[tryton-debian] Force removal of gnuhealth* packages in sid
Emilien Klein
emilien+debian at klein.st
Fri Sep 19 11:19:24 UTC 2014
Hi Mathias,
2014-09-19 13:01 GMT+02:00 Mathias Behrle <mathiasb at m9s.biz>:
> * Emilien Klein: " Re: Force removal of gnuhealth* packages in sid? (Was: Re:
> GNU Health autoremove from testing)" (Thu, 18 Sep 2014 22:52:31 +0200):
>> 2014-09-18 22:35 GMT+02:00 Andreas Tille <andreas at an3as.eu>:
>> > Hi Emilien,
>> >
>> > On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:14:58PM +0200, Emilien Klein wrote:
>> >> > On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 09:09:30AM +0200, Emilien Klein wrote:
>> >> >> Who should I contact to get those removed from there as well?
>> >> >
>> >> > You can file a ROM bug report against ftp.debian.org (choose 'other' in
>> >> > the very first menu item pof reportbug).
>> >>
>> >> FYI I filed the ROM bug to remove gnuhealth from unstable:
>> >> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=762136
>> >
>> > Does this mean you have given up packaging GNUhealth at all?
>> Yes, that was the gist of my posts in June.
>> I am currently writing up a clearer post meant to debian-med, tryton
>> and upstream mailing lists.
>> The code is still available in the svn repo, should anyone want to
>> pick it up again (but read my message first, unless the release
>> schedule gets looked at there's not much point as it results in
>> unbuildable package most of the time)
>> +Emilien
> Thanks, Emilien, for clearing up further the matter.
> Sharing my personal point of view:
> With the current release cycles of Debian, Tryton and GnuHealth being not
> compatible we will run continously into the situation, where either the
> gnuhealth modules will force the Tryton suite to ship an outdated version with
> the next stable release of Debian or afford a considerable amount of work to
> split out versioned packages for gnuhealth.
> That said, the much easier way to go is to integrate the gnuhealth modules in
> the relevant sections of debian.tryton.org (carrying back- and forward ports for
> all supported Tryton series to Debian stable and testing). This will make them
> available including the bug fix releases for Tryton as well as gnuhealth, which
> is way preferable than to stick with just only security releases in Debian
> main. Of course the unhappy downside of this scenario is, that gnuhealth won't
> be in Debian main. Nevertheless I am tending to take that pill, because from a
> user point of view this is the much better experience and from the maintainer
> point of view means considerable less work.
> To sum up, from my side I will promote to take the procedure above and be happy
> to include gnuhealth into debian.tryton.org, probably not taking an evtl. RFA,
> rather comment on it with the argumentation outlined above.
> Thanks for your work,
> Mathias
I've just sent the email I wrote up yesterday with a bit more details,
but just a quick reaction on your response to indicate that I am in
line with what you wrote.
If/when you're working on integrating GNU Health into the Tryton
Debian repository, don't forget to take a look at what has already
been made in our SVN repository [0] (d/copyright file, etc.).
Hopefully this can save you some time.
[0] http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-med/trunk/packages/gnuhealth/trunk/debian/
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