[Tts-project] Voxin On Debian Bullseye

K0LNY_Glenn glenn at ervin.email
Sun Oct 30 20:42:50 GMT 2022

I'm running Debian Bullseye 32 bit without a GUI.
I installed python3-speechd from the repository with apt.
I've tried using fenrir and then speakup, and now I'm using espeakup.
Oralux informed me that Voxin 3X does not work on 32 bit systems, and I 
don't know if there is a 2X version of voxin newer than 2.2, but that is 
what I'm using.
I'm wondering, is the python3-speechd using the speech-dispatcher found in 
/etc/speech-dispatcher or is the installation of python3-speechd causing the 
system to use a different speech-dispatcher?
I have ran spd-conf numerous times and also edited speechd.conf myself to 
try and get Voxin to work, but only espeak-ng gets used.
When I run spd-say -O it says espeak-ng.
I appreciate any ideas you might have.
Thank you.


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