[tryton-debian-vcs] tryton-server branch debian updated. debian/3.6.1-1-2-gb849b0c

Mathias Behrle tryton-debian-vcs at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 3 23:22:36 UTC 2015

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
  discards  46a47fce2500ed3f7ec18853045d50892f604bfc (commit)

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.  That is
to say, the old revision is not a strict subset of the new revision.  This
situation occurs when you --force push a change and generate a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O (46a47fce2500ed3f7ec18853045d50892f604bfc)
             N -- N -- N (b849b0c5b7bf22eec7bd60c406bb03568e08734e)

When this happens we assume that you've already had alert emails for all
of the O revisions, and so we here report only the revisions in the N
branch from the common base, B.

commit b849b0c5b7bf22eec7bd60c406bb03568e08734e
Author: Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>
Date:   Sat Jul 4 01:11:16 2015 +0200

    Enabling tests on sqlite memory database.

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index ce624e8..5a367a3 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -8,8 +8,15 @@ Build-Depends:
  dh-systemd (>= 1.3),
  python (>= 2.6.6-3~),
+ python-dateutil,
+ python-genshi,
+ python-lxml,
+ python-mock,
+ python-polib,
+ python-relatorio,
  python-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg),
+ python-sql,
 Standards-Version: 3.9.6
 Homepage: http://www.tryton.org/
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=tryton/tryton-server.git
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 8c432ff..543d00f 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 export PYBUILD_DESTDIR_python2=debian/tryton-server
-# Don't run tests for Tryton packages, they try to download dependencies from pypi
-export PYBUILD_DISABLE_python2.7=test
+# Run tests on sqlite memory database
+# For the complete test suites refer to http://tests.tryton.org/
+export TRYTOND_DATABASE_URI=sqlite://
+export DB_NAME=:memory:
 	dh ${@} --with python2,sphinxdoc,systemd --buildsystem=pybuild

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