[tryton-debian-vcs] tryton-modules-currency branch debian updated. debian/3.2.0-1-5-g5061a1b
Mathias Behrle
tryton-debian-vcs at alioth.debian.org
Thu Oct 23 12:15:52 UTC 2014
The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit 5061a1be6327126bfaaf7268c9d949db4f79b833
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Thu Oct 23 13:32:02 2014 +0200
Releasing debian version 3.4.0-1.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index cb38067..78fd3db 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+tryton-modules-currency (3.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Updating signing key while using now plain .asc files instead of .pgp
+ binaries.
+ * Adding actual upstream signing key.
+ * Updating to Standards-Version: 3.9.6, no changes needed.
+ * Merging upstream version 3.4.0.
+ -- Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz> Tue, 21 Oct 2014 20:24:05 +0200
tryton-modules-currency (3.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Removing LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 as build environment.
commit b9a920c65261a980e1aabcdaa324c624e700784e
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date: Tue Oct 21 11:29:13 2014 +0200
Merging upstream version 3.4.0.
index 7c4d480..c2c740e 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 3.4.0 - 2014-10-20
+* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
Version 3.2.0 - 2014-04-21
* Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index a8cf621..73d36f0 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond_currency
-Version: 3.2.0
+Version: 3.4.0
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
Author-email: issue_tracker at tryton.org
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/3.2/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/3.4/
Description: trytond_currency
diff --git a/locale/de_DE.po b/locale/de_DE.po
index 8cedbad..2e0a5de 100644
--- a/locale/de_DE.po
+++ b/locale/de_DE.po
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ msgstr "Arubanischer Gulden"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
-msgstr "Aserbeidschan Manat"
+msgstr "Aserbeidschanischer Manat"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
msgid "Convertible Marks"
-msgstr "Konvertible Mark"
+msgstr "Konvertierbare Mark"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
msgid "Barbados Dollar"
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ msgstr "Kanadischer Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Kongo-Franc"
+msgstr "Kongolesischer Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ msgstr "Renminbi-Yuan"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
msgid "Colombian Peso"
-msgstr "Kolumbischer Peso"
+msgstr "Kolumbianischer Peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ msgstr "Fidschi-Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
-msgstr "Falkland Pfund"
+msgstr "Falkland-Pfund"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
msgid "Pound Sterling"
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ msgstr "Rupie"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
-msgstr "Schekel"
+msgstr "Neuer Israelischer Schekel"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
msgid "Indian Rupee"
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ msgstr "Moldau Leu"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
-msgstr "Madagassischer Ariary"
+msgstr "Madagaskar-Ariary"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
msgid "Denar"
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ msgstr "Mauritius-Rupie"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
msgid "Rufiyaa"
-msgstr "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Malediven-Rufiyaa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
msgid "Kwacha"
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ msgstr "Malaysischer Ringgit"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
msgid "Metical"
-msgstr "Metical"
+msgstr "Mosambik-Metical"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
msgid "Namibia Dollar"
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ msgstr "Pakistanische Rupie"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
msgid "Zloty"
-msgstr "Zloty"
+msgstr "Złoty"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
msgid "Guarani"
@@ -760,27 +760,27 @@ msgstr "Tansanischer Schilling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
msgid "Hryvnia"
-msgstr "Hrywnja"
+msgstr "Hryvnia"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
msgid "Uganda Shilling"
-msgstr "Uganda-Schilling"
+msgstr "Ugandischer Schilling"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
msgid "US Dollar"
-msgstr "US Dollar"
+msgstr "US-Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
-msgstr "US Dollar (Nächster Tag)"
+msgstr "US-Dollar (Nächster Tag)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
-msgstr "US Dollar (Gleicher Tag)"
+msgstr "US-Dollar (Gleicher Tag)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
-msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Uruguayischer Peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
@@ -788,11 +788,11 @@ msgstr "Uruguayischer Peso"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
-msgstr "Usbekischer Soʻm"
+msgstr "Usbekischer Sum"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
-msgstr "Bolívar Fuerte"
+msgstr "Venezolanischer Bolivar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
msgid "Dong"
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ msgstr "Tala"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
-msgstr "CFA Franc (Äquatorial)"
+msgstr "CFA-Franc (Äquatorial)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
msgid "Silver"
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ msgstr "Gold"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
-msgstr "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "Europäische Rechnungseinheit (EURCO)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ msgstr "Ostkaribischer Dollar"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
-msgstr "Sonderziehungsrecht"
+msgstr "Sonderziehungsrechte des IWF"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ msgstr "UIC-Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
-msgstr "CFA Franc (West)"
+msgstr "CFA-Franc (West)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
msgid "Palladium"
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ msgstr "Palladium"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
msgid "CFP Franc"
-msgstr "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "CFP-Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
msgid "Platinum"
diff --git a/locale/es_CO.po b/locale/es_CO.po
index b9b697e..6e5a534 100644
--- a/locale/es_CO.po
+++ b/locale/es_CO.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr "Una moneda solo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr "La tasa de moneda debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
+msgstr "La tasa de cambio debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr "Agrupación inválida \"%(grouping)s\" en moneda \"%(currency)s\""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio no emcontrada para la moneda \"%(currency)s\" el \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr "Tasa de cambio no encontrada para la moneda \"%(currency)s\" el \"%(date)s\""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ msgstr "Tasa de cambio actual"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
+msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
diff --git a/locale/es_CO.po b/locale/es_EC.po
similarity index 98%
copy from locale/es_CO.po
copy to locale/es_EC.po
index b9b697e..da908fc 100644
--- a/locale/es_CO.po
+++ b/locale/es_EC.po
@@ -8,15 +8,17 @@ msgstr "Una moneda solo puede tener una tasa de cambio por fecha."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr "La tasa de moneda debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
+msgstr "La tasa de cambio de la moneda debe ser mayor o igual a 0"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
-msgstr "Agrupación inválida \"%(grouping)s\" en moneda \"%(currency)s\""
+msgstr "Agrupación \"%(grouping)s\" en la moneda \"%(currency)s\" no es válida."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio no emcontrada para la moneda \"%(currency)s\" el \"%(date)s\""
+msgstr ""
+"No se ha encontrado ninguna tasa de cambio para la moneda \"%(currency)s\" "
+"en la fecha \"%(date)s\"."
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ msgstr "Tasa de cambio actual"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Tasas de cambio"
+msgstr "Tasas de Cambio"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
@@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ msgstr "ID"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa de cambio"
+msgstr "Tasa de Cambio"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
diff --git a/locale/fr_FR.po b/locale/fr_FR.po
index 7ce7760..1f6c8dd 100644
--- a/locale/fr_FR.po
+++ b/locale/fr_FR.po
@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@ msgstr "Le taux de la devise doit être plus grand ou égal à zéro"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
-msgstr "Le groupement \"%(grouping)s\" de la devise \"%(currency)s\" est invalide."
+msgstr ""
+"Le groupement « %(grouping)s » de la devise « %(currency)s » est invalide."
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
-msgstr "Aucun taux trouvé pour la devise \"%s\" à la date \"%s\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Aucun taux trouvé pour la devise « %(currency)s » à la date « %(date)s »."
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
diff --git a/locale/de_DE.po b/locale/lt_LT.po
similarity index 74%
copy from locale/de_DE.po
copy to locale/lt_LT.po
index 8cedbad..2c33413 100644
--- a/locale/de_DE.po
+++ b/locale/lt_LT.po
@@ -4,211 +4,211 @@ msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "A currency can only have one rate by date."
-msgstr "Es kann nur einen Kurs pro Datum für eine Währung geben."
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "The currency rate must greater than or equal to 0"
-msgstr "Der Kurs muss größer oder gleich 0 sein"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "Invalid grouping \"%(grouping)s\" on currency \"%(currency)s\"."
-msgstr "Ungültige Gruppierung \"%(grouping)s\" in Währung \"%(currency)s\"."
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "error:currency.currency:"
msgid "No rate found for currency \"%(currency)s\" on \"%(date)s\""
-msgstr "Fehlender Kurs für Währung \"%(currency)s\" am \"%(date)s\"."
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,active:"
msgid "Active"
-msgstr "Aktiv"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,code:"
msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Code"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr "Erstellungsdatum"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Erstellt durch"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
-msgstr "Angezeigte Nachkommastellen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,id:"
msgid "ID"
-msgstr "ID"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_decimal_point:"
msgid "Decimal Separator"
-msgstr "Dezimalpunkt Währung"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_grouping:"
msgid "Grouping"
-msgstr "Gruppierung Währung"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,mon_thousands_sep:"
msgid "Thousands Separator"
-msgstr "Tausendertrennzeichen Währung"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Negative Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr "Negativer Wert mit führendem Symbol"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Negative Separate by Space"
-msgstr "Negativer Wert durch Leerzeichen getrennt"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,n_sign_posn:"
msgid "Negative Sign Position"
-msgstr "Position negatives Vorzeichen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Name"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,negative_sign:"
msgid "Negative Sign"
-msgstr "Negatives Vorzeichen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,numeric_code:"
msgid "Numeric Code"
-msgstr "Numerischer Code"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_cs_precedes:"
msgid "Positive Currency Symbol Precedes"
-msgstr "Positiver Wert mit führendem Symbol"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sep_by_space:"
msgid "Positive Separate by Space"
-msgstr "Positiver Wert durch Leerzeichen getrennt"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,p_sign_posn:"
msgid "Positive Sign Position"
-msgstr "Position positives Vorzeichen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,positive_sign:"
msgid "Positive Sign"
-msgstr "Positives Vorzeichen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rate:"
msgid "Current rate"
-msgstr "Aktueller Kurs"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rates:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Kurse"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Name"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,rounding:"
msgid "Rounding factor"
-msgstr "Rundung"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,symbol:"
msgid "Symbol"
-msgstr "Symbol"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr "Zuletzt geändert"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr "Letzte Änderung durch"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr "Erstellungsdatum"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Erstellt durch"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Währung"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,date:"
msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Datum"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,id:"
msgid "ID"
-msgstr "ID"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rate:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Kurs"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,rec_name:"
msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Name"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_date:"
msgid "Write Date"
-msgstr "Zuletzt geändert"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,write_uid:"
msgid "Write User"
-msgstr "Letzte Änderung durch"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Währung"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aed"
msgid "UAE Dirham"
-msgstr "VAE-Dirham"
+msgstr "JAE dirhamas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:afn"
msgid "Afghani"
-msgstr "Afghani"
+msgstr "Afganis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:all"
msgid "Lek"
-msgstr "Lek"
+msgstr "Lekas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:amd"
msgid "Armenian Dram"
-msgstr "Armenischer Dram"
+msgstr "Armėnijos dramas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ang"
msgid "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"
-msgstr "Niederländische Antillen-Gulden"
+msgstr "Olandijos Antilų guldenas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aoa"
msgid "Kwanza"
-msgstr "Kwanza"
+msgstr "Kvanza"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ars"
msgid "Argentine Peso"
-msgstr "Argentinischer Peso"
+msgstr "Argentinos pesas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:aud"
msgid "Australian Dollar"
-msgstr "Australischer Dollar"
+msgstr "Australijos doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:awg"
msgid "Aruban Guilder"
-msgstr "Arubanischer Gulden"
+msgstr "Arubos guldenas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:azn"
msgid "Azerbaijanian Manat"
-msgstr "Aserbeidschan Manat"
+msgstr "Azerbaidžano manatas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bam"
msgid "Convertible Marks"
-msgstr "Konvertible Mark"
+msgstr "Konvertuojamoji markė"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bbd"
msgid "Barbados Dollar"
-msgstr "Barbados-Dollar"
+msgstr "Barbadoso doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bdt"
msgid "Taka"
@@ -216,27 +216,27 @@ msgstr "Taka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bgn"
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
-msgstr "Bulgarischer Lev"
+msgstr "Bulgarijos levas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bhd"
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
-msgstr "Bahrain-Dinar"
+msgstr "Bahreino dinaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bif"
msgid "Burundi Franc"
-msgstr "Burundi-Franc"
+msgstr "Burundžio frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bmd"
msgid "Bermudian Dollar"
-msgstr "Bermuda-Dollar"
+msgstr "Bermudos doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bnd"
msgid "Brunei Dollar"
-msgstr "Brunei-Dollar"
+msgstr "Brunėjaus doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bob"
msgid "Boliviano"
-msgstr "Bolivischer Boliviano"
+msgstr "Bolivijanas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bov"
msgid "Mvdol"
@@ -244,15 +244,15 @@ msgstr "Mvdol"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:brl"
msgid "Brazilian Real"
-msgstr "Brasilianischer Real"
+msgstr "Brazilijos realas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bsd"
msgid "Bahamian Dollar"
-msgstr "Bahama-Dollar"
+msgstr "Bahamų doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:btn"
msgid "Ngultrum"
-msgstr "Ngultrum"
+msgstr "Ngultrumas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bwp"
msgid "Pula"
@@ -260,31 +260,31 @@ msgstr "Pula"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:byr"
msgid "Belarussian Ruble"
-msgstr "Weißrussischer Rubel"
+msgstr "Baltarusijos rublis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:bzd"
msgid "Belize Dollar"
-msgstr "Belize-Dollar"
+msgstr "Belizo doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cad"
msgid "Canadian Dollar"
-msgstr "Kanadischer Dollar"
+msgstr "Kanados doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cdf"
msgid "Congolese Franc"
-msgstr "Kongo-Franc"
+msgstr "Congolese Franc"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:che"
msgid "WIR Euro"
-msgstr "WIR Euro"
+msgstr "WIR euras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chf"
msgid "Swiss Franc"
-msgstr "Schweizer Franken"
+msgstr "Šveicarijos frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:chw"
msgid "WIR Franc"
-msgstr "WIR Franc"
+msgstr "WIR frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clf"
msgid "Unidades de fomento"
@@ -292,15 +292,15 @@ msgstr "Unidades de fomento"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:clp"
msgid "Chilean Peso"
-msgstr "Chilenischer Peso"
+msgstr "Čilės pesas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cny"
msgid "Yuan Renminbi"
-msgstr "Renminbi-Yuan"
+msgstr "Renminbi juanis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cop"
msgid "Colombian Peso"
-msgstr "Kolumbischer Peso"
+msgstr "Kolumbijos pesas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cou"
msgid "Unidad de Valor Real"
@@ -308,47 +308,47 @@ msgstr "Unidad de Valor Real"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:crc"
msgid "Costa Rican Colon"
-msgstr "Costa Rica Colon"
+msgstr "Kosta Rikos kolonas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cup"
msgid "Cuban Peso"
-msgstr "Kubanischer Peso"
+msgstr "Kubos pesas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cve"
msgid "Cape Verde Escudo"
-msgstr "Kap-Verde-Escudo"
+msgstr "Žaliojo Kyšulio eskudas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:cyp"
msgid "Cyprus Pound"
-msgstr "Zypriotisches Pfund"
+msgstr "Kipro svaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:czk"
msgid "Czech Koruna"
-msgstr "Tschechische Krone"
+msgstr "Čekijos krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:djf"
msgid "Djibouti Franc"
-msgstr "Djibouti-Franc"
+msgstr "Džibučio frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dkk"
msgid "Danish Krone"
-msgstr "Dänische Krone"
+msgstr "Danijos krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dop"
msgid "Dominican Peso"
-msgstr "Dominikanischer Peso"
+msgstr "Dominikos pesas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:dzd"
msgid "Algerian Dinar"
-msgstr "Algerischer Dinar"
+msgstr "Alžyro dinaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eek"
msgid "Kroon"
-msgstr "Estnische Krone"
+msgstr "Krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:egp"
msgid "Egyptian Pound"
-msgstr "Ägyptisches Pfund"
+msgstr "Egipto svaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ern"
msgid "Nakfa"
@@ -356,55 +356,55 @@ msgstr "Nakfa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:etb"
msgid "Ethiopian Birr"
-msgstr "Äthiopischer Birr"
+msgstr "Etiopijos biras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:eur"
msgid "Euro"
-msgstr "Euro"
+msgstr "Euras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fjd"
msgid "Fiji Dollar"
-msgstr "Fidschi-Dollar"
+msgstr "Fidžio doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:fkp"
msgid "Falkland Islands Pound"
-msgstr "Falkland Pfund"
+msgstr "Falklando salų svaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gbp"
msgid "Pound Sterling"
-msgstr "Pfund Sterling"
+msgstr "Svaras sterlingų"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gel"
msgid "Lari"
-msgstr "Lari"
+msgstr "Laris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ghs"
msgid "Ghana Cedi"
-msgstr "Ghanaischer Cedi"
+msgstr "Ganos cedis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gip"
msgid "Gibraltar Pound"
-msgstr "Gibraltar-Pfund"
+msgstr "Gibraltaro svaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gmd"
msgid "Dalasi"
-msgstr "Dalasi"
+msgstr "Dalasis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gnf"
msgid "Guinea Franc"
-msgstr "Guinea-Franc"
+msgstr "Gvinėjos frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gtq"
msgid "Quetzal"
-msgstr "Quetzal"
+msgstr "Ketcalis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:gyd"
msgid "Guyana Dollar"
-msgstr "Guyana-Dollar"
+msgstr "Gajanos doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hkd"
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
-msgstr "Hongkong-Dollar"
+msgstr "Honkongo doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hnl"
msgid "Lempira"
@@ -412,187 +412,187 @@ msgstr "Lempira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:hrk"
msgid "Croatian Kuna"
-msgstr "Kuna"
+msgstr "Kroatijos kuna"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:htg"
msgid "Gourde"
-msgstr "Gourde"
+msgstr "Gurdas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:huf"
msgid "Forint"
-msgstr "Forint"
+msgstr "Forintas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:idr"
msgid "Rupiah"
-msgstr "Rupie"
+msgstr "Rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ils"
msgid "New Israeli Sheqel"
-msgstr "Schekel"
+msgstr "Naujasis Izraelio šekelis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:inr"
msgid "Indian Rupee"
-msgstr "Indische Rupie"
+msgstr "Indijos rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:iqd"
msgid "Iraqi Dinar"
-msgstr "Irakischer Dinar"
+msgstr "Irako dinaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:irr"
msgid "Iranian Rial"
-msgstr "Iranischer Rial"
+msgstr "Irano rialas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:isk"
msgid "Iceland Krona"
-msgstr "Isländische Krone"
+msgstr "Islandijos krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jmd"
msgid "Jamaican Dollar"
-msgstr "Jamaikanischer Dollar"
+msgstr "Jamaikos doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jod"
msgid "Jordanian Dinar"
-msgstr "Jordanischer Dinar"
+msgstr "Jordanijos dinaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:jpy"
msgid "Yen"
-msgstr "Yen"
+msgstr "Jena"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kes"
msgid "Kenyan Shilling"
-msgstr "Kenianischer Shilling"
+msgstr "Kenijos šilingas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kgs"
msgid "Som"
-msgstr "Som"
+msgstr "Somas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:khr"
msgid "Riel"
-msgstr "Riel"
+msgstr "Rielis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kmf"
msgid "Comoro Franc"
-msgstr "Komoren-Franc"
+msgstr "Komorų frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kpw"
msgid "North Korean Won"
-msgstr "Nordkoreanischer Won"
+msgstr "Šiaurės Korėjos vonas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:krw"
msgid "Won"
-msgstr "Won"
+msgstr "Vonas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kwd"
msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
-msgstr "Kuwait-Dinar"
+msgstr "Kuveito dinaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kyd"
msgid "Cayman Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Kaiman-Dollar"
+msgstr "Kaimanų salų doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:kzt"
msgid "Tenge"
-msgstr "Tenge"
+msgstr "Tengė"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lak"
msgid "Kip"
-msgstr "Kip"
+msgstr "Kipas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lbp"
msgid "Lebanese Pound"
-msgstr "Libanesisches Pfund"
+msgstr "Libano svaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lkr"
msgid "Sri Lanka Rupee"
-msgstr "Sri-Lanka-Rupie"
+msgstr "Šri Lankos rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lrd"
msgid "Liberian Dollar"
-msgstr "Liberianischer Dollar"
+msgstr "Liberijos doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lsl"
msgid "Loti"
-msgstr "Loti"
+msgstr "Lotis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ltl"
msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
-msgstr "Litauischer Litas"
+msgstr "Lietuvos litas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lvl"
msgid "Latvian Lats"
-msgstr "Lettischer Lats"
+msgstr "Latvijos latas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:lyd"
msgid "Libyan Dinar"
-msgstr "Libyscher Dinar"
+msgstr "Libijos dinaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mad"
msgid "Moroccan Dirham"
-msgstr "Marokkanischer Dirham"
+msgstr "Maroko dirhamas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mdl"
msgid "Moldovan Leu"
-msgstr "Moldau Leu"
+msgstr "Moldovos lėja"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mga"
msgid "Malagasy Ariary"
-msgstr "Madagassischer Ariary"
+msgstr "Madagaskaro ariaris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mkd"
msgid "Denar"
-msgstr "Denar"
+msgstr "Denaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mmk"
msgid "Kyat"
-msgstr "Kyat"
+msgstr "Kijatas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mnt"
msgid "Tugrik"
-msgstr "Tugrik"
+msgstr "Tugrikas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mop"
msgid "Pataca"
-msgstr "Pataca"
+msgstr "Pataka"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mro"
msgid "Ouguiya"
-msgstr "Ouguiya"
+msgstr "Ugija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mtl"
msgid "Maltese Lira"
-msgstr "Maltesische Lira"
+msgstr "Maltos lira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mur"
msgid "Mauritius Rupee"
-msgstr "Mauritius-Rupie"
+msgstr "Mauricijaus rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mvr"
msgid "Rufiyaa"
-msgstr "Rufiyaa"
+msgstr "Rufija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mwk"
msgid "Kwacha"
-msgstr "Kwacha"
+msgstr "Kvača"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxn"
msgid "Mexican Peso"
-msgstr "Mexikanischer Peso"
+msgstr "Meksikos pesas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mxv"
msgid "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
-msgstr "Mexikanische Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
+msgstr "Meksikos Unidad de Inversion (UDI)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:myr"
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
-msgstr "Malaysischer Ringgit"
+msgstr "Malaizijos ringitas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:mzn"
msgid "Metical"
-msgstr "Metical"
+msgstr "Metikalas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nad"
msgid "Namibia Dollar"
-msgstr "Namibia-Dollar"
+msgstr "Namibijos doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ngn"
msgid "Naira"
@@ -600,23 +600,23 @@ msgstr "Naira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nio"
msgid "Cordoba Oro"
-msgstr "Cordoba Oro"
+msgstr "Kordobos oras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nok"
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
-msgstr "Norwegische Krone"
+msgstr "Norvegijos krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:npr"
msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
-msgstr "Nepalesische Rupie"
+msgstr "Nepalo rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:nzd"
msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
-msgstr "Neuseeland-Dollar"
+msgstr "Naujosios Zelandijos doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:omr"
msgid "Rial Omani"
-msgstr "Rial Omani"
+msgstr "Omano rialas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pab"
msgid "Balboa"
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ msgstr "Balboa"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pen"
msgid "Nuevo Sol"
-msgstr "Neuer Sol"
+msgstr "Naujasis solis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pgk"
msgid "Kina"
@@ -632,79 +632,79 @@ msgstr "Kina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:php"
msgid "Philippine Peso"
-msgstr "Philippinischer Peso"
+msgstr "Filipinų pesas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pkr"
msgid "Pakistan Rupee"
-msgstr "Pakistanische Rupie"
+msgstr "Pakistano rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pln"
msgid "Zloty"
-msgstr "Zloty"
+msgstr "Zlotas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:pyg"
msgid "Guarani"
-msgstr "Guarani"
+msgstr "Guaranis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:qar"
msgid "Qatari Rial"
-msgstr "Katar-Rial"
+msgstr "Kataro rialas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ron"
msgid "New Leu"
-msgstr "Neuer Leu"
+msgstr "Naujoji lėja"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rsd"
msgid "Serbian Dinar"
-msgstr "Serbischer Dinar"
+msgstr "Serbijos dinaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rub"
msgid "Russian Ruble"
-msgstr "Russischer Rubel"
+msgstr "Rusijos rublis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:rwf"
msgid "Rwanda Franc"
-msgstr "Ruandischer Franc"
+msgstr "Ruandos frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sar"
msgid "Saudi Riyal"
-msgstr "Saudi-Arabischer Rial"
+msgstr "Saudo Arabijos rialas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sbd"
msgid "Solomon Islands Dollar"
-msgstr "Salomonen-Dollar"
+msgstr "Saliamono salų doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:scr"
msgid "Seychelles Rupee"
-msgstr "Seychellen-Rupie"
+msgstr "Seišelių rupija"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sdg"
msgid "Sudanese Pound"
-msgstr "Sudanesisches Pfund"
+msgstr "Sudano svaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sek"
msgid "Swedish Krona"
-msgstr "Schwedische Krone"
+msgstr "Švedijos krona"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sgd"
msgid "Singapore Dollar"
-msgstr "Singapur-Dollar"
+msgstr "Singapūro doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:shp"
msgid "Saint Helena Pound"
-msgstr "St.-Helena-Pfund"
+msgstr "Šv.Elenos svaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sll"
msgid "Leone"
-msgstr "Leone"
+msgstr "Leonė"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:sos"
msgid "Somali Shilling"
-msgstr "Somalischer Schilling"
+msgstr "Somalio šilingas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:srd"
msgid "Surinam Dollar"
-msgstr "Surinam-Dollar"
+msgstr "Surinamo doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:std"
msgid "Dobra"
@@ -712,91 +712,91 @@ msgstr "Dobra"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:svc"
msgid "El Salvador Colon"
-msgstr "El Salvador Colon"
+msgstr "Salvadoro kolonas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:syp"
msgid "Syrian Pound"
-msgstr "Syrisches Pfund"
+msgstr "Sirijos svaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:szl"
msgid "Lilangeni"
-msgstr "Lilangeni"
+msgstr "Lilangenis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:thb"
msgid "Baht"
-msgstr "Baht"
+msgstr "Batas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tjs"
msgid "Somoni"
-msgstr "Somoni"
+msgstr "Somonis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tmm"
msgid "Manat"
-msgstr "Manat"
+msgstr "Manatas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tnd"
msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
-msgstr "Tunesischer Dinar"
+msgstr "Tuniso dinaras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:top"
msgid "Pa'anga"
-msgstr "Pa'anga"
+msgstr "Panga"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:try"
msgid "New Turkish Lira"
-msgstr "Neue Türkische Lira"
+msgstr "Naujoji Turkijos lira"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ttd"
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
-msgstr "Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar"
+msgstr "Trinidado ir Tobago doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:twd"
msgid "New Taiwan Dollar"
-msgstr "Neuer Taiwan-Dollar"
+msgstr "Naujasis Taivano doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:tzs"
msgid "Tanzanian Shilling"
-msgstr "Tansanischer Schilling"
+msgstr "Tanzanijos šilingas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uah"
msgid "Hryvnia"
-msgstr "Hrywnja"
+msgstr "Grivina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:ugx"
msgid "Uganda Shilling"
-msgstr "Uganda-Schilling"
+msgstr "Ugandos šilingas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usd"
msgid "US Dollar"
-msgstr "US Dollar"
+msgstr "JAV doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:usn"
msgid "US Dollar (Next day)"
-msgstr "US Dollar (Nächster Tag)"
+msgstr "JAV doleris (rytojaus)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uss"
msgid "US Dollar (Same day)"
-msgstr "US Dollar (Gleicher Tag)"
+msgstr "JAV doleris (šios dienos)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyi"
msgid "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
-msgstr "Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
+msgstr "Urugvajaus Peso en Unidades Indexadas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uyu"
msgid "Peso Uruguayo"
-msgstr "Uruguayischer Peso"
+msgstr "Urugvajaus pesas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:uzs"
msgid "Uzbekistan Sum"
-msgstr "Usbekischer Soʻm"
+msgstr "Uzbekistano sumas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vef"
msgid "Bolivar Fuerte"
-msgstr "Bolívar Fuerte"
+msgstr "Bolivaro fuertė"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vnd"
msgid "Dong"
-msgstr "Dong"
+msgstr "Dongas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:vuv"
msgid "Vatu"
@@ -808,128 +808,128 @@ msgstr "Tala"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xaf"
msgid "CFA Franc BEAC"
-msgstr "CFA Franc (Äquatorial)"
+msgstr "CFA BEAC frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xag"
msgid "Silver"
-msgstr "Silber"
+msgstr "Sidabras"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xau"
msgid "Gold"
-msgstr "Gold"
+msgstr "Auksas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xba"
msgid "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
-msgstr "European Composite Unit (EURCO)"
+msgstr "Europos suvestinės vienetas (EURCO)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbb"
msgid "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"
-msgstr "Europäische Währungseinheit (E.M.U.-6)"
+msgstr "Europos piniginis vienetas (E.M.U.-6)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbc"
msgid "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
-msgstr "Europäische Rechnungseinheit 9 (E.U.A.-9)"
+msgstr "Europos valiutos/apskaitos vienetas (E.U.A.-9)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xbd"
msgid "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
-msgstr "Europäische Rechnungseinheit 17 (E.U.A.-17)"
+msgstr "Europos valiutos/apskaitos vienetas (E.U.A.-17)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xcd"
msgid "East Caribbean Dollar"
-msgstr "Ostkaribischer Dollar"
+msgstr "Rytų Karibų doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xdr"
msgid "Special Drawing Rights"
-msgstr "Sonderziehungsrecht"
+msgstr "SDR Tarptautinis valiutos fondas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfo"
msgid "Gold-Franc"
-msgstr "Gold-Franc"
+msgstr "Auksinis frankas (speciali atsiskaitymų valiuta)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xfu"
msgid "UIC-Franc"
-msgstr "UIC-Franc"
+msgstr "Uic frankas (speciali atsiskaitymų valiuta)"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xof"
msgid "CFA Franc BCEAO"
-msgstr "CFA Franc (West)"
+msgstr "CFA BCEAO frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpd"
msgid "Palladium"
-msgstr "Palladium"
+msgstr "Paladis"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpf"
msgid "CFP Franc"
-msgstr "CFP Franc"
+msgstr "CFP frankas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xpt"
msgid "Platinum"
-msgstr "Platin"
+msgstr "Platina"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xts"
msgid "Code for testing purposes"
-msgstr "Testcode"
+msgstr "Specialios paskirties rezervinis kodas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:xxx"
msgid "No currency"
-msgstr "Keine Währung"
+msgstr "Nevaliutinės operacijos"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:yer"
msgid "Yemeni Rial"
-msgstr "Jemenitischer Rial"
+msgstr "Jemeno rialas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zar"
msgid "Rand"
-msgstr "Rand"
+msgstr "Randas"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zmk"
msgid "Zambian Kwacha"
-msgstr "Sambischer Kwacha"
+msgstr "Zambian Kwacha"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency,name:zwd"
msgid "Zimbabwe Dollar"
-msgstr "Simbabwe-Dollar"
+msgstr "Zimbabvės doleris"
msgctxt "model:currency.currency.rate,name:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Kurs"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:ir.action,name:act_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Währungen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Währungen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:ir.ui.menu,name:menu_currency_form"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Währungen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "model:res.group,name:group_currency_admin"
msgid "Currency Administration"
-msgstr "Währungen Administration"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Kurs"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "view:currency.currency.rate:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Kurse"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currencies"
-msgstr "Währungen"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Currency"
-msgstr "Währung"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Formatting"
-msgstr "Format"
+msgstr ""
msgctxt "view:currency.currency:"
msgid "Rates"
-msgstr "Kurse"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/sl_SI.po b/locale/sl_SI.po
index 468fe0d..b89ad08 100644
--- a/locale/sl_SI.po
+++ b/locale/sl_SI.po
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ msgstr "Oznaka"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr "Ustvarjeno"
+msgstr "Izdelano"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Ustvaril"
+msgstr "Izdelal"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency,digits:"
msgid "Display Digits"
@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ msgstr "Zapisal"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_date:"
msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr "Ustvarjeno"
+msgstr "Izdelano"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,create_uid:"
msgid "Create User"
-msgstr "Ustvaril"
+msgstr "Izdelal"
msgctxt "field:currency.currency.rate,currency:"
msgid "Currency"
diff --git a/tryton.cfg b/tryton.cfg
index a1e6312..75cab80 100644
--- a/tryton.cfg
+++ b/tryton.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 2f1e85b..8f243be 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: trytond-currency
-Version: 3.2.0
+Version: 3.4.0
Summary: Tryton module with currencies
Home-page: http://www.tryton.org/
Author: Tryton
Author-email: issue_tracker at tryton.org
License: GPL-3
-Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/3.2/
+Download-URL: http://downloads.tryton.org/3.4/
Description: trytond_currency
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 1f70afa..d41cbdb 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -10,8 +10,29 @@ setup.py
@@ -20,8 +41,10 @@ locale/cs_CZ.po
diff --git a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
index 27f5014..569dee7 100644
--- a/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ b/trytond_currency.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trytond >= 3.2, < 3.3
\ No newline at end of file
+trytond >= 3.4, < 3.5
\ No newline at end of file
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