[tryton-debian] Bug#785566: Bug#785566: Removing pygoocanvas after Stretch release
Mathias Behrle
mathiasb at m9s.biz
Fri Mar 24 23:29:32 UTC 2017
* Ross Gammon: " [tryton-debian] Bug#785566: Removing pygoocanvas after Stretch
release" (Fri, 24 Mar 2017 17:47:47 +0100):
Hi Ross,
> severity 785566 important
> thanks
> Hi,
> I plan to ask for the removal of pygoocanvas after Stretch is released.
> At that time, I will raise this bug's severity to serious.
Your message is in format for the control server, so didn't work. Which is kind
of fortunate, because I don't agree to raise the severity for the reasons below.
> According to the upstream bug report, version 0.3 now supports the
> latest goocanvas (2.0), so it should already be possible to depend on
> gir1.2-goocanvas-2.0 instead of python-pygoocanvas.
As https://git.gnome.org/browse/goocanvas/log/ shows, the patches in
question were merged (2016-12-15), but not yet released.
The latest release of goocanvas in Debian dates from 11 Jun 2015
[2015-08-22] goocanvas-2.0 2.0.2-2 MIGRATED to testing
So the according changes are not available in Debian.
Please correct me if I am wrong (you are the maintainer of the package...;).
Otherwise please provide an updated goocanvas package.
> Let me know if I can help in any way.
Any help is appreciated. But if the above analysis is correct, there is no
adequate replacement for pygoocanvas as long as there is no updated goocanvas
package in Debian available.
Waiting for your feedback,
Mathias Behrle ✧ Debian Developer
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