[Tts-project] Notice of mailing list closure: tts-project

Samuel Thibault sthibault at debian.org
Wed Apr 4 22:28:07 UTC 2018


alioth lists migration team, on lun. 02 avril 2018 16:21:44 +0100, wrote:
> We tried to contact the designated list owner via
> tts-project-owner at lists.alioth.debian.org but got either no reply,
> or a bounce message.

Oops, it seems the owner mail and password got lost indeed.

> In the event that this list should be migrated to the new system,

Yes we need so.

> please first appoint a Debian developer as a list owner,

Without the admin password I'm afraid I can't do it, would it be
possible for admins to do it?

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