[tryton-debian] Bug#847436: Bug#847436: tryton-server: Upgrade does not work without tryton-modules-webdav
Mathias Behrle
mbehrle at debian.org
Thu Dec 8 16:46:22 UTC 2016
* Raphael Hertzog: " Re: [tryton-debian] Bug#847436: tryton-server: Upgrade
does not work without tryton-modules-webdav" (Thu, 8 Dec 2016 17:04:08 +0100):
> On Thu, 08 Dec 2016, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> > The refactoring of the webdav module into a separate module was part of the
> > migration to 4.0. Wasn't that NEWS presented to you? I try to be very
> > considerate to put the very same date into NEWS and changelog and it is
> > identical for 4.0 and 4.2 AFAIS (and therefore should work).
> Yes, I saw this message. But it did not occur to me that I was actually a
> user of this module... but now checking the list of modules, it is indeed
> activated.
> Was the module enabled by default in the past? Or did I enable it manually
> at some point?
It was enabled by default in the past being an internal module of trytond like
ir and res.
> What's the purpose of the module? Does tryton-client use the webdav
> interface to accomplish something?
You can basically define collections of documents that are accessible and
modifiable (e.g. upload of documents as attachments) via a DAV client.
Another (probably more widespread) use case is for party_vcarddav (CardDAV) and
calendar* modules (CalDAV). Those protocols base on WebDAV.
> Can I uninstall it safely?
If you didn't use it, yes, sure. If there is a dependency on it, you will (or
should;) not succeed.
> > An automatic installation of the webdav module into pre-existing databases
> > that had this module installed is far beyond the scope what I can do in
> > Debian and should be part of upstream code if at all.
> >
> > I will try however to add more verbose information to the NEWS file.
> Yeah, maybe just explain that if the module was enabled in 3.8, then you
> have to manually install the package for tryton to continue to work.
Yes, thanks.
Mathias Behrle
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