[Tux4kids-commits] r128 - tuxmath/trunk/src
Tim Holy
tholy-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Mar 13 12:48:55 CET 2007
Author: tholy-guest
Date: 2007-03-13 11:48:55 +0000 (Tue, 13 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 128
Oops---these files were missing only as far as Xcode (MacOSX) was concerned. Reverted.
D src/title.c
D src/title.h
D src/gettext.c
Deleted: tuxmath/trunk/src/gettext.c
--- tuxmath/trunk/src/gettext.c 2007-03-13 11:23:53 UTC (rev 127)
+++ tuxmath/trunk/src/gettext.c 2007-03-13 11:48:55 UTC (rev 128)
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-- description: a crossplatform minimal gettext library
-begin : Sunday Feb 23, 2003
-copyright : (C) 2003 by Jesse Andrews
-email : jdandr2 at uky.edu
- Modified for use in tuxmath by David Bruce - 2006.
- email : <dbruce at tampabay.rr.com>
- <tuxmath-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "titlescreen.h"
-/* we will store our list in a linked list since
- * we don't expect too large of a list (famous last words!)
- */
-struct node {
- unsigned char *in; // the english
- unsigned char *out; // the translation
- struct node *next; // ptr to next in list, NULL if last
-typedef struct node item;
-item *HEAD=NULL;
-/* --- add a word to the linked list --- */
-void add_word(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out) {
- item *cur;
- /* -- allocate space for the node in the list -- */
- cur = (item *)malloc(sizeof(item));
- /* -- allocate space for strings, and copy over -- */
- cur->in = (unsigned char *)malloc(strlen(in)+2);
- strncpy(cur->in, in, strlen(in)+1);
- cur->out = (unsigned char *)malloc(strlen(out)+2);
- strncpy(cur->out, out, strlen(out)+1);
- /* -- add to the front of the list -- */
- cur->next = HEAD;
- HEAD = cur;
-int load_trans(char *file) {
- /* this function will load the passed file (a .po file)
- * if need be, it should erase any previously loaded
- * translations.
- *
- * the filename passed must exist!
- *
- * returns: 0 if ok
- * -1 if file could not be located
- * -2 if file has errors in it
- */
- item *ptr;
- FILE *f;
- unsigned char str[FNLEN];
- unsigned char in[FNLEN];
- unsigned char out[FNLEN];
- LOG( "Clearing previous translation list\n" );
- while(HEAD != NULL) {
- ptr = HEAD->next;
- free(HEAD);
- HEAD = ptr;
- }
- /* Yes, I know, I should use YACC/LEX
- * but, until you provide an GPL YACC/LEX
- * implimentation on Mac OS _CLASSIC_, we have
- * to do things so they are portable, which
- * means, we have to parse our files by hand
- * using "state machines"
- */
- LOG( "Loading translation file\n" );
- f = fopen( file, "r" );
- if (f == NULL) return -1;
- /* ### ADD ERROR CHECKING ### */
- do {
- fscanf(f, "%[^\n]\n", str);
- /* get rid of any comments! */
- {
- unsigned char mode='O';
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) {
- if (mode == 'O') {
- switch (str[i]) {
- case '"': mode = 'I'; break;
- case '#': str[i]='\0'; break;
- }
- } else {
- switch (str[i]) {
- case '\\':
- if (mode != 'S') mode = 'S';
- else mode = 'I';
- break;
- case '"':
- if (mode != 'S') mode ='O';
- break;
- default:
- mode = 'I'; // get rid of any /
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* we force msgid or msgstr to be at the begining of the line! */
- if (strncmp(str, "msgid", 5) == 0) {
- int start=0, endloc=0, i;
- for (i=0; i<strlen(str); i++)
- if (str[i] == '"') {
- if (!start)
- start = i;
- else
- endloc = i;
- }
- str[endloc]='\0';
- strcpy(in, str+start+1);
- }
- if (strncmp(str, "msgstr", 6) == 0) {
- int start=0,endloc=0, i;
- for (i=0; i<strlen(str); i++)
- if (str[i] == '"') {
- if (!start)
- start = i;
- else
- endloc = i;
- }
- str[endloc]='\0';
- strcpy(out, str+start+1);
- add_word(in, out);
- }
- } while( !feof(f) );
- LOG( "Completed loading of translation file\n" );
- return 0;
-unsigned char * gettext( unsigned char *in ) {
- /* this function will attempt to translate the string
- * "in" to an "translation of in" if one exists.
- * if it doesn't exist in the translation set, it
- * returns "in".
- */
- /* go through each time until we find what we want...
- * if the number of translated words we use increases,
- * we should move to a hash table.
- */
- item *cur=HEAD;
- if (useEnglish)
- return in;
- while (cur != NULL)
- if (strcmp(cur->in, in) == 0)
- return cur->out;
- else
- cur = cur->next;
- /* if we didn't find anything return what we were asked */
- return in;
Deleted: tuxmath/trunk/src/title.c
--- tuxmath/trunk/src/title.c 2007-03-13 11:23:53 UTC (rev 127)
+++ tuxmath/trunk/src/title.c 2007-03-13 11:48:55 UTC (rev 128)
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
- title.c
- For TuxMath
- The title screen function.
- by Bill Kendrick
- bill at newbreedsoftware.com
- http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/
- Part of "Tux4Kids" Project
- http://www.tux4kids.org/
- August 26, 2001 - February 21, 2003
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <SDL.h>
-#include "tuxmath.h"
-#include "title.h"
-#include "fileops.h"
-#include "setup.h"
-#include "playsound.h"
-#include "options.h"
-#define START_DEMO_COUNTDOWN 150 /* Some time unit.. not sure yet :) */
-int title(void)
-// int i, cmd, old_cmd, done, img, blinking, widest, left, width, demo_countdown;
-// SDL_Rect dest;
-// SDL_Event event;
-// Uint32 last_time, now_time;
-// SDLKey key;
-// /* Determine widest option image size: */
-// widest = 0;
-// for (i = 0; i < NUM_CMDS; i++)
-// {
-// if (images[IMG_CMD_PLAY + i]->w > widest)
-// widest = images[IMG_CMD_PLAY + i]->w;
-// }
-// width = widest + 4 + 4 + images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1] -> w;
-// left = (screen->w - width) / 2;
-// /* Clear window: */
-// SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
-// /* Draw title: */
-// dest.x = (screen->w - images[IMG_TITLE]->w) / 2;
-// dest.y = 0;
-// dest.w = images[IMG_TITLE]->w;
-// dest.h = images[IMG_TITLE]->h;
-// SDL_BlitSurface(images[IMG_TITLE], NULL, screen, &dest);
-// /* Draw options: */
-// for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
-// {
-// // dest.x = (32 - 2) - i;
-// dest.x = left + 4 - i;
-// dest.y = (images[IMG_TITLE]->h + 2) + (4 - i);
-// // dest.w = (screen->w) - ((32 - 2) * 2) + (i * 2);
-// dest.w = width + (i * 2);
-// dest.h = (NUM_CMDS * images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h + 2) + (i * 2);
-// SDL_FillRect(screen, &dest,
-// SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,
-// 200 - (i * 32),
-// 232 - (i * 32),
-// 255 - (i * 32)));
-// }
-// for (i = 0; i < NUM_CMDS; i++)
-// {
-// // dest.x = 32 + (images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->w + 4);
-// dest.x = left + (images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->w) + 4;
-// dest.y = (images[IMG_TITLE]->h + 8 +
-// (i * images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h));
-// dest.w = images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->w;
-// dest.h = images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h;
-// SDL_BlitSurface(images[IMG_CMD_PLAY + i], NULL, screen, &dest);
-// }
-// /* Draw "Tux4Kids" logo: */
-// dest.x = (screen->w - images[IMG_TUX4KIDS]->w);
-// dest.y = (screen->h - images[IMG_TUX4KIDS]->h);
-// dest.w = images[IMG_TUX4KIDS]->w;
-// dest.h = images[IMG_TUX4KIDS]->h;
-// SDL_BlitSurface(images[IMG_TUX4KIDS], NULL, screen, &dest);
-// /* Draw "New Breed Software" logo: */
-// dest.x = 0;
-// dest.y = (screen->h - images[IMG_NBS]->h);
-// dest.w = images[IMG_NBS]->w;
-// dest.h = images[IMG_NBS]->h;
-// SDL_BlitSurface(images[IMG_NBS], NULL, screen, &dest);
-// if (Opts_DemoMode())
-// {
-// dest.x = (screen->w - images[IMG_DEMO_SMALL]->w) / 2;
-// dest.y = (screen->h - images[IMG_DEMO_SMALL]->h);
-// dest.w = images[IMG_DEMO_SMALL]->w;
-// dest.h = images[IMG_DEMO_SMALL]->h;
-// SDL_BlitSurface(images[IMG_DEMO_SMALL], NULL, screen, &dest);
-// }
-// /* Flip the screen: */
-// SDL_Flip(screen);
-// /* --- MAIN TITLE SCREEN LOOP: --- */
-// blinking = 0;
-// cmd = 0;
-// done = 0;
-// demo_countdown = START_DEMO_COUNTDOWN;
-// do
-// {
-// last_time = SDL_GetTicks();
-// old_cmd = cmd;
-// /* Handle any incoming events: */
-// while (SDL_PollEvent(&event) > 0)
-// {
-// if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
-// {
-// /* Window close event - quit! */
-// cmd = CMD_QUIT;
-// done = 1;
-// }
-// else if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
-// {
-// key = event.key.keysym.sym;
-// if ((key == SDLK_ESCAPE)
-// || (key == SDLK_q))
-// {
-// /* Escape key or 'Q' - quit! */
-// cmd = CMD_QUIT;
-// done = 1;
-// }
-// if (key == SDLK_p)
-// {
-// /* 'P'- play! */
-// cmd = CMD_GAME;
-// done = 1;
-// }
-// if (key == SDLK_o)
-// {
-// /* 'O'- Options! */
-// cmd = CMD_OPTIONS;
-// done = 1;
-// }
-// if (key == SDLK_c)
-// {
-// /* 'C'- Credits! */
-// cmd = CMD_CREDITS;
-// done = 1;
-// }
-// else if (key == SDLK_DOWN)
-// {
-// demo_countdown = START_DEMO_COUNTDOWN;
-// cmd++;
-// if (cmd >= NUM_CMDS)
-// cmd = NUM_CMDS - 1;
-// }
-// else if (key == SDLK_UP)
-// {
-// demo_countdown = START_DEMO_COUNTDOWN;
-// cmd--;
-// if (cmd < 0)
-// cmd = 0;
-// }
-// else if ((key == SDLK_RETURN)
-// || (key == SDLK_KP_ENTER)
-// || (key == SDLK_SPACE))
-// {
-// done = 1;
-// }
-// }
-// else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
-// {
-// /* Mouse click: */
-// if (event.button.x >= left &&
-// event.button.x <= left + width &&
-// event.button.y >= images[IMG_TITLE]->h + 8 &&
-// event.button.y <= (images[IMG_TITLE]->h + 8 +
-// NUM_CMDS * images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h))
-// {
-// cmd = ((event.button.y - (images[IMG_TITLE]->h + 8)) /
-// images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h);
-// done = 1;
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// /* Erase Tux (cursor) */
-// if (cmd != old_cmd)
-// {
-// blinking = 0;
-// dest.x = left + 4;
-// dest.y = (images[IMG_TITLE]->h + 8 +
-// (old_cmd * images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h));
-// dest.w = images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->w;
-// dest.h = images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h;
-// SDL_FillRect(screen, &dest,
-// SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 200, 232, 255));
-// playsound(SND_POP);
-// }
-// /* Handling Tux (cursor) blinking: */
-// if ((rand() % 50) == 0 && blinking == 0)
-// {
-// blinking = 6;
-// }
-// if (blinking > 0)
-// blinking--;
-// /* Draw Tux (cursor) */
-// dest.x = left + 4;
-// dest.y = images[IMG_TITLE]->h + 8 + (cmd * images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h);
-// dest.w = images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->w;
-// dest.h = images[IMG_TUX_HELMET1]->h;
-// img = IMG_TUX_HELMET1;
-// if (blinking >= 4 || (blinking >= 1 && blinking < 2))
-// img = IMG_TUX_HELMET2;
-// else if (blinking >= 2 && blinking < 4)
-// img = IMG_TUX_HELMET3;
-// SDL_BlitSurface(images[img], NULL, screen, &dest);
-// SDL_Flip(screen);
-// /* Handle demo countdown: */
-// if (Opts_DemoMode())
-// {
-// demo_countdown--;
-// if (demo_countdown == 0)
-// {
-// cmd = CMD_GAME;
-// done = 1;
-// }
-// }
-// /* Pause (keep frame-rate event) */
-// now_time = SDL_GetTicks();
-// if (now_time < last_time + (1000 / 20))
-// {
-// SDL_Delay(last_time + (1000 / 20) - now_time);
-// }
-// }
-// while (!done);
-// /* Return the chosen command: */
-// return cmd;
Deleted: tuxmath/trunk/src/title.h
--- tuxmath/trunk/src/title.h 2007-03-13 11:23:53 UTC (rev 127)
+++ tuxmath/trunk/src/title.h 2007-03-13 11:48:55 UTC (rev 128)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- title.h
- For TuxMath
- The title screen function.
- by Bill Kendrick
- bill at newbreedsoftware.com
- http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/
- Part of "Tux4Kids" Project
- http://www.tux4kids.org/
- August 26, 2001 - August 28, 2001
-#ifndef TITLE_H
-#define TITLE_H
-enum {
-int title(void);
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