[Tux4kids-commits] r575 - tuxmath/trunk/src

cheezmeister-guest at alioth.debian.org cheezmeister-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jul 26 17:54:51 UTC 2008

Author: cheezmeister-guest
Date: 2008-07-26 17:54:50 +0000 (Sat, 26 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 575

Oops...here are the new campaign sources.

Added: tuxmath/trunk/src/campaign.c
--- tuxmath/trunk/src/campaign.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ tuxmath/trunk/src/campaign.c	2008-07-26 17:54:50 UTC (rev 575)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ * campaign.c - handle TuxMath's 'Mission mode' 
+ * 
+ * Author: B. Luchen
+ */
+#include "campaign.h"
+#define NUM_STAGES 5 
+#define NUM_ROUNDS 3
+void briefPlayer(int stage); //show text introducing the given stage
+void readStageSettings(int stage);
+void readRoundSettings(int stage, int round);
+char* stagenames[NUM_STAGES] = {"cadet", "scout", "ranger", "ace", "commando"};
+char* briefings[NUM_STAGES][50] = {
+  //cadet
+  {
+    "Mission One: Careful Cadet",
+    "--------------------------",
+    "Welcome, Tux!",
+    "",
+    "Congratulations on your graduation from the ",
+    "Math Command Training Acedemy. ",
+    "",
+    "Your arrival to the Galactic Math Command Fleet",
+    "comes just in time. The distant star Mathematica",
+    "has gone supernova, and parts of its solar",
+    "system are now traveling toward the planet FOSS.",
+    "",
+    "Mathematican asteroids are made of a material",
+    "called Undotrium, a mysterious metal that is",
+    "known to be very hard to destroy. But Galactic",
+    "scientists think they have found a way to do",
+    "so. Powerful computers connected to a Lambda",
+    "Laser can use numbers to locate Undotrium comets,",
+    "aim and shoot a perfect beam that will turn it",
+    "into harmless snow. But first, you need to look",
+    "closely at the comet and tell the Lambda Laser",
+    "Computer what number it needs to use. There are",
+    "many different types of comets, and it is up to",
+    "up to you to figure out these numbers!",
+    "",
+    "Tux, your first mission as a Cadet will be to",
+    "help the peaceful penguins of FOSS. The penguins",
+    "are afraid to leave their igloos, and they need",
+    "Math Command help to keep them safe. Igloos can",
+    "protect penguins from Undotrium, but they will",
+    "melt if they're hit more than once, and then",
+    "the penguin will have be without a home. Do not",
+    "let this happen!",
+    "",
+    "There is one more thing you should know. Certain",
+    "comets are made of a more powerful type of",
+    "Undotrium. You will know these comets when you",
+    "see them, by their red color. If you can shoot",
+    "a red comet, you may be able to build",
+    "additional igloos."
+    "",
+    "",
+    "Good luck, Cadet.",
+    NULL
+  },
+  //scout
+  {
+    "Scout:",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    NULL
+  },
+  //ranger
+  {
+    "Ranger:",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    NULL
+  },
+  //ace
+  {
+    "Ace",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    NULL
+  },
+  //commando
+  {
+    "Commando",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    "",
+    NULL
+  },
+void start_campaign()
+  int i, j;
+  int gameresult = 0, endcampaign = 0;
+  char roundmessage[10];
+  printf("Entering start_campaign()\n");
+  for (i = 0; i < NUM_STAGES; ++i)
+  {
+    printf("Stage %s\n", stagenames[i]);
+    briefPlayer(i);
+    for (j = 1; j <= NUM_ROUNDS; ++j)
+    {
+      printf("Round %d\n", j);
+      read_named_config_file("campaign/campaign");    
+      readStageSettings(i);
+      readRoundSettings(i, j);
+      snprintf(roundmessage, 10, "Round %d", j);
+      game_set_start_message(roundmessage, "", "", "");
+      MC_PrintMathOptions(stdout, 0);
+      printf("Starting game...\n");
+      gameresult = game();
+      if (gameresult == GAME_OVER_WON)
+        ;
+      else if (gameresult == GAME_OVER_LOST)
+      {
+        //TODO game over sequence
+        endcampaign = 1;
+      }
+      else if (gameresult == GAME_OVER_ERROR)
+      {
+        tmdprintf("Error!\n");
+        endcampaign = 1;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        printf("gameresult = %d\n", gameresult);
+        endcampaign = 0;
+      }
+      if (endcampaign)
+        return;
+    }
+    //bonus round
+    readStageSettings(i);
+    readRoundSettings(i, -1);
+    game_set_start_message("Bonus", "", "", "");
+    game();
+  }
+void briefPlayer(int stage)
+  SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, 0);
+  //TransWipe(black, RANDOM_WIPE, 10, 20);
+  static char* sprites[] = {
+    "sprites/tux_helmet_yellowd.png",
+    "sprites/tux_helmet_greend.png",
+    "sprites/tux_helmet_blued.png",
+    "sprites/tux_helmet_redd.png",
+    "sprites/tux_helmet_blackd.png"
+  };
+  SDL_Surface* icon = NULL;
+  SDL_Rect textarea = screen->clip_rect;
+  SDL_Surface* loadedsprite = LoadImage(sprites[stage], IMG_REGULAR|IMG_NOT_REQUIRED);
+  if (loadedsprite)
+  {
+    icon = zoom(loadedsprite, loadedsprite->w*3, loadedsprite->h*3);
+    textarea.x = icon->w;
+    textarea.y = icon->h;
+    textarea.w = screen->w - icon->w;
+    textarea.h = screen->h - icon->h;
+  }
+  tmdprintf("Briefing\n");
+  SDL_BlitSurface(icon, NULL, screen, NULL);
+  scroll_text(briefings[stage], textarea, 1);
+  tmdprintf("Finished briefing\n");
+  SDL_FreeSurface(loadedsprite);
+  SDL_FreeSurface(icon);
+void readStageSettings(int stage)
+  static char fn[PATH_MAX];
+  snprintf(fn,PATH_MAX, "campaign/%s/%s", stagenames[stage], stagenames[stage]);
+  read_named_config_file(fn);
+void readRoundSettings(int stage, int round)
+  static char fn[PATH_MAX];
+  if (round == -1)
+    snprintf(fn, PATH_MAX, "campaign/%s/bonus", stagenames[stage]);
+  else
+    snprintf(fn,PATH_MAX, "campaign/%s/round%d", stagenames[stage], round);
+  read_named_config_file(fn);

Added: tuxmath/trunk/src/campaign.h
--- tuxmath/trunk/src/campaign.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ tuxmath/trunk/src/campaign.h	2008-07-26 17:54:50 UTC (rev 575)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef CAMPAIGN_H
+#define CAMPAIGN_H
+#include "tuxmath.h"
+#include "credits.h"
+#include "titlescreen.h"
+#include "SDL_extras.h"
+#include "game.h"
+#include "fileops.h"
+void start_campaign();
+#endif // CAMPAIGN_H

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