[Tux4kids-commits] r95 - tuxtype/trunk/tuxtype/data/sounds

holger at alioth.debian.org holger at alioth.debian.org
Thu Mar 8 21:41:21 CET 2007

Author: holger
Date: 2006-06-26 18:38:55 +0000 (Mon, 26 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 95

- better wording

Modified: tuxtype/trunk/tuxtype/data/sounds/README_SOUNDS.TXT
--- tuxtype/trunk/tuxtype/data/sounds/README_SOUNDS.TXT	2006-06-26 18:33:45 UTC (rev 94)
+++ tuxtype/trunk/tuxtype/data/sounds/README_SOUNDS.TXT	2006-06-26 18:38:55 UTC (rev 95)
@@ -10,43 +10,40 @@
-Sam got the following two files from a CD with copyright-free stuff ("they were
-sounds you could legally use to sample, remix, use elsewhere, without having to
-get permission or any acknowledgement back to the author"):
 The following files are taken from tuxmath and where made by Bill Kendrick
 <bill at newbreedsoftware.com> - the files are also place under the GPL:
-explosion.wav  	-> also used in tuxmath
-alarm.wav	-> also used in tuxmath
-buzz.wav	-> also used in tuxmath
-lose.wav	-> also used in tuxmath
+explosion.wav  	-> also used in tuxmath
+alarm.wav	-> also used in tuxmath
+buzz.wav	-> also used in tuxmath
+lose.wav	-> also used in tuxmath
 pop.wav		-> also used in tuxmath
 shieldsdown.wav	-> also used in tuxmath
-tuxi.ogg	Emmett Plant emmett at sonivius.com licence: public domain
+Sam got the following two files from a CD with copyright-free stuff ("they were
+sounds you could legally use to sample, remix, use elsewhere, without having to
+get permission or any acknowledgement back to the author"):
-"Problematic" files:
-click.wav 		-> no clue, maybe from kde
+Emmett Plant (emmett at sonivius.com) is the author of tuxi.ogg and released it in the public domain.
+"Problematic" files (where we don't know the author):
 funkbrt.it 		-> from http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/ or http://www.musicloops.com/
 kmus1.wav		-> from http://wavplace.com or wavplace.2 (which is offline)
 kmus2.wav		-> ditto (which is offline)
 kmus3.wav		-> ditto (which is offline)
 kmus4.wav 		-> ditto (which is offline)
+click.wav 		-> no clue, maybe from kde
 Each file was either declared in the public domain, or was allowed to be used
 freely in non-comercial products. 

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