[Tux4kids-commits] r646 - in tuxtype/trunk: . data/images/keyboard src
sreyas-guest at alioth.debian.org
sreyas-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Aug 18 06:17:27 UTC 2008
Author: sreyas-guest
Date: 2008-08-18 06:17:26 +0000 (Mon, 18 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 646
Pango, rendering in practice game added merged to trunk
Modified: tuxtype/trunk/ChangeLog
--- tuxtype/trunk/ChangeLog 2008-08-18 01:45:13 UTC (rev 645)
+++ tuxtype/trunk/ChangeLog 2008-08-18 06:17:26 UTC (rev 646)
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+18 Aug 2008 - svn revision 646
+[ Sreyas Kurumanghat <k.sreyas at gmail.com ]
+ - Added pango support and rendering to practice game.
3 Aug 2008 - svn revision 599
[ Sreyas Kurumanghat <k.sreyas at gmail.com ]
Modified: tuxtype/trunk/data/images/keyboard/Makefile.am
--- tuxtype/trunk/data/images/keyboard/Makefile.am 2008-08-18 01:45:13 UTC (rev 645)
+++ tuxtype/trunk/data/images/keyboard/Makefile.am 2008-08-18 06:17:26 UTC (rev 646)
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
keyboard_E05.png \
keyboard_A01.png \
keyboard_B07.png \
- keyboard_C13.png \
keyboard_E06.png \
keyboard_A02.png \
keyboard_B08.png \
Modified: tuxtype/trunk/src/alphabet.c
--- tuxtype/trunk/src/alphabet.c 2008-08-18 01:45:13 UTC (rev 645)
+++ tuxtype/trunk/src/alphabet.c 2008-08-18 06:17:26 UTC (rev 646)
@@ -612,6 +612,17 @@
return out;
+SDL_Surface* BlackOutline_w(wchar_t* t, const TTF_Font* font, const SDL_Color* c, int size)
+ wchar_t wchar_tmp[512];
+ char tmp[512];
+ int i;
+ wcsncpy( wchar_tmp, t, size);
+ wchar_tmp[size]=0;
+ i=ConvertToUTF8( wchar_tmp, tmp);
+ tmp[i]=0;
+ return BlackOutline(tmp, font, c);
/* FIXME dead code but could be useful*/
static void show_letters(void)
Modified: tuxtype/trunk/src/funcs.h
--- tuxtype/trunk/src/funcs.h 2008-08-18 01:45:13 UTC (rev 645)
+++ tuxtype/trunk/src/funcs.h 2008-08-18 06:17:26 UTC (rev 646)
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
void updatekeylist(int key,char ch);
void savekeyboard(void);
wchar_t GetLastKey(void);
+SDL_Surface* BlackOutline_w(wchar_t* t, const TTF_Font* font, const SDL_Color* c, int size);
//void UseAlphabet(void);
Modified: tuxtype/trunk/src/practice.c
--- tuxtype/trunk/src/practice.c 2008-08-18 01:45:13 UTC (rev 645)
+++ tuxtype/trunk/src/practice.c 2008-08-18 06:17:26 UTC (rev 646)
@@ -75,12 +75,13 @@
total = 0,
state = 0;
int key[100] = {0};
- SDL_Rect dst, dst2, dst3, dst4;
+ int next_line=0;
+ SDL_Rect dst, dst2, dst4, mydest;
char keytime[20],
SDL_Surface* srfc = NULL;
+ SDL_Surface* tmpsurf = NULL;
if (!practice_load_media())
fprintf(stderr, "Phrases() - practice_load_media() failed, returning.\n");
@@ -88,8 +89,9 @@
SDL_BlitSurface(bg, NULL, screen, NULL);
- SDL_BlitSurface(hands, NULL, screen, &hand_loc);
SDL_BlitSurface(keyboard, NULL, screen, &keyboard_loc);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(screen, NULL, bg, NULL);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(hands, NULL, screen, &hand_loc);
wp = get_phrase(pphrase);
@@ -115,11 +117,6 @@
dst2.w = srfc->w;
dst2.h = srfc->h;
- dst3.x = 0;
- dst3.y = 400;
- dst3.w = screen->w;
- dst3.h = bg->h-dst3.y;
dst4.x = 480;
dst4.y = 400;
dst4.w = 240;
@@ -127,6 +124,11 @@
dst.x = 40;
+ mydest.x = 0;
+ mydest.y = dst.y;
+ mydest.w = screen->w;
+ mydest.h = screen->h-mydest.y;
start = SDL_GetTicks();
@@ -433,61 +435,46 @@
if (pphrase[c]==event.key.keysym.unicode)
- state = 0;
- dst2.x = 40;
- dst4.x = 480;
- SDL_BlitSurface(bg, &dst3, screen, &dst2);
- //SDL_BlitSurface(bg, &dst5, screen, &dst4);
- SDL_Flip(screen);
- srfc = GetWhiteGlyph(event.key.keysym.unicode);
- if (srfc)
- {
- SDL_BlitSurface(srfc, NULL, screen, &dst);
- dst.x = (dst.x + srfc->w) - 5;
- }
- for (z = 0; z < strlen(keytime); z++)
- {
- srfc = GetWhiteGlyph((int)keytime[z]);
- if (srfc)
- {
- SDL_BlitSurface(srfc, NULL, screen, &dst2);
- dst2.x = dst2.x + srfc->w - 2;
- }
- }
- for (z = 0;z < strlen(totaltime); z++)
- {
- srfc = GetWhiteGlyph((int)totaltime[z]);
- if (srfc)
- {
- SDL_BlitSurface(srfc, NULL, screen, &dst4);
- dst4.x = dst4.x + srfc->w - 2;
- }
- }
- if (c == (wcslen(pphrase) - 1))
- {
- //print_string_at(_("Great!"), 275, 200);
- wchar_t buf[10];
- ConvertFromUTF8(buf, gettext("Great!"));
- print_at(buf,6 ,275 ,200);
- SDL_Flip(screen);
- SDL_Delay(2500);
- quit = 1;
- }
- if (c == wp)
- {
- c++;
- dst.x = 40;
- dst.y = 142;
- }
- c++;
- }
+ c++;
+ state = 0;
+ dst2.x = 40;
+ dst4.x = 480;
+ if (c==wp+2){
+ //c++;
+ dst.x=40;
+ dst.y=140;
+ mydest.y=dst.y;
+ mydest.h=screen->h-mydest.y;
+ next_line=1;
+ }
+ SDL_BlitSurface(bg, &mydest, screen, &mydest);
+ SDL_Flip(screen);
+ if(!next_line)
+ tmpsurf = BlackOutline_w(pphrase, font, &white, c);
+ else
+ tmpsurf = BlackOutline_w(pphrase+wp+1, font, &white, c-(wp+1));
+ SDL_BlitSurface(tmpsurf, NULL, screen, &dst);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf);
+ tmpsurf = NULL;
+ tmpsurf = BlackOutline(keytime, font, &white);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(tmpsurf, NULL, screen, &dst2);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf);
+ tmpsurf = NULL;
+ tmpsurf = BlackOutline(totaltime, font, &white);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(tmpsurf, NULL, screen, &dst4);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf);
+ tmpsurf = NULL;
+ if (c==(wcslen(pphrase))){
+ wchar_t buf[10];
+ ConvertFromUTF8(buf, gettext("Great!"));
+ print_at(buf, wcslen(buf), 275, 200);
+ SDL_Flip(screen);
+ SDL_Delay(2500);
+ next_line=0;
+ quit=1;
+ }
+ }
int key = GetIndex((wchar_t)event.key.keysym.unicode);
@@ -581,8 +568,8 @@
/* Now render letters for glyphs in alphabet: */
- TTF_CloseFont(font); /* Don't need it after rendering done */
- font = NULL;
+ //TTF_CloseFont(font); /* Don't need it after rendering done */
+ //font = NULL;
LOG("DONE - Loading practice media\n");
@@ -606,8 +593,8 @@
keyboard = NULL;
- //TTF_CloseFont(font);
+ TTF_CloseFont(font);
+ font = NULL;
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
@@ -780,74 +767,38 @@
static void print_at(const wchar_t *pphrase, int wrap, int x, int y)
- int z = 0;
- SDL_Surface* surf = NULL;
- letter_loc.x = x;
- letter_loc.y = y;
- letter_loc.w = GetWhiteGlyph(GetLastKey())->w;
- letter_loc.h = GetWhiteGlyph(GetLastKey())->h;
- LOG("Entering print_at()\n");
- if (wrap >= wcslen(pphrase)) // I think this means it fits on a single line
- {
- for (z = 0; z <wcslen(pphrase); z++)
- {
- surf = GetWhiteGlyph(pphrase[z]);
- if (surf)
- {
- DEBUGCODE{printf("surf not NULL for %C\n", pphrase[z]);}
- SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, screen, &letter_loc);
- letter_loc.x = (letter_loc.x + surf->w) - 5;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "print_at(): needed glyph for %C not found\n",
- pphrase[z]);
- }
- }
- }
- else /* Another line required - code only seems to support 1 or 2 lines! */
- {
- for (z = 0; z <= wrap; z++)
- {
- surf = GetWhiteGlyph(pphrase[z]);
- if (surf)
- {
- DEBUGCODE{printf("surf not NULL for %C\n", pphrase[z]);}
- SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, screen, &letter_loc);
- letter_loc.x = (letter_loc.x + surf->w) - 5; }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "print_at(): needed glyph for %C not found\n",
- pphrase[z]);
- }
- }
- /* Move 'cursor' back to left and down one line: */
- letter_loc.x = 40;
- // - (letter_loc.h/4) to account for free space at top and bottom of rendered letters
- letter_loc.y = letter_loc.y + letter_loc.h - (letter_loc.h/4);
- for (z = wrap + 2; z <wcslen(pphrase); z++)
- {
- surf = GetWhiteGlyph(pphrase[z]);
- if (surf)
- {
- DEBUGCODE{printf("surf not NULL for %c\n", pphrase[z]);}
- SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, screen, &letter_loc);
- letter_loc.x = (letter_loc.x + surf->w) - 5;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "print_at(): needed glyph for %c not found",
- pphrase[z]);
- }
- }
- }
- LOG("Leaving print_at()\n");
+ int z=0;
+ SDL_Surface *tmp;
+ letter_loc.x = x;
+ letter_loc.y = y;
+ //font = LoadFont(settings.theme_font_name, 30);
+ DEBUGCODE { printf("\n\n\nEntering print_at with : %S\n",pphrase); }
+ if ( wrap == wcslen(pphrase) ){
+ tmp = BlackOutline_w(pphrase, font, &white, wrap);
+ letter_loc.w = tmp->w+5;
+ letter_loc.h = tmp->h+5;
+ SDL_BlitSurface(tmp, NULL, screen, &letter_loc);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(tmp);
+ }else{
+ tmp = BlackOutline_w(pphrase, font, &white, wrap+1);
+ letter_loc.w = tmp->w+5;
+ letter_loc.h = tmp->h+5;
+ SDL_BlitSurface(tmp, NULL, screen, &letter_loc);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(tmp);
+ letter_loc.x = 40;
+ // - (letter_loc.h/4) to account for free space at top and bottom of rendered letters
+ //SDL_FreeSurface(tmp);
+ letter_loc.y = letter_loc.y + letter_loc.h - (letter_loc.h/4);
+ tmp = BlackOutline_w(pphrase+wrap+1, font, &white, wcslen(pphrase));
+ letter_loc.w = tmp->w+5;
+ letter_loc.h = tmp->h+5;
+ SDL_BlitSurface(tmp, NULL, screen, &letter_loc);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(tmp);
+ }
+ //TTF_CloseFont(font);
+ // DEBUGCODE { exit(-1); }
+ DEBUGCODE { printf("Leaving print_at \n\n\n"); }
static void next_letter(wchar_t *t, int c)
int i;
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