[Tts-project] white listing packages in contrib???

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Tue Feb 13 20:19:49 UTC 2018


On 26-01-18 09:24, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Hi Philipp,
> On 12-01-18 11:22, Paul Gevers wrote:
>> Hi Philipp,
>> On 04-01-18 21:45, Philipp Kern wrote:
>>> On 01/02/2018 07:20 PM, Paul Gevers wrote:
>>>> On 22-12-17 20:26, Paul Gevers wrote:
>>>>> So, I just uploaded speech-dispatcher-contrib to non-free, it should
>>>>> appear in NEW soon.
>>>> speech-dispatcher-contrib was accepted in non-free on 30 December. The
>>>> buildds haven't picked it up yet, I guess because it isn't whitelisted
>>>> yet. Could you please whitelist it?
>>> Done.
>> It turns out that the package FTBFS due to a missing build dependency
>> from non-free. Does this mean that albeit your assertion earlier in this
>> tread, non-free is not available for building other non-free packages,
>> even after white-listing? Or are there pieces missing (e.g. you
>> mentioned "except extra_depends and the like"). I had some discussions
>> on #debian-buildd, and I was told it can't be done. So it seems people
>> don't agree with your assertion that it non-free can be used by
>> non-free. Who is right?
> I ask you politely to please respond to my question. Otherwise I believe
> I should move the package back to contrib..



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