[tryton-debian-vcs] tryton-modules-purchase-invoice-line-standalone annotated tag debian/3.0.1-1 created. debian/3.0.1-1
Mathias Behrle
tryton-debian-vcs at alioth.debian.org
Mon May 12 16:10:04 UTC 2014
The following commit has been merged in the debian/3.0.1-1 branch:
tagging 887cfb7f249ba045c40ed3166e5d434f4bb0a1fd (commit)
replaces debian/3.0.0-3
tagged by Mathias Behrle
on Mon May 12 16:14:58 2014 +0200
Tagging debian version 3.0.1-1.
Mathias Behrle (6):
Removing LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 as build environment.
Setting the branch in the watch file to the fixed version 3.0.
Updating signing key while using now plain .asc files instead of .pgp binaries.
Merging upstream version 3.0.1.
Updating copyright file.
Releasing debian version 3.0.1-1.
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