd09b..6a51388 100644
--- a/locale/ca_ES.po
+++ b/locale/ca_ES.po
@@ -3,21 +3,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Una moneda sol pot tenir un valor per data"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
+msgstr "Una moneda només pot tenir una taxa de canvi per data."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr ""
-"El rang de la taxa de canvi de la moneda ha de ser mes gran o igual a 0."
+msgstr "La taxa de canvi de la moneda ha de ser més gran o igual a 0."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Agrupament no và lid"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr "Agrupació \"%(grouping)s\" de la moneda \"%(currency)s\" no és correcta."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "No s'ha trobat una conversió per la moneda \"%s\" a la data: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha trobat cap taxa de canvi per a la moneda \"%(currency)s\" a la data "
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -165,11 +166,11 @@ msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
msgid "UAE Dirham"
-msgstr "Dirham dels Emirats Ãrabs Units"
+msgstr "Dirham dels EAU"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
msgid "Afghani"
-msgstr "Afgani"
+msgstr "Afghani"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
msgid "Lek"
@@ -177,11 +178,11 @@ msgstr "Lek"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
msgid "Armenian Dram"
-msgstr "Dram Armeni"
+msgstr "Armenian Dram"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
-msgstr "Florà de les Antilles Neerlandeses"
+msgstr "Guilder de les Antilles Holandeses"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
msgid "Kwanza"
@@ -189,27 +190,27 @@ msgstr "Kwanza"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
msgid "Argentine Peso"
-msgstr "Pes Argentina"
+msgstr "Argentine Peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
msgid "Australian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Australia"
+msgstr "Dòlar australià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
msgid "Aruban Guilder"
-msgstr "Florà d'Aruba"
+msgstr "Guilder d'Aruba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
-msgstr "Manat Azerbadjan"
+msgstr "Azerbaijanian Manat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
msgid "Convertible Marks"
-msgstr "Marcs convertibles"
+msgstr "Convertible Marks"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
msgid "Barbados Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Barbados"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les Barbados"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
msgid "Taka"
@@ -217,27 +218,27 @@ msgstr "Taka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
-msgstr "Lev búlgar"
+msgstr "Lev de Bulgà ria"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Bahraini"
+msgstr "Dinar de Bahrain"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
msgid "Burundi Franc"
-msgstr "Franc Burundi"
+msgstr "Franc de Burundi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Bermudes"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les Bermudes"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
msgid "Brunei Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Brunei"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Brunei"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
msgid "Boliviano"
-msgstr "Bolivià "
+msgstr "Boliviano de BolÃvia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
msgid "Mvdol"
@@ -245,11 +246,11 @@ msgstr "Mvdol"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
msgid "Brazilian Real"
-msgstr "Real brasiler"
+msgstr "Brazilian Real"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Bahames"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les Bahames"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
msgid "Ngultrum"
@@ -257,23 +258,23 @@ msgstr "Ngultrum"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
msgid "Pula"
-msgstr "Poleixi"
+msgstr "Pula"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
-msgstr "Rubla Bielorusa"
+msgstr "Belarussian Ruble"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
msgid "Belize Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Belize"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Belize"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
msgid "Canadian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Canadà "
+msgstr "Dòlar canadenc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Franc Congolese"
+msgstr "Congolese Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ msgstr "WIR Euro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
msgid "Swiss Franc"
-msgstr "Franc SuÃs"
+msgstr "Franc suïs"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
msgid "WIR Franc"
@@ -289,39 +290,39 @@ msgstr "WIR Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
msgid "Unidades de fomento"
-msgstr "Unitats de foment"
+msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
msgid "Chilean Peso"
-msgstr "Pes Xile"
+msgstr "Peso xilè"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
-msgstr "Yuan renminbi"
+msgstr "Yuan Renminbi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
msgid "Colombian Peso"
-msgstr "Pes Colombia"
+msgstr "Peso colombià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
-msgstr "Unitat de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
-msgstr "Colón Costa Rica"
+msgstr "Colon de Costa Rica"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
msgid "Cuban Peso"
-msgstr "Pes Cuba"
+msgstr "Peso cubà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
-msgstr "Escut Cape Verde"
+msgstr "Cape Verde Escudo"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
msgid "Cyprus Pound"
-msgstr "Lliure Cyprus"
+msgstr "Lliura de Xipre"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
msgid "Czech Koruna"
@@ -329,27 +330,27 @@ msgstr "Corona Txeca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
msgid "Djibouti Franc"
-msgstr "Franc Djibouti"
+msgstr "Franc de Djibouti"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
msgid "Danish Krone"
-msgstr "Corona Danesa"
+msgstr "Corona danesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
msgid "Dominican Peso"
-msgstr "Peso Dominicà "
+msgstr "Peso dominicà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
msgid "Algerian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Argelia"
+msgstr "Dinar algerià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
msgid "Kroon"
-msgstr "Corona"
+msgstr "Kroon"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
msgid "Egyptian Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura EgÃpcia"
+msgstr "Lliura egipcia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
msgid "Nakfa"
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ msgstr "Nakfa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
-msgstr "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "Birr d'Etiòpia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
msgid "Euro"
@@ -365,11 +366,11 @@ msgstr "Euro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
msgid "Fiji Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Illes Fiji"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Fiji"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
-msgstr "Lliure Illes Falkland"
+msgstr "Falkland Islands Pound"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
msgid "Pound Sterling"
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ msgstr "Ghana Cedi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura Gibraltar"
+msgstr "Lliura de Gibraltar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
msgid "Dalasi"
@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ msgstr "Dalasi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
msgid "Guinea Franc"
-msgstr "Franc Guinea"
+msgstr "Franc de Guinea"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
msgid "Quetzal"
@@ -401,19 +402,19 @@ msgstr "Quetzal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
msgid "Guyana Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Guyana"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Guaiana"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Hong Kong"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Hong Kong"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
msgid "Lempira"
-msgstr "Lempira hondureny"
+msgstr "Lempira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
msgid "Croatian Kuna"
-msgstr "Kuna croat"
+msgstr "Croatian Kuna"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
msgid "Gourde"
@@ -425,43 +426,43 @@ msgstr "Forint"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
msgid "Rupiah"
-msgstr "Rupia indonèsia"
+msgstr "Rupiah"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
-msgstr "Nou sheqel Israel"
+msgstr "New Israeli Sheqel"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
msgid "Indian Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia Ãndia"
+msgstr "Rúpia Ãndia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Irac"
+msgstr "Dinar iraquià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
msgid "Iranian Rial"
-msgstr "Rial Iran"
+msgstr "Rial iranià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
msgid "Iceland Krona"
-msgstr "Corona Islà ndia"
+msgstr "Corona d'Islà ndia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Jamaica"
+msgstr "Dòlar Jamaicà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Jordania"
+msgstr "Dinar de Jordà nia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
msgid "Yen"
-msgstr "Ien"
+msgstr "Yen"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
-msgstr "Xelà Kenyan"
+msgstr "Shilling de Kènia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
msgid "Som"
@@ -469,15 +470,15 @@ msgstr "Som"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
msgid "Riel"
-msgstr "Riel cambodjà "
+msgstr "Riel"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
msgid "Comoro Franc"
-msgstr "Franc Comoro"
+msgstr "Franc de Comoros"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
msgid "North Korean Won"
-msgstr "Won nord-coreà "
+msgstr "Won de Corea del Nord"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
msgid "Won"
@@ -485,11 +486,11 @@ msgstr "Won"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Kuwait"
+msgstr "Dinar de Kuwait"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Illes Caiman"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les Illes Caiman"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
msgid "Tenge"
@@ -497,19 +498,19 @@ msgstr "Tenge"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
msgid "Kip"
-msgstr "Kip Laos"
+msgstr "Kip"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
msgid "Lebanese Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura Liban"
+msgstr "Lliura libanesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia Sri Lanka"
+msgstr "Rúpia de Sri Lanka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
msgid "Liberian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Liberia"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Libèria"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
msgid "Loti"
@@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ msgstr "Loti"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
-msgstr "Litas Litua"
+msgstr "Lithuanian Litas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
msgid "Latvian Lats"
@@ -525,11 +526,11 @@ msgstr "Latvian Lats"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
msgid "Libyan Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Libyan"
+msgstr "Dinar libi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
-msgstr "Dirham Marroc"
+msgstr "Dirham del Marroc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
msgid "Moldovan Leu"
@@ -561,11 +562,11 @@ msgstr "Ouguiya"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
msgid "Maltese Lira"
-msgstr "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "Lira de Malta"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia Mauritana"
+msgstr "Rúpia de les Maurici"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
msgid "Rufiyaa"
@@ -577,11 +578,11 @@ msgstr "Kwacha"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
msgid "Mexican Peso"
-msgstr "Pes Mèxic"
+msgstr "Peso mexicà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
-msgstr "Unitat inversió Mèxic (UDI)"
+msgstr "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
@@ -589,11 +590,11 @@ msgstr "Ringgit de Malà isia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
msgid "Metical"
-msgstr "Metical de Moçambic"
+msgstr "Metical"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
msgid "Namibia Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Namibia"
+msgstr "Namibia Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
msgid "Naira"
@@ -601,23 +602,23 @@ msgstr "Naira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
msgid "Cordoba Oro"
-msgstr "Córdoba"
+msgstr "Cordoba Oro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
-msgstr "Corona Noruega"
+msgstr "Corona noruega"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia nepalesa"
+msgstr "Rúpia del Nepal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar New Zealand"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Nova Zelanda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
msgid "Rial Omani"
-msgstr "Rial omanita"
+msgstr "Omani de Rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
msgid "Balboa"
@@ -625,7 +626,7 @@ msgstr "Balboa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
msgid "Nuevo Sol"
-msgstr "Nou Sol"
+msgstr "Nuevo Sol"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
msgid "Kina"
@@ -633,11 +634,11 @@ msgstr "Kina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
msgid "Philippine Peso"
-msgstr "Peso filipÃ"
+msgstr "Philippine Peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia pakistanesa"
+msgstr "Rúpia del Paquistan"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
msgid "Zloty"
@@ -645,55 +646,55 @@ msgstr "Zloty"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
msgid "Guarani"
-msgstr "GuaranÃ"
+msgstr "Guarani"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
msgid "Qatari Rial"
-msgstr "Rial de Qatar"
+msgstr "Qatari Rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
msgid "New Leu"
-msgstr "Nou Leu"
+msgstr "New Leu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
msgid "Serbian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Serbi"
+msgstr "Serbian Dinar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
msgid "Russian Ruble"
-msgstr "Ruble rus"
+msgstr "Russian Ruble"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
msgid "Rwanda Franc"
-msgstr "Franc Rwanda"
+msgstr "Franc de Ruanda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
msgid "Saudi Riyal"
-msgstr "Rial Saudita"
+msgstr "Rial d'Arabia Saudita"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Illes Salomó"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les illes Salomó"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia Seychelles"
+msgstr "Rúpia de les Seixelles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
msgid "Sudanese Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura Sudanese"
+msgstr "Sudanese Pound"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
msgid "Swedish Krona"
-msgstr "Corona Suècia"
+msgstr "Corona sueca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
msgid "Singapore Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Singapur"
+msgstr "Singapore Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura Santa Hel·lena"
+msgstr "Lliura de Sta. Helena"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
msgid "Leone"
@@ -701,11 +702,11 @@ msgstr "Leone"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
msgid "Somali Shilling"
-msgstr "XÃling somali"
+msgstr "Somali Shilling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
msgid "Surinam Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Surinam"
+msgstr "Surinam Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
msgid "Dobra"
@@ -713,11 +714,11 @@ msgstr "Dobra"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
msgid "El Salvador Colon"
-msgstr "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Colon del Salvador"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
msgid "Syrian Pound"
-msgstr "Lliure Syrian"
+msgstr "Lliura de SÃria"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
msgid "Lilangeni"
@@ -737,7 +738,7 @@ msgstr "Manat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Tunisia"
+msgstr "Dinar de TunÃssia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
msgid "Pa'anga"
@@ -745,7 +746,7 @@ msgstr "Pa'anga"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
msgid "New Turkish Lira"
-msgstr "Nova lira turca"
+msgstr "New Turkish Lira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
@@ -753,7 +754,7 @@ msgstr "Dòlar de Trinitat i Tobago"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
-msgstr "Nou Dòlar Taiwanès"
+msgstr "Nou dòlar de Taiwan"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
@@ -761,23 +762,23 @@ msgstr "Tanzanian Shilling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
msgid "Hryvnia"
-msgstr "HrÃvnia"
+msgstr "Hryvnia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
msgid "Uganda Shilling"
-msgstr "Xelà Ugandés"
+msgstr "Uganda Shilling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
msgid "US Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Americà "
+msgstr "Dòlar dels EU"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
-msgstr "Dòlar Americà (següent dia)"
+msgstr "US Dollar (Next day)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
-msgstr "Dòlar Americà (mateix dia)"
+msgstr "US Dollar (Same day)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
@@ -785,15 +786,15 @@ msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
-msgstr "Pes uruguaià "
+msgstr "Peso Uruguayo"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
-msgstr "Som uzbeco"
+msgstr "Uzbekistan Sum"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
-msgstr "Bolivar Fort"
+msgstr "Bolivar Fuerte"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
msgid "Dong"
@@ -813,31 +814,31 @@ msgstr "CFA Franc BEAC"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
msgid "Silver"
-msgstr "Plata"
+msgstr "Silver"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
msgid "Gold"
-msgstr "Or"
+msgstr "Gold"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
-msgstr "Unitat European Composite (EURCO)"
+msgstr "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
-msgstr "Unitat European Monetary (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
-msgstr "Unitat European de Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
-msgstr "Unitat European de Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Carib Oriental"
+msgstr "East Caribbean Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
@@ -845,7 +846,7 @@ msgstr "Special Drawing Rights"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
-msgstr "Or-Franc"
+msgstr "Gold-Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
msgid "UIC-Franc"
@@ -869,15 +870,15 @@ msgstr "Platinum"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
msgid "Code for testing purposes"
-msgstr "Dòlar Zimbabuense"
+msgstr "Code for testing purposes"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr "Sense moneda"
+msgstr "No currency"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
-msgstr "Rial iemenita"
+msgstr "Yemeni Rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
msgid "Rand"
@@ -885,11 +886,11 @@ msgstr "Rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Dòlar Zimbian"
+msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar Zimbabwe"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Zimbabwe"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
@@ -901,7 +902,7 @@ msgstr "Monedes"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Monedes"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
@@ -932,9 +933,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Format"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Taxa de canvi"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Taxes de canvi"
diff --git a/locale/cs_CZ.po b/locale/cs_CZ.po
index dc55501..4bb1b3f 100644
--- a/locale/cs_CZ.po
+++ b/locale/cs_CZ.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
msgid "UAE Dirham"
-msgstr "Spojené Arabské Emiráty - dirham"
+msgstr "Arabskoemirátský Dirham"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
msgid "Afghani"
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ msgstr "Taka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
-msgstr "Bulharská leva"
+msgstr "Bulharský lev"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ msgstr "Mexické peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
-msgstr "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Mexický Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ msgstr "Saudskoarabský rial"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Å alamounovy ostrovy - dolar"
+msgstr "Dolar šalamounských ostrovů"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
@@ -748,11 +748,11 @@ msgstr "Turecká nová lira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
-msgstr "Trinidad a Tobago - dolar"
+msgstr "Trinidadský a Tobažský dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
-msgstr "Taiwanský dolar"
+msgstr "Taiwanský nový dolar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ msgstr "Americký dolar (stejný den)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
-msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Uruguayské Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "Rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Zabmijská kwacha"
+msgstr "Zambijská kwacha"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
@@ -931,9 +931,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr ""
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/de_DE.po b/locale/de_DE.po
index 40d167f..337e8e2 100644
--- a/locale/de_DE.po
+++ b/locale/de_DE.po
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Einer Währung kann nur ein Kurs pro Datum zugewiesen werden!"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
+msgstr "Es kann nur einen Kurs pro Datum für eine Währung geben."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr "Der Kurs muss gröÃer oder gleich 0 sein"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Ungültige Gruppierung"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr "Ungültige Gruppierung \"%(grouping)s\" in Währung \"%(currency)s\"."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "Kein Kurs gefunden für Währung %s am %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr "Fehlender Kurs für Währung \"%(currency)s\" am \"%(date)s\"."
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ msgstr "Kanadischer Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Kongo-Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "Rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Sambischer Kwacha"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
@@ -931,9 +931,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Format"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Kurs"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Kurse"
diff --git a/locale/es_AR.po b/locale/es_AR.po
index 1199bfe..6571e11 100644
--- a/locale/es_AR.po
+++ b/locale/es_AR.po
@@ -3,20 +3,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "¡Una divisa solo puede tener un valor por fecha!"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
+msgstr "Una moneda sólo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr "La tasa de divisa debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
+msgstr "La tasa de cambio de la divisa debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "¡Agrupamiento no válido!"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr "Agrupación «%(grouping)s» en la moneda «%(currency)s» no es correcta."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la divisa «%s» con fecha: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr ""
+"No se ha encontrado ninguna tasa de cambio para la moneda «%(currency)s» en "
+"la fecha «%(date)s»"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ msgstr "Usuario creación"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
-msgstr "DÃgitos a mostrar"
+msgstr "Decimales a mostrar"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ msgstr "Signo negativo"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
-msgstr "Código Numérico"
+msgstr "Código numérico"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
@@ -272,7 +274,7 @@ msgstr "Dólar canadiense"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Franco congoleño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
@@ -840,7 +842,7 @@ msgstr "Dólar del Caribe oriental"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
-msgstr "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Derechos especiales de giro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
@@ -884,7 +886,7 @@ msgstr "Rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha zambiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
@@ -900,7 +902,7 @@ msgstr "Divisas"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Gestión de divisas"
+msgstr "Divisas"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
@@ -931,9 +933,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formato"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
diff --git a/locale/es_CO.po b/locale/es_CO.po
index 354f67d..b9b697e 100644
--- a/locale/es_CO.po
+++ b/locale/es_CO.po
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "¡Una moneda solo puede tener un valor por fecha!"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
+msgstr "Una moneda solo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr "La tasa de moneda debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "¡Agrupamiento no válido!"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr "Agrupación inválida \"%(grouping)s\" en moneda \"%(currency)s\""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la moneda «%s» con fecha: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio no emcontrada para la moneda \"%(currency)s\" el \"%(date)s\""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ msgstr "Creado por Usuario"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
-msgstr "DÃgitos a mostrar"
+msgstr "DÃgitos a Mostrar"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
-msgstr "Separador decimal"
+msgstr "Separador Decimal"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ msgstr "Dólar canadiense"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Franco congoleño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ msgstr "Dólar del Caribe oriental"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
-msgstr "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Derechos especiales de giro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ msgstr "Código reservado para pruebas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr "Sin moneda"
+msgstr "Sin divisa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "Rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha zambiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
@@ -931,9 +931,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formato"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
diff --git a/locale/es_ES.po b/locale/es_ES.po
index 42232b7..cd0e414 100644
--- a/locale/es_ES.po
+++ b/locale/es_ES.po
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
msgstr "Una moneda sólo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr ""
-"El rango de la tasa de cambio de la moneda debe ser mas grande o igual a 0."
+msgstr "La tasa de cambio de la moneda debe ser mayor o igual a 0."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "El agrupamiento no es correcto."
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr "Agrupación \"%(grouping)s\" en la moneda \"%(currency)s\" no es correcta."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
msgstr ""
-"No se ha encontrado una tasa de cambio para la moneda «%s» con fecha: %s."
+"No se ha encontrado ninguna tasa de cambio para la moneda \"%(currency)s\" "
+"en la fecha \"%(date)s\""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ msgstr "Lek"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
msgid "Armenian Dram"
-msgstr "Dram Armenia"
+msgstr "Dram armenio"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
@@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ msgstr "Kwanza"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
msgid "Argentine Peso"
-msgstr "Peso Argentina"
+msgstr "Peso argentino"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
msgid "Australian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Australia"
+msgstr "Dólar australiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
msgid "Aruban Guilder"
-msgstr "FlorÃn Aruba"
+msgstr "FlorÃn de Aruba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ msgstr "Marcos convertibles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
msgid "Barbados Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Barbados"
+msgstr "Dólar de Barbados"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
msgid "Taka"
@@ -218,23 +218,23 @@ msgstr "Taka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
-msgstr "Lev Bulgaria"
+msgstr "Lev búlgaro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar BahreinÃ"
+msgstr "Dinar bahreinÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
msgid "Burundi Franc"
-msgstr "Franco Burundi"
+msgstr "Franco de Burundi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Bermudas"
+msgstr "Dólar de Bermudas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
msgid "Brunei Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Brunei"
+msgstr "Dólar de Brunei"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
msgid "Boliviano"
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ msgstr "Real brasileño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Bahamas"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Bahamas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
msgid "Ngultrum"
@@ -262,19 +262,19 @@ msgstr "Pula"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
-msgstr "Rubla Bielorrusa"
+msgstr "Rubla bielorrusa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
msgid "Belize Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Belize"
+msgstr "Dólar de Belize"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
msgid "Canadian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Canada"
+msgstr "Dólar canadiense"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Franco congolés"
+msgstr "Franco congoleño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
msgid "Chilean Peso"
-msgstr "Peso Xile"
+msgstr "Peso chileno"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "Yuan renminbi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
msgid "Colombian Peso"
-msgstr "Peso Colombiano"
+msgstr "Peso colombiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ msgstr "Colón costarricense"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
msgid "Cuban Peso"
-msgstr "Peso Cuba"
+msgstr "Peso cubano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ msgstr "Libra chipriota"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
msgid "Czech Koruna"
-msgstr "Corona Checa"
+msgstr "Corona checa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
msgid "Djibouti Franc"
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ msgstr "Franco de Djibouti"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
msgid "Danish Krone"
-msgstr "Corona Danesa"
+msgstr "Corona danesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
msgid "Dominican Peso"
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ msgstr "Peso dominicano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
msgid "Algerian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Algerian"
+msgstr "Dinar argelino"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
msgid "Kroon"
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ msgstr "Lari"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
msgid "Ghana Cedi"
-msgstr "Cedi Ghanés"
+msgstr "Cedi ghanés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ msgstr "Dalasi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
msgid "Guinea Franc"
-msgstr "Franco Guinea"
+msgstr "Franco guineano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
msgid "Quetzal"
@@ -402,11 +402,11 @@ msgstr "Quetzal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
msgid "Guyana Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Guayana"
+msgstr "Dólar guayanés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Hong Kong"
+msgstr "Dólar de Hong Kong"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
msgid "Lempira"
@@ -434,27 +434,27 @@ msgstr "Nuevo sheqel israelÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
msgid "Indian Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia India"
+msgstr "Rupia india"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Irac"
+msgstr "Dinar iraquÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
msgid "Iranian Rial"
-msgstr "Rial Iran"
+msgstr "Rial iranÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
msgid "Iceland Krona"
-msgstr "Corona Islandia"
+msgstr "Corona islandesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Jamaica"
+msgstr "Dólar jamaiqueño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Jordania"
+msgstr "Dinar jordano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
msgid "Yen"
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ msgstr "Yen"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
-msgstr "ChelÃn Keniata"
+msgstr "ChelÃn keniata"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
msgid "Som"
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ msgstr "Riel camboyano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
msgid "Comoro Franc"
-msgstr "Franco Comoriano"
+msgstr "Franco comoriano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
msgid "North Korean Won"
@@ -486,11 +486,11 @@ msgstr "Won surcoreano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar KuwaitÃ"
+msgstr "Dinar kuwaitÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Islas Caimán"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Caimán"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
msgid "Tenge"
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ msgstr "Kip laosiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
msgid "Lebanese Pound"
-msgstr "Libra Liban"
+msgstr "Libra libanesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr "Rupia de Sri Lanka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
msgid "Liberian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Liberiano"
+msgstr "Dóla liberiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
msgid "Loti"
@@ -530,11 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Dinar libio"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
-msgstr "Dirham Marruecos"
+msgstr "Dirham marroquÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
msgid "Moldovan Leu"
-msgstr "Leu Moldavo"
+msgstr "Leu moldavo"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ msgstr "Lira maltesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia Mauricia"
+msgstr "Rupia mauricia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
msgid "Rufiyaa"
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ msgstr "Kwacha malawiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
msgid "Mexican Peso"
-msgstr "Peso México"
+msgstr "Peso mexicano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ msgstr "Metical mozambiqueño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
msgid "Namibia Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar namibio"
+msgstr "Dóla namibio"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
msgid "Naira"
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ msgstr "Córdoba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
-msgstr "Corona Noruega"
+msgstr "Corona noruega"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ msgstr "Rupia nepalesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Neozelanda"
+msgstr "Dólar neozelandés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
msgid "Rial Omani"
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ msgstr "Leu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
msgid "Serbian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Serbia"
+msgstr "Dinar serbio"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
msgid "Russian Ruble"
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ msgstr "Rublo ruso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
msgid "Rwanda Franc"
-msgstr "Franco Ruanda"
+msgstr "Franco ruandés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
msgid "Saudi Riyal"
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ msgstr "Rial saudÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Islas Solomón"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Solomón"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
@@ -682,15 +682,15 @@ msgstr "Rupia de Seychelles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
msgid "Sudanese Pound"
-msgstr "Libra Sudanesa"
+msgstr "Libra sudanesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
msgid "Swedish Krona"
-msgstr "Corona Sueca"
+msgstr "Corona sueca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
msgid "Singapore Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Singapur"
+msgstr "Dólar de Singapur"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
@@ -702,11 +702,11 @@ msgstr "Leone"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
msgid "Somali Shilling"
-msgstr "ChelÃn SomalÃ"
+msgstr "ChelÃn somalÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
msgid "Surinam Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar Surinam"
+msgstr "Dólar surinamés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
msgid "Dobra"
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ msgstr "Colón salvadoreño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
msgid "Syrian Pound"
-msgstr "Libra Siria"
+msgstr "Libra siria"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
msgid "Lilangeni"
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ msgstr "Manat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar Tuniza"
+msgstr "Dinar tunecino"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
msgid "Pa'anga"
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ msgstr "Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar nuevo taiwanés"
+msgstr "nuevo Dólar taiwanés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ msgstr "Tala"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
-msgstr "Franco CFA BEAC"
+msgstr "franco CFA BEAC"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
msgid "Silver"
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ msgstr "Dólar del Caribe oriental"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
-msgstr "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Derechos especiales de giro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ msgstr "Franco UIC"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
-msgstr "Franco CFA BCEAO"
+msgstr "franco CFA BCEAO"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
msgid "Palladium"
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ msgstr "Rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha zambiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Monedas"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
@@ -933,9 +933,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formato"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
diff --git a/locale/fr_FR.po b/locale/fr_FR.po
index f1ffc50..f6c2599 100644
--- a/locale/fr_FR.po
+++ b/locale/fr_FR.po
@@ -3,32 +3,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
+msgstr "Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr "Le taux de la devise doit être plus grand ou égal à zéro"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Groupement invalide"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Groupement invalide"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "Pas de taux trouvé pour la devise: %s à la date: %s"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr "Le groupement \"%(grouping)s\" de la devise \"%(currency)s\" est invalide."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "Pas de taux trouvé pour la devise: %s à la date: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr "Aucun taux trouvé pour la devise \"%s\" à la date \"%s\"."
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -955,10 +943,6 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formatage"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Taux"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Taux"
diff --git a/locale/nl_NL.po b/locale/nl_NL.po
index 289ec64..2e0b1e4 100644
--- a/locale/nl_NL.po
+++ b/locale/nl_NL.po
@@ -3,20 +3,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Ongeldigegroep"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
@@ -949,11 +948,6 @@ msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Verhouding"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/ru_RU.po b/locale/ru_RU.po
index 6103cdd..c0a8292 100644
--- a/locale/ru_RU.po
+++ b/locale/ru_RU.po
@@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
-msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "ÐалÑÑа Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑÑ ÑолÑко Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ñ ÐºÑÑÑовÑÑ ÑазниÑÑ Ð² денÑ!"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑа Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑÑ ÑолÑко один кÑÑÑ Ð² денÑ."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÑ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶ÐµÐ½ бÑÑÑ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑÑе или Ñавен 0"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "ÐевеÑное ÐÑÑппиÑовка!"
+msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr "ÐекоÑÑекÑÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð³ÑÑппиÑовка \"%(grouping)s\" по валÑÑе \"%(currency)s\"."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
-msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "Ðе найден кÑÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÑ: %s на денÑ: %s"
+msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr "Ðе найдено кÑÑÑа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÑ \"%(currency)s\" на даÑÑ \"%(date)s\""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
-msgstr "ÐкÑивнÑй"
+msgstr "ÐейÑÑвÑÑÑий"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ msgstr "Ðод"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ÐаÑа ÑозданиÑ"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Создано полÑзоваÑелем"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr "Ðол-во знаков поÑле запÑÑой"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
@@ -116,21 +116,20 @@ msgstr "Символ"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ÐаÑа изменениÑ"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ðзменено полÑзоваÑелем"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ÐаÑа ÑозданиÑ"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Создано полÑзоваÑелем"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ msgstr "ÐаÑа"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
msgid "ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
@@ -153,13 +152,12 @@ msgstr "Ðаименование"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ÐаÑа изменениÑ"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ðзменено полÑзоваÑелем"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
@@ -900,7 +898,6 @@ msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
@@ -913,12 +910,10 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr "ÐдминиÑÑÑиÑование валÑÑ"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÑ"
@@ -936,9 +931,5 @@ msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "ФоÑмаÑиÑование"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÑ"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 107cc6d..571f64e 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ requires = []
for dep in info.get('depends', []):
if not re.match(r'(ir|res|webdav)(\W|$)', dep):
requires.append('trytond_%s >= %s.%s, < %s.%s' %
- (dep, major_version, minor_version, major_version,
- minor_version + 1))
+ (dep, major_version, minor_version, major_version,
+ minor_version + 1))
requires.append('trytond >= %s.%s, < %s.%s' %
- (major_version, minor_version, major_version, minor_version + 1))
+ (major_version, minor_version, major_version, minor_version + 1))
version=info.get('version', '0.0.1'),
@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
- download_url="http://downloads.tryton.org/" + \
- info.get('version', '0.0.1').rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '/',
+ download_url=("http://downloads.tryton.org/" +
+ info.get('version', '0.0.1').rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '/'),
package_dir={'trytond.modules.currency': '.'},
- 'trytond.modules.currency': info.get('xml', []) \
- + ['tryton.cfg', 'locale/*.po', 'icons/*.svg'],
+ 'trytond.modules.currency': (info.get('xml', [])
+ + ['tryton.cfg', 'view/*.xml', 'locale/*.po', 'icons/*.svg']),
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
'Intended Audience :: Manufacturing',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
'Natural Language :: Bulgarian',
+ 'Natural Language :: Catalan',
'Natural Language :: Czech',
'Natural Language :: Dutch',
'Natural Language :: English',
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.py b/tests/test_currency.py
index e2b3f2b..5cefd34 100644
--- a/tests/test_currency.py
+++ b/tests/test_currency.py
@@ -51,18 +51,16 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
- cu1 = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu1',
- 'symbol': 'cu1',
- 'code': 'cu1'
- })
+ cu1, cu2 = self.currency.create([{
+ 'name': 'cu1',
+ 'symbol': 'cu1',
+ 'code': 'cu1'
+ }, {
+ 'name': 'cu2',
+ 'symbol': 'cu2',
+ 'code': 'cu2'
+ }])
- cu2 = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu2',
- 'symbol': 'cu2',
- 'code': 'cu2'
- })
@@ -95,16 +93,14 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2 = self.get_currency('cu2')
- rate1 = self.rate.create({
- 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
- 'currency': cu1.id,
- })
+ rate1, rate2 = self.rate.create([{
+ 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
+ 'currency': cu1.id,
+ }, {
+ 'rate': Decimal("1"),
+ 'currency': cu2.id,
+ }])
- rate2 = self.rate.create({
- 'rate': Decimal("1"),
- 'currency': cu2.id,
- })
self.assertEqual(cu1.rate, Decimal("1.3"))
@@ -119,17 +115,17 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
today = self.date.today()
- cu = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu',
- 'symbol': 'cu',
- 'code': 'cu'
- })
+ cu, = self.currency.create([{
+ 'name': 'cu',
+ 'symbol': 'cu',
+ 'code': 'cu'
+ }])
- self.rate.create({
- 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
- 'currency': cu.id,
- 'date': today,
- })
+ self.rate.create([{
+ 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
+ 'currency': cu.id,
+ 'date': today,
+ }])
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.rate.create, {
'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
@@ -239,11 +235,11 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu3 = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu3',
- 'symbol': 'cu3',
- 'code': 'cu3'
- })
+ cu3, = self.currency.create([{
+ 'name': 'cu3',
+ 'symbol': 'cu3',
+ 'code': 'cu3'
+ }])
amount = Decimal("10")
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
@@ -259,16 +255,15 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
- cu3 = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu3',
- 'symbol': 'cu3',
- 'code': 'cu3'
- })
- cu4 = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu4',
- 'symbol': 'cu4',
- 'code': 'cu4'
- })
+ cu3, cu4 = self.currency.create([{
+ 'name': 'cu3',
+ 'symbol': 'cu3',
+ 'code': 'cu3'
+ }, {
+ 'name': 'cu4',
+ 'symbol': 'cu4',
+ 'code': 'cu4'
+ }])
amount = Decimal("10")
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
diff --git a/tryton.cfg b/tryton.cfg
index d5cade1..69a7d0e 100644
--- a/tryton.cfg
+++ b/tryton.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index f70d1d8..4442f34 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.6.1
+Version: 2.8.0
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.6/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.8/
Description: trytond_currency
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Classifier: Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Classifier: Natural Language :: Bulgarian
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Catalan
Classifier: Natural Language :: Czech
Classifier: Natural Language :: Dutch
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 1661575..c721f39 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -30,4 +30,9 @@ trytond_currency.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index af826e8..c0b1648 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trytond >= 2.6, < 2.7
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 2.8, < 2.9
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/currency_form.xml b/view/currency_form.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eadd407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/currency_form.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
+<form string="Currency" col="6">
+ <label name="name"/>
+ <field name="name"/>
+ <label name="symbol"/>
+ <field name="symbol"/>
+ <label name="active"/>
+ <field name="active" xexpand="0" width="100"/>
+ <label name="code"/>
+ <field name="code"/>
+ <label name="numeric_code"/>
+ <field name="numeric_code"/>
+ <label name="rounding"/>
+ <field name="rounding"/>
+ <notebook colspan="6">
+ <page string="Rates" id="rates">
+ <label name="rate"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
+ <field name="rates" colspan="4" mode="tree,form,graph"/>
+ </page>
+ <page string="Formatting" col="6" id="formatting">
+ <label name="digits"/>
+ <field name="digits"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="mon_grouping"/>
+ <field name="mon_grouping"/>
+ <label name="mon_thousands_sep"/>
+ <field name="mon_thousands_sep"/>
+ <label name="mon_decimal_point"/>
+ <field name="mon_decimal_point"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="positive_sign"/>
+ <field name="positive_sign"/>
+ <label name="negative_sign"/>
+ <field name="negative_sign"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="p_sign_posn"/>
+ <field name="p_sign_posn"/>
+ <label name="n_sign_posn"/>
+ <field name="n_sign_posn"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="p_cs_precedes"/>
+ <field name="p_cs_precedes"/>
+ <label name="n_cs_precedes"/>
+ <field name="n_cs_precedes"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="p_sep_by_space"/>
+ <field name="p_sep_by_space"/>
+ <label name="n_sep_by_space"/>
+ <field name="n_sep_by_space"/>
+ <newline/>
+ </page>
+ </notebook>
diff --git a/view/currency_rate_form.xml b/view/currency_rate_form.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d64d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/currency_rate_form.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
+<form string="Rate">
+ <label name="currency"/>
+ <field name="currency"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="date"/>
+ <field name="date"/>
+ <label name="rate"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
diff --git a/view/currency_rate_graph.xml b/view/currency_rate_graph.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3496229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/currency_rate_graph.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
+<graph string="Rates" type="line">
+ <x>
+ <field name="date"/>
+ </x>
+ <y>
+ <field name="rate" fill="1" empty="0"/>
+ </y>
diff --git a/view/currency_rate_list.xml b/view/currency_rate_list.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33edc50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/currency_rate_list.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
+<tree string="Rates">
+ <field name="currency"/>
+ <field name="date"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
diff --git a/view/currency_tree.xml b/view/currency_tree.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dd9f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/currency_tree.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
+<tree string="Currencies">
+ <field name="name"/>
+ <field name="symbol"/>
+ <field name="code"/>
+ <field name="numeric_code"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
+ <field name="active" tree_invisible="1"/>
commit 548150ef9489297983fbf28dea33eb5350bc80ac
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Fri Feb 15 20:50:40 2013 +0100
Adding upstream version 2.6.1.
index b2705df..0f9464e 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 2.6.1 - 2012-11-05
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 2.6.0 - 2012-10-22
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 0742f82..c34ac53 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.6.0
+Version: 2.6.1
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index d1bd80f..107cc6d 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
'trytond.modules.currency': info.get('xml', []) \
- + ['tryton.cfg', 'lcoale/*.po', 'icons/*.svg'],
+ + ['tryton.cfg', 'locale/*.po', 'icons/*.svg'],
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
diff --git a/tryton.cfg b/tryton.cfg
index 22d9cab..d5cade1 100644
--- a/tryton.cfg
+++ b/tryton.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 972f436..f70d1d8 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.6.0
+Version: 2.6.1
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
commit 62eec7826188cf742b6b81d9152be0511e8cfed8
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Tue Oct 23 19:53:34 2012 +0200
Adding upstream version 2.6.0.
index 59a6c94..b2705df 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 2.6.0 - 2012-10-22
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 2.4.0 - 2012-04-23
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 7966750..f55ca19 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ include TODO
include LICENSE
+include tryton.cfg
include *.xml
include *.odt
include locale/*.po
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index f170ff2..0742f82 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,15 +1,48 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.4.0
-Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
-Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
+Version: 2.6.0
+Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
-Author: B2CK
-Author-email: info at b2ck.com
+Author: Tryton
+Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.4/
-Description: UNKNOWN
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.6/
+Description: trytond_currency
+ ================
+ The currency module of the Tryton application platform.
+ Installing
+ ----------
+ Support
+ -------
+ If you encounter any problems with Tryton, please don't hesitate to ask
+ questions on the Tryton bug tracker, mailing list, wiki or IRC channel:
+ http://bugs.tryton.org/
+ http://groups.tryton.org/
+ http://wiki.tryton.org/
+ irc://irc.freenode.net/tryton
+ License
+ -------
+ Copyright
+ ---------
+ For more information please visit the Tryton web site:
+ http://www.tryton.org/
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Plugins
diff --git a/README b/README
index 85c3218..8115dd6 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ trytond_currency
The currency module of the Tryton application platform.
-See __tryton__.py
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
index ba49a66..d0e99ec 100644
--- a/__init__.py
+++ b/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+from trytond.pool import Pool
from .currency import *
+def register():
+ Pool.register(
+ Currency,
+ Rate,
+ module='currency', type_='model')
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 637afb9..0000000
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
-#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
- 'name': 'Currency',
- 'name_bg_BG': 'ÐалÑÑа',
- 'name_ca_ES': 'Divisa',
- 'name_de_DE': 'Währung',
- 'name_es_AR': 'Divisa',
- 'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
- 'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
- 'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '2.4.0',
- 'author': 'B2CK',
- 'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
- 'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
- 'description': '''Define currencies and exchange rate.
-Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
- 'description_bg_BG': '''Ðадаване на валÑÑи и обменни кÑÑÑове.
- ÐозволÑва наÑÑÑойване на ÑоÑмаÑиÑане на ÑÑмаÑа на валÑÑа.
- 'description_ca_ES': '''Defineix les monedes i la taxa de conversió.
-Permet personalitzar el format de visualització de la divisa.
- 'description_de_DE': ''' - Ermöglicht die Eingabe von Währungen und Wechselkursen.
- - Erlaubt die beliebige Formatierung von Währungsbeträgen.
- 'description_es_AR': '''Define las divisas y la tasa de cambio.
- - Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la divisa.
- 'description_es_CO': '''Define las monedas y la tasa de cambio.
-Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la moneda.
- 'description_es_ES': '''Define las divisas y la tasa de cambio.
- - Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la divisa.
- 'description_fr_FR': '''Défini les devises et leurs taux de change.
-Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
- 'depends': [
- 'ir',
- 'res',
- ],
- 'xml': [
- 'currency.xml',
- ],
- 'translation': [
- 'locale/bg_BG.po',
- 'locale/cs_CZ.po',
- 'locale/ca_ES.po',
- 'locale/de_DE.po',
- 'locale/es_AR.po',
- 'locale/es_CO.po',
- 'locale/es_ES.po',
- 'locale/fr_FR.po',
- 'locale/nl_NL.po',
- 'locale/ru_RU.po',
- ]
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index 6e6cd5e..618bd8e 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.tools import safe_eval, datetime_strftime
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.pool import Pool
+from trytond.rpc import RPC
+__all__ = ['Currency', 'Rate']
class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
- _name = 'currency.currency'
- _description = __doc__
+ __name__ = 'currency.currency'
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
symbol = fields.Char('Symbol', size=10, required=True)
code = fields.Char('Code', size=3, required=True)
@@ -36,95 +38,112 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
p_sep_by_space = fields.Boolean('Positive Separate by Space')
n_sep_by_space = fields.Boolean('Negative Separate by Space')
- def __init__(self):
- super(Currency, self).__init__()
- self._order.insert(0, ('code', 'ASC'))
- self._constraints += [
+ @classmethod
+ def __setup__(cls):
+ super(Currency, cls).__setup__()
+ cls._order.insert(0, ('code', 'ASC'))
+ cls._constraints += [
('check_mon_grouping', 'invalid_mon_grouping'),
- ]
- self._error_messages.update({
- 'no_rate': 'No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s',
- 'invalid_grouping': 'Invalid Grouping!',
- })
- self._rpc.update({
- 'compute': False,
- })
- def default_active(self):
+ ]
+ cls._error_messages.update({
+ 'no_rate': 'No rate found for the currency: ' \
+ '%s at the date: %s',
+ 'invalid_grouping': 'Invalid Grouping!',
+ })
+ cls.__rpc__.update({
+ 'compute': RPC(),
+ })
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_active():
return True
- def default_rounding(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_rounding():
return Decimal('0.01')
- def default_digits(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_digits():
return 2
- def default_mon_grouping(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_mon_grouping():
return '[]'
- def default_mon_thousands_sep(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_mon_thousands_sep():
return ','
- def default_mon_decimal_point(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_mon_decimal_point():
return '.'
- def default_p_sign_posn(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_p_sign_posn():
return 1
- def default_n_sign_posn(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_n_sign_posn():
return 1
- def default_negative_sign(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_negative_sign():
return '-'
- def default_positive_sign(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_positive_sign():
return ''
- def default_p_cs_precedes(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_p_cs_precedes():
return True
- def default_n_cs_precedes(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_n_cs_precedes():
return True
- def default_p_sep_by_space(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_p_sep_by_space():
return False
- def default_n_sep_by_space(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_n_sep_by_space():
return False
- def check_mon_grouping(self, ids):
+ def check_mon_grouping(self):
Check if mon_grouping is list of numbers
- for currency in self.browse(ids):
- try:
- grouping = safe_eval(currency.mon_grouping)
- for i in grouping:
- if not isinstance(i, int):
- return False
- except Exception:
- return False
+ try:
+ grouping = safe_eval(self.mon_grouping)
+ for i in grouping:
+ if not isinstance(i, int):
+ return False
+ except Exception:
+ return False
return True
- def check_xml_record(self, ids, values):
+ @classmethod
+ def check_xml_record(cls, records, values):
return True
- def search_rec_name(self, name, clause):
- ids = []
+ @classmethod
+ def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause):
+ currencies = None
field = None
for field in ('code', 'numeric_code'):
- ids = self.search([(field,) + clause[1:]], limit=1)
- if ids:
+ currencies = cls.search([(field,) + clause[1:]], limit=1)
+ if currencies:
- if ids:
+ if currencies:
return [(field,) + clause[1:]]
- return [(self._rec_name,) + clause[1:]]
+ return [(cls._rec_name,) + clause[1:]]
- def on_change_with_rate(self, vals):
+ def on_change_with_rate(self):
now = datetime.date.today()
closer = datetime.date.min
res = Decimal('0.0')
- for rate in vals.get('rates', []):
+ for rate in self.rates or []:
if 'date' not in rate or 'rate' not in rate:
if rate['date'] <= now and rate['date'] > closer:
@@ -132,26 +151,27 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
closer = rate['date']
return res
- def get_rate(self, ids, name):
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_rate(currencies, name):
Return the rate at the date from the context or the current date
- rate_obj = Pool().get('currency.currency.rate')
- date_obj = Pool().get('ir.date')
+ Rate = Pool().get('currency.currency.rate')
+ Date = Pool().get('ir.date')
res = {}
- date = Transaction().context.get('date', date_obj.today())
- for currency_id in ids:
- rate_ids = rate_obj.search([
- ('currency', '=', currency_id),
- ('date', '<=', date),
- ], limit=1, order=[('date', 'DESC')])
- if rate_ids:
- res[currency_id] = rate_ids[0]
+ date = Transaction().context.get('date', Date.today())
+ for currency in currencies:
+ rates = Rate.search([
+ ('currency', '=', currency.id),
+ ('date', '<=', date),
+ ], limit=1, order=[('date', 'DESC')])
+ if rates:
+ res[currency.id] = rates[0].id
- res[currency_id] = 0.0
+ res[currency.id] = 0.0
rate_ids = [x for x in res.values() if x]
- rates = rate_obj.browse(rate_ids)
+ rates = Rate.browse(rate_ids)
id2rate = {}
for rate in rates:
id2rate[rate.id] = rate
@@ -160,7 +180,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
res[currency_id] = id2rate[res[currency_id]].rate
return res
- def round(self, currency, amount, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN):
+ def round(self, amount, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN):
Round the amount depending of the currency
@@ -171,80 +191,76 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
:param rounding: the rounding option
:return: a Decimal
- return (amount / currency.rounding).quantize(Decimal('1.'),
- rounding=rounding) * currency.rounding
+ return (amount / self.rounding).quantize(Decimal('1.'),
+ rounding=rounding) * self.rounding
- def is_zero(self, currency, amount):
+ def is_zero(self, amount):
'Return True if the amount can be considered as zero for the currency'
- return abs(self.round(currency, amount)) < currency.rounding
+ return abs(self.round(amount)) < self.rounding
- def compute(self, from_currency, amount, to_currency, round=True):
+ @classmethod
+ def compute(cls, from_currency, amount, to_currency, round=True):
Take a currency and an amount
Return the amount to the new currency
Use the rate of the date of the context or the current date if ids are
- date_obj = Pool().get('ir.date')
- lang_obj = Pool().get('ir.lang')
+ Date = Pool().get('ir.date')
+ Lang = Pool().get('ir.lang')
+ from_currency = cls(from_currency.id)
+ to_currency = cls(to_currency.id)
- if isinstance(from_currency, (int, long)):
- from_currency = self.browse(from_currency)
- if isinstance(to_currency, (int, long)):
- to_currency = self.browse(to_currency)
if to_currency == from_currency:
if round:
- return self.round(to_currency, amount)
+ return to_currency.round(amount)
return amount
if (not from_currency.rate) or (not to_currency.rate):
- date = Transaction().context.get('date', date_obj.today())
+ date = Transaction().context.get('date', Date.today())
if not from_currency.rate:
name = from_currency.name
name = to_currency.name
- lang_id, = lang_obj.search([
+ lang, = Lang.search([
('code', '=', Transaction().language),
- lang = lang_obj.browse(lang_id)
- self.raise_user_error('no_rate', (name,
- datetime_strftime(date, str(lang.date))))
+ cls.raise_user_error('no_rate', (name,
+ datetime_strftime(date, str(lang.date))))
if round:
- return self.round(to_currency,
- amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate)
+ return to_currency.round(
+ amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate)
return amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate
class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
- _name = 'currency.currency.rate'
- _description = __doc__
+ __name__ = 'currency.currency.rate'
_rec_name = 'date'
date = fields.Date('Date', required=True, select=True)
rate = fields.Numeric('Rate', digits=(12, 6), required=1)
currency = fields.Many2One('currency.currency', 'Currency',
- def __init__(self):
- super(Rate, self).__init__()
- self._sql_constraints = [
+ @classmethod
+ def __setup__(cls):
+ super(Rate, cls).__setup__()
+ cls._sql_constraints = [
('date_currency_uniq', 'UNIQUE(date, currency)',
'A currency can only have one rate by date!'),
('check_currency_rate', 'CHECK(rate >= 0)',
'The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0'),
- ]
- self._order.insert(0, ('date', 'DESC'))
+ ]
+ cls._order.insert(0, ('date', 'DESC'))
- def default_date(self):
- date_obj = Pool().get('ir.date')
- return date_obj.today()
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_date():
+ Date = Pool().get('ir.date')
+ return Date.today()
- def check_xml_record(self, ids, values):
+ @classmethod
+ def check_xml_record(self, records, values):
return True
diff --git a/locale/ca_ES.po b/locale/ca_ES.po
index 358addf..81fd09b 100644
--- a/locale/ca_ES.po
+++ b/locale/ca_ES.po
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Una divisa sol pot tenir un valor per data"
+msgstr "Una moneda sol pot tenir un valor per data"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr ""
+"El rang de la taxa de canvi de la moneda ha de ser mes gran o igual a 0."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr "Agrupament no và lid"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "No s'ha trobat una conversió per la divisa «%s» a la data: %s"
+msgstr "No s'ha trobat una conversió per la moneda \"%s\" a la data: %s"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -28,20 +29,19 @@ msgstr "Codi"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Data creació"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Crear usuari"
+msgstr "Usuari creació"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
-msgstr "DÃgits a mostrar"
+msgstr "Decimals a mostrar"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ msgstr "Signe negatiu"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Codi numèric"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
@@ -117,24 +117,23 @@ msgstr "SÃmbol"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Data modificació"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usuari modificació"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Data creació"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Crear usuari"
+msgstr "Usuari creació"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ msgstr "Data"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
msgid "ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
@@ -154,19 +153,19 @@ msgstr "Nom"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Data modificació"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usuari modificació"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
msgid "UAE Dirham"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dirham dels Emirats Ãrabs Units"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
msgid "Afghani"
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ msgstr "Lek"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
msgid "Armenian Dram"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dram Armeni"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
@@ -186,15 +185,15 @@ msgstr "Florà de les Antilles Neerlandeses"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
msgid "Kwanza"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kwanza"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
msgid "Argentine Peso"
-msgstr "Pes argentÃ"
+msgstr "Pes Argentina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
msgid "Australian Dollar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dòlar Australia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
msgid "Aruban Guilder"
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ msgstr "Florà d'Aruba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
-msgstr "Manat d'Azerbadjan"
+msgstr "Manat Azerbadjan"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
msgid "Convertible Marks"
@@ -210,11 +209,11 @@ msgstr "Marcs convertibles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
msgid "Barbados Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de Barbados"
+msgstr "Dòlar Barbados"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
msgid "Taka"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Taka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
@@ -222,20 +221,19 @@ msgstr "Lev búlgar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dinar Bahraini"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
msgid "Burundi Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Franc Burundi"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de Bermudes"
+msgstr "Dòlar Bermudes"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
msgid "Brunei Dollar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dòlar Brunei"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
msgid "Boliviano"
@@ -243,7 +241,7 @@ msgstr "Bolivià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
msgid "Mvdol"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mvdol"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
msgid "Brazilian Real"
@@ -251,11 +249,11 @@ msgstr "Real brasiler"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de les Bahames"
+msgstr "Dòlar Bahames"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
msgid "Ngultrum"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ngultrum"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
msgid "Pula"
@@ -263,39 +261,39 @@ msgstr "Poleixi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
-msgstr "Rubla bielorusa"
+msgstr "Rubla Bielorusa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
msgid "Belize Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de Belize"
+msgstr "Dòlar Belize"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
msgid "Canadian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar canadenc"
+msgstr "Dòlar Canadà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Franc Congolese"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "WIR Euro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
msgid "Swiss Franc"
-msgstr "Franc suÃs"
+msgstr "Franc SuÃs"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
msgid "WIR Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "WIR Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
msgid "Unidades de fomento"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unitats de foment"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
msgid "Chilean Peso"
-msgstr "Pes xilè"
+msgstr "Pes Xile"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
@@ -303,63 +301,63 @@ msgstr "Yuan renminbi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
msgid "Colombian Peso"
-msgstr "Pes colombià "
+msgstr "Pes Colombia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unitat de Valor Real"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
-msgstr "Colón costa-riqueny"
+msgstr "Colón Costa Rica"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
msgid "Cuban Peso"
-msgstr "Pes cubà "
+msgstr "Pes Cuba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Escut Cape Verde"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
msgid "Cyprus Pound"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lliure Cyprus"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
msgid "Czech Koruna"
-msgstr "Corona txeca"
+msgstr "Corona Txeca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
msgid "Djibouti Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Franc Djibouti"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
msgid "Danish Krone"
-msgstr "Corona danesa"
+msgstr "Corona Danesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
msgid "Dominican Peso"
-msgstr "Peso dominicà "
+msgstr "Peso Dominicà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
msgid "Algerian Dinar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dinar Argelia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
msgid "Kroon"
-msgstr "Corona estoniana"
+msgstr "Corona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
msgid "Egyptian Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura egÃpcia"
+msgstr "Lliura EgÃpcia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
msgid "Nakfa"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nakfa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ethiopian Birr"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
msgid "Euro"
@@ -367,36 +365,35 @@ msgstr "Euro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
msgid "Fiji Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de les Illes Fiji"
+msgstr "Dòlar Illes Fiji"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lliure Illes Falkland"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
msgid "Pound Sterling"
msgstr "Lliura esterlina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
msgid "Lari"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lari"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
msgid "Ghana Cedi"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ghana Cedi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura de Gibraltar"
+msgstr "Lliura Gibraltar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
msgid "Dalasi"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dalasi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
msgid "Guinea Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Franc Guinea"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
msgid "Quetzal"
@@ -404,11 +401,11 @@ msgstr "Quetzal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
msgid "Guyana Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de Guyana"
+msgstr "Dòlar Guyana"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar d'Hong Kong"
+msgstr "Dòlar Hong Kong"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
msgid "Lempira"
@@ -420,11 +417,11 @@ msgstr "Kuna croat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
msgid "Gourde"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gourde"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
msgid "Forint"
-msgstr "Forint hongarès"
+msgstr "Forint"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
msgid "Rupiah"
@@ -432,31 +429,31 @@ msgstr "Rupia indonèsia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
-msgstr "Nou sheqel israelià "
+msgstr "Nou sheqel Israel"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
msgid "Indian Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia Ãndia"
+msgstr "Rupia Ãndia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dinar Irac"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
msgid "Iranian Rial"
-msgstr "Rial iranià "
+msgstr "Rial Iran"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
msgid "Iceland Krona"
-msgstr "Corona islandesa"
+msgstr "Corona Islà ndia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar jamaicà "
+msgstr "Dòlar Jamaica"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dinar Jordania"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
msgid "Yen"
@@ -464,7 +461,7 @@ msgstr "Ien"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Xelà Kenyan"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
msgid "Som"
@@ -476,7 +473,7 @@ msgstr "Riel cambodjà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
msgid "Comoro Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Franc Comoro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
msgid "North Korean Won"
@@ -484,15 +481,15 @@ msgstr "Won nord-coreà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
msgid "Won"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Won"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dinar Kuwait"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de les Illes Caiman"
+msgstr "Dòlar Illes Caiman"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
msgid "Tenge"
@@ -500,47 +497,47 @@ msgstr "Tenge"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
msgid "Kip"
-msgstr "Kip de Laos"
+msgstr "Kip Laos"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
msgid "Lebanese Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura libanesa"
+msgstr "Lliura Liban"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia de Sri Lanka"
+msgstr "Rupia Sri Lanka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
msgid "Liberian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar liberià "
+msgstr "Dòlar Liberia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
msgid "Loti"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Loti"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
-msgstr "Litas lituà "
+msgstr "Litas Litua"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
msgid "Latvian Lats"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Latvian Lats"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
msgid "Libyan Dinar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dinar Libyan"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dirham Marroc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
msgid "Moldovan Leu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Moldovan Leu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Malagasy Ariary"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
msgid "Denar"
@@ -548,7 +545,7 @@ msgstr "Denar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
msgid "Kyat"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kyat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
msgid "Tugrik"
@@ -556,35 +553,35 @@ msgstr "Tugrik"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
msgid "Pataca"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pataca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
msgid "Ouguiya"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ouguiya"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
msgid "Maltese Lira"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Maltese Lira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia mauritana"
+msgstr "Rupia Mauritana"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
msgid "Rufiyaa"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rufiyaa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
msgid "Kwacha"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kwacha"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
msgid "Mexican Peso"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pes Mèxic"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unitat inversió Mèxic (UDI)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
@@ -596,7 +593,7 @@ msgstr "Metical de Moçambic"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
msgid "Namibia Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de Namibia"
+msgstr "Dòlar Namibia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
msgid "Naira"
@@ -608,7 +605,7 @@ msgstr "Córdoba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
-msgstr "Corona noruega"
+msgstr "Corona Noruega"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
@@ -616,7 +613,7 @@ msgstr "Rupia nepalesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar neozelandès"
+msgstr "Dòlar New Zealand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
msgid "Rial Omani"
@@ -632,7 +629,7 @@ msgstr "Nou Sol"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
msgid "Kina"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
msgid "Philippine Peso"
@@ -656,11 +653,11 @@ msgstr "Rial de Qatar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
msgid "New Leu"
-msgstr "Leu"
+msgstr "Nou Leu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
msgid "Serbian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar serbi"
+msgstr "Dinar Serbi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
msgid "Russian Ruble"
@@ -668,39 +665,39 @@ msgstr "Ruble rus"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
msgid "Rwanda Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Franc Rwanda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
msgid "Saudi Riyal"
-msgstr "Rial saudita"
+msgstr "Rial Saudita"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de les Illes Salomó"
+msgstr "Dòlar Illes Salomó"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia de Seychelles"
+msgstr "Rupia Seychelles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
msgid "Sudanese Pound"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lliura Sudanese"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
msgid "Swedish Krona"
-msgstr "Corona sueca"
+msgstr "Corona Suècia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
msgid "Singapore Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar de Singapur"
+msgstr "Dòlar Singapur"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
-msgstr "Lliura de Santa Hel·lena"
+msgstr "Lliura Santa Hel·lena"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
msgid "Leone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leone"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
msgid "Somali Shilling"
@@ -708,23 +705,23 @@ msgstr "XÃling somali"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
msgid "Surinam Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar surinamés"
+msgstr "Dòlar Surinam"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
msgid "Dobra"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dobra"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
msgid "El Salvador Colon"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El Salvador Colon"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
msgid "Syrian Pound"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lliure Syrian"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
msgid "Lilangeni"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lilangeni"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
msgid "Baht"
@@ -732,19 +729,19 @@ msgstr "Baht"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
msgid "Somoni"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Somoni"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
msgid "Manat"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Manat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dinar Tunisia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
msgid "Pa'anga"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pa'anga"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
msgid "New Turkish Lira"
@@ -756,11 +753,11 @@ msgstr "Dòlar de Trinitat i Tobago"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
-msgstr "nou Dòlar taiwanès"
+msgstr "Nou Dòlar Taiwanès"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tanzanian Shilling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
msgid "Hryvnia"
@@ -768,23 +765,23 @@ msgstr "HrÃvnia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
msgid "Uganda Shilling"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Xelà Ugandés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
msgid "US Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar nord-americà "
+msgstr "Dòlar Americà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dòlar Americà (següent dia)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dòlar Americà (mateix dia)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
@@ -804,79 +801,79 @@ msgstr "Dong"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
msgid "Vatu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vatu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
msgid "Tala"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tala"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CFA Franc BEAC"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
msgid "Silver"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Plata"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
msgid "Gold"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Or"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unitat European Composite (EURCO)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unitat European Monetary (E.M.U.-6)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unitat European de Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unitat European de Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar del Carib oriental"
+msgstr "Dòlar Carib Oriental"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Special Drawing Rights"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Or-Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
msgid "UIC-Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "UIC-Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CFA Franc BCEAO"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
msgid "Palladium"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Palladium"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
msgid "CFP Franc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CFP Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
msgid "Platinum"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Platinum"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
msgid "Code for testing purposes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dòlar Zimbabuense"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sense moneda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
@@ -888,11 +885,11 @@ msgstr "Rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dòlar Zimbian"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
-msgstr "Dòlar zimbabuès"
+msgstr "Dòlar Zimbabwe"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
@@ -900,38 +897,35 @@ msgstr "Taxa de canvi"
msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divises"
+msgstr "Monedes"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Gestió de divises"
+msgstr "Monedes"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divises"
+msgstr "Monedes"
msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
-msgstr "Administració de divises"
+msgstr "Administració de monedes"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Taxa de canvi"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Taxes de canvi"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divises"
+msgstr "Monedes"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
diff --git a/locale/es_CO.po b/locale/es_CO.po
index 577fbed..354f67d 100644
--- a/locale/es_CO.po
+++ b/locale/es_CO.po
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Una moneda solamente puede tener un valor por fecha!"
+msgstr "¡Una moneda solo puede tener un valor por fecha!"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La tasa de moneda debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Agrupamiento Inválido!"
+msgstr "¡Agrupamiento no válido!"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la moneda: %s a la fecha: %s"
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la moneda «%s» con fecha: %s"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
-msgstr "Activo"
+msgstr "Activa"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
@@ -28,24 +28,23 @@ msgstr "Código"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fecha de Creación"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Crear usuario"
+msgstr "Creado por Usuario"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
-msgstr "Mostrar DÃgitos"
+msgstr "DÃgitos a mostrar"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
-msgstr "Separador Decimal"
+msgstr "Separador decimal"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
@@ -57,15 +56,15 @@ msgstr "Separador de Miles"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr "El Signo Negativo Precede"
+msgstr "El signo negativo va delante"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
-msgstr "Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio"
+msgstr "Signo negativo separado por espacio"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
-msgstr "Posición de Signo Negativo"
+msgstr "Posición del signo negativo"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
@@ -81,27 +80,27 @@ msgstr "Código Numérico"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr "El signo Positivo Precede"
+msgstr "El signo positivo va delante"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
-msgstr "Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio"
+msgstr "Signo positivo separado por espacio"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
-msgstr "Posición del Signo Positivo"
+msgstr "Posición del signo positivo"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
-msgstr "Signo Positivo"
+msgstr "Signo positivo"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
-msgstr "Moneda Actual"
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio actual"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
+msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ msgstr "Nombre"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
-msgstr "Factor de Redondeo"
+msgstr "Factor de redondeo"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
@@ -117,20 +116,19 @@ msgstr "SÃmbolo"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fecha de Modificación"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modificado por Usuario"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fecha de Creación"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Crear usuario"
+msgstr "Creado por Usuario"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
@@ -142,11 +140,11 @@ msgstr "Fecha"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
msgid "ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
@@ -154,11 +152,11 @@ msgstr "Nombre"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fecha de Modificación"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modificado por Usuario"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
@@ -874,7 +872,7 @@ msgstr "Código reservado para pruebas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr "Sin divisa"
+msgstr "Sin moneda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
@@ -900,10 +898,9 @@ msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Monedas"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Gestión de Monedas"
+msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
@@ -911,14 +908,12 @@ msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
-msgstr "Administrar Monedas"
+msgstr "Administración de Monedas"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
diff --git a/locale/es_ES.po b/locale/es_ES.po
index 74645da..42232b7 100644
--- a/locale/es_ES.po
+++ b/locale/es_ES.po
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Una divisa sólo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
+msgstr "Una moneda sólo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr ""
-"El rango de la tasa de cambio de la divisa debe ser mas grande o igual a 0."
+"El rango de la tasa de cambio de la moneda debe ser mas grande o igual a 0."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr "El agrupamiento no es correcto."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr ""
-"No se ha encontrado una tasa de cambio para la divisa «%s» con fecha: %s."
+"No se ha encontrado una tasa de cambio para la moneda «%s» con fecha: %s."
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ msgstr "Usuario creación"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
-msgstr "DÃgitos a mostrar"
+msgstr "Decimales a mostrar"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "Usuario creación"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ msgstr "Usuario modificación"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
msgid "UAE Dirham"
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ msgstr "Lek"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
msgid "Armenian Dram"
-msgstr "Dram armenio"
+msgstr "Dram Armenia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
@@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ msgstr "Kwanza"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
msgid "Argentine Peso"
-msgstr "Peso argentino"
+msgstr "Peso Argentina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
msgid "Australian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar australiano"
+msgstr "Dólar Australia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
msgid "Aruban Guilder"
-msgstr "FlorÃn de Aruba"
+msgstr "FlorÃn Aruba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ msgstr "Marcos convertibles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
msgid "Barbados Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Barbados"
+msgstr "Dólar Barbados"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
msgid "Taka"
@@ -218,23 +218,23 @@ msgstr "Taka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
-msgstr "Lev búlgaro"
+msgstr "Lev Bulgaria"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar bahreinÃ"
+msgstr "Dinar BahreinÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
msgid "Burundi Franc"
-msgstr "Franco de Burundi"
+msgstr "Franco Burundi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Bermudas"
+msgstr "Dólar Bermudas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
msgid "Brunei Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Brunei"
+msgstr "Dólar Brunei"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
msgid "Boliviano"
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ msgstr "Real brasileño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de las Bahamas"
+msgstr "Dólar Bahamas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
msgid "Ngultrum"
@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@ msgstr "Pula"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
-msgstr "Rubla bielorrusa"
+msgstr "Rubla Bielorrusa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
msgid "Belize Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Belize"
+msgstr "Dólar Belize"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
msgid "Canadian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar canadiense"
+msgstr "Dólar Canada"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
msgid "Chilean Peso"
-msgstr "Peso chileno"
+msgstr "Peso Xile"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "Yuan renminbi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
msgid "Colombian Peso"
-msgstr "Peso colombiano"
+msgstr "Peso Colombiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ msgstr "Colón costarricense"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
msgid "Cuban Peso"
-msgstr "Peso cubano"
+msgstr "Peso Cuba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ msgstr "Libra chipriota"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
msgid "Czech Koruna"
-msgstr "Corona checa"
+msgstr "Corona Checa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
msgid "Djibouti Franc"
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ msgstr "Franco de Djibouti"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
msgid "Danish Krone"
-msgstr "Corona danesa"
+msgstr "Corona Danesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
msgid "Dominican Peso"
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ msgstr "Peso dominicano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
msgid "Algerian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar argelino"
+msgstr "Dinar Algerian"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
msgid "Kroon"
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ msgstr "Lari"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
msgid "Ghana Cedi"
-msgstr "Cedi ghanés"
+msgstr "Cedi Ghanés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ msgstr "Dalasi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
msgid "Guinea Franc"
-msgstr "Franco guineano"
+msgstr "Franco Guinea"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
msgid "Quetzal"
@@ -402,11 +402,11 @@ msgstr "Quetzal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
msgid "Guyana Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar guayanés"
+msgstr "Dólar Guayana"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Hong Kong"
+msgstr "Dólar Hong Kong"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
msgid "Lempira"
@@ -434,27 +434,27 @@ msgstr "Nuevo sheqel israelÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
msgid "Indian Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia india"
+msgstr "Rupia India"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar iraquÃ"
+msgstr "Dinar Irac"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
msgid "Iranian Rial"
-msgstr "Rial iranÃ"
+msgstr "Rial Iran"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
msgid "Iceland Krona"
-msgstr "Corona islandesa"
+msgstr "Corona Islandia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar jamaiqueño"
+msgstr "Dólar Jamaica"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar jordano"
+msgstr "Dinar Jordania"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
msgid "Yen"
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ msgstr "Yen"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
-msgstr "ChelÃn keniata"
+msgstr "ChelÃn Keniata"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
msgid "Som"
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ msgstr "Riel camboyano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
msgid "Comoro Franc"
-msgstr "Franco comoriano"
+msgstr "Franco Comoriano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
msgid "North Korean Won"
@@ -486,11 +486,11 @@ msgstr "Won surcoreano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar kuwaitÃ"
+msgstr "Dinar KuwaitÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Caimán"
+msgstr "Dólar Islas Caimán"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
msgid "Tenge"
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ msgstr "Kip laosiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
msgid "Lebanese Pound"
-msgstr "Libra libanesa"
+msgstr "Libra Liban"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr "Rupia de Sri Lanka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
msgid "Liberian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar liberiano"
+msgstr "Dólar Liberiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
msgid "Loti"
@@ -530,11 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Dinar libio"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
-msgstr "Dirham marroquÃ"
+msgstr "Dirham Marruecos"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
msgid "Moldovan Leu"
-msgstr "Leu moldavo"
+msgstr "Leu Moldavo"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ msgstr "Lira maltesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
-msgstr "Rupia mauricia"
+msgstr "Rupia Mauricia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
msgid "Rufiyaa"
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ msgstr "Kwacha malawiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
msgid "Mexican Peso"
-msgstr "Peso mexicano"
+msgstr "Peso México"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ msgstr "Córdoba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
-msgstr "Corona noruega"
+msgstr "Corona Noruega"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ msgstr "Rupia nepalesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar neozelandés"
+msgstr "Dólar Neozelanda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
msgid "Rial Omani"
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ msgstr "Leu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
msgid "Serbian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar serbio"
+msgstr "Dinar Serbia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
msgid "Russian Ruble"
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ msgstr "Rublo ruso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
msgid "Rwanda Franc"
-msgstr "Franco ruandés"
+msgstr "Franco Ruanda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
msgid "Saudi Riyal"
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ msgstr "Rial saudÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Solomón"
+msgstr "Dólar Islas Solomón"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
@@ -682,15 +682,15 @@ msgstr "Rupia de Seychelles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
msgid "Sudanese Pound"
-msgstr "Libra sudanesa"
+msgstr "Libra Sudanesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
msgid "Swedish Krona"
-msgstr "Corona sueca"
+msgstr "Corona Sueca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
msgid "Singapore Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar de Singapur"
+msgstr "Dólar Singapur"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
@@ -702,11 +702,11 @@ msgstr "Leone"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
msgid "Somali Shilling"
-msgstr "ChelÃn somalÃ"
+msgstr "ChelÃn SomalÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
msgid "Surinam Dollar"
-msgstr "Dólar surinamés"
+msgstr "Dólar Surinam"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
msgid "Dobra"
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ msgstr "Colón salvadoreño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
msgid "Syrian Pound"
-msgstr "Libra siria"
+msgstr "Libra Siria"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
msgid "Lilangeni"
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ msgstr "Manat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
-msgstr "Dinar tunecino"
+msgstr "Dinar Tuniza"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
msgid "Pa'anga"
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ msgstr "Código reservado para pruebas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr "Sin divisa"
+msgstr "Sin moneda"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
@@ -898,19 +898,19 @@ msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divisas"
+msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisas"
+msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divisas"
+msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
-msgstr "Administración de divisas"
+msgstr "Administración de monedas"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rate"
@@ -922,11 +922,11 @@ msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Divisas"
+msgstr "Monedas"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Divisa"
+msgstr "Moneda"
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index cac0e7e..d1bd80f 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -4,8 +4,19 @@
from setuptools import setup
import re
+import os
+import ConfigParser
-info = eval(open('__tryton__.py').read())
+def read(fname):
+ return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read()
+config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+info = dict(config.items('tryton'))
+for key in ('depends', 'extras_depend', 'xml'):
+ if key in info:
+ info[key] = info[key].strip().splitlines()
major_version, minor_version, _ = info.get('version', '0.0.1').split('.', 2)
major_version = int(major_version)
minor_version = int(minor_version)
@@ -21,22 +32,21 @@ requires.append('trytond >= %s.%s, < %s.%s' %
version=info.get('version', '0.0.1'),
- description=info.get('description', ''),
- author=info.get('author', ''),
- author_email=info.get('email', ''),
- url=info.get('website', ''),
+ description='Tryton module with currencies',
+ long_description=read('README'),
+ author='Tryton',
+ url='http://www.tryton.org/',
download_url="http://downloads.tryton.org/" + \
- info.get('version', '0.0.1').rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '/',
+ info.get('version', '0.0.1').rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '/',
package_dir={'trytond.modules.currency': '.'},
- ],
+ ],
'trytond.modules.currency': info.get('xml', []) \
- + info.get('translation', []) \
- + ['icons/*.svg'],
- },
+ + ['tryton.cfg', 'lcoale/*.po', 'icons/*.svg'],
+ },
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Environment :: Plugins',
@@ -58,7 +68,7 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Topic :: Office/Business',
- ],
+ ],
@@ -68,4 +78,4 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
+ )
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.py b/tests/test_currency.py
index bf8a0d3..e2b3f2b 100644
--- a/tests/test_currency.py
+++ b/tests/test_currency.py
@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
- cu1_id = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu1',
- 'symbol': 'cu1',
- 'code': 'cu1'
- })
- self.assert_(cu1_id)
- cu2_id = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu2',
- 'symbol': 'cu2',
- 'code': 'cu2'
- })
- self.assert_(cu2_id)
+ cu1 = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu1',
+ 'symbol': 'cu1',
+ 'code': 'cu1'
+ })
+ self.assert_(cu1)
+ cu2 = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu2',
+ 'symbol': 'cu2',
+ 'code': 'cu2'
+ })
+ self.assert_(cu2)
@@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Check grouping
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, [cu1],
{'mon_grouping': ''})
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, [cu1],
{'mon_grouping': '[a]'})
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, [cu1],
{'mon_grouping': '[1,"a"]'})
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, [cu1],
{'mon_grouping': '[1,"1"]'})
def test0030rate(self):
@@ -92,24 +92,22 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2 = self.get_currency('cu2')
- rate1 = Decimal("1.3")
- rate1_id = self.rate.create({
- 'rate': rate1,
- 'currency': cu1_id,
- })
- self.assert_(rate1_id)
+ rate1 = self.rate.create({
+ 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
+ 'currency': cu1.id,
+ })
+ self.assert_(rate1)
- rate2_id = self.rate.create({
- 'rate': Decimal("1"),
- 'currency': cu2_id,
- })
- self.assert_(rate2_id)
+ rate2 = self.rate.create({
+ 'rate': Decimal("1"),
+ 'currency': cu2.id,
+ })
+ self.assert_(rate2)
- self.assertEqual(rate1, self.currency.read(cu1_id,
- ['rate'])['rate'])
+ self.assertEqual(cu1.rate, Decimal("1.3"))
@@ -121,21 +119,21 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
today = self.date.today()
- cu_id = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu',
- 'symbol': 'cu',
- 'code': 'cu'
- })
+ cu = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu',
+ 'symbol': 'cu',
+ 'code': 'cu'
+ })
- 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
- 'currency': cu_id,
- 'date': today,
- })
+ 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
+ 'currency': cu.id,
+ 'date': today,
+ })
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.rate.create, {
'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
- 'currency': cu_id,
+ 'currency': cu.id,
'date': today,
@@ -147,13 +145,13 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2 = self.get_currency('cu2')
amount = Decimal("10")
expected = Decimal("13")
converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
- cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
+ cu2, amount, cu1, True)
self.assertEqual(converted_amount, expected)
@@ -163,53 +161,53 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Conversion with rounding on non-finite decimal representation
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2 = self.get_currency('cu2')
amount = Decimal("10")
expected = Decimal("7.69")
converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
- cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True)
- self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ cu1, amount, cu2, True)
+ self.assertEqual(converted_amount, expected)
def test0070compute_nonfinite_worounding(self):
Same without rounding
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2 = self.get_currency('cu2')
amount = Decimal("10")
expected = Decimal('7.692307692307692307692307692')
converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
- cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, False)
- self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ cu1, amount, cu2, False)
+ self.assertEqual(converted_amount, expected)
def test0080compute_same(self):
Conversion to the same currency
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
amount = Decimal("10")
converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
- cu1_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
- self.assert_(converted_amount == amount)
+ cu1, amount, cu1, True)
+ self.assertEqual(converted_amount, amount)
def test0090compute_zeroamount(self):
Conversion with zero amount
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2 = self.get_currency('cu2')
expected = Decimal("0")
converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
- cu1_id, Decimal("0"), cu2_id, True)
- self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ cu1, Decimal("0"), cu2, True)
+ self.assertEqual(converted_amount, expected)
def test0100compute_zerorate(self):
@@ -217,20 +215,20 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2 = self.get_currency('cu2')
- rate_ids = self.rate.search([
- ('currency', '=', cu1_id),
+ rates = self.rate.search([
+ ('currency', '=', cu1.id),
], 0, 1, None)
- self.rate.write(rate_ids, {
+ self.rate.write(rates, {
'rate': Decimal("0"),
amount = Decimal("10")
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
- cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True)
+ cu1, amount, cu2, True)
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
- cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
+ cu2, amount, cu1, True)
@@ -240,18 +238,18 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu3_id = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu3',
- 'symbol': 'cu3',
- 'code': 'cu3'
- })
+ cu1 = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu3 = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu3',
+ 'symbol': 'cu3',
+ 'code': 'cu3'
+ })
amount = Decimal("10")
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
- cu3_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
+ cu3, amount, cu1, True)
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
- cu1_id, amount, cu3_id, True)
+ cu1, amount, cu3, True)
@@ -261,20 +259,20 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
- cu3_id = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu3',
- 'symbol': 'cu3',
- 'code': 'cu3'
- })
- cu4_id = self.currency.create({
- 'name': 'cu4',
- 'symbol': 'cu4',
- 'code': 'cu4'
- })
+ cu3 = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu3',
+ 'symbol': 'cu3',
+ 'code': 'cu3'
+ })
+ cu4 = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu4',
+ 'symbol': 'cu4',
+ 'code': 'cu4'
+ })
amount = Decimal("10")
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
- cu3_id, amount, cu4_id, True)
+ cu3, amount, cu4, True)
@@ -285,13 +283,13 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
codes = ['cu%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(2)]
- currency_ids = [self.get_currency(i) for i in codes]
- self.currency.delete(currency_ids)
+ currencies = [self.get_currency(i) for i in codes]
+ self.currency.delete(currencies)
- rate_ids = self.rate.search([(
- 'currency', 'in', currency_ids,
- )], 0, None, None)
- self.assertFalse(rate_ids)
+ rates = self.rate.search([(
+ 'currency', 'in', map(int, currencies),
+ )], 0, None, None)
+ self.assertFalse(rates)
diff --git a/tryton.cfg b/tryton.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22d9cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tryton.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ ir
+ res
+ currency.xml
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 4118568..972f436 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,15 +1,48 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.4.0
-Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
-Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
+Version: 2.6.0
+Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
-Author: B2CK
-Author-email: info at b2ck.com
+Author: Tryton
+Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.4/
-Description: UNKNOWN
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.6/
+Description: trytond_currency
+ ================
+ The currency module of the Tryton application platform.
+ Installing
+ ----------
+ Support
+ -------
+ If you encounter any problems with Tryton, please don't hesitate to ask
+ questions on the Tryton bug tracker, mailing list, wiki or IRC channel:
+ http://bugs.tryton.org/
+ http://groups.tryton.org/
+ http://wiki.tryton.org/
+ irc://irc.freenode.net/tryton
+ License
+ -------
+ Copyright
+ ---------
+ For more information please visit the Tryton web site:
+ http://www.tryton.org/
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Plugins
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 274c6ba..1661575 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ README
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index 62c6315..af826e8 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trytond >= 2.4, < 2.5
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 2.6, < 2.7
\ No newline at end of file
commit e8c707b3518ac8341cbb9b5576ebd017dd6319c4
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Tue Apr 24 19:30:44 2012 +0200
Adding upstream version 2.4.0.
index 78397d8..59a6c94 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Version 2.2.1 - 2011-12-26
+Version 2.4.0 - 2012-04-23
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 2.2.0 - 2011-10-24
index 3d2324b..2057c72 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Cédric Krier.
-Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Bertrand Chenal.
-Copyright (C) 2008-2011 B2CK SPRL.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Cédric Krier.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Bertrand Chenal.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2012 B2CK SPRL.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 6e6b3ce..00b7a6a 100644
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Installing trytond_currency
- * Python 2.5 or later (http://www.python.org/)
+ * Python 2.6 or later (http://www.python.org/)
* trytond (http://www.tryton.org/)
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index b4c5d3a..f170ff2 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.2.1
+Version: 2.4.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.2/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.4/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
index 609f3cb..ba49a66 100644
--- a/__init__.py
+++ b/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-from currency import *
+from .currency import *
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index 60d2a5a..637afb9 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
'name': 'Currency',
'name_bg_BG': 'ÐалÑÑа',
+ 'name_ca_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_de_DE': 'Währung',
+ 'name_es_AR': 'Divisa',
'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '2.2.1',
+ 'version': '2.4.0',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
@@ -17,9 +19,15 @@ Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
'description_bg_BG': '''Ðадаване на валÑÑи и обменни кÑÑÑове.
ÐозволÑва наÑÑÑойване на ÑоÑмаÑиÑане на ÑÑмаÑа на валÑÑа.
+ 'description_ca_ES': '''Defineix les monedes i la taxa de conversió.
+Permet personalitzar el format de visualització de la divisa.
'description_de_DE': ''' - Ermöglicht die Eingabe von Währungen und Wechselkursen.
- Erlaubt die beliebige Formatierung von Währungsbeträgen.
+ 'description_es_AR': '''Define las divisas y la tasa de cambio.
+ - Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la divisa.
'description_es_CO': '''Define las monedas y la tasa de cambio.
Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la moneda.
@@ -39,7 +47,9 @@ Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
'translation': [
+ 'locale/ca_ES.po',
+ 'locale/es_AR.po',
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index dda2b52..6e6cd5e 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level
#of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-import time
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
@@ -21,15 +20,15 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
on_change_with=['rates']), 'get_rate')
rates = fields.One2Many('currency.currency.rate', 'currency', 'Rates')
rounding = fields.Numeric('Rounding factor', digits=(12, 6), required=True)
- digits = fields.Integer('Display Digits')
+ digits = fields.Integer('Display Digits', required=True)
active = fields.Boolean('Active')
# monetary formatting
mon_grouping = fields.Char('Grouping', required=True)
mon_decimal_point = fields.Char('Decimal Separator', required=True)
mon_thousands_sep = fields.Char('Thousands Separator')
- p_sign_posn = fields.Integer('Positive Sign Position')
- n_sign_posn = fields.Integer('Negative Sign Position')
+ p_sign_posn = fields.Integer('Positive Sign Position', required=True)
+ n_sign_posn = fields.Integer('Negative Sign Position', required=True)
positive_sign = fields.Char('Positive Sign')
negative_sign = fields.Char('Negative Sign')
p_cs_precedes = fields.Boolean('Positive Currency Symbol Precedes')
@@ -205,13 +204,10 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
name = to_currency.name
- for code in [Transaction().language, 'en_US']:
- lang_ids = lang_obj.search([
- ('code', '=', code),
+ lang_id, = lang_obj.search([
+ ('code', '=', Transaction().language),
- if lang_ids:
- break
- lang = lang_obj.browse(lang_ids[0])
+ lang = lang_obj.browse(lang_id)
self.raise_user_error('no_rate', (name,
datetime_strftime(date, str(lang.date))))
@@ -229,7 +225,7 @@ class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
_name = 'currency.currency.rate'
_description = __doc__
_rec_name = 'date'
- date = fields.Date('Date', required=True, select=1)
+ date = fields.Date('Date', required=True, select=True)
rate = fields.Numeric('Rate', digits=(12, 6), required=1)
currency = fields.Many2One('currency.currency', 'Currency',
@@ -239,6 +235,8 @@ class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
self._sql_constraints = [
('date_currency_uniq', 'UNIQUE(date, currency)',
'A currency can only have one rate by date!'),
+ ('check_currency_rate', 'CHECK(rate >= 0)',
+ 'The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0'),
self._order.insert(0, ('date', 'DESC'))
@@ -250,4 +248,3 @@ class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
return True
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
index ee5a655..b1cf005 100644
--- a/currency.xml
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -47,26 +47,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<page string="Rates" id="rates">
<label name="rate"/>
<field name="rate"/>
- <field name="rates" colspan="4" mode="tree,form,graph">
- <tree string="Rates">
- <field name="date"/>
- <field name="rate"/>
- </tree>
- <form string="Rate">
- <label name="date"/>
- <field name="date"/>
- <label name="rate"/>
- <field name="rate"/>
- </form>
- <graph string="Rates" type="line">
- <x>
- <field name="date"/>
- </x>
- <y>
- <field name="rate" yfill="1" empty="0"/>
- </y>
- </graph>
- </field>
+ <field name="rates" colspan="4" mode="tree,form,graph"/>
<page string="Formatting" col="6" id="formatting">
<label name="digits"/>
@@ -152,6 +133,56 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="perm_create" eval="True"/>
<field name="perm_delete" eval="True"/>
+ <record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_rate_view_list">
+ <field name="model">currency.currency.rate</field>
+ <field name="type">tree</field>
+ <field name="arch" type="xml">
+ <![CDATA[
+ <tree string="Rates">
+ <field name="currency"/>
+ <field name="date"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
+ </tree>
+ ]]>
+ </field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_rate_view_form">
+ <field name="model">currency.currency.rate</field>
+ <field name="type">form</field>
+ <field name="arch" type="xml">
+ <![CDATA[
+ <form string="Rate">
+ <label name="currency"/>
+ <field name="currency"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="date"/>
+ <field name="date"/>
+ <label name="rate"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
+ </form>
+ ]]>
+ </field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_rate_view_graph">
+ <field name="model">currency.currency.rate</field>
+ <field name="type">graph</field>
+ <field name="arch" type="xml">
+ <![CDATA[
+ <graph string="Rates" type="line">
+ <x>
+ <field name="date"/>
+ </x>
+ <y>
+ <field name="rate" fill="1" empty="0"/>
+ </y>
+ </graph>
+ ]]>
+ </field>
+ </record>
<record model="ir.model.access" id="access_currency_rate">
<field name="model" search="[('model', '=', 'currency.currency.rate')]"/>
<field name="perm_read" eval="True"/>
@@ -1505,6 +1536,9 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
End of Output of scripts/currencies.py
+ </data>
+ <data noupdate="1">
+ <!--- Default rate -->
<record model="currency.currency.rate" id="eur_rate">
<field name="date" eval="time.strftime('%Y-01-01')"/>
<field name="rate" eval="Decimal('1.0')"/>
diff --git a/locale/bg_BG.po b/locale/bg_BG.po
index 3ed5158..7f53f1d 100644
--- a/locale/bg_BG.po
+++ b/locale/bg_BG.po
@@ -2,119 +2,163 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
msgstr "Ðа ден валÑÑаÑа може да има Ñамо един кÑÑÑ!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÑÑÑ ÑÑÑбва да е по-голÑм или Ñавен на 0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
msgstr "Ðевалидно гÑÑпиÑане!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr "Ðе е намеÑен кÑÑÑ Ð·Ð° валÑÑа: %s за даÑа: %s"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "ÐкÑивен"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Ðод"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr "СÑздадено на"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "СÑздадено оÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr "ЦиÑÑи за показване"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "ÐеÑеÑиÑен ÑазделиÑел"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "ÐÑÑпиÑане"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr "РазделиÑел за Ñ
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "ÐÑедÑ
ожда оÑÑиÑаÑелен знак на валÑÑа"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr "Ðнак минÑÑ: Ñазделен Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ñазно поле"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr "ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° знака минÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ðме"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr "ÐÑÑиÑаÑелен знак"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
msgstr "ЦиÑÑов код"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "ÐÑедÑ
ожда положиÑелен знак на валÑÑа"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr "Ðнак плÑÑ: Ñазделен Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ñазно поле"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr "ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° знака плÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr "ÐоложиÑелен знак"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr "ТекÑÑ ÐºÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑове"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ðме"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr "ÐоеÑиÑÐ¸ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð½Ð° закÑÑгление"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "Символ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "ÐÑоменено на"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "ÐÑоменено оÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr "СÑздадено на"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "СÑздадено оÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ÐаÑа"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "ÐÑноÑение"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ðме"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "ÐÑоменено на"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "ÐÑоменено оÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
@@ -846,7 +890,7 @@ msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "ÐимбабвииÑки долаÑ"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
@@ -854,7 +898,6 @@ msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑи"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "УпÑавление на валÑÑи"
@@ -867,22 +910,30 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr "УпÑавление на валÑÑа"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑове"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑи"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "ФоÑмаÑиÑане"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "ÐÑноÑение"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑове"
diff --git a/locale/cs_CZ.po b/locale/ca_ES.po
similarity index 68%
copy from locale/cs_CZ.po
copy to locale/ca_ES.po
index 8c2150f..358addf 100644
--- a/locale/cs_CZ.po
+++ b/locale/ca_ES.po
@@ -2,129 +2,175 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr "Una divisa sol pot tenir un valor per data"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Agrupament no và lid"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No s'ha trobat una conversió per la divisa «%s» a la data: %s"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Actiu"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Codi"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Crear usuari"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
+msgstr "DÃgits a mostrar"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Separador decimal"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Agrupació"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Separador de milers"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El signe negatiu va davant"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Signe negatiu separat per espai"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Posició del signe negatiu"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nom"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Signe negatiu"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El signe positiu va davant"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Signe positiu separat per espai"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Posició del signe positiu"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Signe positiu"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Taxa de canvi actual"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Taxes de canvi"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nom"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Factor d'arrodoniment"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr "SÃmbol"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
-msgid "Currency"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Crear usuari"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Divisa"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Data"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Taxa de canvi"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
-msgid "Currency"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Divisa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
msgid "UAE Dirham"
-msgstr "Spojené Arabské Emiráty - dirham"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
msgid "Afghani"
-msgstr "Afghani"
+msgstr "Afgani"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
msgid "Lek"
@@ -132,187 +178,188 @@ msgstr "Lek"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
msgid "Armenian Dram"
-msgstr "Arménský dram"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
-msgstr "Nizozemskoantilský gulden"
+msgstr "Florà de les Antilles Neerlandeses"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
msgid "Kwanza"
-msgstr "Kwanza"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
msgid "Argentine Peso"
-msgstr "Argentinské peso"
+msgstr "Pes argentÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
msgid "Australian Dollar"
-msgstr "Australský dolar"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
msgid "Aruban Guilder"
-msgstr "Arubský gulden"
+msgstr "Florà d'Aruba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
-msgstr "Ãzerbajdžánský manat"
+msgstr "Manat d'Azerbadjan"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
msgid "Convertible Marks"
-msgstr "Konvertibilnà marka"
+msgstr "Marcs convertibles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
msgid "Barbados Dollar"
-msgstr "Barbadoský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Barbados"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
msgid "Taka"
-msgstr "Taka"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
-msgstr "Bulharská leva"
+msgstr "Lev búlgar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
-msgstr "Bahrajnský dinár"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
msgid "Burundi Franc"
-msgstr "Burundský frank"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
-msgstr "Bermudský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Bermudes"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
msgid "Brunei Dollar"
-msgstr "Brunejský dolar"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
msgid "Boliviano"
-msgstr "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Bolivià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
msgid "Mvdol"
-msgstr "Mvdol"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
msgid "Brazilian Real"
-msgstr "Brazilský real"
+msgstr "Real brasiler"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
-msgstr "Bahamský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les Bahames"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
msgid "Ngultrum"
-msgstr "Ngultrum"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
msgid "Pula"
-msgstr "Pula"
+msgstr "Poleixi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
-msgstr "BÄloruský rubl"
+msgstr "Rubla bielorusa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
msgid "Belize Dollar"
-msgstr "Belizský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Belize"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
msgid "Canadian Dollar"
-msgstr "Kanadský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar canadenc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Konžský frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
-msgstr "WIR euro"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
msgid "Swiss Franc"
-msgstr "Švýcarský frank"
+msgstr "Franc suÃs"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
msgid "WIR Franc"
-msgstr "WIR frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
msgid "Unidades de fomento"
-msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
msgid "Chilean Peso"
-msgstr "Chilské peso"
+msgstr "Pes xilè"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
-msgstr "ÄÃnský renminbi"
+msgstr "Yuan renminbi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
msgid "Colombian Peso"
-msgstr "Kolumbijské peso"
+msgstr "Pes colombià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
-msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
-msgstr "Kostarický colon"
+msgstr "Colón costa-riqueny"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
msgid "Cuban Peso"
-msgstr "Kubánské peso"
+msgstr "Pes cubà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
-msgstr "Kapverdské escudo"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
msgid "Cyprus Pound"
-msgstr "Kyperská libra"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
msgid "Czech Koruna"
-msgstr "Äeská koruna"
+msgstr "Corona txeca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
msgid "Djibouti Franc"
-msgstr "Džibutský frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
msgid "Danish Krone"
-msgstr "Dánská koruna"
+msgstr "Corona danesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
msgid "Dominican Peso"
-msgstr "Dominikánské peso"
+msgstr "Peso dominicà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
msgid "Algerian Dinar"
-msgstr "AlžÃrský dinár"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
msgid "Kroon"
-msgstr "Koruna"
+msgstr "Corona estoniana"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
msgid "Egyptian Pound"
-msgstr "Egyptská libra"
+msgstr "Lliura egÃpcia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
msgid "Nakfa"
-msgstr "Nakfa"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
-msgstr "Etiopský birr"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
msgid "Euro"
@@ -320,35 +367,36 @@ msgstr "Euro"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
msgid "Fiji Dollar"
-msgstr "Fidžijský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les Illes Fiji"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
-msgstr "Falklandská libra"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
msgid "Pound Sterling"
-msgstr "Britská libra"
+msgstr "Lliura esterlina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
msgid "Lari"
-msgstr "Lari"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
msgid "Ghana Cedi"
-msgstr "Ghanský cedi"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
-msgstr "Gibraltarská libra"
+msgstr "Lliura de Gibraltar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
msgid "Dalasi"
-msgstr "Dalasi"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
msgid "Guinea Franc"
-msgstr "Guinejský frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
msgid "Quetzal"
@@ -356,67 +404,67 @@ msgstr "Quetzal"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
msgid "Guyana Dollar"
-msgstr "Guyanský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Guyana"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
-msgstr "Hongkongský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar d'Hong Kong"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
msgid "Lempira"
-msgstr "Lempira"
+msgstr "Lempira hondureny"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
msgid "Croatian Kuna"
-msgstr "Chorvatská kuna"
+msgstr "Kuna croat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
msgid "Gourde"
-msgstr "Gourde"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
msgid "Forint"
-msgstr "Forint"
+msgstr "Forint hongarès"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
msgid "Rupiah"
-msgstr "Rupie"
+msgstr "Rupia indonèsia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
-msgstr "Izraelský nový šekel"
+msgstr "Nou sheqel israelià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
msgid "Indian Rupee"
-msgstr "Indická rupie"
+msgstr "Rupia Ãndia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
-msgstr "Irácký dinár"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
msgid "Iranian Rial"
-msgstr "Ãránský rial"
+msgstr "Rial iranià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
msgid "Iceland Krona"
-msgstr "Islandská koruna"
+msgstr "Corona islandesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
-msgstr "Jamajský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar jamaicà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
-msgstr "Jordánský dinár"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
msgid "Yen"
-msgstr "Jen"
+msgstr "Ien"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
-msgstr "KeÅský Å¡ilink"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
msgid "Som"
@@ -424,27 +472,27 @@ msgstr "Som"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
msgid "Riel"
-msgstr "Riel"
+msgstr "Riel cambodjà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
msgid "Comoro Franc"
-msgstr "Komorský frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
msgid "North Korean Won"
-msgstr "Severokorejský won"
+msgstr "Won nord-coreà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
msgid "Won"
-msgstr "Won"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
-msgstr "Kuvajtský dinár"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Kajmanský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les Illes Caiman"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
msgid "Tenge"
@@ -452,55 +500,55 @@ msgstr "Tenge"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
msgid "Kip"
-msgstr "Kip"
+msgstr "Kip de Laos"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
msgid "Lebanese Pound"
-msgstr "Libanonská libra"
+msgstr "Lliura libanesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
-msgstr "SrÃlanská rupie"
+msgstr "Rupia de Sri Lanka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
msgid "Liberian Dollar"
-msgstr "Liberijský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar liberià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
msgid "Loti"
-msgstr "Loti"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
-msgstr "Litevský lit"
+msgstr "Litas lituà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
msgid "Latvian Lats"
-msgstr "Lotyšský lat"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
msgid "Libyan Dinar"
-msgstr "Libyjský dinár"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
-msgstr "Marocký dirham"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
msgid "Moldovan Leu"
-msgstr "Moldavský leu"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
-msgstr "Madagaskarský ariary"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
msgid "Denar"
-msgstr "Denár"
+msgstr "Denar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
msgid "Kyat"
-msgstr "Kyat"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
msgid "Tugrik"
@@ -508,47 +556,47 @@ msgstr "Tugrik"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
msgid "Pataca"
-msgstr "Pataca"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
msgid "Ouguiya"
-msgstr "Ouguiya"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
msgid "Maltese Lira"
-msgstr "Maltézská lira"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
-msgstr "Mauricijská rupie"
+msgstr "Rupia mauritana"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
msgid "Rufiyaa"
-msgstr "Rufiya"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
msgid "Kwacha"
-msgstr "Kwacha"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
msgid "Mexican Peso"
-msgstr "Mexické peso"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
-msgstr "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
-msgstr "Malajský ringgit"
+msgstr "Ringgit de Malà isia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
msgid "Metical"
-msgstr "Metical"
+msgstr "Metical de Moçambic"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
msgid "Namibia Dollar"
-msgstr "Namibijský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Namibia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
msgid "Naira"
@@ -556,23 +604,23 @@ msgstr "Naira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
msgid "Cordoba Oro"
-msgstr "Cordoba oro"
+msgstr "Córdoba"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
-msgstr "Norská koruna"
+msgstr "Corona noruega"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
-msgstr "Nepálská rupie"
+msgstr "Rupia nepalesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
-msgstr "Novozélandský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar neozelandès"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
msgid "Rial Omani"
-msgstr "Ománský rial"
+msgstr "Rial omanita"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
msgid "Balboa"
@@ -580,103 +628,103 @@ msgstr "Balboa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
msgid "Nuevo Sol"
-msgstr "Nový sol"
+msgstr "Nou Sol"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
msgid "Kina"
-msgstr "Kina"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
msgid "Philippine Peso"
-msgstr "FilipÃnské peso"
+msgstr "Peso filipÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
-msgstr "Pákistánská rupie"
+msgstr "Rupia pakistanesa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
msgid "Zloty"
-msgstr "Zlotý"
+msgstr "Zloty"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
msgid "Guarani"
-msgstr "Guarani"
+msgstr "GuaranÃ"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
msgid "Qatari Rial"
-msgstr "Katarský rial"
+msgstr "Rial de Qatar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
msgid "New Leu"
-msgstr "Nový leu"
+msgstr "Leu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
msgid "Serbian Dinar"
-msgstr "Srbský dinár"
+msgstr "Dinar serbi"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
msgid "Russian Ruble"
-msgstr "Ruský rubl"
+msgstr "Ruble rus"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
msgid "Rwanda Franc"
-msgstr "Rwandský frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
msgid "Saudi Riyal"
-msgstr "Saudskoarabský rial"
+msgstr "Rial saudita"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Å alamounovy ostrovy - dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de les Illes Salomó"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
-msgstr "Seychelská rupie"
+msgstr "Rupia de Seychelles"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
msgid "Sudanese Pound"
-msgstr "Súdánská libra"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
msgid "Swedish Krona"
-msgstr "Švédská koruna"
+msgstr "Corona sueca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
msgid "Singapore Dollar"
-msgstr "Singapurský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Singapur"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
-msgstr "Svatohelenská libra"
+msgstr "Lliura de Santa Hel·lena"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
msgid "Leone"
-msgstr "Leone"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
msgid "Somali Shilling"
-msgstr "Somálský šilink"
+msgstr "XÃling somali"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
msgid "Surinam Dollar"
-msgstr "Surinamský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar surinamés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
msgid "Dobra"
-msgstr "Dobra"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
msgid "El Salvador Colon"
-msgstr "Salvádorský colon"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
msgid "Syrian Pound"
-msgstr "Sýrijská libra"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
msgid "Lilangeni"
-msgstr "Lilangeni"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
msgid "Baht"
@@ -684,71 +732,71 @@ msgstr "Baht"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
msgid "Somoni"
-msgstr "Somoni"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
msgid "Manat"
-msgstr "Manat"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
-msgstr "Tuniský dinár"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
msgid "Pa'anga"
-msgstr "Pa'anga"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
msgid "New Turkish Lira"
-msgstr "Turecká nová lira"
+msgstr "Nova lira turca"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
-msgstr "Trinidad a Tobago - dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar de Trinitat i Tobago"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
-msgstr "Taiwanský dolar"
+msgstr "nou Dòlar taiwanès"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
-msgstr "Tanzanský šilink"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
msgid "Hryvnia"
-msgstr "HÅivna"
+msgstr "HrÃvnia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
msgid "Uganda Shilling"
-msgstr "Ugandský šilink"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
msgid "US Dollar"
-msgstr "Americký dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar nord-americà "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
-msgstr "Americký dolar (pÅÃÅ¡tà den)"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
-msgstr "Americký dolar (stejný den)"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
-msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
-msgstr "Uruguayské peso"
+msgstr "Pes uruguaià "
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
-msgstr "Uzbecký sum"
+msgstr "Som uzbeco"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
-msgstr "Bolivar fuerte"
+msgstr "Bolivar Fort"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
msgid "Dong"
@@ -756,83 +804,83 @@ msgstr "Dong"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
msgid "Vatu"
-msgstr "Vatu"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
msgid "Tala"
-msgstr "Tala"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
-msgstr "CFA frank BEAC"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
msgid "Silver"
-msgstr "StÅÃbro"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
msgid "Gold"
-msgstr "Zlato"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
-msgstr "Evropská smÃÅ¡ená jednotka (EURCO)"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
-msgstr "Evropská mÄnová jednotka (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
-msgstr "Evropská jednotka úÄtu 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
-msgstr "Evropská jednotka úÄtu 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
-msgstr "Východokaribský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar del Carib oriental"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
-msgstr "Zvláštnà práva ÄerpánÃ"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
-msgstr "Zlatý frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
msgid "UIC-Franc"
-msgstr "UIC frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
-msgstr "CFA frank BCEAO"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
msgid "Palladium"
-msgstr "Paladium"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
msgid "CFP Franc"
-msgstr "CFP frank"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
msgid "Platinum"
-msgstr "Platina"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
msgid "Code for testing purposes"
-msgstr "Kód pro testovacà úÄely"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr "Žádná mÄna"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
-msgstr "Jemenský rial"
+msgstr "Rial iemenita"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
msgid "Rand"
@@ -840,48 +888,59 @@ msgstr "Rand"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Zabmijská kwacha"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
-msgstr "Zimbabwský dolar"
+msgstr "Dòlar zimbabuès"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Taxa de canvi"
msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Divises"
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gestió de divises"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Divises"
msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Administració de divises"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taxa de canvi"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Taxes de canvi"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Divises"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Divisa"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Format"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Taxa de canvi"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Taxes de canvi"
diff --git a/locale/cs_CZ.po b/locale/cs_CZ.po
index 8c2150f..dc55501 100644
--- a/locale/cs_CZ.po
+++ b/locale/cs_CZ.po
@@ -2,119 +2,163 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr ""
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msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr ""
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msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr ""
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msgid "Rates"
msgstr ""
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msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
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msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr ""
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msgid "Symbol"
msgstr ""
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+msgstr ""
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+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr ""
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+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
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+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr ""
@@ -846,7 +890,7 @@ msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "Zimbabwský dolar"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr ""
@@ -866,22 +910,30 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/de_DE.po b/locale/de_DE.po
index b94f6c1..40d167f 100644
--- a/locale/de_DE.po
+++ b/locale/de_DE.po
@@ -2,159 +2,163 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
msgstr "Einer Währung kann nur ein Kurs pro Datum zugewiesen werden!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr "Der Kurs muss gröÃer oder gleich 0 sein"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
msgstr "Ungültige Gruppierung"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr "Kein Kurs gefunden für Währung %s am %s"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktiv"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Code"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:0"
-msgid "Creation date"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
msgstr "Erstellungsdatum"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:0"
-msgid "Creation user"
-msgstr "Ersteller"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Erstellt durch"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr "Angezeigte Stellen"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "Dezimalpunkt Währung"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Gruppierung Währung"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr "Tausendertrennzeichen Währung"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "Negativer Wert: Symbol führend"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr "Negativer Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr "Position negatives Vorzeichen"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr "Negatives Vorzeichen"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
msgstr "Numerischer Code"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "Positiver Wert: Symbol führend"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr "Positiver Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr "Position positives Vorzeichen"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr "Positives Vorzeichen"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr "Aktueller Kurs"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Kurse"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr "Rundung"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "Symbol"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:0"
-msgid "Last modification date"
-msgstr "Zuletzt geändert am"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "Zuletzt geändert"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:0"
-msgid "Last modification by"
-msgstr "Zuletzt geändert von"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "Letzte Ãnderung durch"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:0"
-msgid "Creation date"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
msgstr "Erstellungsdatum"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:0"
-msgid "Creation user"
-msgstr "Ersteller"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Erstellt durch"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Währung"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Kurs"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:0"
-msgid "Last modification date"
-msgstr "Zuletzt geändert am"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "Zuletzt geändert"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:0"
-msgid "Last modification by"
-msgstr "Zuletzt geändert von"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "Letzte Ãnderung durch"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Währung"
@@ -886,7 +890,7 @@ msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "Simbabwe-Dollar"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Kurs"
@@ -906,22 +910,30 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr "Währungen Administration"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Kurs"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Kurse"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Währungen"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Währung"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Format"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Kurs"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Kurse"
diff --git a/locale/es_ES.po b/locale/es_AR.po
similarity index 86%
copy from locale/es_ES.po
copy to locale/es_AR.po
index b07d1fb..1199bfe 100644
--- a/locale/es_ES.po
+++ b/locale/es_AR.po
@@ -2,119 +2,163 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Una divisa solo puede tener un valor por fecha"
+msgstr "¡Una divisa solo puede tener un valor por fecha!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr "La tasa de divisa debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Agrupamiento no válido"
+msgstr "¡Agrupamiento no válido!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la divisa «%s» con fecha: %s"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Activa"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Código"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr "Fecha creación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Usuario creación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr "DÃgitos a mostrar"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "Separador decimal"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Agrupación"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr "Separador de miles"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "El signo negativo va delante"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr "Signo negativo separado por espacio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr "Posición del signo negativo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr "Signo negativo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Código Numérico"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "El signo positivo va delante"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr "Signo positivo separado por espacio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr "Posición del signo positivo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr "Signo positivo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr "Tasa de cambio actual"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr "Factor de redondeo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "SÃmbolo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "Fecha modificación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "Usuario modificación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr "Fecha creación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Usuario creación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Divisa"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "Fecha modificación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "Usuario modificación"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Divisa"
@@ -846,7 +890,7 @@ msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "Dólar zimbabuense"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
@@ -854,7 +898,6 @@ msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Divisas"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Gestión de divisas"
@@ -867,22 +910,30 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr "Administración de divisas"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Divisas"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Divisa"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formato"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
diff --git a/locale/es_CO.po b/locale/es_CO.po
index d63ef67..577fbed 100644
--- a/locale/es_CO.po
+++ b/locale/es_CO.po
@@ -2,119 +2,165 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
msgstr "Una moneda solamente puede tener un valor por fecha!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
msgstr "Agrupamiento Inválido!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la moneda: %s a la fecha: %s"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Activo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Código"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Crear usuario"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr "Mostrar DÃgitos"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "Separador Decimal"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Agrupación"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr "Separador de Miles"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "El Signo Negativo Precede"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr "Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr "Posición de Signo Negativo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr "Signo Negativo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
msgstr "Código Numérico"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "El signo Positivo Precede"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr "Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr "Posición del Signo Positivo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr "Signo Positivo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr "Moneda Actual"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr "Factor de Redondeo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "SÃmbolo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Crear usuario"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Moneda"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Moneda"
@@ -846,7 +892,7 @@ msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "Dólar zimbabuense"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
@@ -867,22 +913,32 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr "Administrar Monedas"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Monedas"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Moneda"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formato"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
diff --git a/locale/es_ES.po b/locale/es_ES.po
index b07d1fb..74645da 100644
--- a/locale/es_ES.po
+++ b/locale/es_ES.po
@@ -2,119 +2,165 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
-msgstr "Una divisa solo puede tener un valor por fecha"
+msgstr "Una divisa sólo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr ""
+"El rango de la tasa de cambio de la divisa debe ser mas grande o igual a 0."
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
-msgstr "Agrupamiento no válido"
+msgstr "El agrupamiento no es correcto."
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la divisa «%s» con fecha: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"No se ha encontrado una tasa de cambio para la divisa «%s» con fecha: %s."
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
-msgstr "Activa"
+msgstr "Activo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Código"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr "Fecha creación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Usuario creación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr "DÃgitos a mostrar"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "Separador decimal"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Agrupación"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr "Separador de miles"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "El signo negativo va delante"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr "Signo negativo separado por espacio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr "Posición del signo negativo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr "Signo negativo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Código numérico"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "El signo positivo va delante"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr "Signo positivo separado por espacio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr "Posición del signo positivo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr "Signo positivo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr "Tasa de cambio actual"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr "Factor de redondeo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "SÃmbolo"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "Fecha modificación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "Usuario modificación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr "Fecha creación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Usuario creación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Divisa"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "Fecha modificación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "Usuario modificación"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Divisa"
@@ -228,7 +274,7 @@ msgstr "Dólar canadiense"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Franco congolés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
@@ -464,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr "Rupia de Sri Lanka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
msgid "Liberian Dollar"
-msgstr "Dóla liberiano"
+msgstr "Dólar liberiano"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
msgid "Loti"
@@ -548,7 +594,7 @@ msgstr "Metical mozambiqueño"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
msgid "Namibia Dollar"
-msgstr "Dóla namibio"
+msgstr "Dólar namibio"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
msgid "Naira"
@@ -708,7 +754,7 @@ msgstr "Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
-msgstr "nuevo Dólar taiwanés"
+msgstr "Dólar nuevo taiwanés"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
@@ -764,7 +810,7 @@ msgstr "Tala"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
-msgstr "franco CFA BEAC"
+msgstr "Franco CFA BEAC"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
msgid "Silver"
@@ -808,7 +854,7 @@ msgstr "Franco UIC"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
-msgstr "franco CFA BCEAO"
+msgstr "Franco CFA BCEAO"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
msgid "Palladium"
@@ -846,7 +892,7 @@ msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "Dólar zimbabuense"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
@@ -854,10 +900,9 @@ msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Divisas"
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Gestión de divisas"
+msgstr "Divisas"
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
@@ -867,22 +912,30 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr "Administración de divisas"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Divisas"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Divisa"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formato"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
diff --git a/locale/fr_FR.po b/locale/fr_FR.po
index 178796d..f1ffc50 100644
--- a/locale/fr_FR.po
+++ b/locale/fr_FR.po
@@ -2,119 +2,175 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
msgstr "Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr "Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr "Le taux de la devise doit être plus grand ou égal à zéro"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr "Groupement invalide"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
msgstr "Groupement invalide"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr "Pas de taux trouvé pour la devise: %s à la date: %s"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr "Pas de taux trouvé pour la devise: %s à la date: %s"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Actif"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Code"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr "Date de création"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Créé par"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr "Décimale affichée"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "Séparateur décimal"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Groupement"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr "Séparateur des milliers"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "Symbole négatif en premier"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr "Négatif séparé par un espace"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr "Position du signe négatif"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr "Signe négatif"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
msgstr "Code numérique"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "Symbole de depositif en premier"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr "Positif séparé par un espace"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr "Position du signe positif"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr "Signe positif"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr "Taux Actuel"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Taux"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr "Facteur d'Arrondi"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "Symbole"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "Date de mise à jour"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "Mis à jour par"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr "Date de création"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr "Créé par"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Devise"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Taux"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr "Date de mise à jour"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr "Mis à jour par"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Devise"
@@ -846,7 +902,7 @@ msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "Dollar zimbabwéen"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Taux"
@@ -866,22 +922,46 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr "Administration Devises"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Taux"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Devises"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "Devises"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Devise"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Devise"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formatage"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr "Formatage"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Taux"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Taux"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Taux"
diff --git a/locale/nl_NL.po b/locale/nl_NL.po
index 295de81..289ec64 100644
--- a/locale/nl_NL.po
+++ b/locale/nl_NL.po
@@ -2,134 +2,178 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
msgstr ""
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
msgstr "Ongeldigegroep"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Actief"
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Code"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr "Zichtbare decimalen"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "Decimaalteken"
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Groeperen"
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr "Duizendtal teken"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam bijlage"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam bijlage"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "Symbool"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Valuta"
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Vervaldatum"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Verhouding"
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam bijlage"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Valuta"
@@ -862,7 +906,7 @@ msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "Zimbabwaanse dollar"
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Verhouding"
@@ -883,24 +927,33 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr ""
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Verhouding"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Valuta"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Verhouding"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/ru_RU.po b/locale/ru_RU.po
index 1827bc2..6103cdd 100644
--- a/locale/ru_RU.po
+++ b/locale/ru_RU.po
@@ -2,121 +2,165 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑа Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑÑ ÑолÑко Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ñ ÐºÑÑÑовÑÑ ÑазниÑÑ Ð² денÑ!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
msgstr "ÐевеÑное ÐÑÑппиÑовка!"
-msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
msgstr "Ðе найден кÑÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÑ: %s на денÑ: %s"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "ÐкÑивнÑй"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Ðод"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
msgstr "Ðол-во знаков поÑле запÑÑой"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "РазделиÑÐµÐ»Ñ ÑиÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "ÐÑÑппиÑовка ÑиÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
msgstr "РазделиÑÐµÐ»Ñ ÑÑÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "ÐобавлÑÑÑ Ñимвол оÑÑиÑаÑелÑного ÑиÑла"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
msgstr "Символ оÑделÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñобелом"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
msgstr "ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾ÑÑиÑаÑелÑного Ñимвола"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ðаименование"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
msgstr "Символ оÑÑиÑаÑелÑного ÑиÑла"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
msgstr "Ðод валÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
msgstr "ÐобавлÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ñ. Ñимвол в ÑиÑло"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
msgstr "Символ оÑделÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñобелом"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
msgstr "ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ñ. Ñимвола в ÑиÑле"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
msgstr "Символ положиÑелÑного ÑиÑла"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
msgstr "ТекÑÑий кÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
msgstr "ÐкÑÑгление"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "Символ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
+msgid "Create User"
+msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ÐаÑа"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ðаименование"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
+msgid "Write Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
+msgid "Write User"
+msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
@@ -848,7 +892,7 @@ msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ðимбабве"
-msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
@@ -869,22 +913,32 @@ msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
msgstr "ÐдминиÑÑÑиÑование валÑÑ"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "ФоÑмаÑиÑование"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
-msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÑ"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 3dd8ec4..cac0e7e 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ minor_version = int(minor_version)
requires = []
for dep in info.get('depends', []):
- if not re.match(r'(ir|res|workflow|webdav)(\W|$)', dep):
+ if not re.match(r'(ir|res|webdav)(\W|$)', dep):
requires.append('trytond_%s >= %s.%s, < %s.%s' %
(dep, major_version, minor_version, major_version,
minor_version + 1))
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
index 0d03a23..ae76301 100644
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-from test_currency import suite
+from .test_currency import suite
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.py b/tests/test_currency.py
index 71f5385..bf8a0d3 100644
--- a/tests/test_currency.py
+++ b/tests/test_currency.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-import sys, os
+import sys
+import os
DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(__file__,
'..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'trytond')))
if os.path.isdir(DIR):
@@ -73,16 +74,16 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
{'mon_grouping': ''})
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
{'mon_grouping': '[a]'})
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
{'mon_grouping': '[1,"a"]'})
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
{'mon_grouping': '[1,"1"]'})
def test0030rate(self):
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- self.assertEqual(rate1, self.currency.read(cu1_id,
+ self.assertEqual(rate1, self.currency.read(cu1_id,
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
'code': 'cu'
- rate1_id = self.rate.create({
+ self.rate.create({
'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
'currency': cu_id,
'date': today,
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
amount = Decimal("10")
converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
cu1_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
@@ -204,8 +205,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
- amount = Decimal("10")
expected = Decimal("0")
converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
cu1_id, Decimal("0"), cu2_id, True)
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
rate_ids = self.rate.search([
('currency', '=', cu1_id),
], 0, 1, None)
@@ -246,13 +246,13 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
'symbol': 'cu3',
'code': 'cu3'
amount = Decimal("10")
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
cu3_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
cu1_id, amount, cu3_id, True)
def test0120compute_bothmissingrate(self):
@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
'symbol': 'cu4',
'code': 'cu4'
amount = Decimal("10")
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
cu3_id, amount, cu4_id, True)
def test0130delete_cascade(self):
@@ -287,18 +287,19 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
codes = ['cu%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(2)]
currency_ids = [self.get_currency(i) for i in codes]
rate_ids = self.rate.search([(
'currency', 'in', currency_ids,
)], 0, None, None)
def suite():
suite = trytond.tests.test_tryton.suite()
- suite.addTests(unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(CurrencyTestCase))
+ suite.addTests(unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(
+ CurrencyTestCase))
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index e706a2a..4118568 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.2.1
+Version: 2.4.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.2/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.4/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index ee7aa43..274c6ba 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ setup.py
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index 8f8cc44..62c6315 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trytond >= 2.2, < 2.3
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 2.4, < 2.5
\ No newline at end of file
commit 193302a29c13875ee4c27583cc946b27fdeb4194
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Mon Dec 26 13:35:51 2011 +0100
Adding upstream version 2.2.1.
index 7edb33b..78397d8 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 2.2.1 - 2011-12-26
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 2.2.0 - 2011-10-24
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index fa77fcd..b4c5d3a 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.2.0
+Version: 2.2.1
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index d9c37bb..60d2a5a 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '2.2.0',
+ 'version': '2.2.1',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.py b/tests/test_currency.py
index def6451..71f5385 100644
--- a/tests/test_currency.py
+++ b/tests/test_currency.py
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Create currencies
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
+ context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
cu1_id = self.currency.create({
'name': 'cu1',
'symbol': 'cu1',
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Check grouping
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
@@ -88,7 +89,8 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Create rates.
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
+ context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
@@ -114,7 +116,8 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Rate unicity
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
+ context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
today = self.date.today()
cu_id = self.currency.create({
@@ -141,7 +144,8 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Simple conversion
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
+ context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
@@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Conversion with rounding on non-finite decimal representation
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
@@ -171,7 +175,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Same without rounding
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
@@ -185,7 +189,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Conversion to the same currency
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
amount = Decimal("10")
@@ -197,7 +201,7 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Conversion with zero amount
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT):
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
@@ -211,7 +215,8 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Conversion with zero rate
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
+ context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
@@ -233,7 +238,8 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Conversion with missing rate
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
+ context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
cu3_id = self.currency.create({
'name': 'cu3',
@@ -253,7 +259,8 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Conversion with both missing rate
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
+ context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
cu3_id = self.currency.create({
'name': 'cu3',
'symbol': 'cu3',
@@ -275,7 +282,8 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Test deletion of currency deletes rates
- with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER,
+ context=CONTEXT) as transaction:
codes = ['cu%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(2)]
currency_ids = [self.get_currency(i) for i in codes]
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 59242ad..e706a2a 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.2.0
+Version: 2.2.1
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
commit cef682bcb5328a4c4a5fa3cf731de338d6be0174
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Mon Oct 31 16:20:52 2011 +0100
Adding upstream version 2.2.0.
index 7518ac1..7edb33b 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Version 2.0.1 - 2011-04-26
-* Add missing icons
+Version 2.2.0 - 2011-10-24
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 2.0.0 - 2011-04-26
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index fba86d4..7966750 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ include COPYRIGHT
include LICENSE
include *.xml
include *.odt
-include *.csv
+include locale/*.po
include doc/*
include icons/*
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 5c852b0..fa77fcd 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.0.1
+Version: 2.2.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,24 +8,26 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.0/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.2/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Plugins
+Classifier: Framework :: Tryton
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Bulgarian
Classifier: Natural Language :: Czech
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Dutch
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Natural Language :: French
Classifier: Natural Language :: German
Classifier: Natural Language :: Russian
Classifier: Natural Language :: Spanish
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Topic :: Office/Business
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index ca8e1d5..d9c37bb 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '2.0.1',
+ 'version': '2.2.0',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
@@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
'translation': [
- 'bg_BG.csv',
- 'cs_CZ.csv',
- 'de_DE.csv',
- 'es_CO.csv',
- 'es_ES.csv',
- 'fr_FR.csv',
- 'ru_RU.csv',
+ 'locale/bg_BG.po',
+ 'locale/cs_CZ.po',
+ 'locale/de_DE.po',
+ 'locale/es_CO.po',
+ 'locale/es_ES.po',
+ 'locale/fr_FR.po',
+ 'locale/nl_NL.po',
+ 'locale/ru_RU.po',
diff --git a/bg_BG.csv b/bg_BG.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f16f8..0000000
--- a/bg_BG.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Ðевалидно гÑÑпиÑане!,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Ðе е намеÑен кÑÑÑ Ð·Ð° валÑÑа: %s за даÑа: %s,0
-error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Ðа ден валÑÑаÑа може да има Ñамо един кÑÑÑ!,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,ЦиÑÑи за показване,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,ÐеÑеÑиÑен ÑазделиÑел,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,РазделиÑел за Ñ
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,ÐÑедÑ
ожда оÑÑиÑаÑелен знак на валÑÑа,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Ðнак минÑÑ: Ñазделен Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ñазно поле,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° знака минÑÑ,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,ÐÑÑиÑаÑелен знак,0
-field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,ЦиÑÑов код,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,ÐÑедÑ
ожда положиÑелен знак на валÑÑа,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Ðнак плÑÑ: Ñазделен Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ñазно поле,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° знака плÑÑ,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,ÐоложиÑелен знак,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,ТекÑÑ ÐºÑÑÑ,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,ÐоеÑиÑÐ¸ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð½Ð° закÑÑгление,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,ÐÑабÑка дÑ
-model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,ÐÑменÑки дÑам,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,ХоландÑки гилдеÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,ÐÑженÑинÑко пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,ÐвÑÑÑалийÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,ÐÑÑбийÑки гилдеÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,ÐзеÑбайджанÑки манаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,ÐоÑненÑка конвеÑÑиÑÑема маÑка,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,ÐаÑбадоÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bdt,Taka,ÐангладеÑка Ñака,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,ÐÑлгаÑÑки лев,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,ÐаÑ
ÑейнÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,ÐÑÑÑндийÑки ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,ÐеÑмÑдÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,ÐÑÑнейÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bov,Mvdol,ÐоливийÑки мвдол,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,ÐÑазилÑки Ñеал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,ÐаÑ
амÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,ÐелаÑÑÑка ÑÑбла,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,ÐелизийÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,ÐанадÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,ÐонгоанÑки ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,ШвейÑаÑÑки ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,ЧилийÑко Unidad de Fomento,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,ЧилииÑко пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Юан,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,ÐолÑмбииÑко пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,ÐолÑмбийÑки Ñеал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,ÐоÑÑаÑиканÑки колон,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,ÐÑбинÑко пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Ðейп ÐеÑдианÑко еÑкÑдо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,ÐипÑÑÑка лиÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,ЧеÑка кÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,ÐжибÑÑÑки ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,ÐаÑÑка кÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,ÐоминиканÑко пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,ÐлжиÑÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,ÐÑÑонÑка кÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,ÐгипеÑÑка лиÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,ÐÑиопÑки биÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,ФиджийÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,ÐиÑа на ФолкландÑкиÑе оÑÑÑови,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,ÐÑиÑанÑка лиÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,ÐанииÑко Ñеди,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,ÐибÑалÑаÑÑка лиÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,ÐвинейÑки ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,ÐаÑнÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Хонг Ðонг долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hnl,Lempira,ХондÑÑаÑка лемпÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Ð¥ÑÑваÑÑка кÑна,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,ÐндонезийÑка ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Шекел,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,ÐндийÑки ÑÑпей,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,ÐÑакÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,ÐÑанÑки Ñиал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,ÐÑландÑка кÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,ЯмайÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,ÐоÑданÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jpy,Yen,ЯпонÑка йена,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,ÐенийÑки Ñилинг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",khr,Riel,ÐамбоджанÑки Ñиел,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,ÐомоÑийÑки ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,СевеÑнокоÑейÑки вон,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,ÐÑвейÑÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,ÐайманÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kzt,Tenge,ÐазакÑÑанÑки Ñенге,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lak,Kip,ÐаоÑки кип,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,ÐиванÑки паÑнд,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,ШÑиланкийÑка ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,ÐибеÑийÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,ÐиÑвийÑки лиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,ÐаÑвииÑки лиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,ÐибийÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,ÐаÑоканÑки диÑÑ
-model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,ÐолдовÑка леÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,ÐалгаÑко аÑиаÑи,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mnt,Tugrik,ÐонголÑки ÑÑгÑик,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,ÐалÑийÑка лиÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,ÐавÑиÑийÑки ÑÑпей,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mvr,Rufiyaa,Ð ÑÑиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,ÐекÑиканÑко пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,ÐалайзийÑки ÑингиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mzn,Metical,ÐозамбкÑки меÑикал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,ÐамибийÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,ÐикаÑагÑка коÑдоба,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,ÐоÑвежка кÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,ÐепалÑки ÑÑпей,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Ðово ÐеландÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,ÐманÑки Ñиал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pab,Balboa,ÐанамÑка балбоа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Ðов пеÑÑанÑки Ñол,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pgk,Kina,ÐапÑа - Ðова ÐвинейÑка кина,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,ФилипинÑко пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,ÐакиÑÑанÑка ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pln,Zloty,ÐолÑка ÐлоÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,ÐаÑаÑÑки Ñиал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Ð ÑмÑнÑко леÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,СÑÑбÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Ð ÑÑка ÑÑбла,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Ð ÑандÑки ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,СаÑдиÑÑки Ñиал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð° Соломонови оÑÑÑови,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,СейÑелÑка ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,СÑданÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,ШведÑка кÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,СингапÑÑÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,о-в СвеÑа Ðлена лиÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sll,Leone,СиеÑа ÐеонÑко Ðеоне,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,СомалийÑки Ñилинг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,СÑÑинамÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Ðл СалвадоÑÑки колон ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,СиÑийÑка лиÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",thb,Baht,ТайландÑки баÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,ТÑнизийÑки динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Ðова ÑÑÑÑка лиÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,ТÑинидадÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Ðов ÑайванÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,ТанзанийÑки Ñилинг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uah,Hryvnia,УкÑаинÑка гÑивна,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,УгандийÑки Ñилинг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,ÐмеÑиканÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),ÐмеÑиканÑки Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð°Ñ (ÑÐ»ÐµÐ´Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ½),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),ÐмеÑиканÑки Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð°Ñ (Ñози ден),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,УÑÑгвайÑко пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,УзбекиÑÑанÑки СÑм,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,ÐоливаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vnd,Dong,ÐиеÑнамÑки донг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,ÐзÑоÑно ÐаÑибÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,СпеÑиални пÑава на ÑиÑаж,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,ÐлаÑен ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Ðод за ÑеÑÑове,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,ÐÑма валÑÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,ÐеменÑки Ñиал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,ÐÑаÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,ÐимбабвииÑки долаÑ,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,УпÑавление на валÑÑи,0
-model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,УпÑавление на валÑÑа,0
diff --git a/cs_CZ.csv b/cs_CZ.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 11b400f..0000000
--- a/cs_CZ.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,,0
-error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,,0
-field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Spojené Arabské Emiráty - dirham,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Arménský dram,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Nizozemskoantilský gulden,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Argentinské peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Australský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Arubský gulden,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Ãzerbajdžánský manat,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Konvertibilnà marka,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Barbadoský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Bulharská leva,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Bahrajnský dinár,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Burundský frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Bermudský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Brunejský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Brazilský real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Bahamský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,BÄloruský rubl,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Belizský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Kanadský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,Konžský frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR euro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Švýcarský frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Chilské peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,ÄÃnský renminbi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Kolumbijské peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Kostarický colon,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Kubánské peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Kapverdské escudo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Kyperská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Äeská koruna,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Džibutský frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Dánská koruna,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Dominikánské peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,AlžÃrský dinár,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Egyptská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Etiopský birr,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Fidžijský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Falklandská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Britská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Ghanský cedi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Gibraltarská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Guinejský frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Guyanský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Hongkongský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Chorvatská kuna,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Izraelský nový šekel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Indická rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Irácký dinár,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Ãránský rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Islandská koruna,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Jamajský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Jordánský dinár,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,KeÅský Å¡ilink,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Komorský frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Severokorejský won,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Kuvajtský dinár,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Kajmanský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libanonská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,SrÃlanská rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Liberijský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litevský lit,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lotyšský lat,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Libyjský dinár,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Marocký dirham,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Moldavský leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Madagaskarský ariary,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Maltézská lira,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Mauricijská rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Mexické peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Malajský ringgit,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Namibijský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba oro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Norská koruna,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Nepálská rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Novozélandský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Ománský rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nový sol,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,FilipÃnské peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Pákistánská rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katarský rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nový leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Srbský dinár,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Ruský rubl,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Rwandský frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Saudskoarabský rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Å alamounovy ostrovy - dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Seychelská rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Súdánská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Švédská koruna,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Singapurský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Svatohelenská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somálský šilink,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Surinamský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Salvádorský colon,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Sýrijská libra,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Tuniský dinár,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Turecká nová lira,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad a Tobago - dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Taiwanský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Tanzanský šilink,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,Ugandský šilink,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Americký dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),Americký dolar (pÅÃÅ¡tà den),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),Americký dolar (stejný den),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Uruguayské peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Uzbecký sum,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA frank BEAC,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),Evropská smÃÅ¡ená jednotka (EURCO),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Evropská mÄnová jednotka (E.M.U.-6),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Evropská jednotka úÄtu 9 (E.U.A.-9),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Evropská jednotka úÄtu 17 (E.U.A.-17),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Východokaribský dolar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Zvláštnà práva ÄerpánÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Zlatý frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,UIC frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA frank BCEAO,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,CFP frank,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Kód pro testovacà úÄely,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Žádná mÄna,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Jemenský rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,Zabmijská kwacha,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Zimbabwský dolar,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,,0
-model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,,0
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index fbe9d7a..dda2b52 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.tools import safe_eval, datetime_strftime
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
+from trytond.pool import Pool
class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
@@ -136,8 +137,8 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
Return the rate at the date from the context or the current date
- rate_obj = self.pool.get('currency.currency.rate')
- date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
+ rate_obj = Pool().get('currency.currency.rate')
+ date_obj = Pool().get('ir.date')
res = {}
date = Transaction().context.get('date', date_obj.today())
@@ -185,8 +186,8 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
Use the rate of the date of the context or the current date if ids are
- date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
- lang_obj = self.pool.get('ir.lang')
+ date_obj = Pool().get('ir.date')
+ lang_obj = Pool().get('ir.lang')
if isinstance(from_currency, (int, long)):
from_currency = self.browse(from_currency)
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
self._order.insert(0, ('date', 'DESC'))
def default_date(self):
- date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
+ date_obj = Pool().get('ir.date')
return date_obj.today()
def check_xml_record(self, ids, values):
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
index 5d6fd34..ee5a655 100644
--- a/currency.xml
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -6,18 +6,24 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<record model="res.group" id="group_currency_admin">
<field name="name">Currency Administration</field>
- <record model="res.user" id="res.user_admin">
- <field name="groups" eval="[('add', ref('group_currency_admin'))]"/>
+ <record model="res.user-res.group" id="user_admin_group_currency_admin">
+ <field name="user" ref="res.user_admin"/>
+ <field name="group" ref="group_currency_admin"/>
- <record model="res.user" id="res.user_trigger">
- <field name="groups" eval="[('add', ref('group_currency_admin'))]"/>
+ <record model="res.user-res.group" id="user_trigger_group_currency_admin">
+ <field name="user" ref="res.user_trigger"/>
+ <field name="group" ref="group_currency_admin"/>
<record model="ir.ui.icon" id="currency_icon">
<field name="name">tryton-currency</field>
<field name="path">icons/tryton-currency.svg</field>
- <menuitem name="Currency Management" id="menu_currency" sequence="3"
- groups="group_currency_admin" icon="tryton-currency"/>
+ <menuitem name="Currency" id="menu_currency" sequence="3"
+ icon="tryton-currency"/>
+ <record model="ir.ui.menu-res.group" id="menu_currency_group_currency_admin">
+ <field name="menu" ref="menu_currency"/>
+ <field name="group" ref="group_currency_admin"/>
+ </record>
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_view_form">
<field name="model">currency.currency</field>
@@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="date"/>
- <field name="rate" fill="1" empty="0"/>
+ <field name="rate" yfill="1" empty="0"/>
@@ -105,12 +111,12 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<tree string="Currencies">
- <field name="name" select="1"/>
+ <field name="name"/>
<field name="symbol"/>
- <field name="code" select="1"/>
- <field name="numeric_code" select="1"/>
+ <field name="code"/>
+ <field name="numeric_code"/>
<field name="rate"/>
- <field name="active" tree_invisible="1" select="2"/>
+ <field name="active" tree_invisible="1"/>
diff --git a/de_DE.csv b/de_DE.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index ecec46d..0000000
--- a/de_DE.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Ungültige Gruppierung,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Kein Kurs gefunden für Währung %s am %s,0
-error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Einer Währung kann nur ein Kurs pro Datum zugewiesen werden!,0
-field,"currency.currency,create_date",0,Creation date,Erstellungsdatum,0
-field,"currency.currency,create_uid",0,Creation user,Ersteller,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Angezeigte Stellen,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Dezimalpunkt Währung,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_grouping",0,Grouping,Gruppierung Währung,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Tausendertrennzeichen Währung,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,Negativer Wert: Symbol führend,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Negativer Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Position negatives Vorzeichen,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Negatives Vorzeichen,0
-field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Numerischer Code,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,Positiver Wert: Symbol führend,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Positiver Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Position positives Vorzeichen,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Positives Vorzeichen,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Aktueller Kurs,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Rundung,0
-field,"currency.currency,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
-field,"currency.currency,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,create_date",0,Creation date,Erstellungsdatum,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,create_uid",0,Creation user,Ersteller,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,VAE-Dirham,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Armenischer Dram,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Niederländische Antillen-Gulden,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Argentinischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Australischer Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Arubanischer Gulden,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Aserbeidschan Manat,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Konvertible Mark,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Barbados-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Bulgarischer Lev,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Bahrain-Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Burundi-Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Bermuda-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Brunei-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bob,Boliviano,Bolivischer Boliviano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Brasilianischer Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Bahama-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,WeiÃrussischer Rubel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Belize-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Kanadischer Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,Congolese Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR Euro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Schweizer Franken,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Chilenischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Renminbi-Yuan,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Kolumbischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Costa Rica Colon,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Kubanischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Kap-Verde-Escudo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Zypriotisches Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Tschechische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Djibouti-Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Dänische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Dominikanischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Algerischer Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Estnische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Ãgyptisches Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Ãthiopischer Birr,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Fidschi-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Falkland Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Pfund Sterling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Ghanaischer Cedi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Gibraltar-Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Guinea-Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Guyana-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Hongkong-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Schekel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Indische Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Irakischer Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Iranischer Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Isländische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Jamaikanischer Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Jordanischer Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,Kenianischer Shilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Komoren-Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Nordkoreanischer Won,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Kuwait-Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Kaiman-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libanesisches Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Sri-Lanka-Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Liberianischer Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litauischer Litas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lettischer Lats,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Libyscher Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Marokkanischer Dirham,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Moldau Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Madagassischer Ariary,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Maltesische Lira,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Mauritius-Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Mexikanischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Mexikanische Unidad de Inversion (UDI),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Malaysischer Ringgit,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Namibia-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba Oro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Norwegische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Nepalesische Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Neuseeland-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial Omani,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Neuer Sol,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Philippinischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Pakistanische Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar-Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Neuer Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Serbischer Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Russischer Rubel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Ruandischer Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Saudi-Arabischer Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Salomonen-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Seychellen-Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Sudanesisches Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Schwedische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Singapur-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,St.-Helena-Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalischer Schilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Surinam-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,El Salvador Colon,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Syrisches Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Tunesischer Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Neue Türkische Lira,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Neuer Taiwan-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Tansanischer Schilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,Uganda-Schilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,US Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),US Dollar (Nächster Tag),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),US Dollar (Gleicher Tag),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Uruguayischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Usbekischer Soʻm,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,BolÃvar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA Franc (Ãquatorial),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),European Composite Unit (EURCO),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Europäische Währungseinheit (E.M.U.-6),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Europäische Rechnungseinheit 9 (E.U.A.-9),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Europäische Rechnungseinheit 17 (E.U.A.-17),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Ostkaribischer Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Sonderziehungsrecht,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA Franc (West),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,CFP Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Testcode,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Keine Währung,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Jemenitischer Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,Zambian Kwacha,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Simbabwe-Dollar,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Währungen,0
-model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Währungen Administration,0
diff --git a/es_CO.csv b/es_CO.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 26ce110..0000000
--- a/es_CO.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Agrupamiento Inválido!,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,No se ha encontrado una conversión para la moneda: %s a la fecha: %s,0
-error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Una moneda solamente puede tener un valor por fecha!,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Mostrar DÃgitos,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador Decimal,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de Miles,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,El Signo Negativo Precede,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición de Signo Negativo,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo Negativo,0
-field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Código Numérico,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo Positivo Precede,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del Signo Positivo,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo Positivo,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Moneda Actual,0
-field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Tasas de Cambio,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de Redondeo,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Dirham de los Emiratos Ãrabes Unidos,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Dram armenio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,FlorÃn de las Antillas Neerlandesas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Dólar australiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,FlorÃn de Aruba,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat de Azerbayán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marcos convertibles,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Dólar de Barbados,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev búlgaro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Dinar bahreinÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Franco de Burundi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Dólar de Bermudas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Dólar de Brunei,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real brasileño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de las Bahamas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rubla bielorrusa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dólar de Belize,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dólar canadiense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Franc Congolais,Congolese Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,Euro WIR,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco suizo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,Franco WIR,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso chileno,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan renminbi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso colombiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón costarricense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso cubano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Escudo de Cabo Verde,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Libra chipriota,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona checa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Franco de Djibouti,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona danesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso dominicano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Dinar argelino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Corona estonia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Libra egipcia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Birr de etÃope,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Fiji,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Libra de las Islas Malvinas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Libra esterlina,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Cedi ghanés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Libra de Gibraltar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Franco guineano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dólar guayanés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Dólar de Hong Kong,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hnl,Lempira,Lempira hondureño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna croata,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",htg,Gourde,Gourde haitiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",huf,Forint,Forint húngaro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Rupia indonesia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Nuevo sheqel israelÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Rupia india,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Dinar iraquÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Rial iranÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Corona islandesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dólar jamaiqueño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Dinar jordano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,ChelÃn keniata,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",khr,Riel,Riel camboyano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Franco comoriano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Won norcoreano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",krw,Won,Won surcoreano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Dinar kuwaitÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Caimán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lak,Kip,Kip laosiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libra libanesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Rupia de Sri Lanka,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dóla liberiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lsl,Loti,Loti lesothense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas lituano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lat letón,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Dinar libio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Dirham marroquÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Leu moldavo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Ariary malgache,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Lira maltesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Rupia mauricia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mwk,Kwacha,Kwacha malawiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Peso mexicano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Unidad de Inversión Mexicana (UDI),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit malasio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mzn,Metical,Metical mozambiqueño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dóla namibio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Corona noruega,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Rupia nepalesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dólar neozelandés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial omanÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nuevo Sol,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso filipino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Rupia pakistanÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Rial de Qatar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Dinar serbio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rublo ruso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Franco ruandés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Rial saudÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Solomón,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Rupia de Seychelles,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Libra sudanesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Corona sueca,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dólar de Singapur,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Libra de Santa Helena,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,ChelÃn somalÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dólar surinamés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Colón salvadoreño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Libra siria,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",szl,Lilangeni,Lilangeni suazi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Dinar tunecino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Nueva lira turca,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,nuevo Dólar taiwanés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,ChelÃn tanzano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,ChelÃn ugandés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar estadounidense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),Dólar estadounidense (dia siguiente),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),Dólar estadounidense (mismo dia),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso uruguayo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Som uzbeco,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,franco CFA BEAC,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),Unidad Compuesta Europea (EURCO),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Unidad Monetaria Europea (E.U.M.-6),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Unidad de cuenta europea 9 (E.U.A.-9),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Unidad de cuenta europea 17 (E.U.A.-17),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dólar del Caribe oriental,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Special Drawing Rights,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Franco de oro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,Franco UIC,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,franco CFA BCEAO,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,Franco CFP,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Código reservado para pruebas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Sin divisa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Rial yemenÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Kwacha,Zambian Kwacha,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar zimbabuense,0
-model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestión de Monedas,0
-model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administrar Monedas,0
-view,currency.currency,0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
-view,currency.currency,0,Rates,Tasas de Cambio,0
diff --git a/es_ES.csv b/es_ES.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e612aa4..0000000
--- a/es_ES.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Agrupamiento no válido,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,No se ha encontrado una conversión para la divisa «%s» con fecha: %s,0
-error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Una divisa solo puede tener un valor por fecha,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,DÃgitos a mostrar,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador decimal,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de miles,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo negativo va delante,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Signo negativo separado por espacio,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición del signo negativo,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo negativo,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo positivo va delante,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Signo positivo separado por espacio,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del signo positivo,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo positivo,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Tasa de cambio actual,0
-field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Tasas de cambio,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de redondeo,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,FlorÃn de las Antillas Neerlandesas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,FlorÃn de Aruba,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat de Azerbayán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marcos convertibles,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Dólar de Barbados,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev búlgaro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),Dólar de Bermudas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real brasileño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de las Bahamas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rubla bielorrusa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dólar de Belize,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dólar canadiense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco suizo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso chileno,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan renminbi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso colombiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón costarricense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso cubano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona checa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona danesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso dominicano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Corona estonia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Libra egipcia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Fiji,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,Libra esterlina,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Libra de Gibraltar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dólar guayanés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Dólar de Hong Kong,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hnl,Lempira,Lempira hondureño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna croata,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",huf,Forint,Forint húngaro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Rupia indonesia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Nuevo sheqel israelÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Rupia india,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Rial iranÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Corona islandesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dólar jamaiqueño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",khr,Riel,Riel camboyano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Won norcoreano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Caimán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lak,Kip,Kip laosiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libra libanesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Rupia de Sri Lanka,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dóla liberiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas lituano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Rupia mauricia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit malasio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mzn,Metical,Metical mozambiqueño,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dóla namibio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Corona noruega,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Rupia nepalesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dólar neozelandés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial omanÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nuevo Sol,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso filipino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Rupia pakistanÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Rial de Qatar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Dinar serbio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rublo ruso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Rial saudÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Solomón,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Rupia de Seychelles,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Corona sueca,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dólar de Singapur,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Libra de Santa Helena,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,ChelÃn somalÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dólar surinamés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Nueva lira turca,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,nuevo Dólar taiwanés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar estadounidense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso uruguayo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Som uzbeco,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dólar del Caribe oriental,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Rial yemenÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar zimbabuense,0
-model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestión de divisas,0
-model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administración de divisas,0
-view,currency.currency,0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
-view,currency.currency,0,Rates,Tasas de cambio,0
diff --git a/fr_FR.csv b/fr_FR.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ab6faf..0000000
--- a/fr_FR.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Groupement invalide,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Pas de taux trouvé pour la devise: %s à la date: %s,0
-error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Décimale affichée,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Séparateur décimal,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Séparateur des milliers,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,Symbole négatif en premier,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Négatif séparé par un espace,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Position du signe négatif,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signe négatif,0
-field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Code numérique,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,Symbole de depositif en premier,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Positif séparé par un espace,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Position du signe positif,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signe positif,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Taux Actuel,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Facteur d'Arrondi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Dirham des Ãmirats arabes unis,0
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-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dollar de Singapour,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Livre de Sainte-Hélène,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Shilling de Somalie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dollar de Surinam,0
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-model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Livre syrienne,0
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-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Livre turque,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dollar de Trinité-et-Tobago,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Nouveau Dollar taïwainais,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Shilling de Tanzanie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,Shilling d'Ouganda,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dollar des Ãtats-Unis d'Amérique,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),US Dollar (jour suivant),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),US dollar (même jour),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Peso urugayen en unités indexées,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso d'Uruguay,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Sum d'Ouzbékistan,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA Franc BEAC,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),Unité européenne composée (EURCO),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Unité monétaire européenne (U.M.E.-6 monnaie),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Unité de compte 9 ((U.E.C.-9 monnaie),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Unité de compte 17 (U.E.C.-17 monnaie),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dollar des Caraïbes orientales,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Droits de tirage spéciaux,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Franc Or,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,Franc UIC,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA Franc BCEAO,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,Franc pacifique,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Code destiné aux essais,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Pas de monnaie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Riyal du Yemen,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,Kwacha Zambien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dollar zimbabwéen,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestion des Devises,0
-model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administration Devises,0
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+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr "Ðа ден валÑÑаÑа може да има Ñамо един кÑÑÑ!"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr "Ðевалидно гÑÑпиÑане!"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr "Ðе е намеÑен кÑÑÑ Ð·Ð° валÑÑа: %s за даÑа: %s"
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ожда оÑÑиÑаÑелен знак на валÑÑа"
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+msgstr "ЦиÑÑов код"
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ожда положиÑелен знак на валÑÑа"
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+msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Ðнак плÑÑ: Ñазделен Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ñазно поле"
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+msgstr "ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° знака плÑÑ"
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+msgstr "ÐоложиÑелен знак"
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+msgid "Current rate"
+msgstr "ТекÑÑ ÐºÑÑÑ"
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+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑове"
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+msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
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+msgid "UAE Dirham"
+msgstr "ÐÑабÑка дÑ
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+msgid "Afghani"
+msgstr "ÐÑган"
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+msgid "Lek"
+msgstr "Ðек"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
+msgid "Armenian Dram"
+msgstr "ÐÑменÑки дÑам"
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+msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
+msgstr "ХоландÑки гилдеÑ"
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+msgstr "Ðванза"
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+msgid "Argentine Peso"
+msgstr "ÐÑженÑинÑко пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
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+msgstr "ÐвÑÑÑалийÑки долаÑ"
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+msgid "Aruban Guilder"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑбийÑки гилдеÑ"
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+msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
+msgstr "ÐзеÑбайджанÑки манаÑ"
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+msgid "Convertible Marks"
+msgstr "ÐоÑненÑка конвеÑÑиÑÑема маÑка"
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+msgid "Barbados Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐаÑбадоÑки долаÑ"
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+msgid "Taka"
+msgstr "ÐангладеÑка Ñака"
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+msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
+msgstr "ÐÑлгаÑÑки лев"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
+msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐаÑ
ÑейнÑки динаÑ"
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+msgid "Burundi Franc"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑндийÑки ÑÑанк"
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+msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐеÑмÑдÑки долаÑ"
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+msgid "Brunei Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑнейÑки долаÑ"
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+msgid "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Ðоливиано"
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+msgid "Mvdol"
+msgstr "ÐоливийÑки мвдол"
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+msgid "Brazilian Real"
+msgstr "ÐÑазилÑки Ñеал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
+msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐаÑ
амÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
+msgid "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "ÐгÑлÑÑÑм"
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+msgid "Pula"
+msgstr "ÐÑла"
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+msgstr "ÐелаÑÑÑка ÑÑбла"
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+msgid "Belize Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐелизийÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
+msgid "Canadian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐанадÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
+msgid "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "ÐонгоанÑки ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
+msgid "WIR Euro"
+msgstr ""
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+msgid "Swiss Franc"
+msgstr "ШвейÑаÑÑки ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
+msgid "WIR Franc"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
+msgid "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr "ЧилийÑко Unidad de Fomento"
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+msgid "Chilean Peso"
+msgstr "ЧилииÑко пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
+msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
+msgstr "Юан"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
+msgid "Colombian Peso"
+msgstr "ÐолÑмбииÑко пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
+msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "ÐолÑмбийÑки Ñеал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
+msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
+msgstr "ÐоÑÑаÑиканÑки колон"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
+msgid "Cuban Peso"
+msgstr "ÐÑбинÑко пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
+msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
+msgstr "Ðейп ÐеÑдианÑко еÑкÑдо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
+msgid "Cyprus Pound"
+msgstr "ÐипÑÑÑка лиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
+msgid "Czech Koruna"
+msgstr "ЧеÑка кÑона"
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+msgid "Djibouti Franc"
+msgstr "ÐжибÑÑÑки ÑÑанк"
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+msgid "Danish Krone"
+msgstr "ÐаÑÑка кÑона"
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+msgid "Dominican Peso"
+msgstr "ÐоминиканÑко пеÑо"
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+msgid "Algerian Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐлжиÑÑки динаÑ"
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+msgid "Kroon"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑонÑка кÑона"
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+msgid "Egyptian Pound"
+msgstr "ÐгипеÑÑка лиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
+msgid "Nakfa"
+msgstr "ÐакÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
+msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "ÐÑиопÑки биÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
+msgid "Euro"
+msgstr "ÐвÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
+msgid "Fiji Dollar"
+msgstr "ФиджийÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
+msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
+msgstr "ÐиÑа на ФолкландÑкиÑе оÑÑÑови"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
+msgid "Pound Sterling"
+msgstr "ÐÑиÑанÑка лиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
+msgid "Lari"
+msgstr "ÐаÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
+msgid "Ghana Cedi"
+msgstr "ÐанииÑко Ñеди"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
+msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
+msgstr "ÐибÑалÑаÑÑка лиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
+msgid "Dalasi"
+msgstr "ÐалаÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
+msgid "Guinea Franc"
+msgstr "ÐвинейÑки ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
+msgid "Quetzal"
+msgstr "ÐеÑÑал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
+msgid "Guyana Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐаÑнÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
+msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
+msgstr "Хонг Ðонг долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
+msgid "Lempira"
+msgstr "ХондÑÑаÑка лемпÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
+msgid "Croatian Kuna"
+msgstr "Ð¥ÑÑваÑÑка кÑна"
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+msgid "Gourde"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑде"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
+msgid "Forint"
+msgstr "ФоÑинÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
+msgid "Rupiah"
+msgstr "ÐндонезийÑка ÑÑпиÑ"
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+msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
+msgstr "Шекел"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
+msgid "Indian Rupee"
+msgstr "ÐндийÑки ÑÑпей"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
+msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐÑакÑки динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
+msgid "Iranian Rial"
+msgstr "ÐÑанÑки Ñиал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
+msgid "Iceland Krona"
+msgstr "ÐÑландÑка кÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
+msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
+msgstr "ЯмайÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
+msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐоÑданÑки динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
+msgid "Yen"
+msgstr "ЯпонÑка йена"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
+msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
+msgstr "ÐенийÑки Ñилинг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
+msgid "Som"
+msgstr "СÑм"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
+msgid "Riel"
+msgstr "ÐамбоджанÑки Ñиел"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
+msgid "Comoro Franc"
+msgstr "ÐомоÑийÑки ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
+msgid "North Korean Won"
+msgstr "СевеÑнокоÑейÑки вон"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
+msgid "Won"
+msgstr "Уон"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
+msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐÑвейÑÑки динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
+msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐайманÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
+msgid "Tenge"
+msgstr "ÐазакÑÑанÑки Ñенге"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
+msgid "Kip"
+msgstr "ÐаоÑки кип"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
+msgid "Lebanese Pound"
+msgstr "ÐиванÑки паÑнд"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
+msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
+msgstr "ШÑиланкийÑка ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
+msgid "Liberian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐибеÑийÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
+msgid "Loti"
+msgstr "ÐоÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
+msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
+msgstr "ÐиÑвийÑки лиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
+msgid "Latvian Lats"
+msgstr "ÐаÑвииÑки лиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
+msgid "Libyan Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐибийÑки динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
+msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
+msgstr "ÐаÑоканÑки диÑÑ
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
+msgid "Moldovan Leu"
+msgstr "ÐолдовÑка леÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
+msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
+msgstr "ÐалгаÑко аÑиаÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
+msgid "Denar"
+msgstr "ÐенаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
+msgid "Kyat"
+msgstr "ÐиÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
+msgid "Tugrik"
+msgstr "ÐонголÑки ÑÑгÑик"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
+msgid "Pataca"
+msgstr "ÐаÑака"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
+msgid "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "ÐÑгиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
+msgid "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "ÐалÑийÑка лиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
+msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
+msgstr "ÐавÑиÑийÑки ÑÑпей"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
+msgid "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Ð ÑÑиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
+msgid "Kwacha"
+msgstr "ÐÑаÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
+msgid "Mexican Peso"
+msgstr "ÐекÑиканÑко пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
+msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
+msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
+msgstr "ÐалайзийÑки ÑингиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
+msgid "Metical"
+msgstr "ÐозамбкÑки меÑикал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
+msgid "Namibia Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐамибийÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
+msgid "Naira"
+msgstr "ÐайÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
+msgid "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "ÐикаÑагÑка коÑдоба"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
+msgid "Norwegian Krone"
+msgstr "ÐоÑвежка кÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
+msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
+msgstr "ÐепалÑки ÑÑпей"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
+msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
+msgstr "Ðово ÐеландÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
+msgid "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "ÐманÑки Ñиал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
+msgid "Balboa"
+msgstr "ÐанамÑка балбоа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
+msgid "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "Ðов пеÑÑанÑки Ñол"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
+msgid "Kina"
+msgstr "ÐапÑа - Ðова ÐвинейÑка кина"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
+msgid "Philippine Peso"
+msgstr "ФилипинÑко пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
+msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
+msgstr "ÐакиÑÑанÑка ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
+msgid "Zloty"
+msgstr "ÐолÑка ÐлоÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
+msgid "Guarani"
+msgstr "ÐÑаÑани"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
+msgid "Qatari Rial"
+msgstr "ÐаÑаÑÑки Ñиал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
+msgid "New Leu"
+msgstr "Ð ÑмÑнÑко леÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
+msgid "Serbian Dinar"
+msgstr "СÑÑбÑки динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
+msgid "Russian Ruble"
+msgstr "Ð ÑÑка ÑÑбла"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
+msgid "Rwanda Franc"
+msgstr "Ð ÑандÑки ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
+msgid "Saudi Riyal"
+msgstr "СаÑдиÑÑки Ñиал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
+msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð° Соломонови оÑÑÑови"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
+msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
+msgstr "СейÑелÑка ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
+msgid "Sudanese Pound"
+msgstr "СÑданÑки динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
+msgid "Swedish Krona"
+msgstr "ШведÑка кÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
+msgid "Singapore Dollar"
+msgstr "СингапÑÑÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
+msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
+msgstr "о-в СвеÑа Ðлена лиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
+msgid "Leone"
+msgstr "СиеÑа ÐеонÑко Ðеоне"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
+msgid "Somali Shilling"
+msgstr "СомалийÑки Ñилинг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
+msgid "Surinam Dollar"
+msgstr "СÑÑинамÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
+msgid "Dobra"
+msgstr "ÐобÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
+msgid "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Ðл СалвадоÑÑки колон "
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
+msgid "Syrian Pound"
+msgstr "СиÑийÑка лиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
+msgid "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Ðилангени"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
+msgid "Baht"
+msgstr "ТайландÑки баÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
+msgid "Somoni"
+msgstr "Сомони"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
+msgid "Manat"
+msgstr "ÐанаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
+msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
+msgstr "ТÑнизийÑки динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
+msgid "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "ÐаÑнга"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
+msgid "New Turkish Lira"
+msgstr "Ðова ÑÑÑÑка лиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
+msgstr "ТÑинидадÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
+msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
+msgstr "Ðов ÑайванÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
+msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
+msgstr "ТанзанийÑки Ñилинг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
+msgid "Hryvnia"
+msgstr "УкÑаинÑка гÑивна"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
+msgid "Uganda Shilling"
+msgstr "УгандийÑки Ñилинг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
+msgid "US Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐмеÑиканÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
+msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
+msgstr "ÐмеÑиканÑки Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð°Ñ (ÑÐ»ÐµÐ´Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ½)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
+msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
+msgstr "ÐмеÑиканÑки Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð°Ñ (Ñози ден)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
+msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
+msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
+msgstr "УÑÑгвайÑко пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
+msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
+msgstr "УзбекиÑÑанÑки СÑм"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
+msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "ÐоливаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
+msgid "Dong"
+msgstr "ÐиеÑнамÑки донг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
+msgid "Vatu"
+msgstr "ÐаÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
+msgid "Tala"
+msgstr "Тала"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
+msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "СÑебÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
+msgid "Gold"
+msgstr "ÐлаÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
+msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
+msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
+msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐзÑоÑно ÐаÑибÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
+msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "СпеÑиални пÑава на ÑиÑаж"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
+msgid "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "ÐлаÑен ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
+msgid "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
+msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
+msgid "Palladium"
+msgstr "Ðаладии"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
+msgid "CFP Franc"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
+msgid "Platinum"
+msgstr "ÐлаÑина"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
+msgid "Code for testing purposes"
+msgstr "Ðод за ÑеÑÑове"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
+msgid "No currency"
+msgstr "ÐÑма валÑÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
+msgid "Yemeni Rial"
+msgstr "ÐеменÑки Ñиал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
+msgid "Rand"
+msgstr "Ранд"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
+msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "ÐÑаÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
+msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐимбабвииÑки долаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑи"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "УпÑавление на валÑÑи"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑи"
+msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
+msgid "Currency Administration"
+msgstr "УпÑавление на валÑÑа"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑи"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr "ФоÑмаÑиÑане"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "ÐÑноÑение"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑове"
diff --git a/locale/cs_CZ.po b/locale/cs_CZ.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c2150f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/cs_CZ.po
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgid "Display Digits"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgid "Decimal Separator"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgid "Grouping"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgid "Thousands Separator"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign Position"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgid "Numeric Code"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign Position"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgid "Current rate"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgid "Rounding factor"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
+msgid "UAE Dirham"
+msgstr "Spojené Arabské Emiráty - dirham"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
+msgid "Afghani"
+msgstr "Afghani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
+msgid "Lek"
+msgstr "Lek"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
+msgid "Armenian Dram"
+msgstr "Arménský dram"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
+msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
+msgstr "Nizozemskoantilský gulden"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
+msgid "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Kwanza"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
+msgid "Argentine Peso"
+msgstr "Argentinské peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
+msgid "Australian Dollar"
+msgstr "Australský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
+msgid "Aruban Guilder"
+msgstr "Arubský gulden"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
+msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
+msgstr "Ãzerbajdžánský manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
+msgid "Convertible Marks"
+msgstr "Konvertibilnà marka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
+msgid "Barbados Dollar"
+msgstr "Barbadoský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
+msgid "Taka"
+msgstr "Taka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
+msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
+msgstr "Bulharská leva"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
+msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
+msgstr "Bahrajnský dinár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
+msgid "Burundi Franc"
+msgstr "Burundský frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
+msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
+msgstr "Bermudský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
+msgid "Brunei Dollar"
+msgstr "Brunejský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
+msgid "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Boliviano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
+msgid "Mvdol"
+msgstr "Mvdol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
+msgid "Brazilian Real"
+msgstr "Brazilský real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
+msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
+msgstr "Bahamský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
+msgid "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "Ngultrum"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
+msgid "Pula"
+msgstr "Pula"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
+msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
+msgstr "BÄloruský rubl"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
+msgid "Belize Dollar"
+msgstr "Belizský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
+msgid "Canadian Dollar"
+msgstr "Kanadský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
+msgid "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Konžský frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
+msgid "WIR Euro"
+msgstr "WIR euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
+msgid "Swiss Franc"
+msgstr "Švýcarský frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
+msgid "WIR Franc"
+msgstr "WIR frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
+msgid "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
+msgid "Chilean Peso"
+msgstr "Chilské peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
+msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
+msgstr "ÄÃnský renminbi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
+msgid "Colombian Peso"
+msgstr "Kolumbijské peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
+msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
+msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
+msgstr "Kostarický colon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
+msgid "Cuban Peso"
+msgstr "Kubánské peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
+msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
+msgstr "Kapverdské escudo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
+msgid "Cyprus Pound"
+msgstr "Kyperská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
+msgid "Czech Koruna"
+msgstr "Äeská koruna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
+msgid "Djibouti Franc"
+msgstr "Džibutský frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
+msgid "Danish Krone"
+msgstr "Dánská koruna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
+msgid "Dominican Peso"
+msgstr "Dominikánské peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
+msgid "Algerian Dinar"
+msgstr "AlžÃrský dinár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
+msgid "Kroon"
+msgstr "Koruna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
+msgid "Egyptian Pound"
+msgstr "Egyptská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
+msgid "Nakfa"
+msgstr "Nakfa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
+msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "Etiopský birr"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
+msgid "Euro"
+msgstr "Euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
+msgid "Fiji Dollar"
+msgstr "Fidžijský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
+msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
+msgstr "Falklandská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
+msgid "Pound Sterling"
+msgstr "Britská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
+msgid "Lari"
+msgstr "Lari"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
+msgid "Ghana Cedi"
+msgstr "Ghanský cedi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
+msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
+msgstr "Gibraltarská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
+msgid "Dalasi"
+msgstr "Dalasi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
+msgid "Guinea Franc"
+msgstr "Guinejský frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
+msgid "Quetzal"
+msgstr "Quetzal"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
+msgid "Guyana Dollar"
+msgstr "Guyanský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
+msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
+msgstr "Hongkongský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
+msgid "Lempira"
+msgstr "Lempira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
+msgid "Croatian Kuna"
+msgstr "Chorvatská kuna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
+msgid "Gourde"
+msgstr "Gourde"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
+msgid "Forint"
+msgstr "Forint"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
+msgid "Rupiah"
+msgstr "Rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
+msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
+msgstr "Izraelský nový šekel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
+msgid "Indian Rupee"
+msgstr "Indická rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
+msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
+msgstr "Irácký dinár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
+msgid "Iranian Rial"
+msgstr "Ãránský rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
+msgid "Iceland Krona"
+msgstr "Islandská koruna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
+msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
+msgstr "Jamajský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
+msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
+msgstr "Jordánský dinár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
+msgid "Yen"
+msgstr "Jen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
+msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
+msgstr "KeÅský Å¡ilink"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
+msgid "Som"
+msgstr "Som"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
+msgid "Riel"
+msgstr "Riel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
+msgid "Comoro Franc"
+msgstr "Komorský frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
+msgid "North Korean Won"
+msgstr "Severokorejský won"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
+msgid "Won"
+msgstr "Won"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
+msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
+msgstr "Kuvajtský dinár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
+msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Kajmanský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
+msgid "Tenge"
+msgstr "Tenge"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
+msgid "Kip"
+msgstr "Kip"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
+msgid "Lebanese Pound"
+msgstr "Libanonská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
+msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
+msgstr "SrÃlanská rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
+msgid "Liberian Dollar"
+msgstr "Liberijský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
+msgid "Loti"
+msgstr "Loti"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
+msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
+msgstr "Litevský lit"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
+msgid "Latvian Lats"
+msgstr "Lotyšský lat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
+msgid "Libyan Dinar"
+msgstr "Libyjský dinár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
+msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
+msgstr "Marocký dirham"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
+msgid "Moldovan Leu"
+msgstr "Moldavský leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
+msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
+msgstr "Madagaskarský ariary"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
+msgid "Denar"
+msgstr "Denár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
+msgid "Kyat"
+msgstr "Kyat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
+msgid "Tugrik"
+msgstr "Tugrik"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
+msgid "Pataca"
+msgstr "Pataca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
+msgid "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "Ouguiya"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
+msgid "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "Maltézská lira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
+msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
+msgstr "Mauricijská rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
+msgid "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Rufiya"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
+msgid "Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
+msgid "Mexican Peso"
+msgstr "Mexické peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
+msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
+msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
+msgstr "Malajský ringgit"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
+msgid "Metical"
+msgstr "Metical"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
+msgid "Namibia Dollar"
+msgstr "Namibijský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
+msgid "Naira"
+msgstr "Naira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
+msgid "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "Cordoba oro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
+msgid "Norwegian Krone"
+msgstr "Norská koruna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
+msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
+msgstr "Nepálská rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
+msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
+msgstr "Novozélandský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
+msgid "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "Ománský rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
+msgid "Balboa"
+msgstr "Balboa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
+msgid "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "Nový sol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
+msgid "Kina"
+msgstr "Kina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
+msgid "Philippine Peso"
+msgstr "FilipÃnské peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
+msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
+msgstr "Pákistánská rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
+msgid "Zloty"
+msgstr "Zlotý"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
+msgid "Guarani"
+msgstr "Guarani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
+msgid "Qatari Rial"
+msgstr "Katarský rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
+msgid "New Leu"
+msgstr "Nový leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
+msgid "Serbian Dinar"
+msgstr "Srbský dinár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
+msgid "Russian Ruble"
+msgstr "Ruský rubl"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
+msgid "Rwanda Franc"
+msgstr "Rwandský frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
+msgid "Saudi Riyal"
+msgstr "Saudskoarabský rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
+msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Å alamounovy ostrovy - dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
+msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
+msgstr "Seychelská rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
+msgid "Sudanese Pound"
+msgstr "Súdánská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
+msgid "Swedish Krona"
+msgstr "Švédská koruna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
+msgid "Singapore Dollar"
+msgstr "Singapurský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
+msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
+msgstr "Svatohelenská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
+msgid "Leone"
+msgstr "Leone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
+msgid "Somali Shilling"
+msgstr "Somálský šilink"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
+msgid "Surinam Dollar"
+msgstr "Surinamský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
+msgid "Dobra"
+msgstr "Dobra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
+msgid "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Salvádorský colon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
+msgid "Syrian Pound"
+msgstr "Sýrijská libra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
+msgid "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Lilangeni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
+msgid "Baht"
+msgstr "Baht"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
+msgid "Somoni"
+msgstr "Somoni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
+msgid "Manat"
+msgstr "Manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
+msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
+msgstr "Tuniský dinár"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
+msgid "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Pa'anga"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
+msgid "New Turkish Lira"
+msgstr "Turecká nová lira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
+msgstr "Trinidad a Tobago - dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
+msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
+msgstr "Taiwanský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
+msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
+msgstr "Tanzanský šilink"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
+msgid "Hryvnia"
+msgstr "HÅivna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
+msgid "Uganda Shilling"
+msgstr "Ugandský šilink"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
+msgid "US Dollar"
+msgstr "Americký dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
+msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
+msgstr "Americký dolar (pÅÃÅ¡tà den)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
+msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
+msgstr "Americký dolar (stejný den)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
+msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
+msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
+msgstr "Uruguayské peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
+msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
+msgstr "Uzbecký sum"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
+msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "Bolivar fuerte"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
+msgid "Dong"
+msgstr "Dong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
+msgid "Vatu"
+msgstr "Vatu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
+msgid "Tala"
+msgstr "Tala"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
+msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgstr "CFA frank BEAC"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "StÅÃbro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
+msgid "Gold"
+msgstr "Zlato"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
+msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "Evropská smÃÅ¡ená jednotka (EURCO)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
+msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "Evropská mÄnová jednotka (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "Evropská jednotka úÄtu 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "Evropská jednotka úÄtu 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
+msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
+msgstr "Východokaribský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
+msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Zvláštnà práva ÄerpánÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
+msgid "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "Zlatý frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
+msgid "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr "UIC frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
+msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgstr "CFA frank BCEAO"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
+msgid "Palladium"
+msgstr "Paladium"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
+msgid "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "CFP frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
+msgid "Platinum"
+msgstr "Platina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
+msgid "Code for testing purposes"
+msgstr "Kód pro testovacà úÄely"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
+msgid "No currency"
+msgstr "Žádná mÄna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
+msgid "Yemeni Rial"
+msgstr "Jemenský rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
+msgid "Rand"
+msgstr "Rand"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
+msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Zabmijská kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
+msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
+msgstr "Zimbabwský dolar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
+msgid "Currency Administration"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/de_DE.po b/locale/de_DE.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b94f6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/de_DE.po
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr "Einer Währung kann nur ein Kurs pro Datum zugewiesen werden!"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr "Ungültige Gruppierung"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr "Kein Kurs gefunden für Währung %s am %s"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Aktiv"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Code"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:0"
+msgid "Creation date"
+msgstr "Erstellungsdatum"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:0"
+msgid "Creation user"
+msgstr "Ersteller"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgid "Display Digits"
+msgstr "Angezeigte Stellen"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:0"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgid "Decimal Separator"
+msgstr "Dezimalpunkt Währung"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgid "Grouping"
+msgstr "Gruppierung Währung"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgid "Thousands Separator"
+msgstr "Tausendertrennzeichen Währung"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "Negativer Wert: Symbol führend"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Negativer Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign Position"
+msgstr "Position negatives Vorzeichen"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Name"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign"
+msgstr "Negatives Vorzeichen"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgid "Numeric Code"
+msgstr "Numerischer Code"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "Positiver Wert: Symbol führend"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Positiver Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign Position"
+msgstr "Position positives Vorzeichen"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign"
+msgstr "Positives Vorzeichen"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgid "Current rate"
+msgstr "Aktueller Kurs"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Kurse"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Name"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgid "Rounding factor"
+msgstr "Rundung"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr "Symbol"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:0"
+msgid "Last modification date"
+msgstr "Zuletzt geändert am"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:0"
+msgid "Last modification by"
+msgstr "Zuletzt geändert von"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:0"
+msgid "Creation date"
+msgstr "Erstellungsdatum"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:0"
+msgid "Creation user"
+msgstr "Ersteller"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Währung"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Datum"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:0"
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Kurs"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Name"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:0"
+msgid "Last modification date"
+msgstr "Zuletzt geändert am"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:0"
+msgid "Last modification by"
+msgstr "Zuletzt geändert von"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Währung"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
+msgid "UAE Dirham"
+msgstr "VAE-Dirham"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
+msgid "Afghani"
+msgstr "Afghani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
+msgid "Lek"
+msgstr "Lek"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
+msgid "Armenian Dram"
+msgstr "Armenischer Dram"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
+msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
+msgstr "Niederländische Antillen-Gulden"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
+msgid "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Kwanza"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
+msgid "Argentine Peso"
+msgstr "Argentinischer Peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
+msgid "Australian Dollar"
+msgstr "Australischer Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
+msgid "Aruban Guilder"
+msgstr "Arubanischer Gulden"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
+msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
+msgstr "Aserbeidschan Manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
+msgid "Convertible Marks"
+msgstr "Konvertible Mark"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
+msgid "Barbados Dollar"
+msgstr "Barbados-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
+msgid "Taka"
+msgstr "Taka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
+msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
+msgstr "Bulgarischer Lev"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
+msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
+msgstr "Bahrain-Dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
+msgid "Burundi Franc"
+msgstr "Burundi-Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
+msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
+msgstr "Bermuda-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
+msgid "Brunei Dollar"
+msgstr "Brunei-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
+msgid "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Bolivischer Boliviano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
+msgid "Mvdol"
+msgstr "Mvdol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
+msgid "Brazilian Real"
+msgstr "Brasilianischer Real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
+msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
+msgstr "Bahama-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
+msgid "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "Ngultrum"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
+msgid "Pula"
+msgstr "Pula"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
+msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
+msgstr "WeiÃrussischer Rubel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
+msgid "Belize Dollar"
+msgstr "Belize-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
+msgid "Canadian Dollar"
+msgstr "Kanadischer Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
+msgid "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Congolese Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
+msgid "WIR Euro"
+msgstr "WIR Euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
+msgid "Swiss Franc"
+msgstr "Schweizer Franken"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
+msgid "WIR Franc"
+msgstr "WIR Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
+msgid "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
+msgid "Chilean Peso"
+msgstr "Chilenischer Peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
+msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
+msgstr "Renminbi-Yuan"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
+msgid "Colombian Peso"
+msgstr "Kolumbischer Peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
+msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
+msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
+msgstr "Costa Rica Colon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
+msgid "Cuban Peso"
+msgstr "Kubanischer Peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
+msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
+msgstr "Kap-Verde-Escudo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
+msgid "Cyprus Pound"
+msgstr "Zypriotisches Pfund"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
+msgid "Czech Koruna"
+msgstr "Tschechische Krone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
+msgid "Djibouti Franc"
+msgstr "Djibouti-Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
+msgid "Danish Krone"
+msgstr "Dänische Krone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
+msgid "Dominican Peso"
+msgstr "Dominikanischer Peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
+msgid "Algerian Dinar"
+msgstr "Algerischer Dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
+msgid "Kroon"
+msgstr "Estnische Krone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
+msgid "Egyptian Pound"
+msgstr "Ãgyptisches Pfund"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
+msgid "Nakfa"
+msgstr "Nakfa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
+msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "Ãthiopischer Birr"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
+msgid "Euro"
+msgstr "Euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
+msgid "Fiji Dollar"
+msgstr "Fidschi-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
+msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
+msgstr "Falkland Pfund"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
+msgid "Pound Sterling"
+msgstr "Pfund Sterling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
+msgid "Lari"
+msgstr "Lari"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
+msgid "Ghana Cedi"
+msgstr "Ghanaischer Cedi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
+msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
+msgstr "Gibraltar-Pfund"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
+msgid "Dalasi"
+msgstr "Dalasi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
+msgid "Guinea Franc"
+msgstr "Guinea-Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
+msgid "Quetzal"
+msgstr "Quetzal"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
+msgid "Guyana Dollar"
+msgstr "Guyana-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
+msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
+msgstr "Hongkong-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
+msgid "Lempira"
+msgstr "Lempira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
+msgid "Croatian Kuna"
+msgstr "Kuna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
+msgid "Gourde"
+msgstr "Gourde"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
+msgid "Forint"
+msgstr "Forint"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
+msgid "Rupiah"
+msgstr "Rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
+msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
+msgstr "Schekel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
+msgid "Indian Rupee"
+msgstr "Indische Rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
+msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
+msgstr "Irakischer Dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
+msgid "Iranian Rial"
+msgstr "Iranischer Rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
+msgid "Iceland Krona"
+msgstr "Isländische Krone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
+msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
+msgstr "Jamaikanischer Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
+msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
+msgstr "Jordanischer Dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
+msgid "Yen"
+msgstr "Yen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
+msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
+msgstr "Kenianischer Shilling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
+msgid "Som"
+msgstr "Som"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
+msgid "Riel"
+msgstr "Riel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
+msgid "Comoro Franc"
+msgstr "Komoren-Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
+msgid "North Korean Won"
+msgstr "Nordkoreanischer Won"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
+msgid "Won"
+msgstr "Won"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
+msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
+msgstr "Kuwait-Dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
+msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Kaiman-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
+msgid "Tenge"
+msgstr "Tenge"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
+msgid "Kip"
+msgstr "Kip"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
+msgid "Lebanese Pound"
+msgstr "Libanesisches Pfund"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
+msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
+msgstr "Sri-Lanka-Rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
+msgid "Liberian Dollar"
+msgstr "Liberianischer Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
+msgid "Loti"
+msgstr "Loti"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
+msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
+msgstr "Litauischer Litas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
+msgid "Latvian Lats"
+msgstr "Lettischer Lats"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
+msgid "Libyan Dinar"
+msgstr "Libyscher Dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
+msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
+msgstr "Marokkanischer Dirham"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
+msgid "Moldovan Leu"
+msgstr "Moldau Leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
+msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
+msgstr "Madagassischer Ariary"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
+msgid "Denar"
+msgstr "Denar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
+msgid "Kyat"
+msgstr "Kyat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
+msgid "Tugrik"
+msgstr "Tugrik"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
+msgid "Pataca"
+msgstr "Pataca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
+msgid "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "Ouguiya"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
+msgid "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "Maltesische Lira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
+msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
+msgstr "Mauritius-Rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
+msgid "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Rufiyaa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
+msgid "Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
+msgid "Mexican Peso"
+msgstr "Mexikanischer Peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
+msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Mexikanische Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
+msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
+msgstr "Malaysischer Ringgit"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
+msgid "Metical"
+msgstr "Metical"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
+msgid "Namibia Dollar"
+msgstr "Namibia-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
+msgid "Naira"
+msgstr "Naira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
+msgid "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "Cordoba Oro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
+msgid "Norwegian Krone"
+msgstr "Norwegische Krone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
+msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
+msgstr "Nepalesische Rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
+msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
+msgstr "Neuseeland-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
+msgid "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "Rial Omani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
+msgid "Balboa"
+msgstr "Balboa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
+msgid "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "Neuer Sol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
+msgid "Kina"
+msgstr "Kina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
+msgid "Philippine Peso"
+msgstr "Philippinischer Peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
+msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
+msgstr "Pakistanische Rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
+msgid "Zloty"
+msgstr "Zloty"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
+msgid "Guarani"
+msgstr "Guarani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
+msgid "Qatari Rial"
+msgstr "Katar-Rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
+msgid "New Leu"
+msgstr "Neuer Leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
+msgid "Serbian Dinar"
+msgstr "Serbischer Dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
+msgid "Russian Ruble"
+msgstr "Russischer Rubel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
+msgid "Rwanda Franc"
+msgstr "Ruandischer Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
+msgid "Saudi Riyal"
+msgstr "Saudi-Arabischer Rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
+msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Salomonen-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
+msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
+msgstr "Seychellen-Rupie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
+msgid "Sudanese Pound"
+msgstr "Sudanesisches Pfund"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
+msgid "Swedish Krona"
+msgstr "Schwedische Krone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
+msgid "Singapore Dollar"
+msgstr "Singapur-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
+msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
+msgstr "St.-Helena-Pfund"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
+msgid "Leone"
+msgstr "Leone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
+msgid "Somali Shilling"
+msgstr "Somalischer Schilling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
+msgid "Surinam Dollar"
+msgstr "Surinam-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
+msgid "Dobra"
+msgstr "Dobra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
+msgid "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "El Salvador Colon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
+msgid "Syrian Pound"
+msgstr "Syrisches Pfund"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
+msgid "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Lilangeni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
+msgid "Baht"
+msgstr "Baht"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
+msgid "Somoni"
+msgstr "Somoni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
+msgid "Manat"
+msgstr "Manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
+msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
+msgstr "Tunesischer Dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
+msgid "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Pa'anga"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
+msgid "New Turkish Lira"
+msgstr "Neue Türkische Lira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
+msgstr "Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
+msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
+msgstr "Neuer Taiwan-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
+msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
+msgstr "Tansanischer Schilling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
+msgid "Hryvnia"
+msgstr "Hrywnja"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
+msgid "Uganda Shilling"
+msgstr "Uganda-Schilling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
+msgid "US Dollar"
+msgstr "US Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
+msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
+msgstr "US Dollar (Nächster Tag)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
+msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
+msgstr "US Dollar (Gleicher Tag)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
+msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
+msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
+msgstr "Uruguayischer Peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
+msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
+msgstr "Usbekischer Soʻm"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
+msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "BolÃvar Fuerte"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
+msgid "Dong"
+msgstr "Dong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
+msgid "Vatu"
+msgstr "Vatu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
+msgid "Tala"
+msgstr "Tala"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
+msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgstr "CFA Franc (Ãquatorial)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "Silber"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
+msgid "Gold"
+msgstr "Gold"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
+msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
+msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "Europäische Währungseinheit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "Europäische Rechnungseinheit 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "Europäische Rechnungseinheit 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
+msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
+msgstr "Ostkaribischer Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
+msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Sonderziehungsrecht"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
+msgid "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "Gold-Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
+msgid "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr "UIC-Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
+msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgstr "CFA Franc (West)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
+msgid "Palladium"
+msgstr "Palladium"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
+msgid "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "CFP Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
+msgid "Platinum"
+msgstr "Platin"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
+msgid "Code for testing purposes"
+msgstr "Testcode"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
+msgid "No currency"
+msgstr "Keine Währung"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
+msgid "Yemeni Rial"
+msgstr "Jemenitischer Rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
+msgid "Rand"
+msgstr "Rand"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
+msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
+msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
+msgstr "Simbabwe-Dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Kurs"
+msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Währungen"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Währungen"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Währungen"
+msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
+msgid "Currency Administration"
+msgstr "Währungen Administration"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Währungen"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Währung"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr "Format"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Kurs"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Kurse"
diff --git a/locale/es_CO.po b/locale/es_CO.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63ef67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/es_CO.po
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr "Una moneda solamente puede tener un valor por fecha!"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr "Agrupamiento Inválido!"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la moneda: %s a la fecha: %s"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Activo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Código"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgid "Display Digits"
+msgstr "Mostrar DÃgitos"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgid "Decimal Separator"
+msgstr "Separador Decimal"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgid "Grouping"
+msgstr "Agrupación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgid "Thousands Separator"
+msgstr "Separador de Miles"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "El Signo Negativo Precede"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign Position"
+msgstr "Posición de Signo Negativo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign"
+msgstr "Signo Negativo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgid "Numeric Code"
+msgstr "Código Numérico"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "El signo Positivo Precede"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign Position"
+msgstr "Posición del Signo Positivo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign"
+msgstr "Signo Positivo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgid "Current rate"
+msgstr "Moneda Actual"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgid "Rounding factor"
+msgstr "Factor de Redondeo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr "SÃmbolo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Moneda"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Fecha"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Moneda"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
+msgid "UAE Dirham"
+msgstr "Dirham de los Emiratos Ãrabes Unidos"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
+msgid "Afghani"
+msgstr "AfganÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
+msgid "Lek"
+msgstr "Lek"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
+msgid "Armenian Dram"
+msgstr "Dram armenio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
+msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
+msgstr "FlorÃn de las Antillas Neerlandesas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
+msgid "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Kwanza"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
+msgid "Argentine Peso"
+msgstr "Peso argentino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
+msgid "Australian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar australiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
+msgid "Aruban Guilder"
+msgstr "FlorÃn de Aruba"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
+msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
+msgstr "Manat de Azerbayán"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
+msgid "Convertible Marks"
+msgstr "Marcos convertibles"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
+msgid "Barbados Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Barbados"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
+msgid "Taka"
+msgstr "Taka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
+msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
+msgstr "Lev búlgaro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
+msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar bahreinÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
+msgid "Burundi Franc"
+msgstr "Franco de Burundi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
+msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Bermudas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
+msgid "Brunei Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Brunei"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
+msgid "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Boliviano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
+msgid "Mvdol"
+msgstr "Mvdol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
+msgid "Brazilian Real"
+msgstr "Real brasileño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
+msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Bahamas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
+msgid "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "Ngultrum"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
+msgid "Pula"
+msgstr "Pula"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
+msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
+msgstr "Rubla bielorrusa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
+msgid "Belize Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Belize"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
+msgid "Canadian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar canadiense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
+msgid "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Congolese Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
+msgid "WIR Euro"
+msgstr "Euro WIR"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
+msgid "Swiss Franc"
+msgstr "Franco suizo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
+msgid "WIR Franc"
+msgstr "Franco WIR"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
+msgid "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
+msgid "Chilean Peso"
+msgstr "Peso chileno"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
+msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
+msgstr "Yuan renminbi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
+msgid "Colombian Peso"
+msgstr "Peso colombiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
+msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
+msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
+msgstr "Colón costarricense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
+msgid "Cuban Peso"
+msgstr "Peso cubano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
+msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
+msgstr "Escudo de Cabo Verde"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
+msgid "Cyprus Pound"
+msgstr "Libra chipriota"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
+msgid "Czech Koruna"
+msgstr "Corona checa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
+msgid "Djibouti Franc"
+msgstr "Franco de Djibouti"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
+msgid "Danish Krone"
+msgstr "Corona danesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
+msgid "Dominican Peso"
+msgstr "Peso dominicano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
+msgid "Algerian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar argelino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
+msgid "Kroon"
+msgstr "Corona estonia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
+msgid "Egyptian Pound"
+msgstr "Libra egipcia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
+msgid "Nakfa"
+msgstr "Nakfa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
+msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "Birr de etÃope"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
+msgid "Euro"
+msgstr "Euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
+msgid "Fiji Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Fiji"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
+msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
+msgstr "Libra de las Islas Malvinas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
+msgid "Pound Sterling"
+msgstr "Libra esterlina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
+msgid "Lari"
+msgstr "Lari"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
+msgid "Ghana Cedi"
+msgstr "Cedi ghanés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
+msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
+msgstr "Libra de Gibraltar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
+msgid "Dalasi"
+msgstr "Dalasi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
+msgid "Guinea Franc"
+msgstr "Franco guineano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
+msgid "Quetzal"
+msgstr "Quetzal"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
+msgid "Guyana Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar guayanés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
+msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Hong Kong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
+msgid "Lempira"
+msgstr "Lempira hondureño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
+msgid "Croatian Kuna"
+msgstr "Kuna croata"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
+msgid "Gourde"
+msgstr "Gourde haitiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
+msgid "Forint"
+msgstr "Forint húngaro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
+msgid "Rupiah"
+msgstr "Rupia indonesia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
+msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
+msgstr "Nuevo sheqel israelÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
+msgid "Indian Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia india"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
+msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar iraquÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
+msgid "Iranian Rial"
+msgstr "Rial iranÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
+msgid "Iceland Krona"
+msgstr "Corona islandesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
+msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar jamaiqueño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
+msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar jordano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
+msgid "Yen"
+msgstr "Yen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
+msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
+msgstr "ChelÃn keniata"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
+msgid "Som"
+msgstr "Som"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
+msgid "Riel"
+msgstr "Riel camboyano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
+msgid "Comoro Franc"
+msgstr "Franco comoriano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
+msgid "North Korean Won"
+msgstr "Won norcoreano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
+msgid "Won"
+msgstr "Won surcoreano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
+msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar kuwaitÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
+msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Caimán"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
+msgid "Tenge"
+msgstr "Tenge"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
+msgid "Kip"
+msgstr "Kip laosiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
+msgid "Lebanese Pound"
+msgstr "Libra libanesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
+msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia de Sri Lanka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
+msgid "Liberian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dóla liberiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
+msgid "Loti"
+msgstr "Loti lesothense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
+msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
+msgstr "Litas lituano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
+msgid "Latvian Lats"
+msgstr "Lat letón"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
+msgid "Libyan Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar libio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
+msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
+msgstr "Dirham marroquÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
+msgid "Moldovan Leu"
+msgstr "Leu moldavo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
+msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
+msgstr "Ariary malgache"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
+msgid "Denar"
+msgstr "Denar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
+msgid "Kyat"
+msgstr "Kyat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
+msgid "Tugrik"
+msgstr "Tugrik"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
+msgid "Pataca"
+msgstr "Pataca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
+msgid "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "Uquiya"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
+msgid "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "Lira maltesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
+msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia mauricia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
+msgid "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Rufiyaa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
+msgid "Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha malawiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
+msgid "Mexican Peso"
+msgstr "Peso mexicano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
+msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Unidad de Inversión Mexicana (UDI)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
+msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
+msgstr "Ringgit malasio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
+msgid "Metical"
+msgstr "Metical mozambiqueño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
+msgid "Namibia Dollar"
+msgstr "Dóla namibio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
+msgid "Naira"
+msgstr "Naira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
+msgid "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "Córdoba"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
+msgid "Norwegian Krone"
+msgstr "Corona noruega"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
+msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia nepalesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
+msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar neozelandés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
+msgid "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "Rial omanÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
+msgid "Balboa"
+msgstr "Balboa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
+msgid "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "Nuevo Sol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
+msgid "Kina"
+msgstr "Kina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
+msgid "Philippine Peso"
+msgstr "Peso filipino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
+msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia pakistanÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
+msgid "Zloty"
+msgstr "Zloty"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
+msgid "Guarani"
+msgstr "GuaranÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
+msgid "Qatari Rial"
+msgstr "Rial de Qatar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
+msgid "New Leu"
+msgstr "Leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
+msgid "Serbian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar serbio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
+msgid "Russian Ruble"
+msgstr "Rublo ruso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
+msgid "Rwanda Franc"
+msgstr "Franco ruandés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
+msgid "Saudi Riyal"
+msgstr "Rial saudÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
+msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Solomón"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
+msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia de Seychelles"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
+msgid "Sudanese Pound"
+msgstr "Libra sudanesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
+msgid "Swedish Krona"
+msgstr "Corona sueca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
+msgid "Singapore Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Singapur"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
+msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
+msgstr "Libra de Santa Helena"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
+msgid "Leone"
+msgstr "Leone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
+msgid "Somali Shilling"
+msgstr "ChelÃn somalÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
+msgid "Surinam Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar surinamés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
+msgid "Dobra"
+msgstr "Dobra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
+msgid "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Colón salvadoreño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
+msgid "Syrian Pound"
+msgstr "Libra siria"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
+msgid "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Lilangeni suazi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
+msgid "Baht"
+msgstr "Baht"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
+msgid "Somoni"
+msgstr "Somoni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
+msgid "Manat"
+msgstr "Manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
+msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar tunecino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
+msgid "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Pa'anga"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
+msgid "New Turkish Lira"
+msgstr "Nueva lira turca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
+msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
+msgstr "nuevo Dólar taiwanés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
+msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
+msgstr "ChelÃn tanzano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
+msgid "Hryvnia"
+msgstr "Grivnia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
+msgid "Uganda Shilling"
+msgstr "ChelÃn ugandés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
+msgid "US Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar estadounidense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
+msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
+msgstr "Dólar estadounidense (dia siguiente)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
+msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
+msgstr "Dólar estadounidense (mismo dia)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
+msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
+msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
+msgstr "Peso uruguayo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
+msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
+msgstr "Som uzbeco"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
+msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
+msgid "Dong"
+msgstr "Dong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
+msgid "Vatu"
+msgstr "Vatu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
+msgid "Tala"
+msgstr "Tala"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
+msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgstr "franco CFA BEAC"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "Plata"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
+msgid "Gold"
+msgstr "Oro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
+msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "Unidad Compuesta Europea (EURCO)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
+msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "Unidad Monetaria Europea (E.U.M.-6)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "Unidad de cuenta europea 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "Unidad de cuenta europea 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
+msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar del Caribe oriental"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
+msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
+msgid "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "Franco de oro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
+msgid "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr "Franco UIC"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
+msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgstr "franco CFA BCEAO"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
+msgid "Palladium"
+msgstr "Paladio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
+msgid "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "Franco CFP"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
+msgid "Platinum"
+msgstr "Platino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
+msgid "Code for testing purposes"
+msgstr "Código reservado para pruebas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
+msgid "No currency"
+msgstr "Sin divisa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
+msgid "Yemeni Rial"
+msgstr "Rial yemenÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
+msgid "Rand"
+msgstr "Rand"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
+msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
+msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar zimbabuense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
+msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Monedas"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Gestión de Monedas"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Monedas"
+msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
+msgid "Currency Administration"
+msgstr "Administrar Monedas"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Monedas"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Moneda"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr "Formato"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
diff --git a/locale/es_ES.po b/locale/es_ES.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b07d1fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/es_ES.po
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr "Una divisa solo puede tener un valor por fecha"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr "Agrupamiento no válido"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado una conversión para la divisa «%s» con fecha: %s"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Activa"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Código"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgid "Display Digits"
+msgstr "DÃgitos a mostrar"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgid "Decimal Separator"
+msgstr "Separador decimal"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgid "Grouping"
+msgstr "Agrupación"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgid "Thousands Separator"
+msgstr "Separador de miles"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "El signo negativo va delante"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Signo negativo separado por espacio"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign Position"
+msgstr "Posición del signo negativo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign"
+msgstr "Signo negativo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgid "Numeric Code"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "El signo positivo va delante"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Signo positivo separado por espacio"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign Position"
+msgstr "Posición del signo positivo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign"
+msgstr "Signo positivo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgid "Current rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio actual"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgid "Rounding factor"
+msgstr "Factor de redondeo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr "SÃmbolo"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Divisa"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Fecha"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Divisa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
+msgid "UAE Dirham"
+msgstr "Dirham de los Emiratos Ãrabes Unidos"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
+msgid "Afghani"
+msgstr "AfganÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
+msgid "Lek"
+msgstr "Lek"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
+msgid "Armenian Dram"
+msgstr "Dram armenio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
+msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
+msgstr "FlorÃn de las Antillas Neerlandesas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
+msgid "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Kwanza"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
+msgid "Argentine Peso"
+msgstr "Peso argentino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
+msgid "Australian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar australiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
+msgid "Aruban Guilder"
+msgstr "FlorÃn de Aruba"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
+msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
+msgstr "Manat de Azerbayán"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
+msgid "Convertible Marks"
+msgstr "Marcos convertibles"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
+msgid "Barbados Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Barbados"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
+msgid "Taka"
+msgstr "Taka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
+msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
+msgstr "Lev búlgaro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
+msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar bahreinÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
+msgid "Burundi Franc"
+msgstr "Franco de Burundi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
+msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Bermudas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
+msgid "Brunei Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Brunei"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
+msgid "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Boliviano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
+msgid "Mvdol"
+msgstr "Mvdol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
+msgid "Brazilian Real"
+msgstr "Real brasileño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
+msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Bahamas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
+msgid "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "Ngultrum"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
+msgid "Pula"
+msgstr "Pula"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
+msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
+msgstr "Rubla bielorrusa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
+msgid "Belize Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Belize"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
+msgid "Canadian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar canadiense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
+msgid "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Congolese Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
+msgid "WIR Euro"
+msgstr "Euro WIR"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
+msgid "Swiss Franc"
+msgstr "Franco suizo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
+msgid "WIR Franc"
+msgstr "Franco WIR"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
+msgid "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
+msgid "Chilean Peso"
+msgstr "Peso chileno"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
+msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
+msgstr "Yuan renminbi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
+msgid "Colombian Peso"
+msgstr "Peso colombiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
+msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
+msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
+msgstr "Colón costarricense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
+msgid "Cuban Peso"
+msgstr "Peso cubano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
+msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
+msgstr "Escudo de Cabo Verde"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
+msgid "Cyprus Pound"
+msgstr "Libra chipriota"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
+msgid "Czech Koruna"
+msgstr "Corona checa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
+msgid "Djibouti Franc"
+msgstr "Franco de Djibouti"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
+msgid "Danish Krone"
+msgstr "Corona danesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
+msgid "Dominican Peso"
+msgstr "Peso dominicano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
+msgid "Algerian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar argelino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
+msgid "Kroon"
+msgstr "Corona estonia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
+msgid "Egyptian Pound"
+msgstr "Libra egipcia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
+msgid "Nakfa"
+msgstr "Nakfa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
+msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "Birr de etÃope"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
+msgid "Euro"
+msgstr "Euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
+msgid "Fiji Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Fiji"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
+msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
+msgstr "Libra de las Islas Malvinas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
+msgid "Pound Sterling"
+msgstr "Libra esterlina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
+msgid "Lari"
+msgstr "Lari"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
+msgid "Ghana Cedi"
+msgstr "Cedi ghanés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
+msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
+msgstr "Libra de Gibraltar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
+msgid "Dalasi"
+msgstr "Dalasi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
+msgid "Guinea Franc"
+msgstr "Franco guineano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
+msgid "Quetzal"
+msgstr "Quetzal"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
+msgid "Guyana Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar guayanés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
+msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Hong Kong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
+msgid "Lempira"
+msgstr "Lempira hondureño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
+msgid "Croatian Kuna"
+msgstr "Kuna croata"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
+msgid "Gourde"
+msgstr "Gourde haitiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
+msgid "Forint"
+msgstr "Forint húngaro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
+msgid "Rupiah"
+msgstr "Rupia indonesia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
+msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
+msgstr "Nuevo sheqel israelÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
+msgid "Indian Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia india"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
+msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar iraquÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
+msgid "Iranian Rial"
+msgstr "Rial iranÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
+msgid "Iceland Krona"
+msgstr "Corona islandesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
+msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar jamaiqueño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
+msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar jordano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
+msgid "Yen"
+msgstr "Yen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
+msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
+msgstr "ChelÃn keniata"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
+msgid "Som"
+msgstr "Som"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
+msgid "Riel"
+msgstr "Riel camboyano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
+msgid "Comoro Franc"
+msgstr "Franco comoriano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
+msgid "North Korean Won"
+msgstr "Won norcoreano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
+msgid "Won"
+msgstr "Won surcoreano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
+msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar kuwaitÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
+msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Caimán"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
+msgid "Tenge"
+msgstr "Tenge"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
+msgid "Kip"
+msgstr "Kip laosiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
+msgid "Lebanese Pound"
+msgstr "Libra libanesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
+msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia de Sri Lanka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
+msgid "Liberian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dóla liberiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
+msgid "Loti"
+msgstr "Loti lesothense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
+msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
+msgstr "Litas lituano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
+msgid "Latvian Lats"
+msgstr "Lat letón"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
+msgid "Libyan Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar libio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
+msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
+msgstr "Dirham marroquÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
+msgid "Moldovan Leu"
+msgstr "Leu moldavo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
+msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
+msgstr "Ariary malgache"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
+msgid "Denar"
+msgstr "Denar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
+msgid "Kyat"
+msgstr "Kyat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
+msgid "Tugrik"
+msgstr "Tugrik"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
+msgid "Pataca"
+msgstr "Pataca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
+msgid "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "Uquiya"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
+msgid "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "Lira maltesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
+msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia mauricia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
+msgid "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Rufiyaa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
+msgid "Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha malawiano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
+msgid "Mexican Peso"
+msgstr "Peso mexicano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
+msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Unidad de Inversión Mexicana (UDI)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
+msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
+msgstr "Ringgit malasio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
+msgid "Metical"
+msgstr "Metical mozambiqueño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
+msgid "Namibia Dollar"
+msgstr "Dóla namibio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
+msgid "Naira"
+msgstr "Naira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
+msgid "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "Córdoba"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
+msgid "Norwegian Krone"
+msgstr "Corona noruega"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
+msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia nepalesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
+msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar neozelandés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
+msgid "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "Rial omanÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
+msgid "Balboa"
+msgstr "Balboa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
+msgid "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "Nuevo Sol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
+msgid "Kina"
+msgstr "Kina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
+msgid "Philippine Peso"
+msgstr "Peso filipino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
+msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia pakistanÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
+msgid "Zloty"
+msgstr "Zloty"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
+msgid "Guarani"
+msgstr "GuaranÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
+msgid "Qatari Rial"
+msgstr "Rial de Qatar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
+msgid "New Leu"
+msgstr "Leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
+msgid "Serbian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar serbio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
+msgid "Russian Ruble"
+msgstr "Rublo ruso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
+msgid "Rwanda Franc"
+msgstr "Franco ruandés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
+msgid "Saudi Riyal"
+msgstr "Rial saudÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
+msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de las Islas Solomón"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
+msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
+msgstr "Rupia de Seychelles"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
+msgid "Sudanese Pound"
+msgstr "Libra sudanesa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
+msgid "Swedish Krona"
+msgstr "Corona sueca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
+msgid "Singapore Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Singapur"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
+msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
+msgstr "Libra de Santa Helena"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
+msgid "Leone"
+msgstr "Leone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
+msgid "Somali Shilling"
+msgstr "ChelÃn somalÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
+msgid "Surinam Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar surinamés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
+msgid "Dobra"
+msgstr "Dobra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
+msgid "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Colón salvadoreño"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
+msgid "Syrian Pound"
+msgstr "Libra siria"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
+msgid "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Lilangeni suazi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
+msgid "Baht"
+msgstr "Baht"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
+msgid "Somoni"
+msgstr "Somoni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
+msgid "Manat"
+msgstr "Manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
+msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar tunecino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
+msgid "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Pa'anga"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
+msgid "New Turkish Lira"
+msgstr "Nueva lira turca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
+msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
+msgstr "nuevo Dólar taiwanés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
+msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
+msgstr "ChelÃn tanzano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
+msgid "Hryvnia"
+msgstr "Grivnia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
+msgid "Uganda Shilling"
+msgstr "ChelÃn ugandés"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
+msgid "US Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar estadounidense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
+msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
+msgstr "Dólar estadounidense (dia siguiente)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
+msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
+msgstr "Dólar estadounidense (mismo dia)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
+msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
+msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
+msgstr "Peso uruguayo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
+msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
+msgstr "Som uzbeco"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
+msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
+msgid "Dong"
+msgstr "Dong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
+msgid "Vatu"
+msgstr "Vatu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
+msgid "Tala"
+msgstr "Tala"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
+msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgstr "franco CFA BEAC"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "Plata"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
+msgid "Gold"
+msgstr "Oro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
+msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "Unidad Compuesta Europea (EURCO)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
+msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "Unidad Monetaria Europea (E.U.M.-6)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "Unidad de cuenta europea 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "Unidad de cuenta europea 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
+msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar del Caribe oriental"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
+msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
+msgid "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "Franco de oro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
+msgid "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr "Franco UIC"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
+msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgstr "franco CFA BCEAO"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
+msgid "Palladium"
+msgstr "Paladio"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
+msgid "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "Franco CFP"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
+msgid "Platinum"
+msgstr "Platino"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
+msgid "Code for testing purposes"
+msgstr "Código reservado para pruebas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
+msgid "No currency"
+msgstr "Sin divisa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
+msgid "Yemeni Rial"
+msgstr "Rial yemenÃ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
+msgid "Rand"
+msgstr "Rand"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
+msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
+msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
+msgstr "Dólar zimbabuense"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Divisas"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Gestión de divisas"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Divisas"
+msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
+msgid "Currency Administration"
+msgstr "Administración de divisas"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Divisas"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Divisa"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr "Formato"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
diff --git a/locale/fr_FR.po b/locale/fr_FR.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..178796d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fr_FR.po
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr "Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr "Groupement invalide"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr "Pas de taux trouvé pour la devise: %s à la date: %s"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Actif"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Code"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgid "Display Digits"
+msgstr "Décimale affichée"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgid "Decimal Separator"
+msgstr "Séparateur décimal"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgid "Grouping"
+msgstr "Groupement"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgid "Thousands Separator"
+msgstr "Séparateur des milliers"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "Symbole négatif en premier"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Négatif séparé par un espace"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign Position"
+msgstr "Position du signe négatif"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign"
+msgstr "Signe négatif"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgid "Numeric Code"
+msgstr "Code numérique"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "Symbole de depositif en premier"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Positif séparé par un espace"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign Position"
+msgstr "Position du signe positif"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign"
+msgstr "Signe positif"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgid "Current rate"
+msgstr "Taux Actuel"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Taux"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgid "Rounding factor"
+msgstr "Facteur d'Arrondi"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr "Symbole"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Devise"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Devise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
+msgid "UAE Dirham"
+msgstr "Dirham des Ãmirats arabes unis"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
+msgid "Afghani"
+msgstr "Afghani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
+msgid "Lek"
+msgstr "Lek"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
+msgid "Armenian Dram"
+msgstr "Dram arménien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
+msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
+msgstr "Florin des Antilles néerlandaises"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
+msgid "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Kwanza"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
+msgid "Argentine Peso"
+msgstr "Peso argentin"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
+msgid "Australian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar australien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
+msgid "Aruban Guilder"
+msgstr "Florin d'Aruba"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
+msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
+msgstr "Manat d'Azerbaïdjan"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
+msgid "Convertible Marks"
+msgstr "Marks convertibles"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
+msgid "Barbados Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de la Barbade"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
+msgid "Taka"
+msgstr "Taka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
+msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
+msgstr "Lev bulgare"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
+msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar de Bahreïn"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
+msgid "Burundi Franc"
+msgstr "Franc burundais"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
+msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar des Bermudes"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
+msgid "Brunei Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de Brunei"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
+msgid "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Boliviano bolivien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
+msgid "Mvdol"
+msgstr "Mvdol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
+msgid "Brazilian Real"
+msgstr "Real brésilien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
+msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar des Bahamas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
+msgid "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "Ngultrum"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
+msgid "Pula"
+msgstr "Pula"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
+msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
+msgstr "Rouble biélorusse"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
+msgid "Belize Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de Belize"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
+msgid "Canadian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar canadien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
+msgid "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Franc congolais"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
+msgid "WIR Euro"
+msgstr "WIR Euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
+msgid "Swiss Franc"
+msgstr "Franc suisse"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
+msgid "WIR Franc"
+msgstr "WIR Franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
+msgid "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
+msgid "Chilean Peso"
+msgstr "Peso chilien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
+msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
+msgstr "Yuan Renmimbi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
+msgid "Colombian Peso"
+msgstr "Peso colombien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
+msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
+msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
+msgstr "Colón costaricain"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
+msgid "Cuban Peso"
+msgstr "Peso cubain"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
+msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
+msgstr "Escudo du Cap-Vert"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
+msgid "Cyprus Pound"
+msgstr "Livre chypriote"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
+msgid "Czech Koruna"
+msgstr "Koruna tchèque"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
+msgid "Djibouti Franc"
+msgstr "Franc djiboutien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
+msgid "Danish Krone"
+msgstr "Couronne danoise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
+msgid "Dominican Peso"
+msgstr "Peso dominicain"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
+msgid "Algerian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar algérien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
+msgid "Kroon"
+msgstr "Couronne estonienne"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
+msgid "Egyptian Pound"
+msgstr "Livre égyptienne"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
+msgid "Nakfa"
+msgstr "Nafka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
+msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "Birr éthiopien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
+msgid "Euro"
+msgstr "Euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
+msgid "Fiji Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar fidjien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
+msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
+msgstr "Livre de Falkland"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
+msgid "Pound Sterling"
+msgstr "Livre sterling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
+msgid "Lari"
+msgstr "Lari"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
+msgid "Ghana Cedi"
+msgstr "Cedi du Ghana"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
+msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
+msgstr "Livre de Gibraltar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
+msgid "Dalasi"
+msgstr "Dalasi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
+msgid "Guinea Franc"
+msgstr "Franc guinéen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
+msgid "Quetzal"
+msgstr "Quetzal"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
+msgid "Guyana Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de Guyana"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
+msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de Hong-Kong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
+msgid "Lempira"
+msgstr "Lempira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
+msgid "Croatian Kuna"
+msgstr "Kuna de Croatie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
+msgid "Gourde"
+msgstr "Gourde"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
+msgid "Forint"
+msgstr "Forint"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
+msgid "Rupiah"
+msgstr "Roupie indonésienne"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
+msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
+msgstr "Nouveau sheqel israëlien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
+msgid "Indian Rupee"
+msgstr "Roupie indienne"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
+msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar irakien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
+msgid "Iranian Rial"
+msgstr "Rial iranien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
+msgid "Iceland Krona"
+msgstr "Couronne islandaise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
+msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar jamaïcain"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
+msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar jordanien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
+msgid "Yen"
+msgstr "Yen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
+msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
+msgstr "Shilling kenyan"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
+msgid "Som"
+msgstr "Som"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
+msgid "Riel"
+msgstr "Riel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
+msgid "Comoro Franc"
+msgstr "Franc comorien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
+msgid "North Korean Won"
+msgstr "Won nord-coréen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
+msgid "Won"
+msgstr "Won"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
+msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar koweïtien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
+msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar des îles Caïman"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
+msgid "Tenge"
+msgstr "Tenge"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
+msgid "Kip"
+msgstr "Kip"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
+msgid "Lebanese Pound"
+msgstr "Livre libanaise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
+msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
+msgstr "Roupie sri-lankaise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
+msgid "Liberian Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar liberien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
+msgid "Loti"
+msgstr "Loti"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
+msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
+msgstr "Litas de Lithuanie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
+msgid "Latvian Lats"
+msgstr "Lats de Lettonie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
+msgid "Libyan Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar libyen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
+msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
+msgstr "Dirham marocain"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
+msgid "Moldovan Leu"
+msgstr "Leu de Moldavie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
+msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
+msgstr "Ariary malgache"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
+msgid "Denar"
+msgstr "Dinar macédonien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
+msgid "Kyat"
+msgstr "Kyat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
+msgid "Tugrik"
+msgstr "Tugrik"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
+msgid "Pataca"
+msgstr "Pataca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
+msgid "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "Ouguiya"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
+msgid "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "Livre maltaise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
+msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
+msgstr "Roupie mauricienne"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
+msgid "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Roupie maldive"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
+msgid "Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
+msgid "Mexican Peso"
+msgstr "Peso mexicain"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
+msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Unité mexicaine de conversion (UDI)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
+msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
+msgstr "Ringgit malaisien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
+msgid "Metical"
+msgstr "Metical"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
+msgid "Namibia Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de Namibie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
+msgid "Naira"
+msgstr "Naira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
+msgid "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "Cordoba Oro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
+msgid "Norwegian Krone"
+msgstr "Couronne norvégienne"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
+msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
+msgstr "Roupie népalaise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
+msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar néo-zélandais"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
+msgid "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "Riyal d'Oman"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
+msgid "Balboa"
+msgstr "Balboa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
+msgid "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "Nouveau Sol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
+msgid "Kina"
+msgstr "Kina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
+msgid "Philippine Peso"
+msgstr "Peso philippin"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
+msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
+msgstr "Roupie pakistanaise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
+msgid "Zloty"
+msgstr "Zloty"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
+msgid "Guarani"
+msgstr "Guarani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
+msgid "Qatari Rial"
+msgstr "Riyal du Qatar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
+msgid "New Leu"
+msgstr "Nouveau Leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
+msgid "Serbian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar serbe"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
+msgid "Russian Ruble"
+msgstr "Rouble russe"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
+msgid "Rwanda Franc"
+msgstr "Franc du Rwanda"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
+msgid "Saudi Riyal"
+msgstr "Riyal saoudien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
+msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar des îles Salomon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
+msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
+msgstr "Roupie seychelloise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
+msgid "Sudanese Pound"
+msgstr "Livre soudanaise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
+msgid "Swedish Krona"
+msgstr "Couronne suédoise"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
+msgid "Singapore Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de Singapour"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
+msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
+msgstr "Livre de Sainte-Hélène"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
+msgid "Leone"
+msgstr "Leone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
+msgid "Somali Shilling"
+msgstr "Shilling de Somalie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
+msgid "Surinam Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de Surinam"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
+msgid "Dobra"
+msgstr "Dobra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
+msgid "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Colón salvadorien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
+msgid "Syrian Pound"
+msgstr "Livre syrienne"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
+msgid "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Lilangeni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
+msgid "Baht"
+msgstr "Baht"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
+msgid "Somoni"
+msgstr "Somoni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
+msgid "Manat"
+msgstr "Manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
+msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
+msgstr "Dinar tunisien"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
+msgid "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Pa'anga"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
+msgid "New Turkish Lira"
+msgstr "Livre turque"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar de Trinité-et-Tobago"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
+msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
+msgstr "Nouveau Dollar taïwainais"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
+msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
+msgstr "Shilling de Tanzanie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
+msgid "Hryvnia"
+msgstr "Hryvnia"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
+msgid "Uganda Shilling"
+msgstr "Shilling d'Ouganda"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
+msgid "US Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar des Ãtats-Unis d'Amérique"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
+msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
+msgstr "US Dollar (jour suivant)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
+msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
+msgstr "US dollar (même jour)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
+msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Peso urugayen en unités indexées"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
+msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
+msgstr "Peso d'Uruguay"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
+msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
+msgstr "Sum d'Ouzbékistan"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
+msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
+msgid "Dong"
+msgstr "Dong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
+msgid "Vatu"
+msgstr "Vatu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
+msgid "Tala"
+msgstr "Tala"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
+msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgstr "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "Argent"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
+msgid "Gold"
+msgstr "Or"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
+msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "Unité européenne composée (EURCO)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
+msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "Unité monétaire européenne (U.M.E.-6 monnaie)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "Unité de compte 9 ((U.E.C.-9 monnaie)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "Unité de compte 17 (U.E.C.-17 monnaie)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
+msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar des Caraïbes orientales"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
+msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Droit de tirage spécial (D.T.S.)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
+msgid "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "Franc Or"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
+msgid "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr "Franc UIC"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
+msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgstr "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
+msgid "Palladium"
+msgstr "Palladium"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
+msgid "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "Franc pacifique"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
+msgid "Platinum"
+msgstr "Platine"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
+msgid "Code for testing purposes"
+msgstr "Code destiné aux essais"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
+msgid "No currency"
+msgstr "Pas de monnaie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
+msgid "Yemeni Rial"
+msgstr "Riyal du Yemen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
+msgid "Rand"
+msgstr "Rand"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
+msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kwacha de Zambie"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
+msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
+msgstr "Dollar zimbabwéen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Devises"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Devises"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Devises"
+msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
+msgid "Currency Administration"
+msgstr "Administration Devises"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "Devises"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Devise"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr "Formatage"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "Taux"
diff --git a/locale/nl_NL.po b/locale/nl_NL.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295de81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/nl_NL.po
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr "Ongeldigegroep"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Actief"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Code"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgid "Display Digits"
+msgstr "Zichtbare decimalen"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgid "Decimal Separator"
+msgstr "Decimaalteken"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgid "Grouping"
+msgstr "Groeperen"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgid "Thousands Separator"
+msgstr "Duizendtal teken"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign Position"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Naam bijlage"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgid "Numeric Code"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign Position"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgid "Current rate"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Naam bijlage"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgid "Rounding factor"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr "Symbool"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Valuta"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Vervaldatum"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Verhouding"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Naam bijlage"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Valuta"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
+msgid "UAE Dirham"
+msgstr "VAE-Dirham"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
+msgid "Afghani"
+msgstr "Afghani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
+msgid "Lek"
+msgstr "Lek"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
+msgid "Armenian Dram"
+msgstr "Armeense dram"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
+msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
+msgstr "Antilliaanse gulden"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
+msgid "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Angolese kwanza"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
+msgid "Argentine Peso"
+msgstr "Argentijnse peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
+msgid "Australian Dollar"
+msgstr "Australische dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
+msgid "Aruban Guilder"
+msgstr "Arubaanse gulden"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
+msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
+msgstr "Azerbeidzjaanse manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
+msgid "Convertible Marks"
+msgstr "converteerbare marken"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
+msgid "Barbados Dollar"
+msgstr "Barbadiaanse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
+msgid "Taka"
+msgstr "Bengalese taka"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
+msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
+msgstr "Bulgaarse lev"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
+msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
+msgstr "Bahreinse dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
+msgid "Burundi Franc"
+msgstr "Burundese frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
+msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
+msgstr "Bermuda-dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
+msgid "Brunei Dollar"
+msgstr "Bruneise dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
+msgid "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Boliviaanse boliviano"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
+msgid "Mvdol"
+msgstr "Boliviaanse mvdol (aandelen)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
+msgid "Brazilian Real"
+msgstr "Braziliaanse real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
+msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
+msgstr "Bahamaanse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
+msgid "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "Bhutaanse ngultrum"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
+msgid "Pula"
+msgstr "Botswaanse pula"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
+msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
+msgstr "Wit-Russische roebel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
+msgid "Belize Dollar"
+msgstr "Belizaanse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
+msgid "Canadian Dollar"
+msgstr "Canadese dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
+msgid "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "Kongolese franc"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
+msgid "WIR Euro"
+msgstr "WIR-euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
+msgid "Swiss Franc"
+msgstr "Zwitserse frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
+msgid "WIR Franc"
+msgstr "WIR-frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
+msgid "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
+msgid "Chilean Peso"
+msgstr "Chileense peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
+msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
+msgstr "Chinese renminbi yuan"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
+msgid "Colombian Peso"
+msgstr "Colombiaanse peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
+msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Unidad de Valor real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
+msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
+msgstr "Costaricaanse colón"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
+msgid "Cuban Peso"
+msgstr "Cubaanse peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
+msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
+msgstr "Kaapverdische escudo"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
+msgid "Cyprus Pound"
+msgstr "Cyprisch pond"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
+msgid "Czech Koruna"
+msgstr "Tsjechische kroon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
+msgid "Djibouti Franc"
+msgstr "Djiboutiaanse frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
+msgid "Danish Krone"
+msgstr "Deense kroon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
+msgid "Dominican Peso"
+msgstr "Dominicaanse peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
+msgid "Algerian Dinar"
+msgstr "Algerijnse dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
+msgid "Kroon"
+msgstr "Estlandse kroon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
+msgid "Egyptian Pound"
+msgstr "Egyptisch pond"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
+msgid "Nakfa"
+msgstr "Eritrese nakfa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
+msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "Ethiopische birr"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
+msgid "Euro"
+msgstr "euro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
+msgid "Fiji Dollar"
+msgstr "Fiji-dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
+msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
+msgstr "Falklandeilands pond"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
+msgid "Pound Sterling"
+msgstr "pond sterling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
+msgid "Lari"
+msgstr "Georgische lari"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
+msgid "Ghana Cedi"
+msgstr "Ghanese cedi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
+msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
+msgstr "Gibraltarees pond"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
+msgid "Dalasi"
+msgstr "Gambiaanse dalasi"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
+msgid "Guinea Franc"
+msgstr "Guinese frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
+msgid "Quetzal"
+msgstr "Guatemalaans quetzal"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
+msgid "Guyana Dollar"
+msgstr "Guyaanse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
+msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
+msgstr "Hongkongse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
+msgid "Lempira"
+msgstr "Hondurese lempira"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
+msgid "Croatian Kuna"
+msgstr "Kroatische kuna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
+msgid "Gourde"
+msgstr "Haïtiaanse gourde"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
+msgid "Forint"
+msgstr "Hongaarse forint"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
+msgid "Rupiah"
+msgstr "Indonesische rupiah"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
+msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
+msgstr "nieuwe Israëlische shekel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
+msgid "Indian Rupee"
+msgstr "Indiase rupee"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
+msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
+msgstr "Iraakse dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
+msgid "Iranian Rial"
+msgstr "Iraanse rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
+msgid "Iceland Krona"
+msgstr "IJslandse kroon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
+msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
+msgstr "Jamaicaanse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
+msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
+msgstr "Jordaanse dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
+msgid "Yen"
+msgstr "Japanse yen"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
+msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
+msgstr "Keniaanse shilling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
+msgid "Som"
+msgstr "Kirgizische som"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
+msgid "Riel"
+msgstr "Cambodjaanse riel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
+msgid "Comoro Franc"
+msgstr "Comorese frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
+msgid "North Korean Won"
+msgstr "Noord-Koreaanse won"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
+msgid "Won"
+msgstr "Zuid-Koreaanse won"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
+msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
+msgstr "Koeweitse dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
+msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Kaaimaneilandse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
+msgid "Tenge"
+msgstr "Kazachse tenge"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
+msgid "Kip"
+msgstr "Laotiaanse kip"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
+msgid "Lebanese Pound"
+msgstr "Libanees pond"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
+msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
+msgstr "Srilankaanse rupee"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
+msgid "Liberian Dollar"
+msgstr "Liberiaanse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
+msgid "Loti"
+msgstr "Lesotho loti"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
+msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
+msgstr "Litouwse litas"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
+msgid "Latvian Lats"
+msgstr "Letse lats"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
+msgid "Libyan Dinar"
+msgstr "Libische dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
+msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
+msgstr "Marokkaanse dirham"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
+msgid "Moldovan Leu"
+msgstr "Moldavische leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
+msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
+msgstr "Malagasische ariary"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
+msgid "Denar"
+msgstr "Macedonische denar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
+msgid "Kyat"
+msgstr "Kyat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
+msgid "Tugrik"
+msgstr "Mongoolse tugrik"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
+msgid "Pataca"
+msgstr "Macause pataca"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
+msgid "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "Mauritaanse quguiya"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
+msgid "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "Maltese lire"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
+msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
+msgstr "Mauritiaanse rupee"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
+msgid "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Maldivische rufiyaa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
+msgid "Kwacha"
+msgstr "Malawische kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
+msgid "Mexican Peso"
+msgstr "Mexicaanse peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
+msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Mexicaanse Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
+msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
+msgstr "Maleisische ringgit"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
+msgid "Metical"
+msgstr "Mozambiqaanse metical"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
+msgid "Namibia Dollar"
+msgstr "Namibische dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
+msgid "Naira"
+msgstr "Nigeriaanse naire"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
+msgid "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "Nicaraguaanse córdoba oro"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
+msgid "Norwegian Krone"
+msgstr "Noorse kroon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
+msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
+msgstr "Nepalese rupee"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
+msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
+msgstr "Nieuw-Zeelandse dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
+msgid "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "Omaanse rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
+msgid "Balboa"
+msgstr "Panamaanse balboa"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
+msgid "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "Peruaanse nieuwe sol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
+msgid "Kina"
+msgstr "Papua Nieuw Guineaanse kina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
+msgid "Philippine Peso"
+msgstr "Filipijnse peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
+msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
+msgstr "Pakistaanse rupee"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
+msgid "Zloty"
+msgstr "Poolse zloty"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
+msgid "Guarani"
+msgstr "Paraguaanse guarani"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
+msgid "Qatari Rial"
+msgstr "Qatarese rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
+msgid "New Leu"
+msgstr "nieuwe Roemeense leu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
+msgid "Serbian Dinar"
+msgstr "Servische dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
+msgid "Russian Ruble"
+msgstr "Russische roebel"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
+msgid "Rwanda Franc"
+msgstr "Rwandese frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
+msgid "Saudi Riyal"
+msgstr "Saudische riyal"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
+msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "Salomon-dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
+msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
+msgstr "Seychelse rupee"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
+msgid "Sudanese Pound"
+msgstr "Sudanese pond"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
+msgid "Swedish Krona"
+msgstr "Zweedse kroon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
+msgid "Singapore Dollar"
+msgstr "Singaporese dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
+msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
+msgstr "Sint-Heleens pond"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
+msgid "Leone"
+msgstr "Sierraleoonse leone"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
+msgid "Somali Shilling"
+msgstr "Somalische shilling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
+msgid "Surinam Dollar"
+msgstr "Surinamese dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
+msgid "Dobra"
+msgstr "Sao Tomése dobra"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
+msgid "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Salvadoraanse colon"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
+msgid "Syrian Pound"
+msgstr "Syrisch pond"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
+msgid "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Swazische lilangeni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
+msgid "Baht"
+msgstr "Thaise baht"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
+msgid "Somoni"
+msgstr "Tadzjiekse somoni"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
+msgid "Manat"
+msgstr "Turkmenistaanse manat"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
+msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
+msgstr "Tunesische dinar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
+msgid "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Tongaanse pa'anga"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
+msgid "New Turkish Lira"
+msgstr "nieuwe Turkse lire"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
+msgstr "Trinidad en Tobago dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
+msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
+msgstr "nieuwe Taiwanese dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
+msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
+msgstr "Tanzaniaanse shilling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
+msgid "Hryvnia"
+msgstr "Oekraïense grivna"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
+msgid "Uganda Shilling"
+msgstr "Ugandese shilling"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
+msgid "US Dollar"
+msgstr "US-dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
+msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
+msgstr "US-dollar (Volgende dag)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
+msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
+msgstr "US-dollar (Dezelfde dag)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
+msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Uruguayaanse peso in indexeerbare eenheden"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
+msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
+msgstr "Uruguayaanse peso"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
+msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
+msgstr "Oezbeekse som"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
+msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "Venezolaanse bolivar fuerte"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
+msgid "Dong"
+msgstr "Vietnamese dong"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
+msgid "Vatu"
+msgstr "Vanuatu vatu"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
+msgid "Tala"
+msgstr "Samoa tala"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
+msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgstr "CFA-frank BEAC"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "1 Troy ounce zilver"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
+msgid "Gold"
+msgstr "1 Troy ounce goud"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
+msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "Europese samengestelde eenheid (EURCO)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
+msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "Europese monetaire eenheid (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "Europese rekeningeneenheid 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "Europese rekeningeneenheid 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
+msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
+msgstr "Oost-Caribische dollar"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
+msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "Speciale trekkingsrechten"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
+msgid "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "goud-frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
+msgid "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr "UIC-frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
+msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgstr "CFA-frank BCEAO"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
+msgid "Palladium"
+msgstr "1 Troy ounce palladium"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
+msgid "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "CFP-frank"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
+msgid "Platinum"
+msgstr "1 Troy ounce platina"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
+msgid "Code for testing purposes"
+msgstr "Code voor testdoeleinden"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
+msgid "No currency"
+msgstr "Geen valuta bij betrokken"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
+msgid "Yemeni Rial"
+msgstr "Jemenitische rial"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
+msgid "Rand"
+msgstr "Zuid-Afrikaanse Rand"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
+msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "Zambiaanse kwacha"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
+msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
+msgstr "Zimbabwaanse dollar"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Verhouding"
+msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Valuta"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
+msgid "Currency Administration"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Valuta"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Verhouding"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/ru_RU.po b/locale/ru_RU.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1827bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ru_RU.po
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:0"
+msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date!"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑа Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑÑ ÑолÑко Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ñ ÐºÑÑÑовÑÑ ÑазниÑÑ Ð² денÑ!"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Invalid Grouping!"
+msgstr "ÐевеÑное ÐÑÑппиÑовка!"
+msgctxt "error:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s"
+msgstr "Ðе найден кÑÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÑ: %s на денÑ: %s"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:0"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "ÐкÑивнÑй"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:0"
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Ðод"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:0"
+msgid "Display Digits"
+msgstr "Ðол-во знаков поÑле запÑÑой"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:0"
+msgid "Decimal Separator"
+msgstr "РазделиÑÐµÐ»Ñ ÑиÑÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:0"
+msgid "Grouping"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑппиÑовка ÑиÑÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:0"
+msgid "Thousands Separator"
+msgstr "РазделиÑÐµÐ»Ñ ÑÑÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "ÐобавлÑÑÑ Ñимвол оÑÑиÑаÑелÑного ÑиÑла"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Символ оÑделÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñобелом"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign Position"
+msgstr "ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾ÑÑиÑаÑелÑного Ñимвола"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Ðаименование"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:0"
+msgid "Negative Sign"
+msgstr "Символ оÑÑиÑаÑелÑного ÑиÑла"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:0"
+msgid "Numeric Code"
+msgstr "Ðод валÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:0"
+msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
+msgstr "ÐобавлÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ñ. Ñимвол в ÑиÑло"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:0"
+msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
+msgstr "Символ оÑделÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñобелом"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign Position"
+msgstr "ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ñ. Ñимвола в ÑиÑле"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:0"
+msgid "Positive Sign"
+msgstr "Символ положиÑелÑного ÑиÑла"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:0"
+msgid "Current rate"
+msgstr "ТекÑÑий кÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:0"
+msgid "Rounding factor"
+msgstr "ÐкÑÑгление"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:0"
+msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr "Символ"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:0"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "ÐаÑа"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:0"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Ðаименование"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
+msgid "UAE Dirham"
+msgstr "ÐиÑÑ
ам (ÐÐÐ)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
+msgid "Afghani"
+msgstr "ÐÑгани"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
+msgid "Lek"
+msgstr "Ðек"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
+msgid "Armenian Dram"
+msgstr "ÐÑмÑнÑкий дÑам"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
+msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
+msgstr "ÐидеÑландÑкий анÑилÑÑкий гÑлÑден"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
+msgid "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Ðванза"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
+msgid "Argentine Peso"
+msgstr "ÐÑгенÑинÑкое пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
+msgid "Australian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐвÑÑÑалийÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
+msgid "Aruban Guilder"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑбанÑкий гÑлÑден"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
+msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
+msgstr "ÐзеÑбайджанÑкий манаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
+msgid "Convertible Marks"
+msgstr "ÐонвеÑÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ñка"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
+msgid "Barbados Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐаÑбадоÑÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
+msgid "Taka"
+msgstr "Така"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
+msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
+msgstr "Ðев"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
+msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐаÑ
ÑейнÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
+msgid "Burundi Franc"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑндийÑкий ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
+msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐеÑмÑдÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
+msgid "Brunei Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑнейÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
+msgid "Boliviano"
+msgstr "Ðоливиано"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
+msgid "Mvdol"
+msgstr "Mvdol"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
+msgid "Brazilian Real"
+msgstr "ÐÑазилÑÑкий Ñеал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
+msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐагамÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
+msgid "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "ÐгÑлÑÑÑм"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
+msgid "Pula"
+msgstr "ÐÑла"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
+msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
+msgstr "ÐелоÑÑÑÑкий ÑÑблÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
+msgid "Belize Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐелизÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
+msgid "Canadian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐанадÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
+msgid "Congolese Franc"
+msgstr "ÐонголезÑкий ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
+msgid "WIR Euro"
+msgstr "ÐвÑо (WIR)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
+msgid "Swiss Franc"
+msgstr "ШвейÑаÑÑкий ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
+msgid "WIR Franc"
+msgstr "ФÑанк (WIR)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
+msgid "Unidades de fomento"
+msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
+msgid "Chilean Peso"
+msgstr "ЧилийÑкое пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
+msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
+msgstr "Ð®Ð°Ð½Ñ Ð¶ÑнÑминÑби"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
+msgid "Colombian Peso"
+msgstr "ÐолÑмбийÑкое пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
+msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
+msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
+msgstr "ÐоÑÑаÑиканÑкий колон"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
+msgid "Cuban Peso"
+msgstr "ÐÑбинÑкое пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
+msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
+msgstr "ÐÑкÑдо Ðабо-ÐеÑде"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
+msgid "Cyprus Pound"
+msgstr "ÐипÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
+msgid "Czech Koruna"
+msgstr "ЧеÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
+msgid "Djibouti Franc"
+msgstr "ФÑанк ÐжибÑÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
+msgid "Danish Krone"
+msgstr "ÐаÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
+msgid "Dominican Peso"
+msgstr "ÐоминиканÑкое пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
+msgid "Algerian Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐлжиÑÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
+msgid "Kroon"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑонÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
+msgid "Egyptian Pound"
+msgstr "ÐгипеÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
+msgid "Nakfa"
+msgstr "ÐакÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
+msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
+msgstr "ÐÑиопÑкий бÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
+msgid "Euro"
+msgstr "ÐвÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
+msgid "Fiji Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¤Ð¸Ð´Ð¶Ð¸"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
+msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
+msgstr "ФÑÐ½Ñ Ð¤Ð¾Ð»ÐºÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð´ÑкиÑ
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
+msgid "Pound Sterling"
+msgstr "ФÑÐ½Ñ ÑÑеÑлингов"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
+msgid "Lari"
+msgstr "ÐаÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
+msgid "Ghana Cedi"
+msgstr "Седи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
+msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
+msgstr "ÐибÑалÑаÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
+msgid "Dalasi"
+msgstr "ÐалаÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
+msgid "Guinea Franc"
+msgstr "ÐвинейÑкий ÑÑанк"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
+msgid "Quetzal"
+msgstr "ÐеÑÑалÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
+msgid "Guyana Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐайанÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
+msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐонконгÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
+msgid "Lempira"
+msgstr "ÐемпиÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
+msgid "Croatian Kuna"
+msgstr "ÐÑна"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
+msgid "Gourde"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑд"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
+msgid "Forint"
+msgstr "ФоÑинÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
+msgid "Rupiah"
+msgstr "Ð ÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
+msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
+msgstr "ÐовÑй изÑаилÑÑкий ÑекелÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
+msgid "Indian Rupee"
+msgstr "ÐндийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
+msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐÑакÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
+msgid "Iranian Rial"
+msgstr "ÐÑакÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
+msgid "Iceland Krona"
+msgstr "ÐÑландÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
+msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
+msgstr "ЯмайÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
+msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐоÑданÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
+msgid "Yen"
+msgstr "Ðена"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
+msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
+msgstr "ÐенийÑкий Ñиллинг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
+msgid "Som"
+msgstr "Сом"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
+msgid "Riel"
+msgstr "РиелÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
+msgid "Comoro Franc"
+msgstr "ФÑанк ÐомоÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
+msgid "North Korean Won"
+msgstr "СевеÑо-коÑейÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð½Ð°"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
+msgid "Won"
+msgstr "Ðона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
+msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐÑвейÑÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
+msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ ÐаймановÑÑ
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
+msgid "Tenge"
+msgstr "Тенге"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
+msgid "Kip"
+msgstr "Ðип"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
+msgid "Lebanese Pound"
+msgstr "ÐиванÑкий ÑÑнÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
+msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
+msgstr "ШÑи-ÐанкийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
+msgid "Liberian Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐибеÑийÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
+msgid "Loti"
+msgstr "ÐоÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
+msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
+msgstr "ÐиÑовÑкий лиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
+msgid "Latvian Lats"
+msgstr "ÐаÑвийÑкий лаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
+msgid "Libyan Dinar"
+msgstr "ÐивийÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
+msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
+msgstr "ÐаÑокканÑкий диÑÑ
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
+msgid "Moldovan Leu"
+msgstr "ÐолдавÑкий лей"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
+msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
+msgstr "ÐалагаÑийÑкий аÑиаÑи"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
+msgid "Denar"
+msgstr "ÐинаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
+msgid "Kyat"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
+msgid "Tugrik"
+msgstr "ТÑгÑик"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
+msgid "Pataca"
+msgstr "ÐаÑака"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
+msgid "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "УгиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
+msgid "Maltese Lira"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑийÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ñа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
+msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
+msgstr "ÐавÑикийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
+msgid "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Ð ÑÑиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
+msgid "Kwacha"
+msgstr "ÐваÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
+msgid "Mexican Peso"
+msgstr "ÐекÑиканÑкое пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
+msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
+msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
+msgstr "ÐалайзийÑкий ÑинггиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
+msgid "Metical"
+msgstr "ÐеÑикал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
+msgid "Namibia Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ðамибии"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
+msgid "Naira"
+msgstr "ÐайÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
+msgid "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "ÐолоÑÐ°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñдоба"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
+msgid "Norwegian Krone"
+msgstr "ÐоÑвежÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
+msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
+msgstr "ÐепалÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
+msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐовозеландÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
+msgid "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "ÐманÑкий Ñиал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
+msgid "Balboa"
+msgstr "ÐалÑбоа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
+msgid "Nuevo Sol"
+msgstr "ÐовÑй ÑолÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
+msgid "Kina"
+msgstr "Ðина"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
+msgid "Philippine Peso"
+msgstr "ФилиппинÑкое пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
+msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
+msgstr "ÐакиÑÑанÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
+msgid "Zloty"
+msgstr "ÐлоÑÑй"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
+msgid "Guarani"
+msgstr "ÐÑаÑани"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
+msgid "Qatari Rial"
+msgstr "ÐаÑаÑÑкий Ñиал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
+msgid "New Leu"
+msgstr "Ð ÑмÑнÑкий лей"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
+msgid "Serbian Dinar"
+msgstr "СеÑбÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
+msgid "Russian Ruble"
+msgstr "Ð ÑÑÑкий ÑÑблÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
+msgid "Rwanda Franc"
+msgstr "ФÑанк Ð ÑандÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
+msgid "Saudi Riyal"
+msgstr "СаÑдовÑкий ÑиÑл"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
+msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²ÑÑ
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
+msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
+msgstr "СейÑелÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
+msgid "Sudanese Pound"
+msgstr "СÑданÑкий ÑÑнÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
+msgid "Swedish Krona"
+msgstr "ШведÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
+msgid "Singapore Dollar"
+msgstr "СингапÑÑÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
+msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
+msgstr "ФÑÐ½Ñ ÐÑÑÑова СвÑÑой ÐленÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
+msgid "Leone"
+msgstr "Ðеоне"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
+msgid "Somali Shilling"
+msgstr "СомалийÑкий Ñиллинг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
+msgid "Surinam Dollar"
+msgstr "СÑÑинамÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
+msgid "Dobra"
+msgstr "ÐобÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
+msgid "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Ðолон СалÑвадоÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
+msgid "Syrian Pound"
+msgstr "СиÑийÑкий ÑÑнÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
+msgid "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Ðилангени"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
+msgid "Baht"
+msgstr "ÐаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
+msgid "Somoni"
+msgstr "Сомони"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
+msgid "Manat"
+msgstr "ÐанаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
+msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
+msgstr "ТÑниÑÑкий динаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
+msgid "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Ðаанга"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
+msgid "New Turkish Lira"
+msgstr "ТÑÑеÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ñа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¢Ñинидада и Тобаго"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
+msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
+msgstr "ТайванÑÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
+msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
+msgstr "ТанзанийÑкий Ñиллинг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
+msgid "Hryvnia"
+msgstr "ÐÑивна"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
+msgid "Uganda Shilling"
+msgstr "УгандийÑкий Ñиллинг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
+msgid "US Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
+msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð (Ñл. денÑ)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
+msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð (ÑÐ¾Ñ Ð¶Ðµ денÑ)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
+msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "УÑÑгвайÑкое пеÑо в индекÑиÑованнÑÑ
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
+msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
+msgstr "УÑÑгвайÑкое пеÑо"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
+msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
+msgstr "УзбекÑкий ÑÑм"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
+msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
+msgstr "ÐоливаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
+msgid "Dong"
+msgstr "Ðонг"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
+msgid "Vatu"
+msgstr "ÐаÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:wst"
+msgid "Tala"
+msgstr "Тала"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
+msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
+msgstr "ФÑанк ÐФРÐÐÐС"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ ÑеÑебÑа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
+msgid "Gold"
+msgstr "ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð·Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ñа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
+msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "ÐвÑопейÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑоÑÑÐ°Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа EURCO"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
+msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "ÐвÑопейÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа EMU-6"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "РаÑÑÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа ÐвÑопейÑкого плаÑежного ÑоÑза EUA-9"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
+msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "РаÑÑÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа ÐвÑопейÑкого плаÑежного ÑоÑза EUA-17"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
+msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐоÑÑоÑно-каÑибÑкий доллаÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
+msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
+msgstr "СÐÐ (СпеÑиалÑнÑе пÑава заимÑÑвованиÑ)"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
+msgid "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "ФÑанк золоÑой"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
+msgid "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr "ФÑанк ЮÐÐ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
+msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
+msgstr "ФÑанк ÐФРÐСÐÐÐ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
+msgid "Palladium"
+msgstr "ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð»Ð»Ð°Ð´Ð¸Ñ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
+msgid "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "ФÑанк ÐФÐ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
+msgid "Platinum"
+msgstr "ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð»Ð°ÑинÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
+msgid "Code for testing purposes"
+msgstr "Ðод заÑезеÑвиÑованнÑй Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑеÑÑовÑÑ
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
+msgid "No currency"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÑÑÑвие валÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
+msgid "Yemeni Rial"
+msgstr "ÐеменÑкий Ñиал"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
+msgid "Rand"
+msgstr "Ð Ñнд"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
+msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
+msgstr "ÐамбийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ñа"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
+msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
+msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ðимбабве"
+msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
+msgid "Currency Administration"
+msgstr "ÐдминиÑÑÑиÑование валÑÑ"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currencies"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "ÐалÑÑа"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Formatting"
+msgstr "ФоÑмаÑиÑование"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
+msgctxt "view:currency.currency:0"
+msgid "Rates"
+msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÑ"
diff --git a/ru_RU.csv b/ru_RU.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e8e69e..0000000
--- a/ru_RU.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,ÐевеÑное ÐÑÑппиÑовка!,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Ðе найден кÑÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÑ: %s на денÑ: %s,0
-error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,ÐалÑÑа Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑÑ ÑолÑко Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ñ ÐºÑÑÑовÑÑ ÑазниÑÑ Ð² денÑ!,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Ðол-во знаков поÑле запÑÑой,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,РазделиÑÐµÐ»Ñ ÑиÑÑ,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_grouping",0,Grouping,ÐÑÑппиÑовка ÑиÑÑ,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,РазделиÑÐµÐ»Ñ ÑÑÑÑÑ,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,ÐобавлÑÑÑ Ñимвол оÑÑиÑаÑелÑного ÑиÑла,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Символ оÑделÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñобелом,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾ÑÑиÑаÑелÑного Ñимвола,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Символ оÑÑиÑаÑелÑного ÑиÑла,0
-field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Ðод валÑÑÑ,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,ÐобавлÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ñ. Ñимвол в ÑиÑло,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Символ оÑделÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñобелом,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ñ. Ñимвола в ÑиÑле,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Символ положиÑелÑного ÑиÑла,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,ТекÑÑий кÑÑÑ,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,ÐкÑÑгление,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,ÐиÑÑ
ам (ÐÐÐ),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,ÐÑмÑнÑкий дÑам,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,ÐидеÑландÑкий анÑилÑÑкий гÑлÑден,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,ÐÑгенÑинÑкое пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,ÐвÑÑÑалийÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,ÐÑÑбанÑкий гÑлÑден,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,ÐзеÑбайджанÑкий манаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,ÐонвеÑÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ñка,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,ÐаÑбадоÑÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Ðев,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,ÐаÑ
ÑейнÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,ÐÑÑÑндийÑкий ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,ÐеÑмÑдÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,ÐÑÑнейÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,ÐÑазилÑÑкий Ñеал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,ÐагамÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,ÐелоÑÑÑÑкий ÑÑблÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,ÐелизÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,ÐанадÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,ÐонголезÑкий ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,ÐвÑо (WIR),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,ШвейÑаÑÑкий ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,ФÑанк (WIR),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,ЧилийÑкое пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Ð®Ð°Ð½Ñ Ð¶ÑнÑминÑби,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,ÐолÑмбийÑкое пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,ÐоÑÑаÑиканÑкий колон,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,ÐÑбинÑкое пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,ÐÑкÑдо Ðабо-ÐеÑде,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,ÐипÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,ЧеÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,ФÑанк ÐжибÑÑи,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,ÐаÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,ÐоминиканÑкое пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,ÐлжиÑÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,ÐÑÑонÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,ÐгипеÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,ÐÑиопÑкий бÑÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¤Ð¸Ð´Ð¶Ð¸,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,ФÑÐ½Ñ Ð¤Ð¾Ð»ÐºÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð´ÑкиÑ
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,ФÑÐ½Ñ ÑÑеÑлингов,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Седи,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,ÐибÑалÑаÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,ÐвинейÑкий ÑÑанк,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,ÐайанÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,ÐонконгÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,ÐÑна,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Ð ÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,ÐовÑй изÑаилÑÑкий ÑекелÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,ÐндийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,ÐÑакÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,ÐÑакÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,ÐÑландÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,ЯмайÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,ÐоÑданÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,ÐенийÑкий Ñиллинг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,ФÑанк ÐомоÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,СевеÑо-коÑейÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð½Ð°,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,ÐÑвейÑÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ ÐаймановÑÑ
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,ÐиванÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,ШÑи-ÐанкийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,ÐибеÑийÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,ÐиÑовÑкий лиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,ÐаÑвийÑкий лаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,ÐивийÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,ÐаÑокканÑкий диÑÑ
-model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,ÐолдавÑкий лей,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,ÐалагаÑийÑкий аÑиаÑи,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,ÐалÑÑийÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ñа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,ÐавÑикийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mvr,Rufiyaa,Ð ÑÑиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,ÐекÑиканÑкое пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,ÐалайзийÑкий ÑинггиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ðамибии,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,ÐолоÑÐ°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñдоба,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,ÐоÑвежÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,ÐепалÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,ÐовозеландÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,ÐманÑкий Ñиал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,ÐовÑй ÑолÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,ФилиппинÑкое пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,ÐакиÑÑанÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,ÐаÑаÑÑкий Ñиал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Ð ÑмÑнÑкий лей,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,СеÑбÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Ð ÑÑÑкий ÑÑблÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,ФÑанк Ð ÑандÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,СаÑдовÑкий ÑиÑл,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²ÑÑ
-model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,СейÑелÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,СÑданÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,ШведÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,СингапÑÑÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,ФÑÐ½Ñ ÐÑÑÑова СвÑÑой ÐленÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,СомалийÑкий Ñиллинг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,СÑÑинамÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Ðолон СалÑвадоÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,СиÑийÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,ТÑниÑÑкий динаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,ТÑÑеÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ñа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¢Ñинидада и Тобаго,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,ТайванÑÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,ТанзанийÑкий Ñиллинг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,УгандийÑкий Ñиллинг,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð (Ñл. денÑ),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð (ÑÐ¾Ñ Ð¶Ðµ денÑ),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,УÑÑгвайÑкое пеÑо в индекÑиÑованнÑÑ
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,УÑÑгвайÑкое пеÑо,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,УзбекÑкий ÑÑм,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,ÐоливаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,ФÑанк ÐФРÐÐÐС,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xag,Silver,ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ ÑеÑебÑа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xau,Gold,ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð·Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ñа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),ÐвÑопейÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑоÑÑÐ°Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа EURCO,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),ÐвÑопейÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа EMU-6,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),РаÑÑÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа ÐвÑопейÑкого плаÑежного ÑоÑза EUA-9,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),РаÑÑÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа ÐвÑопейÑкого плаÑежного ÑоÑза EUA-17,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,ÐоÑÑоÑно-каÑибÑкий доллаÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,СÐÐ (СпеÑиалÑнÑе пÑава заимÑÑвованиÑ),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,ФÑанк золоÑой,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,ФÑанк ЮÐÐ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,ФÑанк ÐФРÐСÐÐÐ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpd,Palladium,ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð»Ð»Ð°Ð´Ð¸Ñ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,ФÑанк ÐФÐ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpt,Platinum,ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð»Ð°ÑинÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Ðод заÑезеÑвиÑованнÑй Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑеÑÑовÑÑ
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,ÐÑÑÑÑÑÑвие валÑÑÑ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,ÐеменÑкий Ñиал,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zar,Rand,Ð Ñнд,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,ÐамбийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ñа,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ðимбабве,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,ÐалÑÑÑ,0
-model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,ÐдминиÑÑÑиÑование валÑÑ,0
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index d322711..3dd8ec4 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -31,29 +31,30 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
- 'trytond.modules.currency.icons',
'trytond.modules.currency': info.get('xml', []) \
- + info.get('translation', []),
- 'trytond.modules.currency.icons': ['tryton-currency.svg'],
+ + info.get('translation', []) \
+ + ['icons/*.svg'],
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Environment :: Plugins',
+ 'Framework :: Tryton',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry',
'Intended Audience :: Legal Industry',
'Intended Audience :: Manufacturing',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
+ 'Natural Language :: Bulgarian',
'Natural Language :: Czech',
+ 'Natural Language :: Dutch',
'Natural Language :: English',
'Natural Language :: French',
'Natural Language :: German',
'Natural Language :: Russian',
'Natural Language :: Spanish',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Topic :: Office/Business',
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.py b/tests/test_currency.py
index 6fe52df..def6451 100644
--- a/tests/test_currency.py
+++ b/tests/test_currency.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-from __future__ import with_statement
import sys, os
DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(__file__,
'..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'trytond')))
@@ -11,7 +10,8 @@ if os.path.isdir(DIR):
import unittest
from decimal import Decimal
import trytond.tests.test_tryton
-from trytond.tests.test_tryton import POOL, DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT, test_view
+from trytond.tests.test_tryton import POOL, DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT, test_view,\
+ test_depends
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test0006depends(self):
+ '''
+ Test depends.
+ '''
+ test_depends()
def test0010currencies(self):
Create currencies
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 4ab770b..59242ad 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.0.1
+Version: 2.2.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,24 +8,26 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.0/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.2/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Plugins
+Classifier: Framework :: Tryton
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Bulgarian
Classifier: Natural Language :: Czech
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Dutch
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Natural Language :: French
Classifier: Natural Language :: German
Classifier: Natural Language :: Russian
Classifier: Natural Language :: Spanish
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Topic :: Office/Business
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index d7916c1..ee7aa43 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -5,25 +5,23 @@ LICENSE
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index 820b8fc..8f8cc44 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trytond >= 2.0, < 2.1
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 2.2, < 2.3
\ No newline at end of file
commit 71201f045f0071687af3b1a5b1a60e11b9019ba6
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Tue Jul 12 16:47:18 2011 +0200
Adding upstream version 2.0.1+dfsg.
diff --git a/icons/LICENSE b/icons/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 11782c0..0000000
--- a/icons/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
- [1]Creative Commons
- Creative Commons Legal Code
- Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0
- License
- 1. Definitions
- a. "Collective Work" means a work, such as a periodical issue,
- anthology or encyclopedia, in which the Work in its entirety in
- unmodified form, along with a number of other contributions,
- constituting separate and independent works in themselves, are
- assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a
- Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work (as
- defined below) for the purposes of this License.
- b. "Derivative Work" means a work based upon the Work or upon the
- Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, musical
- arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture
- version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgment,
- condensation, or any other form in which the Work may be recast,
- transformed, or adapted, except that a work that constitutes a
- Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work for the
- purpose of this License. For the avoidance of doubt, where the
- Work is a musical composition or sound recording, the
- synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image
- ("synching") will be considered a Derivative Work for the purpose
- of this License.
- c. "Licensor" means the individual or entity that offers the Work
- under the terms of this License.
- d. "Original Author" means the individual or entity who created the
- Work.
- e. "Work" means the copyrightable work of authorship offered under
- the terms of this License.
- f. "You" means an individual or entity exercising rights under this
- License who has not previously violated the terms of this License
- with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission
- from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a
- previous violation.
- g. "License Elements" means the following high-level license
- attributes as selected by Licensor and indicated in the title of
- this License: Attribution, ShareAlike.
- 2. Fair Use Rights. Nothing in this license is intended to reduce,
- limit, or restrict any rights arising from fair use, first sale or
- other limitations on the exclusive rights of the copyright owner under
- copyright law or other applicable laws.
- 3. License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License,
- Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive,
- perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) license to
- exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
- a. to reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more
- Collective Works, and to reproduce the Work as incorporated in the
- Collective Works;
- b. to create and reproduce Derivative Works;
- c. to distribute copies or phonorecords of, display publicly, perform
- publicly, and perform publicly by means of a digital audio
- transmission the Work including as incorporated in Collective
- Works;
- d. to distribute copies or phonorecords of, display publicly, perform
- publicly, and perform publicly by means of a digital audio
- transmission Derivative Works.
- e. For the avoidance of doubt, where the work is a musical
- composition:
- i. Performance Royalties Under Blanket Licenses. Licensor waives
- the exclusive right to collect, whether individually or via a
- performance rights society (e.g. ASCAP, BMI, SESAC),
- royalties for the public performance or public digital
- performance (e.g. webcast) of the Work.
- ii. Mechanical Rights and Statutory Royalties. Licensor waives
- the exclusive right to collect, whether individually or via a
- music rights society or designated agent (e.g. Harry Fox
- Agency), royalties for any phonorecord You create from the
- Work ("cover version") and distribute, subject to the
- compulsory license created by 17 USC Section 115 of the US
- Copyright Act (or the equivalent in other jurisdictions).
- f. Webcasting Rights and Statutory Royalties. For the avoidance of
- doubt, where the Work is a sound recording, Licensor waives the
- exclusive right to collect, whether individually or via a
- performance-rights society (e.g. SoundExchange), royalties for the
- public digital performance (e.g. webcast) of the Work, subject to
- the compulsory license created by 17 USC Section 114 of the US
- Copyright Act (or the equivalent in other jurisdictions).
- The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now
- known or hereafter devised. The above rights include the right to make
- such modifications as are technically necessary to exercise the rights
- in other media and formats. All rights not expressly granted by
- Licensor are hereby reserved.
- 4. Restrictions.The license granted in Section 3 above is expressly
- made subject to and limited by the following restrictions:
- a. You may distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or
- publicly digitally perform the Work only under the terms of this
- License, and You must include a copy of, or the Uniform Resource
- Identifier for, this License with every copy or phonorecord of the
- Work You distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or
- publicly digitally perform. You may not offer or impose any terms
- on the Work that alter or restrict the terms of this License or
- the recipients' exercise of the rights granted hereunder. You may
- not sublicense the Work. You must keep intact all notices that
- refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties. You may
- not distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly
- digitally perform the Work with any technological measures that
- control access or use of the Work in a manner inconsistent with
- the terms of this License Agreement. The above applies to the Work
- as incorporated in a Collective Work, but this does not require
- the Collective Work apart from the Work itself to be made subject
- to the terms of this License. If You create a Collective Work,
- upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable,
- remove from the Collective Work any reference to such Licensor or
- the Original Author, as requested. If You create a Derivative
- Work, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent
- practicable, remove from the Derivative Work any reference to such
- Licensor or the Original Author, as requested.
- b. You may distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or
- publicly digitally perform a Derivative Work only under the terms
- of this License, a later version of this License with the same
- License Elements as this License, or a Creative Commons iCommons
- license that contains the same License Elements as this License
- (e.g. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Japan). You must include a copy
- of, or the Uniform Resource Identifier for, this License or other
- license specified in the previous sentence with every copy or
- phonorecord of each Derivative Work You distribute, publicly
- display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform. You may
- not offer or impose any terms on the Derivative Works that alter
- or restrict the terms of this License or the recipients' exercise
- of the rights granted hereunder, and You must keep intact all
- notices that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of
- warranties. You may not distribute, publicly display, publicly
- perform, or publicly digitally perform the Derivative Work with
- any technological measures that control access or use of the Work
- in a manner inconsistent with the terms of this License Agreement.
- The above applies to the Derivative Work as incorporated in a
- Collective Work, but this does not require the Collective Work
- apart from the Derivative Work itself to be made subject to the
- terms of this License.
- c. If you distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly
- digitally perform the Work or any Derivative Works or Collective
- Works, You must keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and
- give the Original Author credit reasonable to the medium or means
- You are utilizing by conveying the name (or pseudonym if
- applicable) of the Original Author if supplied; the title of the
- Work if supplied; to the extent reasonably practicable, the
- Uniform Resource Identifier, if any, that Licensor specifies to be
- associated with the Work, unless such URI does not refer to the
- copyright notice or licensing information for the Work; and in the
- case of a Derivative Work, a credit identifying the use of the
- Work in the Derivative Work (e.g., "French translation of the Work
- by Original Author," or "Screenplay based on original Work by
- Original Author"). Such credit may be implemented in any
- reasonable manner; provided, however, that in the case of a
- Derivative Work or Collective Work, at a minimum such credit will
- appear where any other comparable authorship credit appears and in
- a manner at least as prominent as such other comparable authorship
- credit.
- 5. Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer
- 6. Limitation on Liability. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY
- 7. Termination
- a. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
- automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of this License.
- Individuals or entities who have received Derivative Works or
- Collective Works from You under this License, however, will not
- have their licenses terminated provided such individuals or
- entities remain in full compliance with those licenses. Sections
- 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will survive any termination of this License.
- b. Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted
- here is perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright in
- the Work). Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right
- to release the Work under different license terms or to stop
- distributing the Work at any time; provided, however that any such
- election will not serve to withdraw this License (or any other
- license that has been, or is required to be, granted under the
- terms of this License), and this License will continue in full
- force and effect unless terminated as stated above.
- 8. Miscellaneous
- a. Each time You distribute or publicly digitally perform the Work or
- a Collective Work, the Licensor offers to the recipient a license
- to the Work on the same terms and conditions as the license
- granted to You under this License.
- b. Each time You distribute or publicly digitally perform a
- Derivative Work, Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the
- original Work on the same terms and conditions as the license
- granted to You under this License.
- c. If any provision of this License is invalid or unenforceable under
- applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability
- of the remainder of the terms of this License, and without further
- action by the parties to this agreement, such provision shall be
- reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision
- valid and enforceable.
- d. No term or provision of this License shall be deemed waived and no
- breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in
- writing and signed by the party to be charged with such waiver or
- consent.
- e. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties
- with respect to the Work licensed here. There are no
- understandings, agreements or representations with respect to the
- Work not specified here. Licensor shall not be bound by any
- additional provisions that may appear in any communication from
- You. This License may not be modified without the mutual written
- agreement of the Licensor and You.
- Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty
- whatsoever in connection with the Work. Creative Commons will not be
- liable to You or any party on any legal theory for any damages
- whatsoever, including without limitation any general, special,
- incidental or consequential damages arising in connection to this
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- Commons has expressly identified itself as the Licensor hereunder, it
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- Except for the limited purpose of indicating to the public that the
- Work is licensed under the CCPL, neither party will use the trademark
- "Creative Commons" or any related trademark or logo of Creative
- Commons without the prior written consent of Creative Commons. Any
- permitted use will be in compliance with Creative Commons'
- then-current trademark usage guidelines, as may be published on its
- website or otherwise made available upon request from time to time.
- Creative Commons may be contacted at [2]http://creativecommons.org/.
- [3]« Back to Commons Deed
- 1. http://creativecommons.org/
- 2. http://creativecommons.org/
- 3. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
diff --git a/icons/tryton-currency.svg b/icons/tryton-currency.svg
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commit 7a0695effd5cfa290fffdcf027fab0050f7ba343
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Tue May 24 19:16:52 2011 +0200
Adding upstream version 2.0.1.
index 26e92a8..7518ac1 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 2.0.1 - 2011-04-26
+* Add missing icons
Version 2.0.0 - 2011-04-26
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 9e467cd..5c852b0 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 2.0.0
+Version: 2.0.1
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index 1069ef0..ca8e1d5 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '2.0.0',
+ 'version': '2.0.1',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
diff --git a/icons/__init__.py b/icons/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index f18a8a1..d322711 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
+ 'trytond.modules.currency.icons',
'trytond.modules.currency': info.get('xml', []) \
+ info.get('translation', []),
+ 'trytond.modules.currency.icons': ['tryton-currency.svg'],
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
diff --git a/tests/__init__.pyc b/tests/__init__.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 851497b..0000000
Binary files a/tests/__init__.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.pyc b/tests/test_currency.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3340aac..0000000
Binary files a/tests/test_currency.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 192e0e5..4ab770b 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 2.0.0
+Version: 2.0.1
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 4edb7b6..d7916c1 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -17,15 +17,13 @@ setup.py
commit 5042ffca8ad946c39c608ed1c9a84beec83a9543
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Tue May 24 19:12:47 2011 +0200
Adding upstream version 2.0.0.
index 93d2883..26e92a8 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 2.0.0 - 2011-04-26
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 1.8.0 - 2010-11-01
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
index cca7db9..3d2324b 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Cédric Krier.
-Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Bertrand Chenal.
-Copyright (C) 2008-2010 B2CK SPRL.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Cédric Krier.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Bertrand Chenal.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2011 B2CK SPRL.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 7b252be..fba86d4 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ include *.xml
include *.odt
include *.csv
include doc/*
+include icons/*
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 4344977..9e467cd 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 1.8.0
+Version: 2.0.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.8/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.0/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ Classifier: Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Czech
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Natural Language :: French
Classifier: Natural Language :: German
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Russian
Classifier: Natural Language :: Spanish
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Topic :: Office/Business
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index 22f84c2..1069ef0 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -2,17 +2,21 @@
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
'name': 'Currency',
+ 'name_bg_BG': 'ÐалÑÑа',
'name_de_DE': 'Währung',
'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '1.8.0',
+ 'version': '2.0.0',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
'description': '''Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
+ 'description_bg_BG': '''Ðадаване на валÑÑи и обменни кÑÑÑове.
+ ÐозволÑва наÑÑÑойване на ÑоÑмаÑиÑане на ÑÑмаÑа на валÑÑа.
'description_de_DE': ''' - Ermöglicht die Eingabe von Währungen und Wechselkursen.
- Erlaubt die beliebige Formatierung von Währungsbeträgen.
@@ -33,6 +37,7 @@ Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
'translation': [
+ 'bg_BG.csv',
diff --git a/bg_BG.csv b/bg_BG.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25f16f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bg_BG.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Ðевалидно гÑÑпиÑане!,0
+error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Ðе е намеÑен кÑÑÑ Ð·Ð° валÑÑа: %s за даÑа: %s,0
+error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Ðа ден валÑÑаÑа може да има Ñамо един кÑÑÑ!,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,ЦиÑÑи за показване,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,ÐеÑеÑиÑен ÑазделиÑел,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,РазделиÑел за Ñ
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,ÐÑедÑ
ожда оÑÑиÑаÑелен знак на валÑÑа,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Ðнак минÑÑ: Ñазделен Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ñазно поле,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° знака минÑÑ,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,ÐÑÑиÑаÑелен знак,0
+field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,ЦиÑÑов код,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,ÐÑедÑ
ожда положиÑелен знак на валÑÑа,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Ðнак плÑÑ: Ñазделен Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ñазно поле,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,ÐозиÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° знака плÑÑ,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,ÐоложиÑелен знак,0
+field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,ТекÑÑ ÐºÑÑÑ,0
+field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,ÐоеÑиÑÐ¸ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð½Ð° закÑÑгление,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,ÐÑабÑка дÑ
+model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,ÐÑменÑки дÑам,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,ХоландÑки гилдеÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,ÐÑженÑинÑко пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,ÐвÑÑÑалийÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,ÐÑÑбийÑки гилдеÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,ÐзеÑбайджанÑки манаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,ÐоÑненÑка конвеÑÑиÑÑема маÑка,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,ÐаÑбадоÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bdt,Taka,ÐангладеÑка Ñака,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,ÐÑлгаÑÑки лев,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,ÐаÑ
ÑейнÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,ÐÑÑÑндийÑки ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,ÐеÑмÑдÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,ÐÑÑнейÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bov,Mvdol,ÐоливийÑки мвдол,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,ÐÑазилÑки Ñеал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,ÐаÑ
амÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,ÐелаÑÑÑка ÑÑбла,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,ÐелизийÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,ÐанадÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,ÐонгоанÑки ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,ШвейÑаÑÑки ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,ЧилийÑко Unidad de Fomento,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,ЧилииÑко пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Юан,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,ÐолÑмбииÑко пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,ÐолÑмбийÑки Ñеал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,ÐоÑÑаÑиканÑки колон,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,ÐÑбинÑко пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Ðейп ÐеÑдианÑко еÑкÑдо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,ÐипÑÑÑка лиÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,ЧеÑка кÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,ÐжибÑÑÑки ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,ÐаÑÑка кÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,ÐоминиканÑко пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,ÐлжиÑÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,ÐÑÑонÑка кÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,ÐгипеÑÑка лиÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,ÐÑиопÑки биÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,ФиджийÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,ÐиÑа на ФолкландÑкиÑе оÑÑÑови,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,ÐÑиÑанÑка лиÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,ÐанииÑко Ñеди,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,ÐибÑалÑаÑÑка лиÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,ÐвинейÑки ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,ÐаÑнÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Хонг Ðонг долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hnl,Lempira,ХондÑÑаÑка лемпÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Ð¥ÑÑваÑÑка кÑна,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,ÐндонезийÑка ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Шекел,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,ÐндийÑки ÑÑпей,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,ÐÑакÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,ÐÑанÑки Ñиал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,ÐÑландÑка кÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,ЯмайÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,ÐоÑданÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jpy,Yen,ЯпонÑка йена,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,ÐенийÑки Ñилинг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",khr,Riel,ÐамбоджанÑки Ñиел,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,ÐомоÑийÑки ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,СевеÑнокоÑейÑки вон,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,ÐÑвейÑÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,ÐайманÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kzt,Tenge,ÐазакÑÑанÑки Ñенге,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lak,Kip,ÐаоÑки кип,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,ÐиванÑки паÑнд,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,ШÑиланкийÑка ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,ÐибеÑийÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,ÐиÑвийÑки лиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,ÐаÑвииÑки лиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,ÐибийÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,ÐаÑоканÑки диÑÑ
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,ÐолдовÑка леÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,ÐалгаÑко аÑиаÑи,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mnt,Tugrik,ÐонголÑки ÑÑгÑик,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,ÐалÑийÑка лиÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,ÐавÑиÑийÑки ÑÑпей,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mvr,Rufiyaa,Ð ÑÑиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,ÐекÑиканÑко пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,ÐалайзийÑки ÑингиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mzn,Metical,ÐозамбкÑки меÑикал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,ÐамибийÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,ÐикаÑагÑка коÑдоба,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,ÐоÑвежка кÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,ÐепалÑки ÑÑпей,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Ðово ÐеландÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,ÐманÑки Ñиал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pab,Balboa,ÐанамÑка балбоа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Ðов пеÑÑанÑки Ñол,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pgk,Kina,ÐапÑа - Ðова ÐвинейÑка кина,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,ФилипинÑко пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,ÐакиÑÑанÑка ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pln,Zloty,ÐолÑка ÐлоÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,ÐаÑаÑÑки Ñиал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Ð ÑмÑнÑко леÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,СÑÑбÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Ð ÑÑка ÑÑбла,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Ð ÑандÑки ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,СаÑдиÑÑки Ñиал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð° Соломонови оÑÑÑови,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,СейÑелÑка ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,СÑданÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,ШведÑка кÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,СингапÑÑÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,о-в СвеÑа Ðлена лиÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sll,Leone,СиеÑа ÐеонÑко Ðеоне,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,СомалийÑки Ñилинг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,СÑÑинамÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Ðл СалвадоÑÑки колон ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,СиÑийÑка лиÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",thb,Baht,ТайландÑки баÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,ТÑнизийÑки динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Ðова ÑÑÑÑка лиÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,ТÑинидадÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Ðов ÑайванÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,ТанзанийÑки Ñилинг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uah,Hryvnia,УкÑаинÑка гÑивна,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,УгандийÑки Ñилинг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,ÐмеÑиканÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),ÐмеÑиканÑки Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð°Ñ (ÑÐ»ÐµÐ´Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ½),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),ÐмеÑиканÑки Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð°Ñ (Ñози ден),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,УÑÑгвайÑко пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,УзбекиÑÑанÑки СÑм,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,ÐоливаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vnd,Dong,ÐиеÑнамÑки донг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,ÐзÑоÑно ÐаÑибÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,СпеÑиални пÑава на ÑиÑаж,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,ÐлаÑен ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Ðод за ÑеÑÑове,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,ÐÑма валÑÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,ÐеменÑки Ñиал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,ÐÑаÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,ÐимбабвииÑки долаÑ,0
+model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,УпÑавление на валÑÑи,0
+model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,УпÑавление на валÑÑа,0
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index db8362b..fbe9d7a 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
Take a currency and an amount
Return the amount to the new currency
- Use the rate of the date of the context or the current date
+ Use the rate of the date of the context or the current date if ids are
+ given
date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
lang_obj = self.pool.get('ir.lang')
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
index cc53334..5d6fd34 100644
--- a/currency.xml
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<record model="res.user" id="res.user_trigger">
<field name="groups" eval="[('add', ref('group_currency_admin'))]"/>
+ <record model="ir.ui.icon" id="currency_icon">
+ <field name="name">tryton-currency</field>
+ <field name="path">icons/tryton-currency.svg</field>
+ </record>
<menuitem name="Currency Management" id="menu_currency" sequence="3"
groups="group_currency_admin" icon="tryton-currency"/>
@@ -114,7 +118,6 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<record model="ir.action.act_window" id="act_currency_form">
<field name="name">Currencies</field>
<field name="res_model">currency.currency</field>
- <field name="view_type">form</field>
<record model="ir.action.act_window.view" id="act_currency_form_view1">
<field name="sequence" eval="10"/>
diff --git a/icons/LICENSE b/icons/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11782c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ [1]Creative Commons
+ Creative Commons Legal Code
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+ [3]« Back to Commons Deed
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+error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,ÐалÑÑа Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑÑ ÑолÑко Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ñ ÐºÑÑÑовÑÑ ÑазниÑÑ Ð² денÑ!,0
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ам (ÐÐÐ),0
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diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 6083f79..f18a8a1 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -44,12 +44,16 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
'Intended Audience :: Legal Industry',
'Intended Audience :: Manufacturing',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
+ 'Natural Language :: Czech',
'Natural Language :: English',
'Natural Language :: French',
'Natural Language :: German',
+ 'Natural Language :: Russian',
'Natural Language :: Spanish',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
- 'Programming Language :: Python',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Topic :: Office/Business',
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index a0d6731..192e0e5 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 1.8.0
+Version: 2.0.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.8/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/2.0/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ Classifier: Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Czech
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Natural Language :: French
Classifier: Natural Language :: German
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Russian
Classifier: Natural Language :: Spanish
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Topic :: Office/Business
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 0a21454..4edb7b6 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ LICENSE
@@ -19,6 +20,8 @@ setup.py
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index 3127597..820b8fc 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trytond >= 1.8, < 1.9
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 2.0, < 2.1
\ No newline at end of file
commit 20394bfbd6c43f151aa1c78130a18be402237cd1
Author: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
Date: Thu Nov 4 20:12:18 2010 +0100
Adding upstream version 1.8.0.
index 5310fe6..93d2883 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 1.8.0 - 2010-11-01
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 1.6.0 - 2010-05-09
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
* Use pycountry to generate currency datas
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 5b523b3..6e6b3ce 100644
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Installing trytond_currency
- * Python 2.4 or later (http://www.python.org/)
+ * Python 2.5 or later (http://www.python.org/)
* trytond (http://www.tryton.org/)
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 79e0fde..7b252be 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -8,5 +8,3 @@ include *.xml
include *.odt
include *.csv
include doc/*
-include tests/*
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index eca8ce2..4344977 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 1.6.0
+Version: 1.8.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.6/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.8/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index e5a2315..22f84c2 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '1.6.0',
+ 'version': '1.8.0',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
@@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
'translation': [
+ 'cs_CZ.csv',
+ 'ru_RU.csv',
diff --git a/cs_CZ.csv b/cs_CZ.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b400f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cs_CZ.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,,0
+error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,,0
+error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,,0
+field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,,0
+field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,,0
+field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Spojené Arabské Emiráty - dirham,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Arménský dram,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Nizozemskoantilský gulden,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Argentinské peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Australský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Arubský gulden,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Ãzerbajdžánský manat,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Konvertibilnà marka,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Barbadoský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Bulharská leva,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Bahrajnský dinár,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Burundský frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Bermudský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Brunejský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Brazilský real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Bahamský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,BÄloruský rubl,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Belizský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Kanadský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,Konžský frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR euro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Švýcarský frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Chilské peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,ÄÃnský renminbi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Kolumbijské peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Kostarický colon,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Kubánské peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Kapverdské escudo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Kyperská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Äeská koruna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Džibutský frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Dánská koruna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Dominikánské peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,AlžÃrský dinár,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Egyptská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Etiopský birr,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Fidžijský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Falklandská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Britská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Ghanský cedi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Gibraltarská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Guinejský frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Guyanský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Hongkongský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Chorvatská kuna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Izraelský nový šekel,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Indická rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Irácký dinár,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Ãránský rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Islandská koruna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Jamajský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Jordánský dinár,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,KeÅský Å¡ilink,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Komorský frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Severokorejský won,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Kuvajtský dinár,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Kajmanský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libanonská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,SrÃlanská rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Liberijský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litevský lit,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lotyšský lat,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Libyjský dinár,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Marocký dirham,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Moldavský leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Madagaskarský ariary,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Maltézská lira,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Mauricijská rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Mexické peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Malajský ringgit,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Namibijský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Norská koruna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Nepálská rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Novozélandský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Ománský rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nový sol,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,FilipÃnské peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Pákistánská rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katarský rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nový leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Srbský dinár,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Ruský rubl,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Rwandský frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Saudskoarabský rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Å alamounovy ostrovy - dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Seychelská rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Súdánská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Švédská koruna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Singapurský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Svatohelenská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somálský šilink,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Surinamský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Salvádorský colon,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Sýrijská libra,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Tuniský dinár,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Turecká nová lira,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad a Tobago - dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Taiwanský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Tanzanský šilink,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,Ugandský šilink,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Americký dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),Americký dolar (pÅÃÅ¡tà den),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),Americký dolar (stejný den),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Uruguayské peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Uzbecký sum,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA frank BEAC,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),Evropská smÃÅ¡ená jednotka (EURCO),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Evropská mÄnová jednotka (E.M.U.-6),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Evropská jednotka úÄtu 9 (E.U.A.-9),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Evropská jednotka úÄtu 17 (E.U.A.-17),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Východokaribský dolar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Zvláštnà práva ÄerpánÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Zlatý frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,UIC frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA frank BCEAO,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,CFP frank,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Kód pro testovacà úÄely,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Žádná mÄna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Jemenský rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,Zabmijská kwacha,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Zimbabwský dolar,0
+model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,,0
+model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,,0
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index 2ef349e..db8362b 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level
#of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
-from trytond.tools import safe_eval, datetime_strftime
import time
-from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN
import datetime
+from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN
+from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
+from trytond.tools import safe_eval, datetime_strftime
+from trytond.transaction import Transaction
class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
@@ -50,78 +50,77 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'compute': False,
- def default_active(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_active(self):
return True
- def default_rounding(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_rounding(self):
return Decimal('0.01')
- def default_digits(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_digits(self):
return 2
- def default_mon_grouping(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_mon_grouping(self):
return '[]'
- def default_mon_thousands_sep(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_mon_thousands_sep(self):
return ','
- def default_mon_decimal_point(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_mon_decimal_point(self):
return '.'
- def default_p_sign_posn(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_p_sign_posn(self):
return 1
- def default_n_sign_posn(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_n_sign_posn(self):
return 1
- def default_negative_sign(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_negative_sign(self):
return '-'
- def default_positive_sign(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_positive_sign(self):
return ''
- def default_p_cs_precedes(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_p_cs_precedes(self):
return True
- def default_n_cs_precedes(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_n_cs_precedes(self):
return True
- def default_p_sep_by_space(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_p_sep_by_space(self):
return False
- def default_n_sep_by_space(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_n_sep_by_space(self):
return False
- def check_mon_grouping(self, cursor, user, ids):
+ def check_mon_grouping(self, ids):
Check if mon_grouping is list of numbers
- for currency in self.browse(cursor, user, ids):
+ for currency in self.browse(ids):
grouping = safe_eval(currency.mon_grouping)
for i in grouping:
if not isinstance(i, int):
return False
- except:
+ except Exception:
return False
return True
- def check_xml_record(self, cursor, user, ids, values, context=None):
+ def check_xml_record(self, ids, values):
return True
- def search_rec_name(self, cursor, user, name, clause, context=None):
+ def search_rec_name(self, name, clause):
ids = []
field = None
for field in ('code', 'numeric_code'):
- ids = self.search(cursor, user, [(field,) + clause[1:]], limit=1,
- context=context)
+ ids = self.search([(field,) + clause[1:]], limit=1)
if ids:
if ids:
return [(field,) + clause[1:]]
return [(self._rec_name,) + clause[1:]]
- def on_change_with_rate(self, cursor, user, vals, context=None):
+ def on_change_with_rate(self, vals):
now = datetime.date.today()
closer = datetime.date.min
res = Decimal('0.0')
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
closer = rate['date']
return res
- def get_rate(self, cursor, user, ids, name, context=None):
+ def get_rate(self, ids, name):
Return the rate at the date from the context or the current date
@@ -141,12 +140,9 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
res = {}
- if context is None:
- context = {}
- date = context.get('date', date_obj.today(cursor, user,
- context=context))
+ date = Transaction().context.get('date', date_obj.today())
for currency_id in ids:
- rate_ids = rate_obj.search(cursor, user, [
+ rate_ids = rate_obj.search([
('currency', '=', currency_id),
('date', '<=', date),
], limit=1, order=[('date', 'DESC')])
@@ -155,7 +151,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
res[currency_id] = 0.0
rate_ids = [x for x in res.values() if x]
- rates = rate_obj.browse(cursor, user, rate_ids, context=context)
+ rates = rate_obj.browse(rate_ids)
id2rate = {}
for rate in rates:
id2rate[rate.id] = rate
@@ -164,7 +160,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
res[currency_id] = id2rate[res[currency_id]].rate
return res
- def round(self, cursor, user, currency, amount, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN):
+ def round(self, currency, amount, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN):
Round the amount depending of the currency
@@ -178,12 +174,11 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
return (amount / currency.rounding).quantize(Decimal('1.'),
rounding=rounding) * currency.rounding
- def is_zero(self, cursor, user, currency, amount):
+ def is_zero(self, currency, amount):
'Return True if the amount can be considered as zero for the currency'
- return abs(self.round(cursor, user, currency, amount)) < currency.rounding
+ return abs(self.round(currency, amount)) < currency.rounding
- def compute(self, cursor, user, from_currency, amount, to_currency,
- round=True, context=None):
+ def compute(self, from_currency, amount, to_currency, round=True):
Take a currency and an amount
Return the amount to the new currency
@@ -192,37 +187,34 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
lang_obj = self.pool.get('ir.lang')
- if context is None:
- context = {}
if isinstance(from_currency, (int, long)):
- from_currency = self.browse(cursor, user, from_currency, context=context)
+ from_currency = self.browse(from_currency)
if isinstance(to_currency, (int, long)):
- to_currency = self.browse(cursor, user, to_currency, context=context)
+ to_currency = self.browse(to_currency)
if to_currency == from_currency:
if round:
- return self.round(cursor, user, to_currency, amount)
+ return self.round(to_currency, amount)
return amount
if (not from_currency.rate) or (not to_currency.rate):
- date = context.get('date', date_obj.today(cursor, user,
- context=context))
+ date = Transaction().context.get('date', date_obj.today())
if not from_currency.rate:
name = from_currency.name
name = to_currency.name
- for code in [context.get('language', False) or 'en_US', 'en_US']:
- lang_ids = lang_obj.search(cursor, user, [
+ for code in [Transaction().language, 'en_US']:
+ lang_ids = lang_obj.search([
('code', '=', code),
- ], context=context)
+ ])
if lang_ids:
- lang = lang_obj.browse(cursor, user, lang_ids[0], context=context)
+ lang = lang_obj.browse(lang_ids[0])
- self.raise_user_error(cursor, 'no_rate', (name,
- datetime_strftime(date, str(lang.date))), context=context)
+ self.raise_user_error('no_rate', (name,
+ datetime_strftime(date, str(lang.date))))
if round:
- return self.round(cursor, user, to_currency,
+ return self.round(to_currency,
amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate)
return amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate
@@ -248,11 +240,11 @@ class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
self._order.insert(0, ('date', 'DESC'))
- def default_date(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ def default_date(self):
date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
- return date_obj.today(cursor, user, context=context)
+ return date_obj.today()
- def check_xml_record(self, cursor, user, ids, values, context=None):
+ def check_xml_record(self, ids, values):
return True
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
index 74307fc..cc53334 100644
--- a/currency.xml
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<record model="res.user" id="res.user_admin">
<field name="groups" eval="[('add', ref('group_currency_admin'))]"/>
+ <record model="res.user" id="res.user_trigger">
+ <field name="groups" eval="[('add', ref('group_currency_admin'))]"/>
+ </record>
<menuitem name="Currency Management" id="menu_currency" sequence="3"
groups="group_currency_admin" icon="tryton-currency"/>
@@ -353,7 +356,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<record model="currency.currency" id="cdf">
- <field name="name">Franc Congolais</field>
+ <field name="name">Congolese Franc</field>
<field name="code">CDF</field>
<field name="numeric_code">976</field>
<field name="symbol">CDF</field>
@@ -1133,13 +1136,6 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="symbol">£</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="skk">
- <field name="name">Slovak Koruna</field>
- <field name="code">SKK</field>
- <field name="numeric_code">703</field>
- <field name="symbol">SKK</field>
- </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="sll">
<field name="name">Leone</field>
<field name="code">SLL</field>
@@ -1483,7 +1479,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<record model="currency.currency" id="zmk">
- <field name="name">Kwacha</field>
+ <field name="name">Zambian Kwacha</field>
<field name="code">ZMK</field>
<field name="numeric_code">894</field>
<field name="symbol">ZMK</field>
diff --git a/de_DE.csv b/de_DE.csv
index 595bdb7..ecec46d 100644
--- a/de_DE.csv
+++ b/de_DE.csv
@@ -11,17 +11,23 @@ field,"currency.currency,id",0,ID,ID,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Dezimalpunkt Währung,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_grouping",0,Grouping,Gruppierung Währung,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Tausendertrennzeichen Währung,0
field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,Negativer Wert: Symbol führend,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Negatives Vorzeichen,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Negativer Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Position negatives Vorzeichen,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Negatives Vorzeichen,0
field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Numerischer Code,0
field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,Positiver Wert: Symbol führend,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Positives Vorzeichen,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Positiver Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Position positives Vorzeichen,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Positives Vorzeichen,0
field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Aktueller Kurs,0
+field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Rundung,0
+field,"currency.currency,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
+field,"currency.currency,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,create_date",0,Creation date,Erstellungsdatum,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,create_uid",0,Creation user,Ersteller,0
@@ -29,202 +35,195 @@ field,"currency.currency.rate,date",0,Date,Datum,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Rundung,0
-field,"currency.currency,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
-field,"currency.currency,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,VAE-Dirham,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Algerischer Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Argentinischer Peso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Armenischer Dram,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Arubanischer Gulden,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Niederländische Antillen-Gulden,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Argentinischer Peso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Australischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Arubanischer Gulden,0
model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Aserbeidschan Manat,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Bahama-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Bahrain-Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Konvertible Mark,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Barbados-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,WeiÃrussischer Rubel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Belize-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Bulgarischer Lev,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Bahrain-Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Burundi-Franc,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Bermuda-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,BolÃvar Fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Brunei-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bob,Boliviano,Bolivischer Boliviano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Brasilianischer Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Brunei-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Bulgarischer Lev,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Burundi-Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Bahama-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,WeiÃrussischer Rubel,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Belize-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Kanadischer Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Kap-Verde-Escudo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Kaiman-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA Franc (West),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA Franc (Ãquatorial),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,CFP Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,Congolese Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR Euro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Schweizer Franken,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Chilenischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Testcode,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Renminbi-Yuan,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Kolumbischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Komoren-Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Konvertible Mark,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba Oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Costa Rica Colon,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Kubanischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Kap-Verde-Escudo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Zypriotisches Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Tschechische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Dänische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Djibouti-Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Dänische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Dominikanischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Ostkaribischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Algerischer Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Estnische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Ãgyptisches Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,El Salvador Colon,0
model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Ãthiopischer Birr,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),European Composite Unit (EURCO),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Europäische Währungseinheit (E.M.U.-6),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Europäische Rechnungseinheit 17 (E.U.A.-17),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Europäische Rechnungseinheit 9 (E.U.A.-9),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Falkland Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Fidschi-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Franc Congolais,Franc Congolais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Falkland Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Pfund Sterling,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Ghanaischer Cedi,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Gibraltar-Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Guinea-Franc,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Guyana-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Hongkong-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Isländische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Schekel,0
model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Indische Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Iranischer Rial,0
model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Irakischer Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Iranischer Rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Isländische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Jamaikanischer Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Jordanischer Dinar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,Kenianischer Shilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Estnische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Komoren-Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Nordkoreanischer Won,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Kuwait-Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lettischer Lats,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Kaiman-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libanesisches Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Sri-Lanka-Rupie,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Liberianischer Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Libyscher Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litauischer Litas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litauischer Litas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lettischer Lats,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Libyscher Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Marokkanischer Dirham,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Moldau Leu,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Madagassischer Ariary,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Malaysischer Ringgit,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Maltesische Lira,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Mauritius-Rupie,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Mexikanischer Peso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Mexikanische Unidad de Inversion (UDI),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Moldau Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Marokkanischer Dirham,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Malaysischer Ringgit,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Namibia-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba Oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Norwegische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Nepalesische Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Niederländische Antillen-Gulden,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Schekel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Neuer Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Neuer Taiwan-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Neue Türkische Lira,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Neuseeland-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Keine Währung,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Nordkoreanischer Won,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Norwegische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial Omani,0
model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Neuer Sol,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Pakistanische Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Uruguayischer Peso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Philippinischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Pfund Sterling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Pakistanische Rupie,0
model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar-Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial Omani,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Neuer Leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Serbischer Dinar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Russischer Rubel,0
model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Ruandischer Franc,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,St.-Helena-Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Saudi-Arabischer Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Serbischer Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Salomonen-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Seychellen-Rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Sudanesisches Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Schwedische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Singapur-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",skk,Slovak Koruna,Slowakische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Salomonen-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,St.-Helena-Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalischer Schilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Sonderziehungsrecht,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Sri-Lanka-Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Sudanesisches Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Surinam-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Schwedische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Schweizer Franken,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,El Salvador Colon,0
model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Syrisches Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Tansanischer Schilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Tunesischer Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,VAE-Dirham,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Neue Türkische Lira,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Neuer Taiwan-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Tansanischer Schilling,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,Uganda-Schilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,0
model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,US Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),US Dollar (Nächster Tag),0
model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),US Dollar (Gleicher Tag),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Uruguayischer Peso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Usbekischer Soʻm,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,BolÃvar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR Euro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA Franc (Ãquatorial),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),European Composite Unit (EURCO),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Europäische Währungseinheit (E.M.U.-6),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Europäische Rechnungseinheit 9 (E.U.A.-9),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Europäische Rechnungseinheit 17 (E.U.A.-17),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Ostkaribischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Sonderziehungsrecht,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA Franc (West),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,CFP Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Testcode,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Keine Währung,0
model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Jemenitischer Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Renminbi-Yuan,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,Zambian Kwacha,0
model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Simbabwe-Dollar,0
model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Währungen,0
model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Währungen Administration,0
diff --git a/es_CO.csv b/es_CO.csv
index 2a00300..26ce110 100644
--- a/es_CO.csv
+++ b/es_CO.csv
@@ -8,213 +8,212 @@ field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Mostrar DÃgitos,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador Decimal,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de Miles,0
field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,El Signo Negativo Precede,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo Negativo,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición de Signo Negativo,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo Negativo,0
field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Código Numérico,0
field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo Positivo Precede,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo Positivo,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del Signo Positivo,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo Positivo,0
field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Moneda Actual,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Tasas de Cambio,0
field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de Redondeo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Dinar algerino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso Argentino,0
+field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Dirham de los Emiratos Ãrabes Unidos,0
model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Dram armenio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Aruban Guilder,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Dólar australiano ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat Azerbaijano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de Bahamas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Dinar bahreinÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,FlorÃn de las Antillas Neerlandesas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Dólar australiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,FlorÃn de Aruba,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat de Azerbayán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marcos convertibles,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Dólar de Barbados,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rublo de Bielorusia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dólar de Bélize,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Dólar de Bermuda,1
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,BolÃvar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real Brasilero,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev búlgaro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Dinar bahreinÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Franco de Burundi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Dólar de Bermudas,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Dólar de Brunei,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev de Bulgaria,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Franco burundés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dólar Canadiense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Escudo caboverdiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dólar de Islas Caimán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,Franco CFA Occidental,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,Franco CFA,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,Franco CFP,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso Chileno,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Código para propósitos de prueba,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso Colombiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Franco comoriano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marcas Convertibles,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba Oro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón Costaricense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna Croata,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso Cubano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real brasileño,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de las Bahamas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rubla bielorrusa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dólar de Belize,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dólar canadiense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Franc Congolais,Congolese Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,Euro WIR,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco suizo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,Franco WIR,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso chileno,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan renminbi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso colombiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón costarricense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso cubano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Escudo de Cabo Verde,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Libra chipriota,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona Checa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona Danesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Franco yibutiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso Dominicano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dólar Caribeño del Este,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Libra Egipcia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Birr etÃope,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona checa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Franco de Djibouti,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona danesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso dominicano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Dinar argelino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Corona estonia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Libra egipcia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Birr de etÃope,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Libra malvinense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dólar Fuji,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Franc Congolais,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Fiji,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Libra de las Islas Malvinas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Libra esterlina,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Cedi ghanés,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Libra de Gibraltar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Franco de oro,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Franco guineano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dólar de Guyana,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dólar guayanés,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Dólar de Hong Kong,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Corona de Islandia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Rupia de la India,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Real IranÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hnl,Lempira,Lempira hondureño,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna croata,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",htg,Gourde,Gourde haitiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",huf,Forint,Forint húngaro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Rupia indonesia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Nuevo sheqel israelÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Rupia india,0
model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Dinar iraquÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dólar Jamaiquino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Rial iranÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Corona islandesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dólar jamaiqueño,0
model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Dinar jordano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,ChelÃn keniata,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",khr,Riel,Riel camboyano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Franco comoriano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Won norcoreano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",krw,Won,Won surcoreano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Dinar kuwaitÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Caimán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lak,Kip,Kip laosiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libra libanesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Rupia de Sri Lanka,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dóla liberiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lsl,Loti,Loti lesothense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas lituano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lat letón,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libra Libanesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dólar Liberiano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Dinar libio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas Lituanas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Dirham marroquÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Leu moldavo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Ariary malgache,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit Malayo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Lira maltesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Rupia de Mauricius,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Rupia mauricia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mwk,Kwacha,Kwacha malawiano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Peso mexicano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Unidad de Inversión (UDI) mexicana,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Leu moldavo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Dirham marroquÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Unidad de Inversión Mexicana (UDI),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit malasio,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mzn,Metical,Metical mozambiqueño,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dóla namibio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dólar de Namibia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Rupia NepalÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Guilder de las Antillas Holandesas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Shequel Nueva de Israel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nuea Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Dólar de Nuevo Taiwán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Nueva Lira de TurquÃa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dólar Neo Zelandés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Sin moneda,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Corea del Norte Won,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Corona Noruega,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Corona noruega,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Rupia nepalesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dólar neozelandés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial omanÃ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nuevo Sol,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Rupia PaquistanÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso Uruguayo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso Filipino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Libra Esterlina,1
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Omani Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rublo Ruso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso filipino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Rupia pakistanÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Rial de Qatar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Dinar serbio,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rublo ruso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Franco ruandés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Libra de Santa Helena,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Real SaudÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Denario Serbo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Rial saudÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Solomón,0
model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Rupia de Seychelles,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Libra sudanesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Corona sueca,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dólar de Singapur,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",skk,Slovak Koruna,Corona eslovaca,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dolar de las Islas Solomón,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalà Shilling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Libra de Santa Helena,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,ChelÃn somalÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dólar surinamés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Colón salvadoreño,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Libra siria,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",szl,Lilangeni,Lilangeni suazi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Rupia de Sri Lanka,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Libra sudanesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dólar de Surinam,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Coronoa Sueca,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco Suizo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Lira siria,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,ChelÃn tanzano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Dinar tunecino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Nueva lira turca,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Dinar de Túnez,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Dirham de EAU,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,ChelÃn Ugandés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,Franco UIC,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar Americano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),Dólar USA (Próximo dÃa),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),Dólar USA (Mismo dÃa),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Suma Uzbequistán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,nuevo Dólar taiwanés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,ChelÃn tanzano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,ChelÃn ugandés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar estadounidense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),Dólar estadounidense (dia siguiente),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),Dólar estadounidense (mismo dia),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso uruguayo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Som uzbeco,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Real de Yemén,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renminbi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar de Zimbawe,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,franco CFA BEAC,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),Unidad Compuesta Europea (EURCO),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Unidad Monetaria Europea (E.U.M.-6),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Unidad de cuenta europea 9 (E.U.A.-9),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Unidad de cuenta europea 17 (E.U.A.-17),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dólar del Caribe oriental,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Special Drawing Rights,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Franco de oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,Franco UIC,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,franco CFA BCEAO,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,Franco CFP,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Código reservado para pruebas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Sin divisa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Rial yemenÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Kwacha,Zambian Kwacha,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar zimbabuense,0
model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestión de Monedas,0
model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administrar Monedas,0
diff --git a/es_ES.csv b/es_ES.csv
index b5e5c8f..e612aa4 100644
--- a/es_ES.csv
+++ b/es_ES.csv
@@ -8,128 +8,128 @@ field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,DÃgitos a mostrar,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador decimal,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de miles,0
field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo negativo va delante,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo negativo,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Signo negativo separado por espacio,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición del signo negativo,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo negativo,0
field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo positivo va delante,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo positivo,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Signo positivo separado por espacio,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del signo positivo,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo positivo,0
field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Tasa de cambio actual,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Tasas de cambio,0
field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de redondeo,0
+field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,FlorÃn de las Antillas Neerlandesas,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentino,0
model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,FlorÃn de Aruba,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Azerbaijanian Manat,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de Bahamas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat de Azerbayán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marcos convertibles,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Dólar de Barbados,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rublo de Bielorusia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dólar de Bélize,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),Dólar de Bermuda,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,BolÃvar Fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev búlgaro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),Dólar de Bermudas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real Brasilero,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev de Bulgaria,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dólar Canadiense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dólar de Islas Caimán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso Chileno,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso Colombiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marcas Convertibles,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba Oro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón Costaricense,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna Croata,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso Cubano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona Checa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona Danesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso Dominicano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dólar Caribeño del Este,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Libra Egipcia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real brasileño,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de las Bahamas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rubla bielorrusa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dólar de Belize,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dólar canadiense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco suizo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso chileno,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan renminbi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso colombiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón costarricense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso cubano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona checa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona danesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso dominicano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Corona estonia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Libra egipcia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dólar Fuji,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Fiji,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,Libra esterlina,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Libra de Gibraltar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dólar de Guyana,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dólar guayanés,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Dólar de Hong Kong,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Corona de Islandia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Rupia de la India,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Real IranÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dólar Jamaiquino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libra Libanesa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dólar Liberiano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas Lituanas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit Malayo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Rupia de Mauricius,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hnl,Lempira,Lempira hondureño,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna croata,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",huf,Forint,Forint húngaro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Rupia indonesia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Nuevo sheqel israelÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Rupia india,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Rial iranÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Corona islandesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dólar jamaiqueño,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",khr,Riel,Riel camboyano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Won norcoreano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Caimán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lak,Kip,Kip laosiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libra libanesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Rupia de Sri Lanka,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dóla liberiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas lituano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Rupia mauricia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit malasio,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mzn,Metical,Metical mozambiqueño,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dóla namibio,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dólar de Namibia,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Rupia NepalÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Guilder de las Antillas Holandesas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Shequel Nueva de Israel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nuea Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Dólar de Nuevo Taiwán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Nueva Lira de TurquÃa,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dólar Neo Zelandés,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Corea del Norte Won,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Corona Noruega,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Corona noruega,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Rupia nepalesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dólar neozelandés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial omanÃ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nuevo Sol,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Rupia PaquistanÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso Uruguayo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso Filipino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Omani Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rublo Ruso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Libra de Santa Helena,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Real SaudÃ,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Denario Serbo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso filipino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Rupia pakistanÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Rial de Qatar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Dinar serbio,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rublo ruso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Rial saudÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dólar de las Islas Solomón,0
model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Rupia de Seychelles,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Corona sueca,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dólar de Singapur,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dolar de las Islas Solomón,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalà Shilling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Rupia de Sri Lanka,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dólar de Surinam,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Coronoa Sueca,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco Suizo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Libra de Santa Helena,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,ChelÃn somalÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dólar surinamés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Nueva lira turca,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,Libra Esterlina,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar Americano,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Suma Uzbequistán,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Real de Yemén,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renminbi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar de Zimbawe,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,nuevo Dólar taiwanés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar estadounidense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso uruguayo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Som uzbeco,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dólar del Caribe oriental,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Rial yemenÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar zimbabuense,0
model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestión de divisas,0
model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administración de divisas,0
diff --git a/fr_FR.csv b/fr_FR.csv
index 65b4d7d..3ab6faf 100644
--- a/fr_FR.csv
+++ b/fr_FR.csv
@@ -8,213 +8,212 @@ field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Décimale affichée,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Séparateur décimal,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Séparateur des milliers,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,Symbole négatif en premier,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Négatif séparé par un espace,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Position du signe négatif,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,,0
-field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signe négatif,0
+field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Code numérique,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,Symbole de depositif en premier,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Positif séparé par un espace,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Position du signe positif,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signe positif,0
field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Taux Actuel,0
field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Facteur d'Arrondi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Dirham des Ãmirats arabes unis,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Dinar algérien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentin,0
model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Dram arménien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Florin d'Aruba,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Florin des Antilles néerlandaises,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentin,0
model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Dollar australien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Florin d'Aruba,0
model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat d'Azerbaïdjan,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dollar des Bahamas,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Dinar de Bahreïn,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marks convertibles,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Dollar de la Barbade,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rouble biélorusse,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dollar de Belize,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev bulgare,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Dinar de Bahreïn,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Franc burundais,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Dollar des Bermudes,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Dollar de Brunei,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bob,Boliviano,Boliviano bolivien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real brésilien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Dollar de Brunei,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev bulgare,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Franc burundais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dollar des Bahamas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rouble biélorusse,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dollar de Belize,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dollar canadien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Escudo du Cap-Vert,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dollar des îles Caïman,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA Franc BCEAO,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA Franc BEAC,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,Franc pacifique,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,Franc Congolais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR Euro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franc suisse,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso chilien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Code destiné aux essais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renmimbi,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso colombien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Franc comorien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marks convertibles,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba Oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón costaricain,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna de Croatie,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso cubain,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Escudo du Cap-Vert,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Livre chypriote,0
model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Koruna tchèque,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Couronne danoise,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mkd,Denar,Dinar macédonien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Franc djiboutien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Couronne danoise,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso dominicain,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dollar des Caraïbes orientales,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Dinar algérien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Couronne estonienne,0
model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Livre égyptienne,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Colón salvadorien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Birr éthiopien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),Unité européenne composée (EURCO),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Unité monétaire européenne (U.M.E.-6 monnaie),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Unité de compte 17 (U.E.C.-17 monnaie),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Unité de compte 9 ((U.E.C.-9 monnaie),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Livre de Falkland,0
model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dollar fidjien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Franc Congolais,Franc Congolais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Livre de Falkland,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Livre sterling,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Cedi du Ghana,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Livre de Gibraltar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Franc Or,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Franc guinéen,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dollar de Guyana,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Dollar de Hong-Kong,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Couronne islandaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna de Croatie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Roupie indonésienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Nouveau sheqel israëlien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Roupie indienne,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Rial iranien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Dinar irakien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Rial iranien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Couronne islandaise,0
model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dollar jamaïcain,0
model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Dinar jordanien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,Shilling kenyan,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Couronne estonienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Franc comorien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Won nord-coréen,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Dinar koweïtien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lats de Lettonie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dollar des îles Caïman,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Livre libanaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Roupie sri-lankaise,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dollar liberien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Dinar libyen,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas de Lithuanie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas de Lithuanie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lats de Lettonie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Dinar libyen,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Dirham marocain,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Leu de Moldavie,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Ariary malgache,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit malaisien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mkd,Denar,Dinar macédonien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Livre maltaise,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Roupie mauricienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mvr,Rufiyaa,Roupie maldive,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Peso mexicain,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Unité mexicaine de conversion (UDI),0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Leu de Moldavie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Dirham marocain,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit malaisien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dollar de Namibie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba Oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Couronne norvégienne,0
model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Roupie népalaise,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Florin des Antilles néerlandaises,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Nouveau sheqel israëlien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nouveau Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Nouveau Dollar taïwainais,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Livre turque,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dollar néo-zélandais,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Pas de monnaie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Won nord-coréen,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Couronne norvégienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Riyal d'Oman,0
model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nouveau Sol,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Roupie pakistanaise,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso d'Uruguay,0
model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso philippin,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Livre sterling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Roupie pakistanaise,0
model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Riyal du Qatar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Riyal d'Oman,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mvr,Rufiyaa,Roupie maldive,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Roupie indonésienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nouveau Leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Dinar serbe,0
model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rouble russe,0
model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Franc du Rwanda,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Livre de Sainte-Hélène,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Riyal saoudien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Dinar serbe,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dollar des îles Salomon,0
model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Roupie seychelloise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Livre soudanaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Couronne suédoise,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dollar de Singapour,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",skk,Slovak Koruna,Couronne slovaque,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dollar des îles Salomon,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Livre de Sainte-Hélène,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Shilling de Somalie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Special Drawing Rights,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Roupie sri-lankaise,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Livre soudanaise,0
model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dollar de Surinam,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Couronne suédoise,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franc suisse,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Colón salvadorien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Livre syrienne,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Shilling de Tanzanie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dollar de Trinité-et-Tobago,0
model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Dinar tunisien,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Dirham des Ãmirats arabes unis,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Livre turque,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dollar de Trinité-et-Tobago,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Nouveau Dollar taïwainais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Shilling de Tanzanie,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,Shilling d'Ouganda,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,Franc UIC,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Peso urugayen en unités indexées,0
model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dollar des Ãtats-Unis d'Amérique,0
model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),US Dollar (jour suivant),0
model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),US dollar (même jour),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Peso urugayen en unités indexées,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso d'Uruguay,0
model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Sum d'Ouzbékistan,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR Euro,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA Franc BEAC,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),Unité européenne composée (EURCO),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Unité monétaire européenne (U.M.E.-6 monnaie),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Unité de compte 9 ((U.E.C.-9 monnaie),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Unité de compte 17 (U.E.C.-17 monnaie),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dollar des Caraïbes orientales,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Droits de tirage spéciaux,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Franc Or,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,Franc UIC,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA Franc BCEAO,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,Franc pacifique,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Code destiné aux essais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Pas de monnaie,0
model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Riyal du Yemen,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renmimbi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,Kwacha Zambien,0
model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dollar zimbabwéen,0
model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestion des Devises,0
model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administration Devises,0
diff --git a/ru_RU.csv b/ru_RU.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5730c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ru_RU.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,,0
+error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,,0
+error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,,0
+field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,,0
+field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,,0
+field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,ÐиÑÑ
ам (ÐÐÐ),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,ÐÑмÑнÑкий дÑам,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,ÐидеÑландÑкий анÑилÑÑкий гÑлÑден,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,ÐÑгенÑинÑкое пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,ÐвÑÑÑалийÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,ÐÑÑбанÑкий гÑлÑден,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,ÐзеÑбайджанÑкий манаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,ÐонвеÑÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ñка,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,ÐаÑбадоÑÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Ðев,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,ÐаÑ
ÑейнÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,ÐÑÑÑндийÑкий ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,ÐеÑмÑдÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,ÐÑÑнейÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,ÐÑазилÑÑкий Ñеал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,ÐагамÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,ÐелоÑÑÑÑкий ÑÑблÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,ÐелизÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,ÐанадÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Congolese Franc,ÐонголезÑкий ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,ÐвÑо (WIR),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,ШвейÑаÑÑкий ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,ФÑанк (WIR),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,ЧилийÑкое пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Ð®Ð°Ð½Ñ Ð¶ÑнÑминÑби,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,ÐолÑмбийÑкое пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,ÐоÑÑаÑиканÑкий колон,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,ÐÑбинÑкое пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,ÐÑкÑдо Ðабо-ÐеÑде,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,ÐипÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,ЧеÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,ФÑанк ÐжибÑÑи,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,ÐаÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,ÐоминиканÑкое пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,ÐлжиÑÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,ÐÑÑонÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,ÐгипеÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,ÐÑиопÑкий бÑÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¤Ð¸Ð´Ð¶Ð¸,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,ФÑÐ½Ñ Ð¤Ð¾Ð»ÐºÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð´ÑкиÑ
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,ФÑÐ½Ñ ÑÑеÑлингов,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Седи,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,ÐибÑалÑаÑÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,ÐвинейÑкий ÑÑанк,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,ÐайанÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,ÐонконгÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,ÐÑна,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Ð ÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,ÐовÑй изÑаилÑÑкий ÑекелÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,ÐндийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,ÐÑакÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,ÐÑакÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,ÐÑландÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,ЯмайÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,ÐоÑданÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,ÐенийÑкий Ñиллинг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,ФÑанк ÐомоÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,СевеÑо-коÑейÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð½Ð°,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,ÐÑвейÑÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ ÐаймановÑÑ
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,ÐиванÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,ШÑи-ÐанкийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,ÐибеÑийÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,ÐиÑовÑкий лиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,ÐаÑвийÑкий лаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,ÐивийÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,ÐаÑокканÑкий диÑÑ
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,ÐолдавÑкий лей,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,ÐалагаÑийÑкий аÑиаÑи,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,ÐалÑÑийÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ñа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,ÐавÑикийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mvr,Rufiyaa,Ð ÑÑиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,ÐекÑиканÑкое пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,ÐалайзийÑкий ÑинггиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ðамибии,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,ÐолоÑÐ°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñдоба,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,ÐоÑвежÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,ÐепалÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,ÐовозеландÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,ÐманÑкий Ñиал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,ÐовÑй ÑолÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,ФилиппинÑкое пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,ÐакиÑÑанÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,ÐаÑаÑÑкий Ñиал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Ð ÑмÑнÑкий лей,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,СеÑбÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Ð ÑÑÑкий ÑÑблÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,ФÑанк Ð ÑандÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,СаÑдовÑкий ÑиÑл,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²ÑÑ
+model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,СейÑелÑÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑÑпиÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,СÑданÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,ШведÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÑона,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,СингапÑÑÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,ФÑÐ½Ñ ÐÑÑÑова СвÑÑой ÐленÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,СомалийÑкий Ñиллинг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,СÑÑинамÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Ðолон СалÑвадоÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,СиÑийÑкий ÑÑнÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,ТÑниÑÑкий динаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,ТÑÑеÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ñа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¢Ñинидада и Тобаго,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,ТайванÑÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,ТанзанийÑкий Ñиллинг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,УгандийÑкий Ñиллинг,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð (Ñл. денÑ),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¡Ð¨Ð (ÑÐ¾Ñ Ð¶Ðµ денÑ),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,УÑÑгвайÑкое пеÑо в индекÑиÑованнÑÑ
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,УÑÑгвайÑкое пеÑо,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,УзбекÑкий ÑÑм,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,ÐоливаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,ФÑанк ÐФРÐÐÐС,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xag,Silver,ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ ÑеÑебÑа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xau,Gold,ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð·Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ñа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),ÐвÑопейÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑоÑÑÐ°Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа EURCO,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),ÐвÑопейÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа EMU-6,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),РаÑÑÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа ÐвÑопейÑкого плаÑежного ÑоÑза EUA-9,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),РаÑÑÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñа ÐвÑопейÑкого плаÑежного ÑоÑза EUA-17,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,ÐоÑÑоÑно-каÑибÑкий доллаÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,СÐÐ (СпеÑиалÑнÑе пÑава заимÑÑвованиÑ),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,ФÑанк золоÑой,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,ФÑанк ЮÐÐ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,ФÑанк ÐФРÐСÐÐÐ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpd,Palladium,ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð»Ð»Ð°Ð´Ð¸Ñ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,ФÑанк ÐФÐ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpt,Platinum,ТÑойÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð»Ð°ÑинÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Ðод заÑезеÑвиÑованнÑй Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑеÑÑовÑÑ
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,ÐÑÑÑÑÑÑвие валÑÑÑ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,ÐеменÑкий Ñиал,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zar,Rand,Ð Ñнд,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zmk,Zambian Kwacha,ÐамбийÑÐºÐ°Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ñа,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,ÐÐ¾Ð»Ð»Ð°Ñ Ðимбабве,0
+model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,,0
+model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,,0
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.py b/tests/test_currency.py
index 57f4bc5..6fe52df 100644
--- a/tests/test_currency.py
+++ b/tests/test_currency.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+from __future__ import with_statement
import sys, os
DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(__file__,
'..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'trytond')))
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ if os.path.isdir(DIR):
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(DIR))
import unittest
-import trytond.tests.test_tryton
-from trytond.tests.test_tryton import POOL, DB, USER, CONTEXT, test_view
from decimal import Decimal
+import trytond.tests.test_tryton
+from trytond.tests.test_tryton import POOL, DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT, test_view
+from trytond.transaction import Transaction
class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -25,278 +26,260 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.currency = POOL.get('currency.currency')
self.date = POOL.get('ir.date')
- def get_currency(self, cursor, code):
- return self.currency.search(cursor, USER, [
- ('code', '=', code),
- ], 0, 1, None, CONTEXT)[0]
+ def get_currency(self, code):
+ return self.currency.search([
+ ('code', '=', code),
+ ], limit=1)[0]
def test0005views(self):
Test views.
- self.assertRaises(Exception, test_view('currency'))
+ test_view('currency')
def test0010currencies(self):
Create currencies
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'name': 'cu1',
- 'symbol': 'cu1',
- 'code': 'cu1'
- self.assert_(cu1_id)
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu1',
+ 'symbol': 'cu1',
+ 'code': 'cu1'
+ })
+ self.assert_(cu1_id)
- cu2_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'name': 'cu2',
- 'symbol': 'cu2',
- 'code': 'cu2'
- self.assert_(cu2_id)
+ cu2_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu2',
+ 'symbol': 'cu2',
+ 'code': 'cu2'
+ })
+ self.assert_(cu2_id)
- cursor.commit()
- cursor.close()
+ transaction.cursor.commit()
def test0020mon_grouping(self):
Check grouping
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': ''}, CONTEXT)
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[a]'}, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ {'mon_grouping': ''})
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[1,"a"]'}, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ {'mon_grouping': '[a]'})
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[1,"1"]'}, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ {'mon_grouping': '[1,"a"]'})
- cursor.close()
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cu1_id,
+ {'mon_grouping': '[1,"1"]'})
def test0030rate(self):
Create rates.
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
- rate1 = Decimal("1.3")
- rate1_id = self.rate.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'rate': rate1,
- 'currency': cu1_id,
- self.assert_(rate1_id)
+ rate1 = Decimal("1.3")
+ rate1_id = self.rate.create({
+ 'rate': rate1,
+ 'currency': cu1_id,
+ })
+ self.assert_(rate1_id)
- rate2_id = self.rate.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'rate': Decimal("1"),
- 'currency': cu2_id,
- self.assert_(rate2_id)
+ rate2_id = self.rate.create({
+ 'rate': Decimal("1"),
+ 'currency': cu2_id,
+ })
+ self.assert_(rate2_id)
- self.assertEqual(rate1, self.currency.read(cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, ['rate'], CONTEXT)['rate'])
+ self.assertEqual(rate1, self.currency.read(cu1_id,
+ ['rate'])['rate'])
- cursor.commit()
- cursor.close()
+ transaction.cursor.commit()
def test0040rate_unicity(self):
Rate unicity
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- today = self.date.today(cursor, USER, CONTEXT)
- cu_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'name': 'cu',
- 'symbol': 'cu',
- 'code': 'cu'
- rate1_id = self.rate.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
- 'currency': cu_id,
- 'date': today,
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.rate.create, cursor, USER, {
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ today = self.date.today()
+ cu_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu',
+ 'symbol': 'cu',
+ 'code': 'cu'
+ })
+ rate1_id = self.rate.create({
'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
'currency': cu_id,
'date': today,
+ })
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.rate.create, {
+ 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
+ 'currency': cu_id,
+ 'date': today,
+ })
- cursor.rollback()
- cursor.close()
+ transaction.cursor.rollback()
def test0050compute_simple(self):
Simple conversion
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
- amount = Decimal("10")
- expected = Decimal("13")
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
- cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
- self.assertEqual(converted_amount, expected)
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ expected = Decimal("13")
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
+ self.assertEqual(converted_amount, expected)
- cursor.commit()
- cursor.close()
+ transaction.cursor.commit()
def test0060compute_nonfinite(self):
Conversion with rounding on non-finite decimal representation
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
- amount = Decimal("10")
- expected = Decimal("7.69")
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True, CONTEXT)
- self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
- cursor.close()
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ expected = Decimal("7.69")
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True)
+ self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
def test0070compute_nonfinite_worounding(self):
Same without rounding
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
- amount = Decimal("10")
- expected = Decimal('7.692307692307692307692307692')
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, False, CONTEXT)
- self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
- cursor.close()
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ expected = Decimal('7.692307692307692307692307692')
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, False)
+ self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
def test0080compute_same(self):
Conversion to the same currency
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- amount = Decimal("10")
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
- self.assert_(converted_amount == amount)
- cursor.close()
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu1_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
+ self.assert_(converted_amount == amount)
def test0090compute_zeroamount(self):
Conversion with zero amount
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
- amount = Decimal("10")
- expected = Decimal("0")
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, Decimal("0"), cu2_id, True, CONTEXT)
- self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
- cursor.close()
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ expected = Decimal("0")
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu1_id, Decimal("0"), cu2_id, True)
+ self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
def test0100compute_zerorate(self):
Conversion with zero rate
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
- rate_ids = self.rate.search(cursor, USER, [
- ('currency', '=', cu1_id),
- ], 0, 1, None, CONTEXT)
- self.rate.write(cursor, USER, rate_ids, {
- 'rate': Decimal("0"),
- amount = Decimal("10")
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
- cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True, CONTEXT)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
- cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
- cursor.rollback()
- cursor.close()
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ rate_ids = self.rate.search([
+ ('currency', '=', cu1_id),
+ ], 0, 1, None)
+ self.rate.write(rate_ids, {
+ 'rate': Decimal("0"),
+ })
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
+ transaction.cursor.rollback()
def test0110compute_missingrate(self):
Conversion with missing rate
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
- cu3_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'name': 'cu3',
- 'symbol': 'cu3',
- 'code': 'cu3'
- amount = Decimal("10")
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute, cursor, USER,
- cu3_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute, cursor, USER,
- cu1_id, amount, cu3_id, True, CONTEXT)
- cursor.rollback()
- cursor.close()
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu3_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu3',
+ 'symbol': 'cu3',
+ 'code': 'cu3'
+ })
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu3_id, amount, cu1_id, True)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu1_id, amount, cu3_id, True)
+ transaction.cursor.rollback()
def test0120compute_bothmissingrate(self):
Conversion with both missing rate
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- cu3_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'name': 'cu3',
- 'symbol': 'cu3',
- 'code': 'cu3'
- cu4_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
- 'name': 'cu4',
- 'symbol': 'cu4',
- 'code': 'cu4'
- amount = Decimal("10")
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute, cursor, USER,
- cu3_id, amount, cu4_id, True, CONTEXT)
- cursor.rollback()
- cursor.close()
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ cu3_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu3',
+ 'symbol': 'cu3',
+ 'code': 'cu3'
+ })
+ cu4_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu4',
+ 'symbol': 'cu4',
+ 'code': 'cu4'
+ })
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu3_id, amount, cu4_id, True)
+ transaction.cursor.rollback()
def test0130delete_cascade(self):
Test deletion of currency deletes rates
- cursor = DB.cursor()
- codes = ['cu%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(2)]
- currency_ids = [self.get_currency(cursor, i) for i in codes]
- self.currency.delete(cursor, USER, currency_ids, CONTEXT)
- rate_ids = self.rate.search(cursor, USER, [(
- 'currency', 'in', currency_ids,
- )], 0, None, None, CONTEXT)
- self.assertFalse(rate_ids)
- cursor.rollback()
- cursor.close()
+ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT) as transaction:
+ codes = ['cu%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(2)]
+ currency_ids = [self.get_currency(i) for i in codes]
+ self.currency.delete(currency_ids)
+ rate_ids = self.rate.search([(
+ 'currency', 'in', currency_ids,
+ )], 0, None, None)
+ self.assertFalse(rate_ids)
+ transaction.cursor.rollback()
def suite():
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.pyc b/tests/test_currency.pyc
index 2a6ffca..3340aac 100644
Binary files a/tests/test_currency.pyc and b/tests/test_currency.pyc differ
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 8bef1b1..a0d6731 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 1.6.0
+Version: 1.8.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.6/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.8/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 80cdf3d..0a21454 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ LICENSE
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index 8c3b916..3127597 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trytond >= 1.6, < 1.7
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 1.8, < 1.9
\ No newline at end of file
commit e78f367c312e337c6f2aa1f1dbbcf461def7d7ef
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at mbsolutions.selfip.biz>
Date: Mon May 10 23:46:36 2010 +0200
Adding upstream version 1.6.0.
index 5804220..5310fe6 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+Version 1.6.0 - 2010-05-09
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
+* Use pycountry to generate currency datas
+* Add ISO4217 numeric code to currency
Version 1.4.0 - 2009-10-19
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
* Add rounding option to currency round
index 853f1f7..cca7db9 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Cédric Krier.
-Copyright (C) 2008-2009 B2CK SPRL.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Cédric Krier.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Bertrand Chenal.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2010 B2CK SPRL.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index a3e3397..eca8ce2 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 1.4.0
+Version: 1.6.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.4/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.6/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index 4260649..e5a2315 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '1.4.0',
+ 'version': '1.6.0',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index ee8be39..2ef349e 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
-from trytond.tools import safe_eval
+from trytond.tools import safe_eval, datetime_strftime
import time
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN
import datetime
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
symbol = fields.Char('Symbol', size=10, required=True)
code = fields.Char('Code', size=3, required=True)
- rate = fields.Function('get_rate', type='numeric', string='Current rate',
- digits=(12, 6), on_change_with=['rates'])
+ numeric_code = fields.Char('Numeric Code', size=3)
+ rate = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Current rate', digits=(12, 6),
+ on_change_with=['rates']), 'get_rate')
rates = fields.One2Many('currency.currency.rate', 'currency', 'Rates')
rounding = fields.Numeric('Rounding factor', digits=(12, 6), required=True)
digits = fields.Integer('Display Digits')
@@ -108,20 +109,19 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
def check_xml_record(self, cursor, user, ids, values, context=None):
return True
- def search_rec_name(self, cursor, user, name, args, context=None):
- args2 = []
- i = 0
- while i < len(args):
- ids = self.search(cursor, user, [('code', args[i][1], args[i][2])],
- limit=1, context=context)
- if len(ids):
- args2.append(('code', args[i][1], args[i][2]))
- else:
- args2.append((self._rec_name, args[i][1], args[i][2]))
- i += 1
- return args2
- def on_change_with_rate(self, cursor, user, ids, vals, context=None):
+ def search_rec_name(self, cursor, user, name, clause, context=None):
+ ids = []
+ field = None
+ for field in ('code', 'numeric_code'):
+ ids = self.search(cursor, user, [(field,) + clause[1:]], limit=1,
+ context=context)
+ if ids:
+ break
+ if ids:
+ return [(field,) + clause[1:]]
+ return [(self._rec_name,) + clause[1:]]
+ def on_change_with_rate(self, cursor, user, vals, context=None):
now = datetime.date.today()
closer = datetime.date.min
res = Decimal('0.0')
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
closer = rate['date']
return res
- def get_rate(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None):
+ def get_rate(self, cursor, user, ids, name, context=None):
Return the rate at the date from the context or the current date
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
lang = lang_obj.browse(cursor, user, lang_ids[0], context=context)
self.raise_user_error(cursor, 'no_rate', (name,
- date.strftime(str(lang.date))), context=context)
+ datetime_strftime(date, str(lang.date))), context=context)
if round:
return self.round(cursor, user, to_currency,
amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate)
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
index 94fff1c..74307fc 100644
--- a/currency.xml
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<form string="Currency" col="6">
<label name="name"/>
- <field name="name" colspan="3"/>
- <label name="active"/>
- <field name="active" xexpand="0" width="100"/>
+ <field name="name"/>
<label name="symbol"/>
<field name="symbol"/>
+ <label name="active"/>
+ <field name="active" xexpand="0" width="100"/>
<label name="code"/>
<field name="code"/>
+ <label name="numeric_code"/>
+ <field name="numeric_code"/>
<label name="rounding"/>
<field name="rounding"/>
<notebook colspan="6">
@@ -99,6 +101,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="name" select="1"/>
<field name="symbol"/>
<field name="code" select="1"/>
+ <field name="numeric_code" select="1"/>
<field name="rate"/>
<field name="active" tree_invisible="1" select="2"/>
@@ -152,166 +155,376 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="perm_create" eval="True"/>
<field name="perm_delete" eval="True"/>
+ </data>
+ <data skiptest="1">
+ <!--
+ Output of scripts/currencies.py
+ -->
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="aed">
+ <field name="name">UAE Dirham</field>
+ <field name="code">AED</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">784</field>
+ <field name="symbol">AED</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="afn">
<field name="name">Afghani</field>
<field name="code">AFN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">971</field>
<field name="symbol">Ø</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="all">
+ <field name="name">Lek</field>
+ <field name="code">ALL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">008</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Lek</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="amd">
+ <field name="name">Armenian Dram</field>
+ <field name="code">AMD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">051</field>
+ <field name="symbol">AMD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ang">
+ <field name="name">Netherlands Antillian Guilder</field>
+ <field name="code">ANG</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">532</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Æ</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="aoa">
+ <field name="name">Kwanza</field>
+ <field name="code">AOA</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">973</field>
+ <field name="symbol">AOA</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="ars">
<field name="name">Argentine Peso</field>
<field name="code">ARS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">032</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="aud">
+ <field name="name">Australian Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">AUD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">036</field>
+ <field name="symbol">AUD</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="awg">
<field name="name">Aruban Guilder</field>
<field name="code">AWG</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">533</field>
<field name="symbol">Æ</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="azn">
<field name="name">Azerbaijanian Manat</field>
<field name="code">AZN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">944</field>
<field name="symbol">ман</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="bsd">
- <field name="name">Bahamian Dollar</field>
- <field name="code">BSD</field>
- <field name="symbol">$</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="thb">
- <field name="name">Baht</field>
- <field name="code">THB</field>
- <field name="symbol">฿</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="pab">
- <field name="name">Balboa</field>
- <field name="code">PAB</field>
- <field name="symbol">B/.</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bam">
+ <field name="name">Convertible Marks</field>
+ <field name="code">BAM</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">977</field>
+ <field name="symbol">KM</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="bbd">
<field name="name">Barbados Dollar</field>
<field name="code">BBD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">052</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="byr">
- <field name="name">Belarussian Ruble</field>
- <field name="code">BYR</field>
- <field name="symbol">p.</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bdt">
+ <field name="name">Taka</field>
+ <field name="code">BDT</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">050</field>
+ <field name="symbol">BDT</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="bzd">
- <field name="name">Belize Dollar</field>
- <field name="code">BZD</field>
- <field name="symbol">BZ$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bgn">
+ <field name="name">Bulgarian Lev</field>
+ <field name="code">BGN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">975</field>
+ <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bhd">
+ <field name="name">Bahraini Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">BHD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">048</field>
+ <field name="symbol">BHD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bif">
+ <field name="name">Burundi Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">BIF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">108</field>
+ <field name="symbol">BIF</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="bmd">
- <field name="name">Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar)</field>
+ <field name="name">Bermudian Dollar</field>
<field name="code">BMD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">060</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="vef">
- <field name="name">Bolivar Fuerte</field>
- <field name="code">VEF</field>
- <field name="symbol">Bs</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bnd">
+ <field name="name">Brunei Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">BND</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">096</field>
+ <field name="symbol">BND</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="bob">
<field name="name">Boliviano</field>
<field name="code">BOB</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">068</field>
<field name="symbol">$b</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bov">
+ <field name="name">Mvdol</field>
+ <field name="code">BOV</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">984</field>
+ <field name="symbol">BOV</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="brl">
<field name="name">Brazilian Real</field>
<field name="code">BRL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">986</field>
<field name="symbol">R$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="bgn">
- <field name="name">Bulgarian Lev</field>
- <field name="code">BGN</field>
- <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bsd">
+ <field name="name">Bahamian Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">BSD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">044</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="btn">
+ <field name="name">Ngultrum</field>
+ <field name="code">BTN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">064</field>
+ <field name="symbol">BTN</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bwp">
+ <field name="name">Pula</field>
+ <field name="code">BWP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">072</field>
+ <field name="symbol">P</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="byr">
+ <field name="name">Belarussian Ruble</field>
+ <field name="code">BYR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">974</field>
+ <field name="symbol">p.</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bzd">
+ <field name="name">Belize Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">BZD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">084</field>
+ <field name="symbol">BZ$</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="cad">
<field name="name">Canadian Dollar</field>
<field name="code">CAD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">124</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="kyd">
- <field name="name">Cayman Islands Dollar</field>
- <field name="code">KYD</field>
- <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cdf">
+ <field name="name">Franc Congolais</field>
+ <field name="code">CDF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">976</field>
+ <field name="symbol">CDF</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="che">
+ <field name="name">WIR Euro</field>
+ <field name="code">CHE</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">947</field>
+ <field name="symbol">CHE</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="chf">
+ <field name="name">Swiss Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">CHF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">756</field>
+ <field name="symbol">CHF</field>
+ <field name="rounding" eval="Decimal('0.01')"/>
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+ <field name="mon_grouping">[3, 3, 0]</field>
+ <field name="mon_decimal_point">,</field>
+ <field name="mon_thousands_sep"> </field>
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+ <field name="negative_sign">-</field>
+ <field name="positive_sign"></field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="chw">
+ <field name="name">WIR Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">CHW</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">948</field>
+ <field name="symbol">CHW</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="clf">
+ <field name="name">Unidades de fomento</field>
+ <field name="code">CLF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">990</field>
+ <field name="symbol">CLF</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="clp">
<field name="name">Chilean Peso</field>
<field name="code">CLP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">152</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cny">
+ <field name="name">Yuan Renminbi</field>
+ <field name="code">CNY</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">156</field>
+ <field name="symbol">å
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="cop">
<field name="name">Colombian Peso</field>
<field name="code">COP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">170</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="bam">
- <field name="name">Convertible Marks</field>
- <field name="code">BAM</field>
- <field name="symbol">KM</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="nio">
- <field name="name">Cordoba Oro</field>
- <field name="code">NIO</field>
- <field name="symbol">C$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cou">
+ <field name="name">Unidad de Valor Real</field>
+ <field name="code">COU</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">970</field>
+ <field name="symbol">COU</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="crc">
<field name="name">Costa Rican Colon</field>
<field name="code">CRC</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">188</field>
<field name="symbol">â¡</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="hrk">
- <field name="name">Croatian Kuna</field>
- <field name="code">HRK</field>
- <field name="symbol">kn</field>
- </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="cup">
<field name="name">Cuban Peso</field>
<field name="code">CUP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">192</field>
<field name="symbol">â±</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cve">
+ <field name="name">Cape Verde Escudo</field>
+ <field name="code">CVE</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">132</field>
+ <field name="symbol">CVE</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cyp">
+ <field name="name">Cyprus Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">CYP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">196</field>
+ <field name="symbol">CYP</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="czk">
<field name="name">Czech Koruna</field>
<field name="code">CZK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">203</field>
<field name="symbol">KÄ</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="djf">
+ <field name="name">Djibouti Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">DJF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">262</field>
+ <field name="symbol">DJF</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="dkk">
<field name="name">Danish Krone</field>
<field name="code">DKK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">208</field>
<field name="symbol">kr</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="mkd">
- <field name="name">Denar</field>
- <field name="code">MKD</field>
- <field name="symbol">ден</field>
- </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="dop">
<field name="name">Dominican Peso</field>
<field name="code">DOP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">214</field>
<field name="symbol">RD$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="vnd">
- <field name="name">Dong</field>
- <field name="code">VND</field>
- <field name="symbol">â«</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="dzd">
+ <field name="name">Algerian Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">DZD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">012</field>
+ <field name="symbol">DZD</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="xcd">
- <field name="name">East Caribbean Dollar</field>
- <field name="code">XCD</field>
- <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="eek">
+ <field name="name">Kroon</field>
+ <field name="code">EEK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">233</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="egp">
<field name="name">Egyptian Pound</field>
<field name="code">EGP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">818</field>
<field name="symbol">£</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ern">
+ <field name="name">Nakfa</field>
+ <field name="code">ERN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">232</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ERN</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="etb">
+ <field name="name">Ethiopian Birr</field>
+ <field name="code">ETB</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">230</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ETB</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="eur">
<field name="name">Euro</field>
<field name="code">EUR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">978</field>
<field name="symbol">â¬</field>
- <field name="rounding" eval="0.01"/>
+ <field name="rounding" eval="Decimal('0.01')"/>
<field name="digits" eval="2"/>
<field name="p_cs_precedes" eval="False"/>
<field name="n_cs_precedes" eval="False"/>
@@ -325,26 +538,33 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="negative_sign">-</field>
<field name="positive_sign"></field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="fjd">
<field name="name">Fiji Dollar</field>
<field name="code">FJD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">242</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="huf">
- <field name="name">Forint</field>
- <field name="code">HUF</field>
- <field name="symbol">Ft</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="fkp">
+ <field name="name">Falkland Islands Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">FKP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">238</field>
+ <field name="symbol">FKP</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="gbp">
- <field name="name">UK Pound</field>
+ <field name="name">Pound Sterling</field>
<field name="code">GBP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">826</field>
<field name="symbol">£</field>
- <field name="rounding" eval="0.01"/>
+ <field name="rounding" eval="Decimal('0.01')"/>
<field name="digits" eval="2"/>
<field name="p_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
<field name="n_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
<field name="p_sep_by_space" eval="False"/>
<field name="n_sep_by_space" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="mon_grouping">[]</field>
<field name="mon_decimal_point">.</field>
<field name="mon_thousands_sep">,</field>
<field name="p_sign_posn" eval="1"/>
@@ -352,298 +572,706 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="negative_sign">-</field>
<field name="positive_sign"></field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="gel">
+ <field name="name">Lari</field>
+ <field name="code">GEL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">981</field>
+ <field name="symbol">GEL</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ghs">
+ <field name="name">Ghana Cedi</field>
+ <field name="code">GHS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">936</field>
+ <field name="symbol">GHS</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="gip">
<field name="name">Gibraltar Pound</field>
<field name="code">GIP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">292</field>
<field name="symbol">£</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="pyg">
- <field name="name">Guarani</field>
- <field name="code">PYG</field>
- <field name="symbol">Gs</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="gmd">
+ <field name="name">Dalasi</field>
+ <field name="code">GMD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">270</field>
+ <field name="symbol">GMD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="gnf">
+ <field name="name">Guinea Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">GNF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">324</field>
+ <field name="symbol">GNF</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="gtq">
+ <field name="name">Quetzal</field>
+ <field name="code">GTQ</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">320</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Q</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="gyd">
<field name="name">Guyana Dollar</field>
<field name="code">GYD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">328</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="hkd">
<field name="name">Hong Kong Dollar</field>
<field name="code">HKD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">344</field>
<field name="symbol">HK$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="uah">
- <field name="name">Hryvnia</field>
- <field name="code">UAH</field>
- <field name="symbol">â´</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="isk">
- <field name="name">Iceland Krona</field>
- <field name="code">ISK</field>
- <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="hnl">
+ <field name="name">Lempira</field>
+ <field name="code">HNL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">340</field>
+ <field name="symbol">L</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="inr">
- <field name="name">Indian Rupee</field>
- <field name="code">INR</field>
- <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="hrk">
+ <field name="name">Croatian Kuna</field>
+ <field name="code">HRK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">191</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kn</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="irr">
- <field name="name">Iranian Rial</field>
- <field name="code">IRR</field>
- <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="htg">
+ <field name="name">Gourde</field>
+ <field name="code">HTG</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">332</field>
+ <field name="symbol">HTG</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="jmd">
- <field name="name">Jamaican Dollar</field>
- <field name="code">JMD</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="huf">
+ <field name="name">Forint</field>
+ <field name="code">HUF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">348</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Ft</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="idr">
+ <field name="name">Rupiah</field>
+ <field name="code">IDR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">360</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Rp</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ils">
+ <field name="name">New Israeli Sheqel</field>
+ <field name="code">ILS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">376</field>
+ <field name="symbol">âª</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="inr">
+ <field name="name">Indian Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">INR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">356</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="iqd">
+ <field name="name">Iraqi Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">IQD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">368</field>
+ <field name="symbol">IQD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="irr">
+ <field name="name">Iranian Rial</field>
+ <field name="code">IRR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">364</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="isk">
+ <field name="name">Iceland Krona</field>
+ <field name="code">ISK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">352</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="jmd">
+ <field name="name">Jamaican Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">JMD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">388</field>
<field name="symbol">J$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="jod">
+ <field name="name">Jordanian Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">JOD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">400</field>
+ <field name="symbol">JOD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="jpy">
+ <field name="name">Yen</field>
+ <field name="code">JPY</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">392</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Â¥</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kes">
+ <field name="name">Kenyan Shilling</field>
+ <field name="code">KES</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">404</field>
+ <field name="symbol">KES</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kgs">
+ <field name="name">Som</field>
+ <field name="code">KGS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">417</field>
+ <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="khr">
+ <field name="name">Riel</field>
+ <field name="code">KHR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">116</field>
+ <field name="symbol">á</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kmf">
+ <field name="name">Comoro Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">KMF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">174</field>
+ <field name="symbol">KMF</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kpw">
+ <field name="name">North Korean Won</field>
+ <field name="code">KPW</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">408</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â©</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="krw">
+ <field name="name">Won</field>
+ <field name="code">KRW</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">410</field>
+ <field name="symbol">KRW</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kwd">
+ <field name="name">Kuwaiti Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">KWD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">414</field>
+ <field name="symbol">KWD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kyd">
+ <field name="name">Cayman Islands Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">KYD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">136</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kzt">
+ <field name="name">Tenge</field>
+ <field name="code">KZT</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">398</field>
+ <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="lak">
<field name="name">Kip</field>
<field name="code">LAK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">418</field>
<field name="symbol">â</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="eek">
- <field name="name">Kroon</field>
- <field name="code">EEK</field>
- <field name="symbol">kr</field>
- </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="lbp">
<field name="name">Lebanese Pound</field>
<field name="code">LBP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">422</field>
<field name="symbol">£</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="all">
- <field name="name">Lek</field>
- <field name="code">ALL</field>
- <field name="symbol">Lek</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="hnl">
- <field name="name">Lempira</field>
- <field name="code">HNL</field>
- <field name="symbol">L</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="lkr">
+ <field name="name">Sri Lanka Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">LKR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">144</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="lrd">
<field name="name">Liberian Dollar</field>
<field name="code">LRD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">430</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="lsl">
+ <field name="name">Loti</field>
+ <field name="code">LSL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">426</field>
+ <field name="symbol">LSL</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="ltl">
<field name="name">Lithuanian Litas</field>
<field name="code">LTL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">440</field>
<field name="symbol">Lt</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="myr">
- <field name="name">Malaysian Ringgit</field>
- <field name="code">MYR</field>
- <field name="symbol">RM</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="lvl">
+ <field name="name">Latvian Lats</field>
+ <field name="code">LVL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">428</field>
+ <field name="symbol">LVL</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="lyd">
+ <field name="name">Libyan Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">LYD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">434</field>
+ <field name="symbol">LYD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mad">
+ <field name="name">Moroccan Dirham</field>
+ <field name="code">MAD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">504</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MAD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mdl">
+ <field name="name">Moldovan Leu</field>
+ <field name="code">MDL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">498</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MDL</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mga">
+ <field name="name">Malagasy Ariary</field>
+ <field name="code">MGA</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">969</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MGA</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mkd">
+ <field name="name">Denar</field>
+ <field name="code">MKD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">807</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ден</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mmk">
+ <field name="name">Kyat</field>
+ <field name="code">MMK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">104</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MMK</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mnt">
+ <field name="name">Tugrik</field>
+ <field name="code">MNT</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">496</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â®</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mop">
+ <field name="name">Pataca</field>
+ <field name="code">MOP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">446</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MOP</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mro">
+ <field name="name">Ouguiya</field>
+ <field name="code">MRO</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">478</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MRO</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mtl">
+ <field name="name">Maltese Lira</field>
+ <field name="code">MTL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">470</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MTL</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="mur">
<field name="name">Mauritius Rupee</field>
<field name="code">MUR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">480</field>
<field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mvr">
+ <field name="name">Rufiyaa</field>
+ <field name="code">MVR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">462</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MVR</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mwk">
+ <field name="name">Kwacha</field>
+ <field name="code">MWK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">454</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MWK</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mxn">
+ <field name="name">Mexican Peso</field>
+ <field name="code">MXN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">484</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MXN</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mxv">
+ <field name="name">Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)</field>
+ <field name="code">MXV</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">979</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MXV</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="myr">
+ <field name="name">Malaysian Ringgit</field>
+ <field name="code">MYR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">458</field>
+ <field name="symbol">RM</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="mzn">
<field name="name">Metical</field>
<field name="code">MZN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">943</field>
<field name="symbol">MT</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="nad">
+ <field name="name">Namibia Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">NAD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">516</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="ngn">
<field name="name">Naira</field>
<field name="code">NGN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">566</field>
<field name="symbol">â¦</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="nad">
- <field name="name">Namibia Dollar</field>
- <field name="code">NAD</field>
- <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="nio">
+ <field name="name">Cordoba Oro</field>
+ <field name="code">NIO</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">558</field>
+ <field name="symbol">C$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="nok">
+ <field name="name">Norwegian Krone</field>
+ <field name="code">NOK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">578</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="npr">
<field name="name">Nepalese Rupee</field>
<field name="code">NPR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">524</field>
<field name="symbol">â¨</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="ang">
- <field name="name">Netherlands Antillian Guilder</field>
- <field name="code">ANG</field>
- <field name="symbol">Æ</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="ils">
- <field name="name">New Israeli Sheqel</field>
- <field name="code">ILS</field>
- <field name="symbol">âª</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="ron">
- <field name="name">New Leu</field>
- <field name="code">RON</field>
- <field name="symbol">lei</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="twd">
- <field name="name">New Taiwan Dollar</field>
- <field name="code">TWD</field>
- <field name="symbol">NT$</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="try">
- <field name="name">New Turkish Lira</field>
- <field name="code">TRY</field>
- <field name="symbol">YTL</field>
- </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="nzd">
<field name="name">New Zealand Dollar</field>
<field name="code">NZD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">554</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="kpw">
- <field name="name">North Korean Won</field>
- <field name="code">KPW</field>
- <field name="symbol">â©</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="omr">
+ <field name="name">Rial Omani</field>
+ <field name="code">OMR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">512</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="nok">
- <field name="name">Norwegian Krone</field>
- <field name="code">NOK</field>
- <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pab">
+ <field name="name">Balboa</field>
+ <field name="code">PAB</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">590</field>
+ <field name="symbol">B/.</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="pen">
<field name="name">Nuevo Sol</field>
<field name="code">PEN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">604</field>
<field name="symbol">S/.</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="pkr">
- <field name="name">Pakistan Rupee</field>
- <field name="code">PKR</field>
- <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="uyu">
- <field name="name">Peso Uruguayo</field>
- <field name="code">UYU</field>
- <field name="symbol">$U</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pgk">
+ <field name="name">Kina</field>
+ <field name="code">PGK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">598</field>
+ <field name="symbol">PGK</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="php">
<field name="name">Philippine Peso</field>
<field name="code">PHP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">608</field>
<field name="symbol">Php</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="bwp">
- <field name="name">Pula</field>
- <field name="code">BWP</field>
- <field name="symbol">P</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pkr">
+ <field name="name">Pakistan Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">PKR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">586</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pln">
+ <field name="name">Zloty</field>
+ <field name="code">PLN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">985</field>
+ <field name="symbol">zÅ</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pyg">
+ <field name="name">Guarani</field>
+ <field name="code">PYG</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">600</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Gs</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="qar">
<field name="name">Qatari Rial</field>
<field name="code">QAR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">634</field>
<field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="gtq">
- <field name="name">Quetzal</field>
- <field name="code">GTQ</field>
- <field name="symbol">Q</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="zar">
- <field name="name">Rand</field>
- <field name="code">ZAR</field>
- <field name="symbol">R</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="omr">
- <field name="name">Rial Omani</field>
- <field name="code">OMR</field>
- <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
- </record>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="khr">
- <field name="name">Riel</field>
- <field name="code">KHR</field>
- <field name="symbol">á</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ron">
+ <field name="name">New Leu</field>
+ <field name="code">RON</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">946</field>
+ <field name="symbol">lei</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="idr">
- <field name="name">Rupiah</field>
- <field name="code">IDR</field>
- <field name="symbol">Rp</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="rsd">
+ <field name="name">Serbian Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">RSD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">941</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Ðин.</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="rub">
<field name="name">Russian Ruble</field>
<field name="code">RUB</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">643</field>
<field name="symbol">ÑÑб</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="shp">
- <field name="name">Saint Helena Pound</field>
- <field name="code">SHP</field>
- <field name="symbol">£</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="rwf">
+ <field name="name">Rwanda Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">RWF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">646</field>
+ <field name="symbol">RWF</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="sar">
<field name="name">Saudi Riyal</field>
<field name="code">SAR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">682</field>
<field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="rsd">
- <field name="name">Serbian Dinar</field>
- <field name="code">RSD</field>
- <field name="symbol">Ðин.</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sbd">
+ <field name="name">Solomon Islands Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">SBD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">090</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="scr">
<field name="name">Seychelles Rupee</field>
<field name="code">SCR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">690</field>
<field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sdg">
+ <field name="name">Sudanese Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">SDG</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">938</field>
+ <field name="symbol">SDG</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sek">
+ <field name="name">Swedish Krona</field>
+ <field name="code">SEK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">752</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="sgd">
<field name="name">Singapore Dollar</field>
<field name="code">SGD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">702</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="sbd">
- <field name="name">Solomon Islands Dollar</field>
- <field name="code">SBD</field>
- <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="shp">
+ <field name="name">Saint Helena Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">SHP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">654</field>
+ <field name="symbol">£</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="kgs">
- <field name="name">Som</field>
- <field name="code">KGS</field>
- <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="skk">
+ <field name="name">Slovak Koruna</field>
+ <field name="code">SKK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">703</field>
+ <field name="symbol">SKK</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sll">
+ <field name="name">Leone</field>
+ <field name="code">SLL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">694</field>
+ <field name="symbol">SLL</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="sos">
<field name="name">Somali Shilling</field>
<field name="code">SOS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">706</field>
<field name="symbol">S</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="lkr">
- <field name="name">Sri Lanka Rupee</field>
- <field name="code">LKR</field>
- <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
- </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="srd">
<field name="name">Surinam Dollar</field>
<field name="code">SRD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">968</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="sek">
- <field name="name">Swedish Krona</field>
- <field name="code">SEK</field>
- <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="std">
+ <field name="name">Dobra</field>
+ <field name="code">STD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">678</field>
+ <field name="symbol">STD</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="chf">
- <field name="name">Swiss Franc</field>
- <field name="code">CHF</field>
- <field name="symbol">CHF</field>
- <field name="rounding" eval="0.01"/>
- <field name="digits" eval="2"/>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="svc">
+ <field name="name">El Salvador Colon</field>
+ <field name="code">SVC</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">222</field>
+ <field name="symbol">SVC</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="kzt">
- <field name="name">Tenge</field>
- <field name="code">KZT</field>
- <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="syp">
+ <field name="name">Syrian Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">SYP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">760</field>
+ <field name="symbol">SYP</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="szl">
+ <field name="name">Lilangeni</field>
+ <field name="code">SZL</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">748</field>
+ <field name="symbol">SZL</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="thb">
+ <field name="name">Baht</field>
+ <field name="code">THB</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">764</field>
+ <field name="symbol">฿</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="tjs">
+ <field name="name">Somoni</field>
+ <field name="code">TJS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">972</field>
+ <field name="symbol">TJS</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="tmm">
+ <field name="name">Manat</field>
+ <field name="code">TMM</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">795</field>
+ <field name="symbol">TMM</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="tnd">
+ <field name="name">Tunisian Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">TND</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">788</field>
+ <field name="symbol">TND</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="top">
+ <field name="name">Pa'anga</field>
+ <field name="code">TOP</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">776</field>
+ <field name="symbol">TOP</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="try">
+ <field name="name">New Turkish Lira</field>
+ <field name="code">TRY</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">949</field>
+ <field name="symbol">YTL</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="ttd">
<field name="name">Trinidad and Tobago Dollar</field>
<field name="code">TTD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">780</field>
<field name="symbol">TT$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="mnt">
- <field name="name">Tugrik</field>
- <field name="code">MNT</field>
- <field name="symbol">â®</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="twd">
+ <field name="name">New Taiwan Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">TWD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">901</field>
+ <field name="symbol">NT$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="tzs">
+ <field name="name">Tanzanian Shilling</field>
+ <field name="code">TZS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">834</field>
+ <field name="symbol">TZS</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="uah">
+ <field name="name">Hryvnia</field>
+ <field name="code">UAH</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">980</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â´</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ugx">
+ <field name="name">Uganda Shilling</field>
+ <field name="code">UGX</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">800</field>
+ <field name="symbol">UGX</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="usd">
<field name="name">US Dollar</field>
<field name="code">USD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">840</field>
<field name="symbol">$</field>
- <field name="rounding" eval="0.01"/>
+ <field name="rounding" eval="Decimal('0.01')"/>
<field name="digits" eval="2"/>
<field name="p_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
<field name="n_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
@@ -657,39 +1285,224 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="negative_sign">-</field>
<field name="positive_sign"></field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="usn">
+ <field name="name">US Dollar (Next day)</field>
+ <field name="code">USN</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">997</field>
+ <field name="symbol">USN</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="uss">
+ <field name="name">US Dollar (Same day)</field>
+ <field name="code">USS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">998</field>
+ <field name="symbol">USS</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="uyi">
+ <field name="name">Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas</field>
+ <field name="code">UYI</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">940</field>
+ <field name="symbol">UYI</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="uyu">
+ <field name="name">Peso Uruguayo</field>
+ <field name="code">UYU</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">858</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$U</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="uzs">
<field name="name">Uzbekistan Sum</field>
<field name="code">UZS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">860</field>
<field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="vef">
+ <field name="name">Bolivar Fuerte</field>
+ <field name="code">VEF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">937</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Bs</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="vnd">
+ <field name="name">Dong</field>
+ <field name="code">VND</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">704</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â«</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="vuv">
+ <field name="name">Vatu</field>
+ <field name="code">VUV</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">548</field>
+ <field name="symbol">VUV</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="wst">
+ <field name="name">Tala</field>
+ <field name="code">WST</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">882</field>
+ <field name="symbol">WST</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xaf">
+ <field name="name">CFA Franc BEAC</field>
+ <field name="code">XAF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">950</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XAF</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xag">
+ <field name="name">Silver</field>
+ <field name="code">XAG</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">961</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XAG</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xau">
+ <field name="name">Gold</field>
+ <field name="code">XAU</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">959</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XAU</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xba">
+ <field name="name">European Composite Unit (EURCO)</field>
+ <field name="code">XBA</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">955</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XBA</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xbb">
+ <field name="name">European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)</field>
+ <field name="code">XBB</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">956</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XBB</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xbc">
+ <field name="name">European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)</field>
+ <field name="code">XBC</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">957</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XBC</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xbd">
+ <field name="name">European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)</field>
+ <field name="code">XBD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">958</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XBD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xcd">
+ <field name="name">East Caribbean Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">XCD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">951</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xdr">
+ <field name="name">Special Drawing Rights</field>
+ <field name="code">XDR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">960</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XDR</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xfo">
+ <field name="name">Gold-Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">XFO</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code"></field>
+ <field name="symbol">XFO</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xfu">
+ <field name="name">UIC-Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">XFU</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code"></field>
+ <field name="symbol">XFU</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xof">
+ <field name="name">CFA Franc BCEAO</field>
+ <field name="code">XOF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">952</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XOF</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xpd">
+ <field name="name">Palladium</field>
+ <field name="code">XPD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">964</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XPD</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xpf">
+ <field name="name">CFP Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">XPF</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">953</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XPF</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xpt">
+ <field name="name">Platinum</field>
+ <field name="code">XPT</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">962</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XPT</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xts">
+ <field name="name">Code for testing purposes</field>
+ <field name="code">XTS</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">963</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XTS</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xxx">
+ <field name="name">No currency</field>
+ <field name="code">XXX</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">999</field>
+ <field name="symbol">XXX</field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="yer">
<field name="name">Yemeni Rial</field>
<field name="code">YER</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">886</field>
<field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="jpy">
- <field name="name">Yen</field>
- <field name="code">JPY</field>
- <field name="symbol">Â¥</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="zar">
+ <field name="name">Rand</field>
+ <field name="code">ZAR</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">710</field>
+ <field name="symbol">R</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="cny">
- <field name="name">Yuan Renminbi</field>
- <field name="code">CNY</field>
- <field name="symbol">å
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="zmk">
+ <field name="name">Kwacha</field>
+ <field name="code">ZMK</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">894</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ZMK</field>
<record model="currency.currency" id="zwd">
<field name="name">Zimbabwe Dollar</field>
<field name="code">ZWD</field>
+ <field name="numeric_code">716</field>
<field name="symbol">Z$</field>
- <record model="currency.currency" id="pln">
- <field name="name">Zloty</field>
- <field name="code">PLN</field>
- <field name="symbol">zÅ</field>
- </record>
+ <!--
+ End of Output of scripts/currencies.py
+ -->
<record model="currency.currency.rate" id="eur_rate">
<field name="date" eval="time.strftime('%Y-01-01')"/>
- <field name="rate" eval="1.0"/>
+ <field name="rate" eval="Decimal('1.0')"/>
<field name="currency" ref="eur"/>
diff --git a/de_DE.csv b/de_DE.csv
index 4cada46..595bdb7 100644
--- a/de_DE.csv
+++ b/de_DE.csv
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,Nega
field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Negatives Vorzeichen,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Negativer Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Position negatives Vorzeichen,0
+field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Numerischer Code,0
field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,Positiver Wert: Symbol führend,0
field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Positives Vorzeichen,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Positiver Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
@@ -37,103 +38,187 @@ field,"currency.currency,symbol",0,Symbol,Symbol,0
field,"currency.currency,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
field,"currency.currency,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Algerischer Dinar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Argentinischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Aruba-Florin,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Azerbaijanian Manat,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Armenischer Dram,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Arubanischer Gulden,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Australischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Aserbeidschan Manat,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Bahama-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Bahrain-Dinar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pab,Balboa,Balboa; US-Dollar102,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Barbados-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Belarus-Rubel,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,WeiÃrussischer Rubel,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Belize-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),Bermuda-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lew,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Bermuda-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,BolÃvar Fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bob,Boliviano,Bolivischer Boliviano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Brasilianischer Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Brunei-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Bulgarischer Lev,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Burundi-Franc,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Kanadischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Kap-Verde-Escudo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Kaiman-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA Franc (West),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA Franc (Ãquatorial),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,CFP Franc,0
model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Chilenischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Kolumbianischer Peso,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Bosnisch-herzegowinische konvertible Mark,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Costa-Rica-Colón,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Testcode,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Kolumbischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Komoren-Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Konvertible Mark,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba Oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Costa Rica Colon,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Kubanischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Zypriotisches Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Tschechische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Dänische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Djibouti-Franc,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Dominikanischer Peso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Ostkaribischer Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Ãgyptisches Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,El Salvador Colon,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Ãthiopischer Birr,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),European Composite Unit (EURCO),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Europäische Währungseinheit (E.M.U.-6),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Europäische Rechnungseinheit 17 (E.U.A.-17),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Europäische Rechnungseinheit 9 (E.U.A.-9),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Falkland Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Fidschi-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Franc Congolais,Franc Congolais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Ghanaischer Cedi,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Gibraltar-Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Guinea-Franc,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Guyana-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Hongkong-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Isländische Krone,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Indische Rupie52,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Iranischer Rial55,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Jamaika-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Indische Rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Iranischer Rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Irakischer Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Jamaikanischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Jordanischer Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,Kenianischer Shilling,0
model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Estnische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Kuwait-Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lettischer Lats,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libanesisches Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Liberianischer Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas77,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Libyscher Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litauischer Litas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Madagassischer Ariary,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Malaysischer Ringgit,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Maltesische Lira,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Mauritius-Rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Mexikanischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Mexikanische Unidad de Inversion (UDI),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Moldau Leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Marokkanischer Dirham,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Namibia-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Nepalesische Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Niederländische-Antillen-Gulden,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Neuer Schekel58,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Niederländische Antillen-Gulden,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Schekel,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Neuer Leu,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,neuer Taiwan-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Neuer Taiwan-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Neue Türkische Lira,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Cookinseln-Dollar; Neuseeland-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,nordkoreanischer Won,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Neuseeland-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Keine Währung,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Nordkoreanischer Won,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Norwegische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Neuer Sol,0
model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Pakistanische Rupie,0
model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Uruguayischer Peso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Philippinischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Pfund Sterling,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar-Riyal,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar-Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zar,Rand,südafrikanischer Rand,0
model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial Omani,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rubel,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,St. Helena-Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Saudi Riyal,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Russischer Rubel,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Ruandischer Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,St.-Helena-Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Saudi-Arabischer Rial,0
model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Serbischer Dinar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Seychellen-Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Singapur-Dollar119,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Singapur-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",skk,Slovak Koruna,Slowakische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Salomonen-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalia-Schilling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalischer Schilling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Sonderziehungsrecht,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Sri-Lanka-Rupie,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Suriname-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Sudanesisches Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Surinam-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Schwedische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Schweizer Franken,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Syrisches Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Tansanischer Schilling,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,Britisches Pfund,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,US-Dollar,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Usbekistan-Sum,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Jemen-Rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Tunesischer Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,VAE-Dirham,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,Uganda-Schilling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,US Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),US Dollar (Nächster Tag),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),US Dollar (Gleicher Tag),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Usbekischer Soʻm,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR Euro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Jemenitischer Rial,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Renminbi Yuan,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Renminbi-Yuan,0
model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Simbabwe-Dollar,0
diff --git a/es_CO.csv b/es_CO.csv
index c086c51..2a00300 100644
--- a/es_CO.csv
+++ b/es_CO.csv
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,El S
field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo Negativo,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición de Signo Negativo,0
+field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,Código Numérico,0
field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo Positivo Precede,0
field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo Positivo,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio,0
@@ -27,60 +28,113 @@ field,"currency.currency,rec_name",0,Name,Nombre,0
field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de Redondeo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Dinar algerino,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso Argentino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Dram armenio,0
model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Aruban Guilder,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Dólar australiano ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat Azerbaijano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de Bahamas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Dinar bahreinÃ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Dólar de Barbados,0
model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rublo de Bielorusia,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dólar de Bélize,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),Dólar de Bermuda,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Dólar de Bermuda,1
model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,BolÃvar Fuerte,0
model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real Brasilero,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Dólar de Brunei,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev de Bulgaria,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Franco burundés,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dólar Canadiense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Escudo caboverdiano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dólar de Islas Caimán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,Franco CFA Occidental,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,Franco CFA,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,Franco CFP,0
model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso Chileno,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Código para propósitos de prueba,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso Colombiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Franco comoriano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marcas Convertibles,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba Oro,0
model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón Costaricense,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna Croata,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso Cubano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Libra chipriota,0
model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona Checa,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona Danesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Franco yibutiano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso Dominicano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dólar Caribeño del Este,0
model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Libra Egipcia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Birr etÃope,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Libra malvinense,0
model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dólar Fuji,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Franc Congolais,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Cedi ghanés,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Libra de Gibraltar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Franco de oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Franco guineano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dólar de Guyana,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Dólar de Hong Kong,0
model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Corona de Islandia,0
model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Rupia de la India,0
model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Real IranÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Dinar iraquÃ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dólar Jamaiquino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Dinar jordano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,ChelÃn keniata,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Dinar kuwaitÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lat letón,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libra Libanesa,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dólar Liberiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Dinar libio,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas Lituanas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Ariary malgache,0
model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit Malayo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Lira maltesa,0
model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Rupia de Mauricius,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Peso mexicano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Unidad de Inversión (UDI) mexicana,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Leu moldavo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Dirham marroquÃ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dólar de Namibia,0
model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Rupia NepalÃ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Guilder de las Antillas Holandesas,0
@@ -89,38 +143,69 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nuea Leu,0
model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Dólar de Nuevo Taiwán,0
model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Nueva Lira de TurquÃa,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dólar Neo Zelandés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Sin moneda,0
model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Corea del Norte Won,0
model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Corona Noruega,0
model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nuevo Sol,0
model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Rupia PaquistanÃ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso Uruguayo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso Filipino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Libra Esterlina,1
model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar Real,0
model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Omani Real,0
model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rublo Ruso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Franco ruandés,0
model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Libra de Santa Helena,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Real SaudÃ,0
model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Denario Serbo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Rupia de Seychelles,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dólar de Singapur,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",skk,Slovak Koruna,Corona eslovaca,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dolar de las Islas Solomón,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalà Shilling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,,0
model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Rupia de Sri Lanka,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Libra sudanesa,0
model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dólar de Surinam,0
model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Coronoa Sueca,0
model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco Suizo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Lira siria,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,ChelÃn tanzano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,Libra Esterlina,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Dinar de Túnez,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Dirham de EAU,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,ChelÃn Ugandés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,Franco UIC,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,,0
model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar Americano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),Dólar USA (Próximo dÃa),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),Dólar USA (Mismo dÃa),0
model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Suma Uzbequistán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,,0
model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Real de Yemén,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renminbi,0
diff --git a/fr_FR.csv b/fr_FR.csv
index d5bf69a..65b4d7d 100644
--- a/fr_FR.csv
+++ b/fr_FR.csv
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,,0
+field,"currency.currency,numeric_code",0,Numeric Code,,0
field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,,0
@@ -26,106 +27,190 @@ field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Taux,0
field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Facteur d'Arrondi,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dzd,Algerian Dinar,Dinar algérien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentin,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",amd,Armenian Dram,Dram arménien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Florin d'Aruba,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aud,Australian Dollar,Dollar australien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat d'Azerbaïdjan,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dollar des Bahamas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bhd,Bahraini Dinar,Dinar de Bahreïn,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Dollar de la Barbade,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rouble biélorusse,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dollar de Belize,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar,Dollar des Bermudes,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bob,Boliviano,Boliviano bolivien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real brésilien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bnd,Brunei Dollar,Dollar de Brunei,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev bulgare,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bif,Burundi Franc,Franc burundais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dollar canadien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cve,Cape Verde Escudo,Escudo du Cap-Vert,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dollar des îles Caïman,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xof,CFA Franc BCEAO,CFA Franc BCEAO,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xaf,CFA Franc BEAC,CFA Franc BEAC,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xpf,CFP Franc,Franc pacifique,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso chilien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xts,Code for testing purposes,Code destiné aux essais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso colombien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kmf,Comoro Franc,Franc comorien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marks convertibles,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Cordoba Oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón costaricain,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna de Croatie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso cubain,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cyp,Cyprus Pound,Livre chypriote,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Koruna tchèque,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Couronne danoise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mkd,Denar,Dinar macédonien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",djf,Djibouti Franc,Franc djiboutien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso dominicain,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dollar des Caraïbes orientales,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Livre égyptienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",svc,El Salvador Colon,Colón salvadorien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",etb,Ethiopian Birr,Birr éthiopien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xba,European Composite Unit (EURCO),Unité européenne composée (EURCO),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbb,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6),Unité monétaire européenne (U.M.E.-6 monnaie),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbd,European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17),Unité de compte 17 (U.E.C.-17 monnaie),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xbc,European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9),Unité de compte 9 ((U.E.C.-9 monnaie),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fkp,Falkland Islands Pound,Livre de Falkland,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dollar fidjien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cdf,Franc Congolais,Franc Congolais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ghs,Ghana Cedi,Cedi du Ghana,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Livre de Gibraltar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfo,Gold-Franc,Franc Or,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gnf,Guinea Franc,Franc guinéen,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dollar de Guyana,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Dollar de Hong-Kong,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Couronne islandaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Roupie indienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Rial iranien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",iqd,Iraqi Dinar,Dinar irakien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dollar jamaïcain,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jod,Jordanian Dinar,Dinar jordanien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kes,Kenyan Shilling,Shilling kenyan,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Couronne estonienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kwd,Kuwaiti Dinar,Dinar koweïtien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lvl,Latvian Lats,Lats de Lettonie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Livre libanaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dollar liberien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lyd,Libyan Dinar,Dinar libyen,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas de Lithuanie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mga,Malagasy Ariary,Ariary malgache,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit malaisien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mtl,Maltese Lira,Livre maltaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Roupie mauricienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxn,Mexican Peso,Peso mexicain,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mxv,Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI),Unité mexicaine de conversion (UDI),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mdl,Moldovan Leu,Leu de Moldavie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mad,Moroccan Dirham,Dirham marocain,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dollar de Namibie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Roupie népalaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Florin des Antilles néerlandaises,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Nouveau sheqel israëlien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nouveau Leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Nouveau Dollar taïwainais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Livre turque,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dollar néo-zélandais,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xxx,No currency,Pas de monnaie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Won nord-coréen,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Couronne norvégienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nouveau Sol,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Roupie pakistanaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso d'Uruguay,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso philippin,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,Pound Sterling,Livre sterling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Riyal du Qatar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Riyal d'Oman,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mvr,Rufiyaa,Roupie maldive,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",idr,Rupiah,Roupie indonésienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rouble russe,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rwf,Rwanda Franc,Franc du Rwanda,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Livre de Sainte-Hélène,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Riyal saoudien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Dinar serbe,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Roupie seychelloise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dollar de Singapour,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",skk,Slovak Koruna,Couronne slovaque,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dollar des îles Salomon,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Shilling de Somalie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xdr,Special Drawing Rights,Special Drawing Rights,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Roupie sri-lankaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sdg,Sudanese Pound,Livre soudanaise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dollar de Surinam,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Couronne suédoise,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franc suisse,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",syp,Syrian Pound,Livre syrienne,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tzs,Tanzanian Shilling,Shilling de Tanzanie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dollar de Trinité-et-Tobago,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",tnd,Tunisian Dinar,Dinar tunisien,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",aed,UAE Dirham,Dirham des Ãmirats arabes unis,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ugx,Uganda Shilling,Shilling d'Ouganda,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xfu,UIC-Franc,Franc UIC,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cou,Unidad de Valor Real,Unidad de Valor Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clf,Unidades de fomento,Unidades de fomento,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyi,Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas,Peso urugayen en unités indexées,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dollar des Ãtats-Unis d'Amérique,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usn,US Dollar (Next day),US Dollar (jour suivant),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uss,US Dollar (Same day),US dollar (même jour),0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Sum d'Ouzbékistan,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",che,WIR Euro,WIR Euro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chw,WIR Franc,WIR Franc,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Riyal du Yemen,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renmimbi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dollar zimbabwéen,0
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 7a3eaa9..6083f79 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -2,19 +2,22 @@
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+from setuptools import setup
import re
-info = eval(file('__tryton__.py').read())
+info = eval(open('__tryton__.py').read())
+major_version, minor_version, _ = info.get('version', '0.0.1').split('.', 2)
+major_version = int(major_version)
+minor_version = int(minor_version)
requires = []
for dep in info.get('depends', []):
if not re.match(r'(ir|res|workflow|webdav)(\W|$)', dep):
- requires.append('trytond_' + dep)
-major_version, minor_version, _ = info.get('version', '0.0.1').split('.', 2)
-requires.append('trytond >= %s.%s' % (major_version, minor_version))
-requires.append('trytond < %s.%s' % (major_version, int(minor_version) + 1))
+ requires.append('trytond_%s >= %s.%s, < %s.%s' %
+ (dep, major_version, minor_version, major_version,
+ minor_version + 1))
+requires.append('trytond >= %s.%s, < %s.%s' %
+ (major_version, minor_version, major_version, minor_version + 1))
version=info.get('version', '0.0.1'),
@@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
package_dir={'trytond.modules.currency': '.'},
+ 'trytond.modules.currency.tests',
'trytond.modules.currency': info.get('xml', []) \
@@ -55,4 +59,6 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
currency = trytond.modules.currency
+ test_suite='tests',
+ test_loader='trytond.test_loader:Loader',
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
index 5318045..0d03a23 100644
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-from test_currency import *
+from test_currency import suite
diff --git a/tests/__init__.pyc b/tests/__init__.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..851497b
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/__init__.pyc differ
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.py b/tests/test_currency.py
index fff367a..57f4bc5 100644
--- a/tests/test_currency.py
+++ b/tests/test_currency.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if os.path.isdir(DIR):
import unittest
import trytond.tests.test_tryton
-from trytond.tests.test_tryton import RPCProxy, CONTEXT, SOCK, test_view
+from trytond.tests.test_tryton import POOL, DB, USER, CONTEXT, test_view
from decimal import Decimal
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- self.rate = RPCProxy('currency.currency.rate')
- self.currency = RPCProxy('currency.currency')
- self.date = RPCProxy('ir.date')
+ self.rate = POOL.get('currency.currency.rate')
+ self.currency = POOL.get('currency.currency')
+ self.date = POOL.get('ir.date')
- def get_currency(self, code):
- return self.currency.search([
+ def get_currency(self, cursor, code):
+ return self.currency.search(cursor, USER, [
('code', '=', code),
], 0, 1, None, CONTEXT)[0]
@@ -40,158 +40,193 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Create currencies
- cu1_id = self.currency.create({
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
'name': 'cu1',
'symbol': 'cu1',
'code': 'cu1'
- cu2_id = self.currency.create({
+ cu2_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
'name': 'cu2',
'symbol': 'cu2',
'code': 'cu2'
+ cursor.commit()
+ cursor.close()
def test0020mon_grouping(self):
Check grouping
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write,
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cursor, USER,
cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': ''}, CONTEXT)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cursor, USER,
cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[a]'}, CONTEXT)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cursor, USER,
cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[1,"a"]'}, CONTEXT)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write, cursor, USER,
cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[1,"1"]'}, CONTEXT)
+ cursor.close()
def test0030rate(self):
Create rates.
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
rate1 = Decimal("1.3")
- rate1_id = self.rate.create({
+ rate1_id = self.rate.create(cursor, USER, {
'rate': rate1,
'currency': cu1_id,
- rate2_id = self.rate.create({
- 'rate': 1,
+ rate2_id = self.rate.create(cursor, USER, {
+ 'rate': Decimal("1"),
'currency': cu2_id,
- self.assertEqual(rate1, self.currency.read(
+ self.assertEqual(rate1, self.currency.read(cursor, USER,
cu1_id, ['rate'], CONTEXT)['rate'])
+ cursor.commit()
+ cursor.close()
def test0040rate_unicity(self):
Rate unicity
- today = self.date.today(CONTEXT)
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ today = self.date.today(cursor, USER, CONTEXT)
- cu_id = self.currency.create({
+ cu_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
'name': 'cu',
'symbol': 'cu',
'code': 'cu'
- rate1_id = self.rate.create({
- 'rate': 1.3,
+ rate1_id = self.rate.create(cursor, USER, {
+ 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
'currency': cu_id,
'date': today,
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.rate.create, {
- 'rate': 1.3,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.rate.create, cursor, USER, {
+ 'rate': Decimal("1.3"),
'currency': cu_id,
'date': today,
+ cursor.rollback()
+ cursor.close()
def test0050compute_simple(self):
Simple conversion
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
amount = Decimal("10")
expected = Decimal("13")
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
self.assertEqual(converted_amount, expected)
+ cursor.commit()
+ cursor.close()
def test0060compute_nonfinite(self):
Conversion with rounding on non-finite decimal representation
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
amount = Decimal("10")
expected = Decimal("7.69")
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True, CONTEXT)
self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ cursor.close()
def test0070compute_nonfinite_worounding(self):
Same without rounding
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
amount = Decimal("10")
expected = Decimal('7.692307692307692307692307692')
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, False, CONTEXT)
self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ cursor.close()
def test0080compute_same(self):
Conversion to the same currency
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
amount = Decimal("10")
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
cu1_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
self.assert_(converted_amount == amount)
+ cursor.close()
def test0090compute_zeroamount(self):
Conversion with zero amount
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
amount = Decimal("10")
expected = Decimal("0")
- converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(cursor, USER,
cu1_id, Decimal("0"), cu2_id, True, CONTEXT)
self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ cursor.close()
def test0100compute_zerorate(self):
Conversion with zero rate
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu2')
- rate_ids = self.rate.search([
+ rate_ids = self.rate.search(cursor, USER, [
('currency', '=', cu1_id),
], 0, 1, None, CONTEXT)
- self.rate.write(rate_ids, {
- 'rate': 0,
+ self.rate.write(cursor, USER, rate_ids, {
+ 'rate': Decimal("0"),
amount = Decimal("10")
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
@@ -199,58 +234,75 @@ class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ cursor.rollback()
+ cursor.close()
def test0110compute_missingrate(self):
Conversion with missing rate
- cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
- cu3_id = self.currency.create({
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency(cursor, 'cu1')
+ cu3_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
'name': 'cu3',
'symbol': 'cu3',
'code': 'cu3'
amount = Decimal("10")
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute, cursor, USER,
cu3_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute, cursor, USER,
cu1_id, amount, cu3_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ cursor.rollback()
+ cursor.close()
def test0120compute_bothmissingrate(self):
Conversion with both missing rate
- cu3_id = self.get_currency('cu3')
- cu4_id = self.currency.create({
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ cu3_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
+ 'name': 'cu3',
+ 'symbol': 'cu3',
+ 'code': 'cu3'
+ cu4_id = self.currency.create(cursor, USER, {
'name': 'cu4',
'symbol': 'cu4',
'code': 'cu4'
amount = Decimal("10")
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute, cursor, USER,
cu3_id, amount, cu4_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ cursor.rollback()
+ cursor.close()
def test0130delete_cascade(self):
Test deletion of currency deletes rates
- codes = ['cu%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(4)]
- currency_ids = [self.get_currency(i) for i in codes]
- self.currency.delete(currency_ids, CONTEXT)
+ cursor = DB.cursor()
+ codes = ['cu%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(2)]
+ currency_ids = [self.get_currency(cursor, i) for i in codes]
+ self.currency.delete(cursor, USER, currency_ids, CONTEXT)
- rate_ids = self.rate.search([(
+ rate_ids = self.rate.search(cursor, USER, [(
'currency', 'in', currency_ids,
)], 0, None, None, CONTEXT)
+ cursor.rollback()
+ cursor.close()
def suite():
- return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(CurrencyTestCase)
+ suite = trytond.tests.test_tryton.suite()
+ suite.addTests(unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(CurrencyTestCase))
+ return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':
- suiteTrytond = trytond.tests.test_tryton.suite()
- suiteCurrency = suite()
- alltests = unittest.TestSuite([suiteTrytond, suiteCurrency])
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(alltests)
- SOCK.disconnect()
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite())
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.pyc b/tests/test_currency.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a6ffca
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/test_currency.pyc differ
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 749092e..8bef1b1 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 1.4.0
+Version: 1.6.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.4/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.6/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index ec16e1d..80cdf3d 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -14,9 +14,13 @@ setup.py
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index 3ff8683..8c3b916 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-trytond >= 1.4
-trytond < 1.5
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 1.6, < 1.7
\ No newline at end of file
commit 63cc68ee89d012d49ae17dd0e0569090857991d3
Author: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
Date: Mon Oct 19 22:08:14 2009 +0200
Adding upstream version 1.4.0.
index d28f483..5804220 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+Version 1.4.0 - 2009-10-19
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
+* Add rounding option to currency round
+* Allow rpc of compute of currency.currency
Version 1.2.0 - 2009-04-20
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
* Allow egg installation
index 2afd2a7..853f1f7 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (C) 2008 Cédric Krier.
-Copyright (C) 2008 B2CK SPRL.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Cédric Krier.
+Copyright (C) 2008-2009 B2CK SPRL.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index f524a53..5b523b3 100644
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Prerequisites
* Python 2.4 or later (http://www.python.org/)
- * trytond 1.1.x (http://www.tryton.org/)
+ * trytond (http://www.tryton.org/)
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 591bb3c..79e0fde 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -7,3 +7,6 @@ include LICENSE
include *.xml
include *.odt
include *.csv
+include doc/*
+include tests/*
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 0bddf04..a3e3397 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 1.2.0
+Version: 1.4.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.2/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.4/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
index c26975a..609f3cb 100644
--- a/__init__.py
+++ b/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from currency import *
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index e97e036..4260649 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
'name': 'Currency',
'name_de_DE': 'Währung',
'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
- 'name_es_ES': 'Moneda',
+ 'name_es_ES': 'Divisa',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
- 'version': '1.2.0',
+ 'version': '1.4.0',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
'description_es_CO': '''Define las monedas y la tasa de cambio.
Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la moneda.
- 'description_es_ES': '''Define las monedas y la tasa de cambio.
-Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la moneda.
+ 'description_es_ES': '''Define las divisas y la tasa de cambio.
+ - Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la divisa.
'description_fr_FR': '''Défini les devises et leurs taux de change.
Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index 4908e07..ee8be39 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
#of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
+from trytond.tools import safe_eval
import time
-from decimal import Decimal
+from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN
+import datetime
class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
@@ -13,10 +15,11 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
symbol = fields.Char('Symbol', size=10, required=True)
code = fields.Char('Code', size=3, required=True)
- rate = fields.Function('get_rate', string='Current rate', digits=(12, 6))
+ rate = fields.Function('get_rate', type='numeric', string='Current rate',
+ digits=(12, 6), on_change_with=['rates'])
rates = fields.One2Many('currency.currency.rate', 'currency', 'Rates')
rounding = fields.Numeric('Rounding factor', digits=(12, 6), required=True)
- digits = fields.Integer('Diplay Digits')
+ digits = fields.Integer('Display Digits')
active = fields.Boolean('Active')
# monetary formatting
@@ -42,6 +45,9 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'no_rate': 'No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s',
'invalid_grouping': 'Invalid Grouping!',
+ self._rpc.update({
+ 'compute': False,
+ })
def default_active(self, cursor, user, context=None):
return True
@@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
for currency in self.browse(cursor, user, ids):
- grouping = eval(currency.mon_grouping)
+ grouping = safe_eval(currency.mon_grouping)
for i in grouping:
if not isinstance(i, int):
return False
@@ -115,6 +121,18 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
i += 1
return args2
+ def on_change_with_rate(self, cursor, user, ids, vals, context=None):
+ now = datetime.date.today()
+ closer = datetime.date.min
+ res = Decimal('0.0')
+ for rate in vals.get('rates', []):
+ if 'date' not in rate or 'rate' not in rate:
+ continue
+ if rate['date'] <= now and rate['date'] > closer:
+ res = rate['rate']
+ closer = rate['date']
+ return res
def get_rate(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None):
Return the rate at the date from the context or the current date
@@ -146,9 +164,19 @@ class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
res[currency_id] = id2rate[res[currency_id]].rate
return res
- def round(self, cursor, user, currency, amount):
- 'Round the amount depending of the currency'
- return (amount / currency.rounding).quantize(Decimal('1.')) * currency.rounding
+ def round(self, cursor, user, currency, amount, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN):
+ '''
+ Round the amount depending of the currency
+ :param cursor: the database cursor
+ :param user: the user id
+ :param currency: a BrowseRecord of currency.currency
+ :param amout: a Decimal
+ :param rounding: the rounding option
+ :return: a Decimal
+ '''
+ return (amount / currency.rounding).quantize(Decimal('1.'),
+ rounding=rounding) * currency.rounding
def is_zero(self, cursor, user, currency, amount):
'Return True if the amount can be considered as zero for the currency'
@@ -209,7 +237,8 @@ class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
_rec_name = 'date'
date = fields.Date('Date', required=True, select=1)
rate = fields.Numeric('Rate', digits=(12, 6), required=1)
- currency = fields.Many2One('currency.currency', 'Currency')
+ currency = fields.Many2One('currency.currency', 'Currency',
+ ondelete='CASCADE',)
def __init__(self):
super(Rate, self).__init__()
diff --git a/de_DE.csv b/de_DE.csv
index 49aad4f..4cada46 100644
--- a/de_DE.csv
+++ b/de_DE.csv
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ field,"currency.currency,active",0,Active,Aktiv,0
field,"currency.currency,create_date",0,Creation date,Erstellungsdatum,0
field,"currency.currency,create_uid",0,Creation user,Ersteller,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Angezeigte Stellen,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Angezeigte Stellen,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Dezimalpunkt Währung,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_grouping",0,Grouping,Gruppierung Währung,0
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Kurs,0
model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Währungen,0
-model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administration Währungen,0
+model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Währungen Administration,0
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0546402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Currency Module
+The currency module defines the concepts of currency and rate.
+A currency is defined by a name, a symbol, a code, a list of rates, a
+rounding factor and some formatting properties: the digits to be
+displayed after the decimal separator, the way the numbers should be
+grouped, the thousands separator, the decimal separator, the positive
+and negative signs and their positions, the currency symbol position
+and if it should be separated from the number by a space.
+A rate is defined by a date and a numeric value. The date gives the
+time from which this rate is correct. All rates are defined implicitly
+with respect to the same currency (the one whose rate is 1).
diff --git a/es_CO.csv b/es_CO.csv
index af11449..c086c51 100644
--- a/es_CO.csv
+++ b/es_CO.csv
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,No
error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Una moneda solamente puede tener un valor por fecha!,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Mostrar DÃgitos,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Mostrar DÃgitos,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador Decimal,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de Miles,0
diff --git a/es_ES.csv b/es_ES.csv
index 51885fc..b5e5c8f 100644
--- a/es_ES.csv
+++ b/es_ES.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Agrupamiento no válido,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,No se ha encontrado una conversión para la divisa: %s con fecha: %s,0
+error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,No se ha encontrado una conversión para la divisa «%s» con fecha: %s,0
error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Una divisa solo puede tener un valor por fecha,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Mostrar dÃgitos,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,DÃgitos a mostrar,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador decimal,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de miles,0
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,El s
field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo positivo,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Signo positivo separado por espacio,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del signo positivo,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Tasa de cambio de la divisa,0
+field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Tasa de cambio actual,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de redondeo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentino,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Aruban Guilder,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat Azerbaijano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,FlorÃn de Aruba,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Azerbaijanian Manat,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de Bahamas,0
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",jpy,Yen,Yen,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renminbi,0
model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar de Zimbawe,0
-model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
+model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestión de divisas,0
diff --git a/fr_FR.csv b/fr_FR.csv
index 115c31e..d5bf69a 100644
--- a/fr_FR.csv
+++ b/fr_FR.csv
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Pas
error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Décimale affichée,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Display Digits,Décimale affichée,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Séparateur décimal,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Séparateur des milliers,0
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index aad7c48..7a3eaa9 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -9,17 +9,12 @@ info = eval(file('__tryton__.py').read())
requires = []
for dep in info.get('depends', []):
- match = re.compile(
- '(ir|res|workflow|webdav)((\s|$|<|>|<=|>=|==|!=).*?$)').match(dep)
- if match:
- continue
- else:
- dep = 'trytond_' + dep
- requires.append(dep)
+ if not re.match(r'(ir|res|workflow|webdav)(\W|$)', dep):
+ requires.append('trytond_' + dep)
major_version, minor_version, _ = info.get('version', '0.0.1').split('.', 2)
requires.append('trytond >= %s.%s' % (major_version, minor_version))
-requires.append('trytond < %s.%s' % (major_version, str(int(minor_version) + 1)))
+requires.append('trytond < %s.%s' % (major_version, int(minor_version) + 1))
version=info.get('version', '0.0.1'),
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5318045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+from test_currency import *
diff --git a/tests/test_currency.py b/tests/test_currency.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff367a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_currency.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+import sys, os
+DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(__file__,
+ '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'trytond')))
+if os.path.isdir(DIR):
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(DIR))
+import unittest
+import trytond.tests.test_tryton
+from trytond.tests.test_tryton import RPCProxy, CONTEXT, SOCK, test_view
+from decimal import Decimal
+class CurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ Test Currency module.
+ '''
+ def setUp(self):
+ trytond.tests.test_tryton.install_module('currency')
+ self.rate = RPCProxy('currency.currency.rate')
+ self.currency = RPCProxy('currency.currency')
+ self.date = RPCProxy('ir.date')
+ def get_currency(self, code):
+ return self.currency.search([
+ ('code', '=', code),
+ ], 0, 1, None, CONTEXT)[0]
+ def test0005views(self):
+ '''
+ Test views.
+ '''
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, test_view('currency'))
+ def test0010currencies(self):
+ '''
+ Create currencies
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu1',
+ 'symbol': 'cu1',
+ 'code': 'cu1'
+ self.assert_(cu1_id)
+ cu2_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu2',
+ 'symbol': 'cu2',
+ 'code': 'cu2'
+ self.assert_(cu2_id)
+ def test0020mon_grouping(self):
+ '''
+ Check grouping
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write,
+ cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': ''}, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write,
+ cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[a]'}, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write,
+ cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[1,"a"]'}, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.write,
+ cu1_id, {'mon_grouping': '[1,"1"]'}, CONTEXT)
+ def test0030rate(self):
+ '''
+ Create rates.
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ rate1 = Decimal("1.3")
+ rate1_id = self.rate.create({
+ 'rate': rate1,
+ 'currency': cu1_id,
+ self.assert_(rate1_id)
+ rate2_id = self.rate.create({
+ 'rate': 1,
+ 'currency': cu2_id,
+ self.assert_(rate2_id)
+ self.assertEqual(rate1, self.currency.read(
+ cu1_id, ['rate'], CONTEXT)['rate'])
+ def test0040rate_unicity(self):
+ '''
+ Rate unicity
+ '''
+ today = self.date.today(CONTEXT)
+ cu_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu',
+ 'symbol': 'cu',
+ 'code': 'cu'
+ rate1_id = self.rate.create({
+ 'rate': 1.3,
+ 'currency': cu_id,
+ 'date': today,
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.rate.create, {
+ 'rate': 1.3,
+ 'currency': cu_id,
+ 'date': today,
+ def test0050compute_simple(self):
+ '''
+ Simple conversion
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ expected = Decimal("13")
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertEqual(converted_amount, expected)
+ def test0060compute_nonfinite(self):
+ '''
+ Conversion with rounding on non-finite decimal representation
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ expected = Decimal("7.69")
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ def test0070compute_nonfinite_worounding(self):
+ '''
+ Same without rounding
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ expected = Decimal('7.692307692307692307692307692')
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, False, CONTEXT)
+ self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ def test0080compute_same(self):
+ '''
+ Conversion to the same currency
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu1_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ self.assert_(converted_amount == amount)
+ def test0090compute_zeroamount(self):
+ '''
+ Conversion with zero amount
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ expected = Decimal("0")
+ converted_amount = self.currency.compute(
+ cu1_id, Decimal("0"), cu2_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ self.assert_(converted_amount == expected)
+ def test0100compute_zerorate(self):
+ '''
+ Conversion with zero rate
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu2_id = self.get_currency('cu2')
+ rate_ids = self.rate.search([
+ ('currency', '=', cu1_id),
+ ], 0, 1, None, CONTEXT)
+ self.rate.write(rate_ids, {
+ 'rate': 0,
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu1_id, amount, cu2_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu2_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ def test0110compute_missingrate(self):
+ '''
+ Conversion with missing rate
+ '''
+ cu1_id = self.get_currency('cu1')
+ cu3_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu3',
+ 'symbol': 'cu3',
+ 'code': 'cu3'
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu3_id, amount, cu1_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu1_id, amount, cu3_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ def test0120compute_bothmissingrate(self):
+ '''
+ Conversion with both missing rate
+ '''
+ cu3_id = self.get_currency('cu3')
+ cu4_id = self.currency.create({
+ 'name': 'cu4',
+ 'symbol': 'cu4',
+ 'code': 'cu4'
+ amount = Decimal("10")
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, self.currency.compute,
+ cu3_id, amount, cu4_id, True, CONTEXT)
+ def test0130delete_cascade(self):
+ '''
+ Test deletion of currency deletes rates
+ '''
+ codes = ['cu%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(4)]
+ currency_ids = [self.get_currency(i) for i in codes]
+ self.currency.delete(currency_ids, CONTEXT)
+ rate_ids = self.rate.search([(
+ 'currency', 'in', currency_ids,
+ )], 0, None, None, CONTEXT)
+ self.assertFalse(rate_ids)
+def suite():
+ return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(CurrencyTestCase)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ suiteTrytond = trytond.tests.test_tryton.suite()
+ suiteCurrency = suite()
+ alltests = unittest.TestSuite([suiteTrytond, suiteCurrency])
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(alltests)
+ SOCK.disconnect()
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 1e8c9c1..749092e 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 1.2.0
+Version: 1.4.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.2/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.4/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index aad5123..ec16e1d 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ setup.py
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index 77083b3..3ff8683 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-trytond >= 1.2
-trytond < 1.3
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 1.4
+trytond < 1.5
\ No newline at end of file
commit 49fc6cd96d54d859321a212ed0cfa559e4455b66
Author: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
Date: Tue Apr 21 11:05:03 2009 +0200
Adding upstream version 1.2.0.
index 199efd9..d28f483 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-Version 1.0.2 - 2009-03-02
-* Add missing COPYRIGHT and LICENSE
-Version 1.0.1 - 2008-12-01
+Version 1.2.0 - 2009-04-20
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
* Allow egg installation
Version 1.0.0 - 2008-11-17
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 8fa0262..f524a53 100644
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ Prerequisites
* Python 2.4 or later (http://www.python.org/)
- * trytond 0.0.x (http://www.tryton.org/)
+ * trytond 1.1.x (http://www.tryton.org/)
-Once you've downloaded and unpacked a trytond_currency source release, enter the
+Once you've downloaded and unpacked the trytond_currency source release, enter the
directory where the archive was unpacked, and run:
python setup.py install
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index f822a97..0bddf04 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 1.0.2
+Version: 1.2.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.0/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.2/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index e4ae5ee..e97e036 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
'name': 'Currency',
'name_de_DE': 'Währung',
- 'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
+ 'name_es_CO': 'Moneda',
'name_es_ES': 'Moneda',
- 'version': '1.0.2',
+ 'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
+ 'version': '1.2.0',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
@@ -15,12 +16,15 @@ Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
'description_de_DE': ''' - Ermöglicht die Eingabe von Währungen und Wechselkursen.
- Erlaubt die beliebige Formatierung von Währungsbeträgen.
- 'description_fr_FR': '''Défini les devises et leurs taux de change.
-Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
+ 'description_es_CO': '''Define las monedas y la tasa de cambio.
+Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la moneda.
'description_es_ES': '''Define las monedas y la tasa de cambio.
Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la moneda.
+ 'description_fr_FR': '''Défini les devises et leurs taux de change.
+Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
'depends': [
@@ -29,8 +33,9 @@ Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la moneda.
'translation': [
- 'fr_FR.csv',
+ 'es_CO.csv',
+ 'fr_FR.csv',
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
index b4ed2a1..4908e07 100644
--- a/currency.py
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level
#of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
-from trytond.osv import fields, OSV
+from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
import time
from decimal import Decimal
-class Currency(OSV):
+class Currency(ModelSQL, ModelView):
_name = 'currency.currency'
_description = __doc__
@@ -28,10 +27,10 @@ class Currency(OSV):
n_sign_posn = fields.Integer('Negative Sign Position')
positive_sign = fields.Char('Positive Sign')
negative_sign = fields.Char('Negative Sign')
- p_cs_precedes = fields.Boolean('Positive Sign Precedes')
- n_cs_precedes = fields.Boolean('Negative Sign Precedes')
- p_sep_by_space = fields.Boolean('Positive Sign Separate by Space')
- n_sep_by_space = fields.Boolean('Negative Sign Separate by Space')
+ p_cs_precedes = fields.Boolean('Positive Currency Symbol Precedes')
+ n_cs_precedes = fields.Boolean('Negative Currency Symbol Precedes')
+ p_sep_by_space = fields.Boolean('Positive Separate by Space')
+ n_sep_by_space = fields.Boolean('Negative Separate by Space')
def __init__(self):
super(Currency, self).__init__()
@@ -100,21 +99,21 @@ class Currency(OSV):
return False
return True
- def name_search(self, cursor, user, name, args=None, operator='ilike',
- context=None, limit=None):
- if args is None:
- args = []
- args_name = args[:]
- args_code = args[:]
- if name:
- args_name += [(self._rec_name, operator, name)]
- args_code += [('code', operator, name)]
- ids = self.search(cursor, user, args_code, limit=limit, context=context)
- if len(ids) != 1:
- ids += self.search(cursor, user, args_name, limit=limit,
- context=context)
- res = self.name_get(cursor, user, ids, context=context)
- return res
+ def check_xml_record(self, cursor, user, ids, values, context=None):
+ return True
+ def search_rec_name(self, cursor, user, name, args, context=None):
+ args2 = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(args):
+ ids = self.search(cursor, user, [('code', args[i][1], args[i][2])],
+ limit=1, context=context)
+ if len(ids):
+ args2.append(('code', args[i][1], args[i][2]))
+ else:
+ args2.append((self._rec_name, args[i][1], args[i][2]))
+ i += 1
+ return args2
def get_rate(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None):
@@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ class Currency(OSV):
-class Rate(OSV):
+class Rate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
_name = 'currency.currency.rate'
_description = __doc__
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
index a4c15c5..94fff1c 100644
--- a/currency.xml
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<label name="rounding"/>
<field name="rounding"/>
<notebook colspan="6">
- <page string="Rates">
+ <page string="Rates" id="rates">
<label name="rate"/>
<field name="rate"/>
<field name="rates" colspan="4" mode="tree,form,graph">
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
- <page string="Formatting" col="6">
+ <page string="Formatting" col="6" id="formatting">
<label name="digits"/>
<field name="digits"/>
@@ -335,6 +335,23 @@ this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<field name="code">HUF</field>
<field name="symbol">Ft</field>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="gbp">
+ <field name="name">UK Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">GBP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">£</field>
+ <field name="rounding" eval="0.01"/>
+ <field name="digits" eval="2"/>
+ <field name="p_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="n_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="p_sep_by_space" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="n_sep_by_space" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="mon_decimal_point">.</field>
+ <field name="mon_thousands_sep">,</field>
+ <field name="p_sign_posn" eval="1"/>
+ <field name="n_sign_posn" eval="1"/>
+ <field name="negative_sign">-</field>
+ <field name="positive_sign"></field>
+ </record>
<record model="currency.currency" id="gip">
<field name="name">Gibraltar Pound</field>
<field name="code">GIP</field>
diff --git a/de_DE.csv b/de_DE.csv
index d933cbf..49aad4f 100644
--- a/de_DE.csv
+++ b/de_DE.csv
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Dezimalpunkt Wä
field,"currency.currency,mon_grouping",0,Grouping,Gruppierung Währung,0
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Tausendertrennzeichen Währung,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Sign Precedes,Negativer Wert: Name führend,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,Negativer Wert: Symbol führend,0
field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Negatives Vorzeichen,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Sign Separate by Space,Negativer Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Negativer Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Position negatives Vorzeichen,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Sign Precedes,Positiver Wert: Name führend,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,Positiver Wert: Symbol führend,0
field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Positives Vorzeichen,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Sign Separate by Space,Positiver Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Positiver Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Position positives Vorzeichen,0
field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Aktueller Kurs,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,create_date",0,Creation date,Erstellungsdatum,0
@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ field,"currency.currency.rate,currency",0,Currency,Währung,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Rundung,0
field,"currency.currency,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba,0
model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Costa-Rica-Colón,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Kubanischer Peso,0
model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Tschechische Krone,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Dänische Krone,0
@@ -125,6 +128,7 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Schweizer Franken,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,Britisches Pfund,0
model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,US-Dollar,0
model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Usbekistan-Sum,0
model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Jemen-Rial,0
@@ -132,6 +136,7 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",jpy,Yen,Yen,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Renminbi Yuan,0
model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Simbabwe-Dollar,0
model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Währungen,0
diff --git a/es_ES.csv b/es_CO.csv
similarity index 90%
copy from es_ES.csv
copy to es_CO.csv
index b147b6a..af11449 100644
--- a/es_ES.csv
+++ b/es_CO.csv
@@ -9,19 +9,21 @@ field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador Decima
field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de Miles,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Sign Precedes,El Signo Negativo Precede,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,El Signo Negativo Precede,0
field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo Negativo,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Sign Separate by Space,Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio,0
field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición de Signo Negativo,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Sign Precedes,El signo Positivo Precede,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo Positivo Precede,0
field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo Positivo,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Sign Separate by Space,Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio,0
field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del Signo Positivo,0
field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Moneda Actual,0
field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Tasas de Cambio,0
field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de Redondeo,0
@@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba Oro,0
model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón Costaricense,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna Croata,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso Cubano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona Checa,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona Danesa,0
@@ -115,6 +118,7 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco Suizo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,Libra Esterlina,0
model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar Americano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Suma Uzbequistán,0
model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Real de Yemén,0
@@ -122,9 +126,11 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",jpy,Yen,Yen,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renminbi,0
model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar de Zimbawe,0
+model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Manejo de Moneda,0
+model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestión de Monedas,0
+model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administrar Monedas,0
diff --git a/es_ES.csv b/es_ES.csv
index b147b6a..51885fc 100644
--- a/es_ES.csv
+++ b/es_ES.csv
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
-error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Agrupamiento Inválido!,0
-error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,No se ha encontrado una conversión para la moneda: %s a la fecha: %s,0
-error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Una moneda solamente puede tener un valor por fecha!,0
+error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Agrupamiento no válido,0
+error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,No se ha encontrado una conversión para la divisa: %s con fecha: %s,0
+error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Una divisa solo puede tener un valor por fecha,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Mostrar DÃgitos,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador Decimal,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Mostrar dÃgitos,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador decimal,0
-field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de Miles,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de miles,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Sign Precedes,El Signo Negativo Precede,0
-field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo Negativo,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Sign Separate by Space,Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio,0
-field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición de Signo Negativo,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Sign Precedes,El signo Positivo Precede,0
-field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo Positivo,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Sign Separate by Space,Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio,0
-field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del Signo Positivo,0
-field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Moneda Actual,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo negativo va delante,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo negativo,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,Signo negativo separado por espacio,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición del signo negativo,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,El signo positivo va delante,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo positivo,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,Signo positivo separado por espacio,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del signo positivo,0
+field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Tasa de cambio de la divisa,0
-field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
-field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Tasas de Cambio,0
-field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de Redondeo,0
+field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
+field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Tasas de cambio,0
+field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de redondeo,0
-model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso Argentino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso argentino,0
model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Aruban Guilder,0
model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat Azerbaijano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de Bahamas,0
@@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba Oro,0
model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón Costaricense,0
model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna Croata,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso Cubano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona Checa,0
model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona Danesa,0
@@ -115,6 +118,7 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco Suizo,0
model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,Libra Esterlina,0
model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar Americano,0
model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Suma Uzbequistán,0
model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Real de Yemén,0
@@ -122,11 +126,13 @@ model,"currency.currency,name",jpy,Yen,Yen,0
model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renminbi,0
model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar de Zimbawe,0
-model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Manejo de Moneda,0
+model,"currency.currency.rate,name",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
+model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestión de divisas,0
+model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administración de divisas,0
-view,currency.currency,0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
-view,currency.currency,0,Rates,Tasas de Cambio,0
+view,currency.currency,0,Rate,Tasa de cambio,0
+view,currency.currency,0,Rates,Tasas de cambio,0
diff --git a/fr_FR.csv b/fr_FR.csv
index d2b124f..115c31e 100644
--- a/fr_FR.csv
+++ b/fr_FR.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,138 @@
+error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Groupement invalide,0
error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Pas de taux trouvé pour la devise: %s à la date: %s,0
+error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Une devise ne peut avoir qu'un seul taux par date,0
-field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Décimale Affichée,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Décimale affichée,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Séparateur décimal,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Séparateur des milliers,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Separate by Space,,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Currency Symbol Precedes,,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Separate by Space,,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,,0
field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Taux Actuel,0
field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Facteur d'Arrondi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gbp,UK Pound,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,,0
model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestion des Devises,0
+model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administration Devises,0
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index e0b7184..1e8c9c1 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 1.0.2
+Version: 1.2.0
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.0/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.2/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index a13a8ff..aad5123 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ README
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index e2ef220..77083b3 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-trytond >= 1.0
-trytond < 1.1
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 1.2
+trytond < 1.3
\ No newline at end of file
commit 35522c7cccdbaf3a993818d052afd3f319b136b7
Author: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
Date: Mon Mar 23 07:05:57 2009 +0100
Adding upstream version 1.0.2.
index 9801fce..199efd9 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 1.0.2 - 2009-03-02
+* Add missing COPYRIGHT and LICENSE
Version 1.0.1 - 2008-12-01
* Allow egg installation
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 5284d63..591bb3c 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ include INSTALL
include README
include TODO
+include COPYRIGHT
+include LICENSE
include *.xml
include *.odt
include *.csv
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index cd895fe..f822a97 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 1.0.1
+Version: 1.0.2
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index b21f1e5..e4ae5ee 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
'name_de_DE': 'Währung',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
'name_es_ES': 'Moneda',
- 'version': '1.0.1',
+ 'version': '1.0.2',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index a4422b9..e0b7184 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 1.0.1
+Version: 1.0.2
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 31a336b..a13a8ff 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
commit f7bd7d30df272242fe6b352639fc9c0d58c3aed3
Author: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
Date: Wed Jan 28 14:10:27 2009 +0100
Adding upstream version 1.0.1.
index eacaaef..9801fce 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
+Version 1.0.1 - 2008-12-01
+* Allow egg installation
Version 1.0.0 - 2008-11-17
* Initial release
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 723895a..cd895fe 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 1.0.0
+Version: 1.0.1
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.0/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
index be9eead..b21f1e5 100644
--- a/__tryton__.py
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
'name_de_DE': 'Währung',
'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
'name_es_ES': 'Moneda',
- 'version': '1.0.0',
+ 'version': '1.0.1',
'author': 'B2CK',
'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 6cffe68..aad7c48 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
author=info.get('author', ''),
author_email=info.get('email', ''),
url=info.get('website', ''),
+ download_url="http://downloads.tryton.org/" + \
+ info.get('version', '0.0.1').rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '/',
package_dir={'trytond.modules.currency': '.'},
@@ -53,4 +55,9 @@ setup(name='trytond_currency',
+ zip_safe=False,
+ entry_points="""
+ [trytond.modules]
+ currency = trytond.modules.currency
+ """,
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index f927de5..a4422b9 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 1.0.0
+Version: 1.0.1
Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: B2CK
Author-email: info at b2ck.com
License: GPL-3
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/1.0/
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 4d07fc1..31a336b 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -14,5 +14,7 @@ setup.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/entry_points.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/entry_points.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6837f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/entry_points.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ [trytond.modules]
+ currency = trytond.modules.currency
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/not-zip-safe b/trytond_currency.egg-info/not-zip-safe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/not-zip-safe
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
commit 1ba8d80ff0e26e6e85f7365c34f559d2d158c4c4
Author: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
Date: Tue Jan 27 20:40:45 2009 +0100
Adding upstream version 1.0.0.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eacaaef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Version 1.0.0 - 2008-11-17
+* Initial release
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2afd2a7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (C) 2008 Cédric Krier.
+Copyright (C) 2008 B2CK SPRL.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fa0262
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Installing trytond_currency
+ * Python 2.4 or later (http://www.python.org/)
+ * trytond 0.0.x (http://www.tryton.org/)
+Once you've downloaded and unpacked a trytond_currency source release, enter the
+directory where the archive was unpacked, and run:
+ python setup.py install
+Note that you may need administrator/root privileges for this step, as
+this command will by default attempt to install module to the Python
+site-packages directory on your system.
+For advanced options, please refer to the easy_install and/or the distutils
+ http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall
+ http://docs.python.org/inst/inst.html
+To use without installation, extract the archive into ``trytond/modules`` with
+the directory name currency.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a9ed0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5284d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+include INSTALL
+include README
+include TODO
+include CHANGELOG
+include *.xml
+include *.odt
+include *.csv
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..723895a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: trytond_currency
+Version: 1.0.0
+Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
+Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
+Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
+Author: B2CK
+Author-email: info at b2ck.com
+License: GPL-3
+Description: UNKNOWN
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Environment :: Plugins
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+Classifier: Natural Language :: English
+Classifier: Natural Language :: French
+Classifier: Natural Language :: German
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Spanish
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Topic :: Office/Business
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85c3218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+The currency module of the Tryton application platform.
+See __tryton__.py
+If you encounter any problems with Tryton, please don't hesitate to ask
+questions on the Tryton bug tracker, mailing list, wiki or IRC channel:
+ http://bugs.tryton.org/
+ http://groups.tryton.org/
+ http://wiki.tryton.org/
+ irc://irc.freenode.net/tryton
+For more information please visit the Tryton web site:
+ http://www.tryton.org/
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55b1b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+- Add wizard to update currencies rate from different website
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c26975a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+from currency import *
diff --git a/__tryton__.py b/__tryton__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9eead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__tryton__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+ 'name': 'Currency',
+ 'name_de_DE': 'Währung',
+ 'name_fr_FR': 'Devise',
+ 'name_es_ES': 'Moneda',
+ 'version': '1.0.0',
+ 'author': 'B2CK',
+ 'email': 'info at b2ck.com',
+ 'website': 'http://www.tryton.org/',
+ 'description': '''Define currencies and exchange rate.
+Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
+ 'description_de_DE': ''' - Ermöglicht die Eingabe von Währungen und Wechselkursen.
+ - Erlaubt die beliebige Formatierung von Währungsbeträgen.
+ 'description_fr_FR': '''Défini les devises et leurs taux de change.
+Permet de formater les montants en fonction de la devise.
+ 'description_es_ES': '''Define las monedas y la tasa de cambio.
+Permite personalizar el formato de visualización de la moneda.
+ 'depends': [
+ 'ir',
+ 'res',
+ ],
+ 'xml': [
+ 'currency.xml',
+ ],
+ 'translation': [
+ 'fr_FR.csv',
+ 'de_DE.csv',
+ 'es_ES.csv',
+ ]
diff --git a/currency.py b/currency.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ed2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/currency.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level
+#of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+from trytond.osv import fields, OSV
+import time
+from decimal import Decimal
+class Currency(OSV):
+ 'Currency'
+ _name = 'currency.currency'
+ _description = __doc__
+ name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
+ symbol = fields.Char('Symbol', size=10, required=True)
+ code = fields.Char('Code', size=3, required=True)
+ rate = fields.Function('get_rate', string='Current rate', digits=(12, 6))
+ rates = fields.One2Many('currency.currency.rate', 'currency', 'Rates')
+ rounding = fields.Numeric('Rounding factor', digits=(12, 6), required=True)
+ digits = fields.Integer('Diplay Digits')
+ active = fields.Boolean('Active')
+ # monetary formatting
+ mon_grouping = fields.Char('Grouping', required=True)
+ mon_decimal_point = fields.Char('Decimal Separator', required=True)
+ mon_thousands_sep = fields.Char('Thousands Separator')
+ p_sign_posn = fields.Integer('Positive Sign Position')
+ n_sign_posn = fields.Integer('Negative Sign Position')
+ positive_sign = fields.Char('Positive Sign')
+ negative_sign = fields.Char('Negative Sign')
+ p_cs_precedes = fields.Boolean('Positive Sign Precedes')
+ n_cs_precedes = fields.Boolean('Negative Sign Precedes')
+ p_sep_by_space = fields.Boolean('Positive Sign Separate by Space')
+ n_sep_by_space = fields.Boolean('Negative Sign Separate by Space')
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Currency, self).__init__()
+ self._order.insert(0, ('code', 'ASC'))
+ self._constraints += [
+ ('check_mon_grouping', 'invalid_mon_grouping'),
+ ]
+ self._error_messages.update({
+ 'no_rate': 'No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s',
+ 'invalid_grouping': 'Invalid Grouping!',
+ })
+ def default_active(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return True
+ def default_rounding(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return Decimal('0.01')
+ def default_digits(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return 2
+ def default_mon_grouping(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return '[]'
+ def default_mon_thousands_sep(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return ','
+ def default_mon_decimal_point(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return '.'
+ def default_p_sign_posn(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return 1
+ def default_n_sign_posn(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return 1
+ def default_negative_sign(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return '-'
+ def default_positive_sign(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return ''
+ def default_p_cs_precedes(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return True
+ def default_n_cs_precedes(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return True
+ def default_p_sep_by_space(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return False
+ def default_n_sep_by_space(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ return False
+ def check_mon_grouping(self, cursor, user, ids):
+ '''
+ Check if mon_grouping is list of numbers
+ '''
+ for currency in self.browse(cursor, user, ids):
+ try:
+ grouping = eval(currency.mon_grouping)
+ for i in grouping:
+ if not isinstance(i, int):
+ return False
+ except:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def name_search(self, cursor, user, name, args=None, operator='ilike',
+ context=None, limit=None):
+ if args is None:
+ args = []
+ args_name = args[:]
+ args_code = args[:]
+ if name:
+ args_name += [(self._rec_name, operator, name)]
+ args_code += [('code', operator, name)]
+ ids = self.search(cursor, user, args_code, limit=limit, context=context)
+ if len(ids) != 1:
+ ids += self.search(cursor, user, args_name, limit=limit,
+ context=context)
+ res = self.name_get(cursor, user, ids, context=context)
+ return res
+ def get_rate(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None):
+ '''
+ Return the rate at the date from the context or the current date
+ '''
+ rate_obj = self.pool.get('currency.currency.rate')
+ date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
+ res = {}
+ if context is None:
+ context = {}
+ date = context.get('date', date_obj.today(cursor, user,
+ context=context))
+ for currency_id in ids:
+ rate_ids = rate_obj.search(cursor, user, [
+ ('currency', '=', currency_id),
+ ('date', '<=', date),
+ ], limit=1, order=[('date', 'DESC')])
+ if rate_ids:
+ res[currency_id] = rate_ids[0]
+ else:
+ res[currency_id] = 0.0
+ rate_ids = [x for x in res.values() if x]
+ rates = rate_obj.browse(cursor, user, rate_ids, context=context)
+ id2rate = {}
+ for rate in rates:
+ id2rate[rate.id] = rate
+ for currency_id in res.keys():
+ if res[currency_id]:
+ res[currency_id] = id2rate[res[currency_id]].rate
+ return res
+ def round(self, cursor, user, currency, amount):
+ 'Round the amount depending of the currency'
+ return (amount / currency.rounding).quantize(Decimal('1.')) * currency.rounding
+ def is_zero(self, cursor, user, currency, amount):
+ 'Return True if the amount can be considered as zero for the currency'
+ return abs(self.round(cursor, user, currency, amount)) < currency.rounding
+ def compute(self, cursor, user, from_currency, amount, to_currency,
+ round=True, context=None):
+ '''
+ Take a currency and an amount
+ Return the amount to the new currency
+ Use the rate of the date of the context or the current date
+ '''
+ date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
+ lang_obj = self.pool.get('ir.lang')
+ if context is None:
+ context = {}
+ if isinstance(from_currency, (int, long)):
+ from_currency = self.browse(cursor, user, from_currency, context=context)
+ if isinstance(to_currency, (int, long)):
+ to_currency = self.browse(cursor, user, to_currency, context=context)
+ if to_currency == from_currency:
+ if round:
+ return self.round(cursor, user, to_currency, amount)
+ else:
+ return amount
+ if (not from_currency.rate) or (not to_currency.rate):
+ date = context.get('date', date_obj.today(cursor, user,
+ context=context))
+ if not from_currency.rate:
+ name = from_currency.name
+ else:
+ name = to_currency.name
+ for code in [context.get('language', False) or 'en_US', 'en_US']:
+ lang_ids = lang_obj.search(cursor, user, [
+ ('code', '=', code),
+ ], context=context)
+ if lang_ids:
+ break
+ lang = lang_obj.browse(cursor, user, lang_ids[0], context=context)
+ self.raise_user_error(cursor, 'no_rate', (name,
+ date.strftime(str(lang.date))), context=context)
+ if round:
+ return self.round(cursor, user, to_currency,
+ amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate)
+ else:
+ return amount * to_currency.rate / from_currency.rate
+class Rate(OSV):
+ 'Rate'
+ _name = 'currency.currency.rate'
+ _description = __doc__
+ _rec_name = 'date'
+ date = fields.Date('Date', required=True, select=1)
+ rate = fields.Numeric('Rate', digits=(12, 6), required=1)
+ currency = fields.Many2One('currency.currency', 'Currency')
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Rate, self).__init__()
+ self._sql_constraints = [
+ ('date_currency_uniq', 'UNIQUE(date, currency)',
+ 'A currency can only have one rate by date!'),
+ ]
+ self._order.insert(0, ('date', 'DESC'))
+ def default_date(self, cursor, user, context=None):
+ date_obj = self.pool.get('ir.date')
+ return date_obj.today(cursor, user, context=context)
+ def check_xml_record(self, cursor, user, ids, values, context=None):
+ return True
diff --git a/currency.xml b/currency.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4c15c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/currency.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
+ <data>
+ <record model="res.group" id="group_currency_admin">
+ <field name="name">Currency Administration</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="res.user" id="res.user_admin">
+ <field name="groups" eval="[('add', ref('group_currency_admin'))]"/>
+ </record>
+ <menuitem name="Currency Management" id="menu_currency" sequence="3"
+ groups="group_currency_admin" icon="tryton-currency"/>
+ <record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_view_form">
+ <field name="model">currency.currency</field>
+ <field name="type">form</field>
+ <field name="arch" type="xml">
+ <![CDATA[
+ <form string="Currency" col="6">
+ <label name="name"/>
+ <field name="name" colspan="3"/>
+ <label name="active"/>
+ <field name="active" xexpand="0" width="100"/>
+ <label name="symbol"/>
+ <field name="symbol"/>
+ <label name="code"/>
+ <field name="code"/>
+ <label name="rounding"/>
+ <field name="rounding"/>
+ <notebook colspan="6">
+ <page string="Rates">
+ <label name="rate"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
+ <field name="rates" colspan="4" mode="tree,form,graph">
+ <tree string="Rates">
+ <field name="date"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
+ </tree>
+ <form string="Rate">
+ <label name="date"/>
+ <field name="date"/>
+ <label name="rate"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
+ </form>
+ <graph string="Rates" type="line">
+ <x>
+ <field name="date"/>
+ </x>
+ <y>
+ <field name="rate" fill="1" empty="0"/>
+ </y>
+ </graph>
+ </field>
+ </page>
+ <page string="Formatting" col="6">
+ <label name="digits"/>
+ <field name="digits"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="mon_grouping"/>
+ <field name="mon_grouping"/>
+ <label name="mon_thousands_sep"/>
+ <field name="mon_thousands_sep"/>
+ <label name="mon_decimal_point"/>
+ <field name="mon_decimal_point"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="positive_sign"/>
+ <field name="positive_sign"/>
+ <label name="negative_sign"/>
+ <field name="negative_sign"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="p_sign_posn"/>
+ <field name="p_sign_posn"/>
+ <label name="n_sign_posn"/>
+ <field name="n_sign_posn"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="p_cs_precedes"/>
+ <field name="p_cs_precedes"/>
+ <label name="n_cs_precedes"/>
+ <field name="n_cs_precedes"/>
+ <newline/>
+ <label name="p_sep_by_space"/>
+ <field name="p_sep_by_space"/>
+ <label name="n_sep_by_space"/>
+ <field name="n_sep_by_space"/>
+ <newline/>
+ </page>
+ </notebook>
+ </form>
+ ]]>
+ </field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.ui.view" id="currency_view_tree">
+ <field name="model">currency.currency</field>
+ <field name="type">tree</field>
+ <field name="arch" type="xml">
+ <![CDATA[
+ <tree string="Currencies">
+ <field name="name" select="1"/>
+ <field name="symbol"/>
+ <field name="code" select="1"/>
+ <field name="rate"/>
+ <field name="active" tree_invisible="1" select="2"/>
+ </tree>
+ ]]>
+ </field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.action.act_window" id="act_currency_form">
+ <field name="name">Currencies</field>
+ <field name="res_model">currency.currency</field>
+ <field name="view_type">form</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.action.act_window.view" id="act_currency_form_view1">
+ <field name="sequence" eval="10"/>
+ <field name="view" ref="currency_view_tree"/>
+ <field name="act_window" ref="act_currency_form"/>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.action.act_window.view" id="act_currency_form_view2">
+ <field name="sequence" eval="20"/>
+ <field name="view" ref="currency_view_form"/>
+ <field name="act_window" ref="act_currency_form"/>
+ </record>
+ <menuitem parent="menu_currency" action="act_currency_form"
+ id="menu_currency_form"/>
+ <record model="ir.model.access" id="access_currency">
+ <field name="model" search="[('model', '=', 'currency.currency')]"/>
+ <field name="perm_read" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="perm_write" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="perm_create" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="perm_delete" eval="False"/>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.model.access" id="access_currency_currency_admin">
+ <field name="model" search="[('model', '=', 'currency.currency')]"/>
+ <field name="group" ref="group_currency_admin"/>
+ <field name="perm_read" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="perm_write" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="perm_create" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="perm_delete" eval="True"/>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.model.access" id="access_currency_rate">
+ <field name="model" search="[('model', '=', 'currency.currency.rate')]"/>
+ <field name="perm_read" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="perm_write" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="perm_create" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="perm_delete" eval="False"/>
+ </record>
+ <record model="ir.model.access" id="access_currency_rate_currency_admin">
+ <field name="model" search="[('model', '=', 'currency.currency.rate')]"/>
+ <field name="group" ref="group_currency_admin"/>
+ <field name="perm_read" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="perm_write" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="perm_create" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="perm_delete" eval="True"/>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="afn">
+ <field name="name">Afghani</field>
+ <field name="code">AFN</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Ø</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ars">
+ <field name="name">Argentine Peso</field>
+ <field name="code">ARS</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="awg">
+ <field name="name">Aruban Guilder</field>
+ <field name="code">AWG</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Æ</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="azn">
+ <field name="name">Azerbaijanian Manat</field>
+ <field name="code">AZN</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ман</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bsd">
+ <field name="name">Bahamian Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">BSD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="thb">
+ <field name="name">Baht</field>
+ <field name="code">THB</field>
+ <field name="symbol">฿</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pab">
+ <field name="name">Balboa</field>
+ <field name="code">PAB</field>
+ <field name="symbol">B/.</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bbd">
+ <field name="name">Barbados Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">BBD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="byr">
+ <field name="name">Belarussian Ruble</field>
+ <field name="code">BYR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">p.</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bzd">
+ <field name="name">Belize Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">BZD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">BZ$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bmd">
+ <field name="name">Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar)</field>
+ <field name="code">BMD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="vef">
+ <field name="name">Bolivar Fuerte</field>
+ <field name="code">VEF</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Bs</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bob">
+ <field name="name">Boliviano</field>
+ <field name="code">BOB</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$b</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="brl">
+ <field name="name">Brazilian Real</field>
+ <field name="code">BRL</field>
+ <field name="symbol">R$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bgn">
+ <field name="name">Bulgarian Lev</field>
+ <field name="code">BGN</field>
+ <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cad">
+ <field name="name">Canadian Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">CAD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kyd">
+ <field name="name">Cayman Islands Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">KYD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="clp">
+ <field name="name">Chilean Peso</field>
+ <field name="code">CLP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cop">
+ <field name="name">Colombian Peso</field>
+ <field name="code">COP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bam">
+ <field name="name">Convertible Marks</field>
+ <field name="code">BAM</field>
+ <field name="symbol">KM</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="nio">
+ <field name="name">Cordoba Oro</field>
+ <field name="code">NIO</field>
+ <field name="symbol">C$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="crc">
+ <field name="name">Costa Rican Colon</field>
+ <field name="code">CRC</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¡</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="hrk">
+ <field name="name">Croatian Kuna</field>
+ <field name="code">HRK</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kn</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cup">
+ <field name="name">Cuban Peso</field>
+ <field name="code">CUP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â±</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="czk">
+ <field name="name">Czech Koruna</field>
+ <field name="code">CZK</field>
+ <field name="symbol">KÄ</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="dkk">
+ <field name="name">Danish Krone</field>
+ <field name="code">DKK</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mkd">
+ <field name="name">Denar</field>
+ <field name="code">MKD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ден</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="dop">
+ <field name="name">Dominican Peso</field>
+ <field name="code">DOP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">RD$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="vnd">
+ <field name="name">Dong</field>
+ <field name="code">VND</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â«</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="xcd">
+ <field name="name">East Caribbean Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">XCD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="egp">
+ <field name="name">Egyptian Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">EGP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">£</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="eur">
+ <field name="name">Euro</field>
+ <field name="code">EUR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¬</field>
+ <field name="rounding" eval="0.01"/>
+ <field name="digits" eval="2"/>
+ <field name="p_cs_precedes" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="n_cs_precedes" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="p_sep_by_space" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="n_sep_by_space" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="mon_grouping">[3, 3, 0]</field>
+ <field name="mon_decimal_point">,</field>
+ <field name="mon_thousands_sep"> </field>
+ <field name="p_sign_posn" eval="1"/>
+ <field name="n_sign_posn" eval="1"/>
+ <field name="negative_sign">-</field>
+ <field name="positive_sign"></field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="fjd">
+ <field name="name">Fiji Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">FJD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="huf">
+ <field name="name">Forint</field>
+ <field name="code">HUF</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Ft</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="gip">
+ <field name="name">Gibraltar Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">GIP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">£</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pyg">
+ <field name="name">Guarani</field>
+ <field name="code">PYG</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Gs</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="gyd">
+ <field name="name">Guyana Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">GYD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="hkd">
+ <field name="name">Hong Kong Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">HKD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">HK$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="uah">
+ <field name="name">Hryvnia</field>
+ <field name="code">UAH</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â´</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="isk">
+ <field name="name">Iceland Krona</field>
+ <field name="code">ISK</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="inr">
+ <field name="name">Indian Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">INR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="irr">
+ <field name="name">Iranian Rial</field>
+ <field name="code">IRR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="jmd">
+ <field name="name">Jamaican Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">JMD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">J$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="lak">
+ <field name="name">Kip</field>
+ <field name="code">LAK</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="eek">
+ <field name="name">Kroon</field>
+ <field name="code">EEK</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="lbp">
+ <field name="name">Lebanese Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">LBP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">£</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="all">
+ <field name="name">Lek</field>
+ <field name="code">ALL</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Lek</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="hnl">
+ <field name="name">Lempira</field>
+ <field name="code">HNL</field>
+ <field name="symbol">L</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="lrd">
+ <field name="name">Liberian Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">LRD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ltl">
+ <field name="name">Lithuanian Litas</field>
+ <field name="code">LTL</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Lt</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="myr">
+ <field name="name">Malaysian Ringgit</field>
+ <field name="code">MYR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">RM</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mur">
+ <field name="name">Mauritius Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">MUR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mzn">
+ <field name="name">Metical</field>
+ <field name="code">MZN</field>
+ <field name="symbol">MT</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ngn">
+ <field name="name">Naira</field>
+ <field name="code">NGN</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¦</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="nad">
+ <field name="name">Namibia Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">NAD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="npr">
+ <field name="name">Nepalese Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">NPR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ang">
+ <field name="name">Netherlands Antillian Guilder</field>
+ <field name="code">ANG</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Æ</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ils">
+ <field name="name">New Israeli Sheqel</field>
+ <field name="code">ILS</field>
+ <field name="symbol">âª</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ron">
+ <field name="name">New Leu</field>
+ <field name="code">RON</field>
+ <field name="symbol">lei</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="twd">
+ <field name="name">New Taiwan Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">TWD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">NT$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="try">
+ <field name="name">New Turkish Lira</field>
+ <field name="code">TRY</field>
+ <field name="symbol">YTL</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="nzd">
+ <field name="name">New Zealand Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">NZD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kpw">
+ <field name="name">North Korean Won</field>
+ <field name="code">KPW</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â©</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="nok">
+ <field name="name">Norwegian Krone</field>
+ <field name="code">NOK</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pen">
+ <field name="name">Nuevo Sol</field>
+ <field name="code">PEN</field>
+ <field name="symbol">S/.</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pkr">
+ <field name="name">Pakistan Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">PKR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="uyu">
+ <field name="name">Peso Uruguayo</field>
+ <field name="code">UYU</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$U</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="php">
+ <field name="name">Philippine Peso</field>
+ <field name="code">PHP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Php</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="bwp">
+ <field name="name">Pula</field>
+ <field name="code">BWP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">P</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="qar">
+ <field name="name">Qatari Rial</field>
+ <field name="code">QAR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="gtq">
+ <field name="name">Quetzal</field>
+ <field name="code">GTQ</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Q</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="zar">
+ <field name="name">Rand</field>
+ <field name="code">ZAR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">R</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="omr">
+ <field name="name">Rial Omani</field>
+ <field name="code">OMR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="khr">
+ <field name="name">Riel</field>
+ <field name="code">KHR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">á</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="idr">
+ <field name="name">Rupiah</field>
+ <field name="code">IDR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Rp</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="rub">
+ <field name="name">Russian Ruble</field>
+ <field name="code">RUB</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ÑÑб</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="shp">
+ <field name="name">Saint Helena Pound</field>
+ <field name="code">SHP</field>
+ <field name="symbol">£</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sar">
+ <field name="name">Saudi Riyal</field>
+ <field name="code">SAR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="rsd">
+ <field name="name">Serbian Dinar</field>
+ <field name="code">RSD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Ðин.</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="scr">
+ <field name="name">Seychelles Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">SCR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sgd">
+ <field name="name">Singapore Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">SGD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sbd">
+ <field name="name">Solomon Islands Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">SBD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kgs">
+ <field name="name">Som</field>
+ <field name="code">KGS</field>
+ <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sos">
+ <field name="name">Somali Shilling</field>
+ <field name="code">SOS</field>
+ <field name="symbol">S</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="lkr">
+ <field name="name">Sri Lanka Rupee</field>
+ <field name="code">LKR</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â¨</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="srd">
+ <field name="name">Surinam Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">SRD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="sek">
+ <field name="name">Swedish Krona</field>
+ <field name="code">SEK</field>
+ <field name="symbol">kr</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="chf">
+ <field name="name">Swiss Franc</field>
+ <field name="code">CHF</field>
+ <field name="symbol">CHF</field>
+ <field name="rounding" eval="0.01"/>
+ <field name="digits" eval="2"/>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="kzt">
+ <field name="name">Tenge</field>
+ <field name="code">KZT</field>
+ <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="ttd">
+ <field name="name">Trinidad and Tobago Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">TTD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">TT$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="mnt">
+ <field name="name">Tugrik</field>
+ <field name="code">MNT</field>
+ <field name="symbol">â®</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="usd">
+ <field name="name">US Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">USD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">$</field>
+ <field name="rounding" eval="0.01"/>
+ <field name="digits" eval="2"/>
+ <field name="p_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="n_cs_precedes" eval="True"/>
+ <field name="p_sep_by_space" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="n_sep_by_space" eval="False"/>
+ <field name="mon_grouping">[]</field>
+ <field name="mon_decimal_point">.</field>
+ <field name="mon_thousands_sep">,</field>
+ <field name="p_sign_posn" eval="1"/>
+ <field name="n_sign_posn" eval="1"/>
+ <field name="negative_sign">-</field>
+ <field name="positive_sign"></field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="uzs">
+ <field name="name">Uzbekistan Sum</field>
+ <field name="code">UZS</field>
+ <field name="symbol">лв</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="yer">
+ <field name="name">Yemeni Rial</field>
+ <field name="code">YER</field>
+ <field name="symbol">ï·¼</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="jpy">
+ <field name="name">Yen</field>
+ <field name="code">JPY</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Â¥</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="cny">
+ <field name="name">Yuan Renminbi</field>
+ <field name="code">CNY</field>
+ <field name="symbol">å
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="zwd">
+ <field name="name">Zimbabwe Dollar</field>
+ <field name="code">ZWD</field>
+ <field name="symbol">Z$</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency" id="pln">
+ <field name="name">Zloty</field>
+ <field name="code">PLN</field>
+ <field name="symbol">zÅ</field>
+ </record>
+ <record model="currency.currency.rate" id="eur_rate">
+ <field name="date" eval="time.strftime('%Y-01-01')"/>
+ <field name="rate" eval="1.0"/>
+ <field name="currency" ref="eur"/>
+ </record>
+ </data>
diff --git a/de_DE.csv b/de_DE.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d933cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/de_DE.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Ungültige Gruppierung,0
+error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Kein Kurs gefunden für Währung %s am %s,0
+error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Einer Währung kann nur ein Kurs pro Datum zugewiesen werden!,0
+field,"currency.currency,create_date",0,Creation date,Erstellungsdatum,0
+field,"currency.currency,create_uid",0,Creation user,Ersteller,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Angezeigte Stellen,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Dezimalpunkt Währung,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_grouping",0,Grouping,Gruppierung Währung,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Tausendertrennzeichen Währung,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Sign Precedes,Negativer Wert: Name führend,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Negatives Vorzeichen,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Sign Separate by Space,Negativer Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Position negatives Vorzeichen,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Sign Precedes,Positiver Wert: Name führend,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Positives Vorzeichen,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Sign Separate by Space,Positiver Wert: durch Leerzeichen getrennt,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Position positives Vorzeichen,0
+field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Aktueller Kurs,0
+field,"currency.currency.rate,create_date",0,Creation date,Erstellungsdatum,0
+field,"currency.currency.rate,create_uid",0,Creation user,Ersteller,0
+field,"currency.currency.rate,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
+field,"currency.currency.rate,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
+field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Rundung,0
+field,"currency.currency,write_date",0,Last modification date,Zuletzt geändert am,0
+field,"currency.currency,write_uid",0,Last modification by,Zuletzt geändert von,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Argentinischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Aruba-Florin,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Azerbaijanian Manat,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Bahama-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pab,Balboa,Balboa; US-Dollar102,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Barbados-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Belarus-Rubel,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Belize-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),Bermuda-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,Bolivar Fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lew,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Kanadischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Kaiman-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Chilenischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Kolumbianischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Bosnisch-herzegowinische konvertible Mark,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Costa-Rica-Colón,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Kubanischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Tschechische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Dänische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Dominikanischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Ostkaribischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Ãgyptisches Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Fidschi-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Gibraltar-Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Guyana-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Hongkong-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Isländische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Indische Rupie52,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Iranischer Rial55,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Jamaika-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",eek,Kroon,Estnische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libanesisches Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Liberianischer Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas77,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Mauritius-Rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Namibia-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Nepalesische Rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Niederländische-Antillen-Gulden,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Neuer Schekel58,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Neuer Leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,neuer Taiwan-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Neue Türkische Lira,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Cookinseln-Dollar; Neuseeland-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,nordkoreanischer Won,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Norwegische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Neuer Sol,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Pakistanische Rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Uruguayischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Philippinischer Peso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar-Riyal,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zar,Rand,südafrikanischer Rand,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Rial Omani,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rubel,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,St. Helena-Pfund,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Saudi Riyal,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Serbischer Dinar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Seychellen-Rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Singapur-Dollar119,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Salomonen-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalia-Schilling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Sri-Lanka-Rupie,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Suriname-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Schwedische Krone,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Schweizer Franken,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,US-Dollar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Usbekistan-Sum,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Jemen-Rial,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Renminbi Yuan,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Simbabwe-Dollar,0
+model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Währungen,0
+model,"res.group,name",group_currency_admin,Currency Administration,Administration Währungen,0
diff --git a/es_ES.csv b/es_ES.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b147b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/es_ES.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+error,currency.currency,0,Invalid Grouping!,Agrupamiento Inválido!,0
+error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,No se ha encontrado una conversión para la moneda: %s a la fecha: %s,0
+error,currency.currency.rate,0,A currency can only have one rate by date!,Una moneda solamente puede tener un valor por fecha!,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Mostrar DÃgitos,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_decimal_point",0,Decimal Separator,Separador Decimal,0
+field,"currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep",0,Thousands Separator,Separador de Miles,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_cs_precedes",0,Negative Sign Precedes,El Signo Negativo Precede,0
+field,"currency.currency,negative_sign",0,Negative Sign,Signo Negativo,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sep_by_space",0,Negative Sign Separate by Space,Signo Negativo Separado por Espacio,0
+field,"currency.currency,n_sign_posn",0,Negative Sign Position,Posición de Signo Negativo,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_cs_precedes",0,Positive Sign Precedes,El signo Positivo Precede,0
+field,"currency.currency,positive_sign",0,Positive Sign,Signo Positivo,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sep_by_space",0,Positive Sign Separate by Space,Signo Positivo Separado por Espacio,0
+field,"currency.currency,p_sign_posn",0,Positive Sign Position,Posición del Signo Positivo,0
+field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Moneda Actual,0
+field,"currency.currency.rate,rate",0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
+field,"currency.currency,rates",0,Rates,Tasas de Cambio,0
+field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Factor de Redondeo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ars,Argentine Peso,Peso Argentino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",awg,Aruban Guilder,Aruban Guilder,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",azn,Azerbaijanian Manat,Manat Azerbaijano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bsd,Bahamian Dollar,Dólar de Bahamas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bbd,Barbados Dollar,Dólar de Barbados,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",byr,Belarussian Ruble,Rublo de Bielorusia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bzd,Belize Dollar,Dólar de Bélize,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bmd,Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar),Dólar de Bermuda,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",vef,Bolivar Fuerte,BolÃvar Fuerte,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",brl,Brazilian Real,Real Brasilero,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bgn,Bulgarian Lev,Lev de Bulgaria,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cad,Canadian Dollar,Dólar Canadiense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kyd,Cayman Islands Dollar,Dólar de Islas Caimán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",clp,Chilean Peso,Peso Chileno,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cop,Colombian Peso,Peso Colombiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",bam,Convertible Marks,Marcas Convertibles,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nio,Cordoba Oro,Córdoba Oro,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",crc,Costa Rican Colon,Colón Costaricense,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hrk,Croatian Kuna,Kuna Croata,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cup,Cuban Peso,Peso Cubano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",czk,Czech Koruna,Corona Checa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dkk,Danish Krone,Corona Danesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",dop,Dominican Peso,Peso Dominicano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",xcd,East Caribbean Dollar,Dólar Caribeño del Este,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",egp,Egyptian Pound,Libra Egipcia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",fjd,Fiji Dollar,Dólar Fuji,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gip,Gibraltar Pound,Libra de Gibraltar,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",gyd,Guyana Dollar,Dólar de Guyana,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",hkd,Hong Kong Dollar,Dólar de Hong Kong,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",isk,Iceland Krona,Corona de Islandia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",inr,Indian Rupee,Rupia de la India,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",irr,Iranian Rial,Real IranÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",jmd,Jamaican Dollar,Dólar Jamaiquino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lbp,Lebanese Pound,Libra Libanesa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lrd,Liberian Dollar,Dólar Liberiano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ltl,Lithuanian Litas,Litas Lituanas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",myr,Malaysian Ringgit,Ringgit Malayo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",mur,Mauritius Rupee,Rupia de Mauricius,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nad,Namibia Dollar,Dólar de Namibia,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",npr,Nepalese Rupee,Rupia NepalÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ang,Netherlands Antillian Guilder,Guilder de las Antillas Holandesas,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ils,New Israeli Sheqel,Shequel Nueva de Israel,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ron,New Leu,Nuea Leu,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",twd,New Taiwan Dollar,Dólar de Nuevo Taiwán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",try,New Turkish Lira,Nueva Lira de TurquÃa,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nzd,New Zealand Dollar,Dólar Neo Zelandés,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",kpw,North Korean Won,Corea del Norte Won,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",nok,Norwegian Krone,Corona Noruega,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pen,Nuevo Sol,Nuevo Sol,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",pkr,Pakistan Rupee,Rupia PaquistanÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uyu,Peso Uruguayo,Peso Uruguayo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",php,Philippine Peso,Peso Filipino,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",qar,Qatari Rial,Katar Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",omr,Rial Omani,Omani Real,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rub,Russian Ruble,Rublo Ruso,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",shp,Saint Helena Pound,Libra de Santa Helena,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sar,Saudi Riyal,Real SaudÃ,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",rsd,Serbian Dinar,Denario Serbo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",scr,Seychelles Rupee,Rupia de Seychelles,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sgd,Singapore Dollar,Dólar de Singapur,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sbd,Solomon Islands Dollar,Dolar de las Islas Solomón,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sos,Somali Shilling,Somalà Shilling,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",lkr,Sri Lanka Rupee,Rupia de Sri Lanka,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",srd,Surinam Dollar,Dólar de Surinam,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",sek,Swedish Krona,Coronoa Sueca,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",chf,Swiss Franc,Franco Suizo,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",ttd,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",usd,US Dollar,Dólar Americano,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",uzs,Uzbekistan Sum,Suma Uzbequistán,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",yer,Yemeni Rial,Real de Yemén,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",cny,Yuan Renminbi,Yuan Renminbi,0
+model,"currency.currency,name",zwd,Zimbabwe Dollar,Dólar de Zimbawe,0
+model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Manejo de Moneda,0
+view,currency.currency,0,Rate,Tasa de Cambio,0
+view,currency.currency,0,Rates,Tasas de Cambio,0
diff --git a/fr_FR.csv b/fr_FR.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2b124f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fr_FR.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+error,currency.currency,0,No rate found for the currency: %s at the date: %s,Pas de taux trouvé pour la devise: %s à la date: %s,0
+field,"currency.currency,digits",0,Diplay Digits,Décimale Affichée,0
+field,"currency.currency,rate",0,Current rate,Taux Actuel,0
+field,"currency.currency,rounding",0,Rounding factor,Facteur d'Arrondi,0
+model,"ir.ui.menu,name",menu_currency,Currency Management,Gestion des Devises,0
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..861a9f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+tag_build =
+tag_date = 0
+tag_svn_revision = 0
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cffe68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+import re
+info = eval(file('__tryton__.py').read())
+requires = []
+for dep in info.get('depends', []):
+ match = re.compile(
+ '(ir|res|workflow|webdav)((\s|$|<|>|<=|>=|==|!=).*?$)').match(dep)
+ if match:
+ continue
+ else:
+ dep = 'trytond_' + dep
+ requires.append(dep)
+major_version, minor_version, _ = info.get('version', '0.0.1').split('.', 2)
+requires.append('trytond >= %s.%s' % (major_version, minor_version))
+requires.append('trytond < %s.%s' % (major_version, str(int(minor_version) + 1)))
+ version=info.get('version', '0.0.1'),
+ description=info.get('description', ''),
+ author=info.get('author', ''),
+ author_email=info.get('email', ''),
+ url=info.get('website', ''),
+ package_dir={'trytond.modules.currency': '.'},
+ packages=[
+ 'trytond.modules.currency',
+ ],
+ package_data={
+ 'trytond.modules.currency': info.get('xml', []) \
+ + info.get('translation', []),
+ },
+ classifiers=[
+ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
+ 'Environment :: Plugins',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Legal Industry',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Manufacturing',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
+ 'Natural Language :: English',
+ 'Natural Language :: French',
+ 'Natural Language :: German',
+ 'Natural Language :: Spanish',
+ 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python',
+ 'Topic :: Office/Business',
+ ],
+ license='GPL-3',
+ install_requires=requires,
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f927de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: trytond-currency
+Version: 1.0.0
+Summary: Define currencies and exchange rate.
+Allow to customize the formatting of the currency amount.
+Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
+Author: B2CK
+Author-email: info at b2ck.com
+License: GPL-3
+Description: UNKNOWN
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Environment :: Plugins
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Legal Industry
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Manufacturing
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+Classifier: Natural Language :: English
+Classifier: Natural Language :: French
+Classifier: Natural Language :: German
+Classifier: Natural Language :: Spanish
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Topic :: Office/Business
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d07fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2ef220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+trytond >= 1.0
+trytond < 1.1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/top_level.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/top_level.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93df119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/top_level.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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