[tryton-debian-vcs] tryton-server branch debian updated. debian/3.0.2-2-3-g8847d9c

Mathias Behrle tryton-debian-vcs at alioth.debian.org
Wed Mar 12 15:54:36 UTC 2014

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:

commit 8847d9c2c811299981b9c08ba524f3a1b427d818
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date:   Wed Mar 12 16:53:33 2014 +0100

    Reviewing and updating README.Debian.

diff --git a/debian/tryton-server.README.Debian b/debian/tryton-server.README.Debian
index 078ba8c..d2130ce 100644
--- a/debian/tryton-server.README.Debian
+++ b/debian/tryton-server.README.Debian
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 tryton-server for Debian
+Preparing the database
 Tryton uses a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) to store data. The
 preferred RDBMS for Tryton is PostgreSQL.
@@ -10,56 +13,59 @@ preferred RDBMS for Tryton is PostgreSQL.
 You have to setup this database manually. Here is a short explanation how to
 achieve this (you need to execute all commands as root):
-  0. Making sure, PostgreSQL is running:
+  * Making sure, PostgreSQL is running:
-     # /etc/init.d/postgresql* restart
+    # /etc/init.d/postgresql* restart
-     Note: Make sure you have setup database password authentication. Please
-     refer to the PostgreSQL manual how to do this.
+    Note: Make sure you have setup database password authentication. Please
+    refer to the PostgreSQL manual how to do this.
-  1. Creating the database user:
+  * Creating the database user:
-     # su - postgres -c "createuser --createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser \
-       --pwprompt tryton"
+    # su - postgres -c "createuser --createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser \
+        --pwprompt tryton"
-     You have to enter
-     * a password for the future database user (this will be used later in the
-       setup of /etc/trytond.conf as db_password)
-     * confirm it
-     * and finally enter the password of the postgres superuser.
+    You have to enter
+    * a password for the future database user (this will be used later in the
+      setup of /etc/trytond.conf as db_password)
+    * confirm it
+    * and finally enter the password of the postgres superuser.
-     Note: If you want to run the database as another user than 'tryton', you
-     need to replace 'tryton' above with the user you want to use instead, and
-     you need to adjust in the same way 'db_user = tryton' in /etc/trytond.conf.
+    Note: If you want to run the database as another user than 'tryton', you
+    need to replace 'tryton' above with the user you want to use instead, and
+    you need to adjust in the same way 'db_user = tryton' in /etc/trytond.conf.
-  2. Setting up the Tryton server (trytond)
+Preparing the Tryton server
-     Adjust /etc/trytond.conf to reflect the setup of your system and use the
-     database user and password from step 1 for db_user and db_password.
+  * Setting up the Tryton server (trytond):
-     Also edit db_host and db_port to point to your PostgreSQL database server,
-     if not running on localhost and/or on non standard port (5432).
+    Adjust /etc/trytond.conf to reflect the setup of your system and use the
+    database user and password from step 1 for db_user and db_password.
-  3. Restarting trytond:
+    Also edit db_host and db_port to point to your PostgreSQL database server,
+    if not running on localhost and/or on non standard port (5432).
-     # /etc/init.d/tryton-server restart
+  * Restarting trytond:
+    # /etc/init.d/tryton-server restart
 Note: The following steps (4-5) can also be performed easily from the Tryton
 Client and are not mandatory to be done here.
-  4. Creating the database:
+  * Creating the database:
-     # su - postgres -c "createdb --encoding=UNICODE --owner=tryton tryton"
+    # su - postgres -c "createdb --encoding=UNICODE --owner=tryton tryton"
-     Note: Use your database user for tryton as owner of the database, and enter
-     a name for the database (here as default: tryton).
+    Note: Use your database user for tryton as owner of the database, and enter
+    a name for the database (here as default: tryton).
-  5. Initialize the database:
+  * Initializing the database:
-     # /usr/bin/trytond -i all -d tryton
+    # /usr/bin/trytond -i all -d tryton
-     Note: Use the database name you chose in step 4 (here as default: tryton).
-     You will be asked for the admin password for this database.
+    Note: Use the database name you chose in step 4 (here as default: tryton).
+    You will be asked for the admin password for this database.
@@ -88,8 +94,9 @@ Now, you're finished. Please be aware of the following things:
   * trytond must have read access to its configuration file, otherwise it will
     start with internal defaults. The postinst script will (re)set ownership to
-    the system user running trytond and correct permissions on the standard
-    configuration file (/etc/tryond.conf).
+    the system user running trytond and correct the permissions on the standard
+    configuration file (/etc/tryond.conf), if not otherwise stated by means of
+    dpkg-statoverride.
   * trytond listens by default on port 8000 (jsonrpc). If you need to change
     this, edit /etc/trytond.conf and replace 'jsonrpc = <interface>:8000' with
@@ -113,4 +120,4 @@ Now, you're finished. Please be aware of the following things:
   * Only the same major version of Tryton client and Tryton server can connect.
- -- Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>  Sun, 24 Nov 2013 18:45:00 +0100
+ -- Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>  Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:45:00 +0100
commit 186c1d83dead35f0dfc4899b20e37bd4492d8f2b
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date:   Wed Mar 12 16:33:58 2014 +0100

    Adding the tryton user to the ssl-cert group on fresh installs.

diff --git a/debian/tryton-server.postinst b/debian/tryton-server.postinst
index cb739b5..dc6edd5 100644
--- a/debian/tryton-server.postinst
+++ b/debian/tryton-server.postinst
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ case "${1}" in
 				chmod 0750 "${_DIRECTORY}"
+		# Add the tryton user to the ssl-cert group on fresh installs
+		if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+			if getent group ssl-cert > /dev/null 2>&1
+			then
+				adduser --quiet ${TRYTON_USER} ssl-cert
+			fi
+		fi
commit 6a2377f20b026b2708f3698706cea4bec54b9ac0
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date:   Wed Mar 12 16:13:53 2014 +0100

    Removing  LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 as build environment.
    When a build fails due to encoding errors with LC_ALL=C, the error
    should be fixed at the correct layer. Thanks to Raphael Hertzog
    for pointing this out.

diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index c5899d4..0ad01e1 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
-# needed for pbuilder
-export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
 export PYBUILD_DESTDIR_python2=debian/tryton-server
 # Don't run tests for Tryton packages, they try to download dependencies from pypi

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