[Tts-project] Bug#948679: Bug#948679: speech-dispatcher: doesn't start, first due to /var/run/…/cache/… then Can't bind local socket

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Sun Jan 12 15:31:42 GMT 2020

Hi Samuel,

> There is no need to start speech-dispatcher as root. Nowadays you can

ah, okay. It did try to start it system-wide during package installation,
which made me assume this was the one it would use.

So, we have the startup issues addressed, I think. Now, no sound,
although this might be a separate bugreport?

> spd-say "foo"
> and if that doesn't work, check out the log files in
> /run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/log

That path does not exist, but strace -e file showed there are logs in
/tmp/runtime-tglase/speech-dispatcher/log/ which I attached (as gzipped
tarball, although probably only speech-dispatcher.log has meaningful

The logs contain info from exactly one spd-say invocation.

strace shows successful openat() of these sound-related devices:
/dev/snd/controlC0 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p /dev/snd/timer

15:41⎜<Lo-lan-do:#fusionforge> Somebody write a testsuite for helloworld :-)
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