[Tux4kids-commits] r1370 - in branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk: . data data/images data/images/status data/menus src

Bolesław Kulbabiński bolekk-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 5 16:42:16 UTC 2009

Author: bolekk-guest
Date: 2009-08-05 16:42:16 +0000 (Wed, 05 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 1370

new menu code working with TuxType

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/configure.ac
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/configure.ac	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/configure.ac	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/Makefile.am
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/Makefile.am	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/Makefile.am	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## Makefile.am for tuxtype - data:
 ## Process with Automake to create Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = images scripts sounds themes words fonts
+SUBDIRS = images menus scripts sounds themes words fonts
 ##tuxtypedatadir = $(pkgdatadir)

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/Makefile.am
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/Makefile.am	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/Makefile.am	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -63,5 +63,9 @@
   tux1.png \
   tux2.png \
   tux3.png \
+  tux4.png \
+  tux5.png \
+  tux6.png \
+  tux.svg \
   up.png \

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/Makefile.am
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/Makefile.am	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/Makefile.am	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -6,6 +6,16 @@
 dist_images_status_DATA = gameover.png \
   numbers.png \
   score.png \
+  stop.png \
+  stop.svg \
+  right.png \
+  right.svg \
+  right_gray.png \
+  right_gray.svg \
+  left.png \
+  left.svg \
+  left_gray.png \
+  left_gray.svg \
   tux_helmet1.png \
   tux_helmet2.png \
   tux_helmet3.png \

Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left.svg
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left.svg	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left.svg	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
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Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left_gray.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left_gray.png
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   + application/octet-stream

Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left_gray.svg
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left_gray.svg	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/left_gray.svg	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
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Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/right.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/right.png
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Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/right.svg
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/status/right.svg	                        (rev 0)
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+       id="path3467"
+       d="M 332.68196,134.9396 C 332.06276,140.91144 334.45108,146.08315 338.01641,146.49093 C 341.58174,146.89871 344.97397,142.38815 345.59316,136.4163 C 346.21236,130.44446 343.82404,125.27275 340.25871,124.86497 C 336.69338,124.45719 333.30115,128.96776 332.68196,134.9396 z" />
+    <svg:path
+       style="fill:url(#linearGradient3479);stroke:#e68c3f;stroke-width:4.6875;display:inline"
+       d="M 338.85129,160.67175 C 329.91754,152.20925 307.83754,126.83925 266.40004,153.478 C 258.69754,158.4905 252.44754,158.94925 237.62379,165.29675 C 207.96629,177.483 222.14629,206.8705 253.55379,216.68175 C 267.00129,221.043 279.22379,237.37675 303.71504,235.9805 C 324.63254,234.75925 330.11379,221.138 342.96254,213.598 C 365.79879,200.70925 369.16879,183.2805 356.83754,174.03175 C 344.50504,164.783 339.68129,161.458 338.85129,160.67175 z"
+       id="path3477" />
+    <svg:path
+       style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#e68c3f;stroke-width:3.125;display:inline"
+       d="M 265.87475,171.87463 C 256.47364,171.95517 246.74554,182.59378 239.8435,184.34338 L 237.2185,184.31213 C 237.70731,184.34087 238.24749,184.42351 238.781,184.53088 C 238.61118,184.55056 238.44681,184.58717 238.281,184.59338 L 239.031,184.59338 C 252.06185,187.46276 277.76632,211.93713 304.81225,211.93713 C 333.15351,211.93713 349.8585,185.78088 354.2185,185.78088 L 353.56225,185.78088 L 353.4685,185.78088 C 350.74968,185.5136 339.47767,172.52248 332.656,172.34338 C 324.28962,172.12373 306.64075,181.90588 300.0935,181.90588 C 291.30779,181.90588 278.12151,171.77188 265.87475,171.87463 z"
+       id="path3451" />
+    <svg:path
+       style="fill:url(#radialGradient3455);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;display:inline"
+       d="M 276.99975,203.10139 C 277.42239,203.10139 278.46486,199.56398 281.21364,196.39448 C 284.01125,193.16867 284.81034,192.03244 287.78926,191.19338 C 290.76818,190.35432 295.86748,192.58702 299.94928,192.66092 C 304.03108,192.73482 312.96245,188.4849 315.34678,192.29017 C 318.60697,195.37826 318.37974,196.78578 319.4955,198.91129 C 320.61126,201.03681 322.73807,206.43234 322.73807,206.43234 C 322.73807,206.43234 314.52142,210.94477 301.27205,210.35513 C 287.85858,209.75819 276.99975,203.10139 276.99975,203.10139 z"
+       id="path3453"
+       sodipodi:nodetypes="cszzzzczc" />
+  </svg:g>

Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/tux4.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/tux4.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/tux5.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/tux5.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/tux6.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/images/tux6.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Property changes on: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/data/menus
Added: svn:ignore
   + *~

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/Makefile.am
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/Makefile.am	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/Makefile.am	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 tuxtype_SOURCES = 	\
 	playgame.c	\
 	main.c		\
+	menu.c		\
 	titlescreen.c	\
 	loaders.c	\
 	setup.c		\
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@
 EXTRA_DIST = titlescreen.h \
 	playgame.h 	\
 	laser.h		\
+	menu.h		\
 	globals.h 	\
 	funcs.h 	\
 	pixels.h	\

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/SDL_extras.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/SDL_extras.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/SDL_extras.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -32,35 +32,89 @@
 SDL_Surface* screen;
+Return a pointer to the screen we're using, as an alternative to making screen
+global. Not sure what is involved performance-wise in SDL_GetVideoSurface,
+or if this check is even necessary -Cheez
 SDL_Surface* GetScreen()
-  if (screen != SDL_GetVideoSurface() )
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Video Surface changed from outside of SDL_Extras!\n");
-    screen = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
-  }
+    if (screen != SDL_GetVideoSurface() )
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Video Surface changed from outside of SDL_Extras!\n");
+      screen = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
+    }
   return screen;
-/* DrawButton() creates and draws a translucent button with */
-/* rounded ends.  All colors and alpha values are supported.*/
+/* DrawButton() creates a translucent button with rounded ends
+   and draws it on the screen.
+   All colors and alpha values are supported.*/
 void DrawButton(SDL_Rect* target_rect,
                 int radius,
                 Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a)
+  DrawButtonOn(screen, target_rect, radius, r, g, b, a);
+void DrawButtonOn(SDL_Surface* target,
+                SDL_Rect* target_rect,
+                int radius,
+                Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a)
+  SDL_Surface* tmp_surf = CreateButton(target_rect->w, target_rect->h,
+                                       radius, r, g, b, a);
+  SDL_BlitSurface(tmp_surf, NULL, target, target_rect);
+  SDL_FreeSurface(tmp_surf);
+/* CreateButton() creates a translucent button with rounded ends
+   All colors and alpha values are supported.*/
+SDL_Surface* CreateButton(int w, int h, int radius,
+                          Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a)
   /* NOTE - we use a 32-bit temp surface even if we have a 16-bit */
   /* screen - it gets converted during blitting.                  */
   SDL_Surface* tmp_surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_SRCALPHA,
-                                          target_rect->w,
-                                          target_rect->h,
+                                          w,
+                                          h,
                                           rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
   Uint32 color = SDL_MapRGBA(tmp_surf->format, r, g, b, a);
   SDL_FillRect(tmp_surf, NULL, color);
   RoundCorners(tmp_surf, radius);
+  return tmp_surf;
+/* free every surface in the array together with the array itself */
+void FreeSurfaceArray(SDL_Surface** surfs, int length)
+  int i;
-  SDL_BlitSurface(tmp_surf, NULL, screen, target_rect);
-  SDL_FreeSurface(tmp_surf);
+  if(surfs == NULL)
+    return;
+  for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
+    if(surfs[i] != NULL)
+      SDL_FreeSurface(surfs[i]);
+  free(surfs);
+void UpdateRect(SDL_Surface* surf, SDL_Rect* rect)
+  SDL_UpdateRect(surf, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h);
+void SetRect(SDL_Rect* rect, const float* pos)
+  rect->x = pos[0] * screen->w;
+  rect->y = pos[1] * screen->h;
+  rect->w = pos[2] * screen->w;
+  rect->h = pos[3] * screen->h;
@@ -976,7 +1030,7 @@
     if (blits[i].type == 'E') 
-//       DEBUGCODE
+//       DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl)
 //       {
 //         fprintf(stderr, "Erasing blits[%d]\n", i);
 //         fprintf(stderr, "srcrect->x = %d\t srcrect->y = %d\t srcrect->w = %d\t srcrect->h = %d\n",
@@ -998,7 +1052,7 @@
     if (blits[i].type == 'D') 
-//       DEBUGCODE
+//       DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl)
 //       {
 //         fprintf(stderr, "drawing blits[%d]\n", i);
 //         fprintf(stderr, "srcrect->x = %d\t srcrect->y = %d\t srcrect->w = %d\t srcrect->h = %d\n",
@@ -1260,7 +1314,7 @@
     return NULL;
   fprintf( stderr, "\nEntering BlackOutline(): \n");
   fprintf( stderr, "BlackOutline of \"%s\"\n", t );
@@ -1337,7 +1391,7 @@
   out = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(bg);
   { fprintf( stderr, "\nLeaving BlackOutline(): \n"); }
@@ -1368,7 +1422,7 @@
   wcsncpy(wchar_tmp, t, length);
   wchar_tmp[length] = '\0';
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl)
     fprintf(stderr, "In BlackOutline_w() - input wchar_t string is: %S\n", wchar_tmp);
@@ -1376,7 +1430,7 @@
   i = ConvertToUTF8(wchar_tmp, tmp, 1024);
   //tmp[i] = 0;
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl)
     fprintf(stderr, "In BlackOutline_w() - converted UTF8 string is: %s\n", tmp);
@@ -1454,7 +1508,7 @@
     char buf[64];
-    DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Setting font size to %d\n", size); }
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl) { fprintf(stderr, "Setting font size to %d\n", size); }
     if(context != NULL)
     context = NULL;
@@ -1561,13 +1615,13 @@
   /* try to find font in default data dir: */
   sprintf(fn, "%s/fonts/%s", settings.default_data_path, font_name);
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "load_font(): looking for %s using bundled data paths\n", fn); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl) { fprintf(stderr, "load_font(): looking for %s using bundled data paths\n", fn); }
   /* try to load the font, if successful, return font*/
   loaded_font = TTF_OpenFont(fn, font_size);
   if (loaded_font != NULL)
-    DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "load_font(): found bundled font: %s\n", fn); }
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl) { fprintf(stderr, "load_font(): found bundled font: %s\n", fn); }
     return loaded_font;
@@ -1600,13 +1654,13 @@
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "load_font(): looking for %s\n in OS' font path\n", fn); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl) { fprintf(stderr, "load_font(): looking for %s\n in OS' font path\n", fn); }
   /* try to load the font, if successful, return font*/
   loaded_font = TTF_OpenFont(fn, font_size);
   if (loaded_font != NULL)
-    DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "load_font(): found font in OS' location: %s\n", fn); }
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_sdl) { fprintf(stderr, "load_font(): found font in OS' location: %s\n", fn); }
     return loaded_font;
   /* We could not find desired font. If we were looking for something other  */

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/SDL_extras.h
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/SDL_extras.h	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/SDL_extras.h	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -63,7 +63,16 @@
 /* "Public" function prototypes: */
 SDL_Surface* GetScreen();
-void DrawButton(SDL_Rect* target_rect, int radius, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a);
+void DrawButton(SDL_Rect* target_rect,
+                int radius,
+                Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a);
+void DrawButtonOn(SDL_Surface* target,
+                SDL_Rect* target_rect,
+                int radius,
+                Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a);
+SDL_Surface* CreateButton(int w, int h, int radius,
+                          Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a);
 void RoundCorners(SDL_Surface* s, Uint16 radius);
 SDL_Surface* Flip(SDL_Surface *in, int x, int y);

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/alphabet.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/alphabet.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/alphabet.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
   /* fn should now contain valid path to keyboard.lst: */
-  DEBUGCODE{fprintf(stderr, "fn = %s\n", fn);}
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet){fprintf(stderr, "fn = %s\n", fn);}
     char str[255];
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
        && (k < MAX_UNICODES)
        && !unicode_in_key_list(wide_str[2])) /* Make sure char not already added */
-        DEBUGCODE
+        DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet)
           fprintf(stderr, "Adding key: Unicode char = '%C'\tUnicode value = %d\tfinger = %ld\n",
                   wide_str[2], wide_str[2], wcstol(&wide_str[0], NULL, 0)); 
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
   last_choice = choice;
   /* NOTE need %S rather than %s because of wide characters */
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Selected word is: %S\n", word_list[choice]); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) { fprintf(stderr, "Selected word is: %S\n", word_list[choice]); }
   return word_list[choice];
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
   FILE* wordFile = NULL;
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Entering GenerateWordList() for file: %s\n", wordFn); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) { fprintf(stderr, "Entering GenerateWordList() for file: %s\n", wordFn); }
   num_words = 0;
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
   /* --- load words from file named as argument: */
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Loading words from file: %s\n", wordFn); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) { fprintf(stderr, "Loading words from file: %s\n", wordFn); }
   /* ignore the title (i.e. first line) */
   /* (compiler complains unless we inspect return value) */
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
   while (!feof(wordFile) && (num_words < MAX_NUM_WORDS))
     ret = fscanf( wordFile, "%[^\n]\n", temp_word);
-    DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "temp_word = %s\n", temp_word);}
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) {fprintf(stderr, "temp_word = %s\n", temp_word);}
     /* Ignore comment lines - starting with '#' */
     if (temp_word[0] == '#')
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
     /* If we make it to here, OK to add word: */
     /* NOTE we have to add one to the length argument */
     /* to include the terminating null.  */
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet)
       fprintf(stderr, "Adding word: %ls\n", temp_wide_word);
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@
     if (t[0] != 0)
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet)
         fprintf(stderr, "Creating SDL_Surface for list element %d, char = '%lc', Unicode value = %d\n", i, *t, *t);
@@ -1182,18 +1182,18 @@
   char buf[8];
 //  TTF_Font* smallfont = NULL;
-  DEBUGCODE { printf("Entering GenerateKeyboard\n"); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) { printf("Entering GenerateKeyboard\n"); }
-    DEBUGCODE { printf("Error - keyboard SDL_Surface ptr null\n"); }
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) { printf("Error - keyboard SDL_Surface ptr null\n"); }
 //   smallfont = LoadFont(settings.theme_font_name, 15);
 //   if(!smallfont)
 //   {
-//     DEBUGCODE { printf("Error loading font\n"); }
+//     DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) { printf("Error loading font\n"); }
 //     return;
 //   }
@@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@
         new.y -= 9;
-    DEBUGCODE { printf("Making %d : %C\n",i,keyboard_list[i].unicode_value); }
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) { printf("Making %d : %C\n",i,keyboard_list[i].unicode_value); }
     ConvertToUTF8(t, buf, 8);
     tmp = SimpleText(buf, 15, &black);
 //    tmp = TTF_RenderUNICODE_Blended((TTF_Font*)smallfont, t, black);
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@
   //Know this is safe - if NULL would have returned above:
 //  TTF_CloseFont(smallfont);
-  DEBUGCODE { printf("Leaving GenerateKeyboard\n"); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet) { printf("Leaving GenerateKeyboard\n"); }
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet)
     fprintf(stderr, "char_list = %S\n", char_list);
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet)
     fprintf(stderr, "char_list = %S\n", char_list);
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@
   /* unicode already in list: */
   if (char_list[i] == uc)
-    DEBUGCODE{ fprintf(stderr,
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet){ fprintf(stderr,
                        "Unicode value: %d\tcharacter %lc already in list\n",
                         uc, uc);}
     return 0;
@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@
   if (char_list[i] == '\0')
-    DEBUGCODE{ fprintf(stderr, "Adding unicode value: %d\tcharacter %lc\n", uc, uc);}
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_alphabet){ fprintf(stderr, "Adding unicode value: %d\tcharacter %lc\n", uc, uc);}
     char_list[i] = uc;
     char_list[i + 1] = '\0';
     return 1;

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/convert_utf.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/convert_utf.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/convert_utf.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     return 0;
-  DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "ConvertFromUTF8(): UTF8_word = %s\n", UTF8_word);}
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_convert_utf) {fprintf(stderr, "ConvertFromUTF8(): UTF8_word = %s\n", UTF8_word);}
   /* NOTE although we *should* be just able to pass "wchar_t" as the out_type, */
   /* iconv_open() segfaults on Windows if this is done - grrr....             */
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   wcsncpy(wide_word, temp_wchar, max_length);
-  DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "ConvertToUTF8(): wide_word = %S\n", wide_word);}
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_convert_utf) {fprintf(stderr, "ConvertToUTF8(): wide_word = %S\n", wide_word);}
   return wcslen(wide_word);
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
   size_t in_length = (size_t)UTF_BUF_LENGTH;
   size_t out_length = (size_t)UTF_BUF_LENGTH;
-  DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "ConvertToUTF8(): wide_word = %S\n", wide_word);}
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_convert_utf) {fprintf(stderr, "ConvertToUTF8(): wide_word = %S\n", wide_word);}
   if(max_length > UTF_BUF_LENGTH)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
   strncpy(UTF8_word, temp_UTF8, max_length);
-  DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "ConvertToUTF8(): UTF8_word = %s\n", UTF8_word);}
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_convert_utf) {fprintf(stderr, "ConvertToUTF8(): UTF8_word = %s\n", UTF8_word);}
   return strlen(UTF8_word);

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/globals.h
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/globals.h	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/globals.h	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -42,12 +42,16 @@
 extern const int debug_options;
 extern const int debug_convert_utf;
 extern const int debug_multiplayer;
+extern const int debug_practice;
+extern const int debug_scripting;
+extern const int debug_laser;
+extern const int debug_alphabet;
 extern const int debug_all;
 /* debug macros */
-//#define DEBUGCODE(mask) if((mask) & debug_status)
+#define DEBUGCODE(mask) if((mask) & debug_status)
 #define DEBUGMSG(mask, ...) if((mask) & debug_status){ fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); fflush(stderr); }
@@ -173,7 +177,6 @@
 #define LOG( str ) if (settings.debug_on) fprintf( stderr, str );
-#define DEBUGCODE if (settings.debug_on) 
 #define DOUT(x) if (settings.debug_on) fprintf(stderr, "%s = %d\n", #x, x);
@@ -188,13 +191,13 @@
 #define FULL_CIRCLE	140
 /* Menu Prototypes */
-enum Game_Type { 
+/*enum Game_Type { 
 /* Title sequence constants */
 #define PRE_ANIM_FRAMES	 10
 #define PRE_FRAME_MULT	 3

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/laser.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/laser.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/laser.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 				key_unicode = event.key.keysym.unicode;
 				//key_unicode = event.key.keysym.unicode & 0xff;
+				DEBUGCODE(debug_laser)
 				  fprintf(stderr, "key_unicode = %d\n", key_unicode);
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
                                   key_unicode -= 32; //same for non-US chars
 				LOG ("After checking for lower case:\n");
+				DEBUGCODE(debug_laser)
                                    "key_unicode = %d\n", key_unicode);
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
 			MusicPlay(musics[MUS_GAME + (rand() % NUM_MUSICS)], 0);
 		/* Pause (keep frame-rate event) */
-                DEBUGCODE
+                DEBUGCODE(debug_laser)
                   fprintf(stderr, "now_time = %d\tlast_time = %d, elapsed time = %d\n",
                           now_time, last_time, now_time - last_time);
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@
   sprintf(fname, "/images/backgrounds/%d.jpg", i);
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Will try to load file:\t%s", fname); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_laser) { fprintf(stderr, "Will try to load file:\t%s", fname); }
   FreeBothBkgds(); // LoadBothBkgds() actually does this just in case
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@
   int add = (rand() % (diff_level + 2));
   LOG ("Entering laser_add_comet()\n");
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Adding %d comets \n", add); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_laser) { fprintf(stderr, "Adding %d comets \n", add); }
   if (0 == NUM_CITIES % 2) /* Even number of cities */
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@
-            DEBUGCODE {if (location == MAX_COMETS) 
+            DEBUGCODE(debug_laser) {if (location == MAX_COMETS) 
 			printf("Location == MAX_COMETS, we have max on screen\n");}
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@
-          DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "word is: %S\tlength is: %d\n", word, (int)wcslen(word));}
+          DEBUGCODE(debug_laser) {fprintf(stderr, "word is: %S\tlength is: %d\n", word, (int)wcslen(word));}
   	    target = rand() % (NUM_CITIES - wcslen(word) + 1);
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@
 				/* Save pointer for next time through: */
                                 prev_comet = &comets[location];
-				DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "Assigning letter to comet: %C\n", word[i]);}
+				DEBUGCODE(debug_laser) {fprintf(stderr, "Assigning letter to comet: %C\n", word[i]);}

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/loaders.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/loaders.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/loaders.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
   s3 = bind_textdomain_codeset(PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
   s4 = textdomain(PACKAGE);
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_loaders)
     fprintf(stderr, "PACKAGE = %s\n", PACKAGE);
     fprintf(stderr, "TUXLOCALE = %s\n", TUXLOCALE);
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
   /* on some Windows versions, AFAICT                                       */
   snprintf(buf, 30, "%s", settings.theme_locale_name);
   buf[5] = '\0';  //en_US" rather than "en_US.utf8"
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "buf is: %s\n", buf); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_loaders) { fprintf(stderr, "buf is: %s\n", buf); }
   if (my_setenv("LANG", buf) == -1)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
   orig = LoadImageNoPrefix(datafile, IMG_REGULAR);
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_loaders)
      printf("Scaling %dx%d to: %dx%d, %dx%d\n", 
            orig->w, orig->h, RES_X, RES_Y, fs_res_x, fs_res_y);
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
   if (ret == 2) //orig won't be used at all
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_loaders)
     printf("%d images scaled\nLeaving LoadBothBkgds()\n", ret);

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/main.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/main.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/main.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
 const int debug_options        = 1 << 13;
 const int debug_convert_utf    = 1 << 14;
 const int debug_multiplayer    = 1 << 15;
+const int debug_practice       = 1 << 16;
+const int debug_scripting      = 1 << 17;
+const int debug_laser          = 1 << 18;
+const int debug_alphabet       = 1 << 19;
 const int debug_all            = ~0;
@@ -97,9 +101,6 @@
     else if (  (strcmp(argv[i], "-sp") == 0)
             || (strcmp(argv[i], "--speed") == 0))
       settings.speed_up = 1;
-    else if (  (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0)
-            || (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0))
-      settings.debug_on = 1;
     else if (  (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0)
             || (strcmp(argv[i], "--sound") == 0))
       settings.sys_sound = 1;
@@ -172,6 +173,22 @@
       debug_status |= debug_options;
+    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug-practice") == 0)
+    {
+      debug_status |= debug_practice;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug-scripting") == 0)
+    {
+      debug_status |= debug_scripting;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug-laser") == 0)
+    {
+      debug_status |= debug_laser;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug-alphabet") == 0)
+    {
+      debug_status |= debug_alphabet;
+    }
       fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
@@ -187,6 +204,8 @@
   Uint32 lib_flags = 0;
   int i;
+  handle_command_args(argc, argv);
   Opts_Initialize(); // First, initialize settings with hard-coded defaults 
@@ -194,10 +213,7 @@
   LoadSettings();    // Second, read saved any saved settings
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n%s, version %s BEGIN\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
-  }
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_setup, "\n%s, version %s BEGIN\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
   //Now initialize locale/gettext system.
   //This is done after reading settings just so we can print
@@ -210,7 +226,7 @@
     s3 = bind_textdomain_codeset(PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
     s4 = textdomain(PACKAGE);
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_setup)
       fprintf(stderr, "PACKAGE = %s\n", PACKAGE);
       fprintf(stderr, "TUXLOCALE = %s\n", TUXLOCALE);
@@ -223,7 +239,6 @@
   lib_flags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO;
   lib_flags |= SDL_INIT_AUDIO;

Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/menu.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/menu.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/menu.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -0,0 +1,1070 @@
+  t4k-menu.c
+  Functions responsible for loading, parsing and displaying game menu.
+  Part of "Tux4Kids" Project
+  http://www.tux4kids.com/
+  Author: Boleslaw Kulbabinski <bkulbabinski at gmail.com>, (C) 2009
+  Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution.
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "funcs.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+struct mNode {
+  struct mNode* parent;
+  char* title;
+  int font_size;
+  char* icon_name;
+  sprite* icon;
+  SDL_Rect button_rect;
+  SDL_Rect icon_rect;
+  SDL_Rect text_rect;
+  /* submenu_size = 0 if no submenu */
+  int submenu_size;
+  struct mNode** submenu;
+  /* these fields are used only if submenu_size = 0 */
+  int activity;
+  int param;
+  /* these fields are used only if submenu_size > 0 */
+  bool show_title;
+  int entries_per_screen;
+  int first_entry;
+typedef struct mNode MenuNode;
+/* titlescreen & menu frame rate */
+#define MAX_FPS                    30
+/* number of "real" frames per one sprite frame */
+#define SPRITE_FRAME_DELAY         6
+#define QUIT -2
+#define STOP -1
+#define RUN_MAIN_MENU -3
+int n_of_activities;
+char** activities;
+char* data_prefix;
+Mix_Chunk* snd_click;
+Mix_Chunk* snd_hover;
+char* music_path;
+#define N_OF_MENUS 10
+MenuNode* menus[N_OF_MENUS];
+/* font size used in current resolution */
+int curr_font_size;
+/* buffer size used when reading attributes or names */
+const int buf_size = 512;
+/* actions available while viewing the menu */
+/* stop button, left and right arrow positions do not
+   depend on currently displayed menu */
+SDL_Rect menu_rect, stop_rect, prev_rect, next_rect, menu_title_rect;
+SDL_Surface *stop_button, *prev_arrow, *next_arrow, *prev_gray, *next_gray;
+/*TODO: move these constants into a config file (maybe together with
+  titlescreen paths and rects ? ) */
+const float menu_pos[4] = {0.38, 0.23, 0.55, 0.72};
+const float stop_pos[4] = {0.94, 0.0, 0.06, 0.06};
+const float prev_pos[4] = {0.87, 0.93, 0.06, 0.06};
+const float next_pos[4] = {0.94, 0.93, 0.06, 0.06};
+const char* stop_path = "/images/status/stop.svg";
+const char* prev_path = "/images/status/left.svg";
+const char* next_path = "/images/status/right.svg";
+const char* prev_gray_path = "/images/status/left_gray.svg";
+const char* next_gray_path = "/images/status/right_gray.svg";
+const float button_gap = 0.2, text_h_gap = 0.4, text_w_gap = 0.5, button_radius = 0.27;
+const int min_font_size = 8, default_font_size = 20, max_font_size = 40;
+/* local functions */
+MenuNode*       create_empty_node();
+char*           get_attribute_name(const char* token);
+char*           get_attribute_value(const char* token);
+void            read_attributes(FILE* xml_file, MenuNode* node);
+MenuNode*       load_menu_from_file(FILE* xml_file, MenuNode* parent);
+void            free_menu(MenuNode* menu);
+SDL_Surface**   render_buttons(MenuNode* menu, bool selected);
+char*           find_longest_text(MenuNode* menu, int* length);
+void            set_font_size();
+void            prerender_menu(MenuNode* menu);
+/* initialization of menu module */
+void SetActivitiesList(int num, char** acts)
+  n_of_activities = num;
+  activities = acts;
+void SetMenuSounds(char* mus_path, Mix_Chunk* click, Mix_Chunk* hover)
+  snd_click = click;
+  snd_hover = hover;
+  music_path = mus_path;
+void SetImagePathPrefix(char* pref)
+  data_prefix = pref;
+  functions responsible for parsing menu files
+  and creating menu trees
+/* creates new MenuNode struct with all fields set to NULL (or 0) */
+MenuNode* create_empty_node()
+  MenuNode* new_node = malloc(sizeof(MenuNode));
+  new_node->parent = NULL;
+  new_node->title = NULL;
+  new_node->icon_name = NULL;
+  new_node->icon = NULL;
+  new_node->submenu_size = 0;
+  new_node->submenu = NULL;
+  new_node->activity = 0;
+  new_node->param = 0;
+  new_node->first_entry = 0;
+  new_node->show_title = false;
+  return new_node;
+/* read attributes and fill appropriate node fields */
+void read_attributes(FILE* xml_file, MenuNode* node)
+  char attr_name[buf_size];
+  char attr_val[buf_size];
+  int i;
+  /* read tokens until closing '>' is found */
+  do
+  {
+    fscanf(xml_file, " %[^=\n]", attr_name);
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "read_attributes(): read attribute name: %s\n", attr_name);
+    if(strchr(attr_name, '>'))
+      break;
+    fscanf(xml_file, "=\"%[^\"]\"", attr_val);
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "read_attributes(): read attribute value: %s\n", attr_val);
+    if(strcmp(attr_name, "title") == 0)
+      node->title = strdup(attr_val);
+    else if(strcmp(attr_name, "entries") == 0)
+      node->submenu_size = atoi(attr_val);
+    else if(strcmp(attr_name, "param") == 0)
+      node->param = atoi(attr_val);
+    else if(strcmp(attr_name, "sprite") == 0)
+      node->icon_name = strdup(attr_val);
+    else if(strcmp(attr_name, "run") == 0)
+    {
+      if(strcmp(attr_val, "RUN_MAIN_MENU") == 0)
+        node->activity = RUN_MAIN_MENU;
+      else
+        for(i = 0; i < n_of_activities; i++)
+          if(strcmp(attr_val, activities[i]) == 0)
+            node->activity = i;
+    }
+    else
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "read_attributes(): unknown attribute %s , omitting\n", attr_name);
+  } while(strchr(attr_val, '>') == NULL);
+/* recursively read and parse given xml menu file and create menu tree
+   return NULL in case of problems */
+MenuNode* load_menu_from_file(FILE* xml_file, MenuNode* parent)
+  MenuNode* new_node = create_empty_node();
+  char buffer[buf_size];
+  int i;
+  new_node->parent = parent;
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "entering load_menu_from_file()\n");
+  fscanf(xml_file, " < %s", buffer);
+  if(strcmp(buffer, "menu") == 0)
+  {
+    read_attributes(xml_file, new_node);
+    if(new_node->title == NULL)
+    {
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "load_menu_from_file(): no title attribute, exiting\n");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    if(new_node->submenu_size > 0)
+    {
+      new_node->submenu = malloc(new_node->submenu_size * sizeof(MenuNode));
+      for(i = 0; i < new_node->submenu_size; i++)
+        new_node->submenu[i] = load_menu_from_file(xml_file, new_node);
+    }
+    fscanf(xml_file, " </%[^>\n]> ", buffer);
+    if(strcmp(buffer, "menu") != 0)
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "load_menu_from_file(): warning - no closing menu tag, found %s instead\n", buffer);
+  }
+  else if(strcmp(buffer, "item") == 0)
+  {
+    read_attributes(xml_file, new_node);
+    if(new_node->title == NULL)
+    {
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "load_menu_from_file(): no title attribute, exiting\n");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "load_menu_from_file(): unknown tag: %s\n, exiting\n", buffer);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_menu_parser, "load_menu_from_file(): node loaded successfully\n");
+  return new_node;
+/* recursively free all non-NULL pointers in a menu tree */
+void free_menu(MenuNode* menu)
+  int i;
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "entering free_menu()\n");
+  if(menu != NULL)
+  {
+    if(menu->title != NULL)
+      free(menu->title);
+    if(menu->icon_name != NULL)
+      free(menu->icon_name);
+    if(menu->icon != NULL)
+      FreeSprite(menu->icon);
+    if(menu->submenu != NULL)
+    {
+      for(i = 0; i < menu->submenu_size; i++)
+        if(menu->submenu[i] != NULL)
+        {
+          free_menu(menu->submenu[i]);
+          menu->submenu[i] = NULL;
+        }
+      free(menu->submenu);
+    }
+    free(menu);
+  }
+/* create a simple one-level menu.
+   All given strings are copied */
+void CreateOneLevelMenu(int index, int items, char** item_names, char** sprite_names, char* title, char* trailer)
+  MenuNode* menu = create_empty_node();
+  int i;
+  if(title)
+  {
+    menu->title = strdup(title);
+    menu->show_title = true;
+  }
+  menu->submenu_size = items + (trailer ? 1 : 0);
+  menu->submenu = (MenuNode**) malloc(menu->submenu_size * sizeof(MenuNode*));
+  for(i = 0; i < items; i++)
+  {
+    menu->submenu[i] = create_empty_node();
+    menu->submenu[i]->title = strdup(item_names[i]);
+    if(sprite_names && sprite_names[i])
+      menu->submenu[i]->icon_name = strdup(sprite_names[i]);
+    menu->submenu[i]->activity = i;
+  }
+  if(trailer)
+  {
+    menu->submenu[items] = create_empty_node();
+    menu->submenu[items]->title = strdup(trailer);
+    menu->submenu[items]->activity = items;
+  }
+  menus[index] = menu;
+/* Display the menu and run the event loop.
+   if return_choice = true then return chosen value instead of
+   running handle_activity()
+   this function is a modified copy of choose_menu_item() */
+int RunMenu(int index, bool return_choice, void (*draw_background)(), int (*handle_event)(SDL_Event*), void (*handle_animations)(), int (*handle_activity)(int, int))
+  SDL_Surface** menu_item_unselected = NULL;
+  SDL_Surface** menu_item_selected = NULL;
+  SDL_Surface* title_surf;
+  SDL_Event event;
+  MenuNode* menu = menus[index];
+  MenuNode* tmp_node;
+  SDL_Rect tmp_rect;
+  sprite* tmp_sprite;
+  int i;
+  int stop = 0;
+  int items;
+  int action = NONE;
+  Uint32 frame_start = 0;       //For keeping frame rate constant
+  Uint32 frame_now = 0;
+  Uint32 frame_counter = 0;
+  int loc = -1;                  //The currently selected menu item
+  int old_loc = -1;
+  int click_flag = 1;
+  for(;;) /* one loop body execution for one menu page */
+  {
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "run_menu(): drawing whole new menu page\n");
+    draw_background();
+    /* render buttons for current menu page */
+    menu_item_unselected = render_buttons(menu, false);
+    menu_item_selected = render_buttons(menu, true);
+    items = min(menu->entries_per_screen, menu->submenu_size - menu->first_entry);
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "run_menu(): drawing %d buttons\n", items);
+    for(i = 0; i < items; i++)
+    {
+      if(loc == i)
+        SDL_BlitSurface(menu_item_selected[i], NULL, GetScreen(), &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->button_rect);
+      else
+        SDL_BlitSurface(menu_item_unselected[i], NULL, GetScreen(), &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->button_rect);
+      if(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->icon)
+        SDL_BlitSurface(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->icon->default_img, NULL, GetScreen(), &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->icon_rect);
+    }
+    SDL_BlitSurface(stop_button, NULL, GetScreen(), &stop_rect);
+    if(menu->entries_per_screen < menu->submenu_size)
+    {
+      /* display arrows */
+      if(menu->first_entry > 0)
+        SDL_BlitSurface(prev_arrow, NULL, GetScreen(), &prev_rect);
+      else
+        SDL_BlitSurface(prev_gray, NULL, GetScreen(), &prev_rect);
+      if(menu->first_entry + items < menu->submenu_size)
+        SDL_BlitSurface(next_arrow, NULL, GetScreen(), &next_rect);
+      else
+        SDL_BlitSurface(next_gray, NULL, GetScreen(), &next_rect);
+    }
+    if(menu->show_title)
+    {
+      menu_title_rect = menu->submenu[0]->button_rect;
+      menu_title_rect.y = menu_rect.y - menu_title_rect.h;
+      title_surf = BlackOutline(_(menu->title), curr_font_size, &red);
+      SDL_BlitSurface(title_surf, NULL, GetScreen(), &menu_title_rect);
+      SDL_FreeSurface(title_surf);
+    }
+    SDL_UpdateRect(GetScreen(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_OFF);
+    while (SDL_PollEvent(&event));  // clear pending events
+    /******** Main loop: *********/
+    stop = false;
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "run_menu(): entering menu loop\n");
+    while (!stop)
+    {
+      frame_start = SDL_GetTicks();         /* For keeping frame rate constant.*/
+      action = NONE;
+      while (!stop && SDL_PollEvent(&event))
+      {
+        switch (event.type)
+        {
+          case SDL_QUIT:
+          {
+            FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_unselected, items);
+            FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_selected, items);
+            return QUIT;
+          }
+          case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
+          {
+            loc = -1;
+            for (i = 0; i < items; i++)
+            {
+              if (inRect(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->button_rect, event.motion.x, event.motion.y))
+              {
+                if(old_loc != i && snd_hover)
+                  PlaySound(snd_hover);
+                loc = i;
+                break;   /* from for loop */
+              }
+            }
+            /* "Left" button - make click if button active: */
+            if(inRect(prev_rect, event.motion.x, event.motion.y)
+               && menu->first_entry > 0)
+            {
+              if(click_flag)
+              {
+                if(snd_hover)
+                  PlaySound(snd_hover);
+                click_flag = 0;
+              }
+            }
+            /* "Right" button - make click if button active: */
+            else if(inRect(next_rect, event.motion.x, event.motion.y)
+               && menu->first_entry + items < menu->submenu_size)
+            {
+              if(click_flag)
+              {
+                if(snd_hover)
+                  PlaySound(snd_hover);
+                click_flag = 0;
+              }
+            }
+            /* "stop" button */
+            else if (inRect(stop_rect, event.motion.x, event.motion.y ))
+            {
+              if(click_flag)
+              {
+                if(snd_hover)
+                  PlaySound(snd_hover);
+                click_flag = 0;
+              }
+            }
+            else  // Mouse outside of arrow rects - re-enable click sound:
+              click_flag = 1;
+            break;
+          }
+          case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+          {
+            loc = -1;  // By default, don't be in any entry
+            for (i = 0; i < items; i++)
+            {
+              if (inRect(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->button_rect, event.motion.x, event.motion.y))
+              {
+                // Play sound if loc is being changed:
+                if(snd_click)
+                  PlaySound(snd_click);
+                loc = i;
+                action = CLICK;
+                break;   /* from for loop */
+              }
+            }
+            /* "Left" button */
+            if (inRect(prev_rect, event.motion.x, event.motion.y)
+               && menu->first_entry > 0)
+            {
+              if(snd_click)
+                PlaySound(snd_click);
+              action = PAGEUP;
+            }
+            /* "Right" button - go to next page: */
+            else if (inRect(next_rect, event.motion.x, event.motion.y )
+               && menu->first_entry + items < menu->submenu_size)
+            {
+              if(snd_click)
+                PlaySound(snd_click);
+              action = PAGEDOWN;
+            }
+            /* "Stop" button - go to main menu: */
+            else if (inRect(stop_rect, event.button.x, event.button.y ))
+            {
+              if(snd_click)
+                PlaySound(snd_click);
+              action = STOP_ESC;
+            }
+            break;
+          } /* End of case SDL_MOUSEDOWN */
+          case SDL_KEYDOWN:
+          {
+            /* Proceed according to particular key pressed: */
+            switch (event.key.keysym.sym)
+            {
+              case SDLK_ESCAPE:
+              {
+                action = STOP_ESC;
+                break;
+              }
+              case SDLK_RETURN:
+              case SDLK_SPACE:
+              case SDLK_KP_ENTER:
+              {
+                if(snd_click)
+                  PlaySound(snd_click);
+                action = CLICK;
+                break;
+              }
+              /* Go to previous page, if present: */
+              case SDLK_LEFT:
+              case SDLK_PAGEUP:
+              {
+                if(snd_click)
+                  PlaySound(snd_click);
+                if (menu->first_entry > 0)
+                  action = PAGEUP;
+                break;
+              }
+              /* Go to next page, if present: */
+              case SDLK_RIGHT:
+              case SDLK_PAGEDOWN:
+              {
+                if(snd_click)
+                  PlaySound(snd_click);
+                if (menu->first_entry + items < menu->submenu_size)
+                  action = PAGEDOWN;
+                break;
+              }
+              /* Go up one entry, if present: */
+              case SDLK_UP:
+              {
+                if(snd_hover)
+                  PlaySound(snd_hover);
+                if (loc > 0)
+                  loc--;
+                else if (menu->submenu_size <= menu->entries_per_screen) 
+                  loc = menu->submenu_size - 1;  // wrap around if only 1 GetScreen()
+                else if (menu->first_entry > 0)
+                {
+                  loc = menu->entries_per_screen - 1;
+                  action = PAGEUP;
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              case SDLK_DOWN:
+              {
+                if(snd_hover)
+                  PlaySound(snd_hover);
+                if (loc + 1 < min(menu->submenu_size, menu->entries_per_screen))
+                  loc++;
+                else if (menu->submenu_size <= menu->entries_per_screen) 
+                  loc = 0;  // wrap around if only 1 GetScreen()
+                else if (menu->first_entry + menu->entries_per_screen < menu->submenu_size)
+                {
+                  loc = 0;
+                  action = PAGEDOWN;
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              /* Toggle GetScreen() mode: */
+              case SDLK_F10:
+              {
+                SwitchScreenMode();
+                action = RESIZED;
+                break;
+              }
+              /* Toggle menu music: */
+              case SDLK_F11:
+              {
+                if(IsPlayingMusic())
+                {
+                  AudioMusicUnload();
+                }
+                else if(music_path)
+                {
+                  AudioMusicLoad(music_path, -1);
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              default:
+              {
+                /* Some other key - do nothing. */
+              }
+              break;  /* To get out of _outer_ switch/case statement */
+            }  /* End of key switch statement */
+          }  // End of case SDL_KEYDOWN in outer switch statement
+        }  // End event switch statement
+        if (old_loc != loc) {
+          DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "run_menu(): changed button focus, old=%d, new=%d\n", old_loc, loc);
+          if(old_loc >= 0 && old_loc < items)
+          {
+            tmp_rect = menu->submenu[old_loc + menu->first_entry]->button_rect;
+            SDL_BlitSurface(menu_item_unselected[old_loc], NULL, GetScreen(), &tmp_rect);
+            if(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + old_loc]->icon)
+              SDL_BlitSurface(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + old_loc]->icon->default_img, NULL, GetScreen(), &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + old_loc]->icon_rect);
+            SDL_UpdateRect(GetScreen(), tmp_rect.x, tmp_rect.y, tmp_rect.w, tmp_rect.h);
+          }
+          if(loc >= 0 && loc < items)
+          {
+            tmp_rect = menu->submenu[loc + menu->first_entry]->button_rect;
+            SDL_BlitSurface(menu_item_selected[loc], NULL, GetScreen(), &tmp_rect);
+            if(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc]->icon)
+            {
+              SDL_BlitSurface(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc]->icon->default_img, NULL, GetScreen(), &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc]->icon_rect);
+              menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc]->icon->cur = 0;
+            }
+            SDL_UpdateRect(GetScreen(), tmp_rect.x, tmp_rect.y, tmp_rect.w, tmp_rect.h);
+          }
+          old_loc = loc;
+        }
+        if(handle_event(&event))
+          stop = true;
+        switch(action)
+        {
+          case RESIZED:
+            RenderTitleScreen();
+            menu->first_entry = 0;
+            PrerenderAll();
+            stop = true;
+            break;
+          case CLICK:
+            if(loc < 0 || loc >= items)
+            {
+              DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "run_menu(): incorrect location for CLICK action (%d) !\n", loc);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              tmp_node = menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc];
+              if(tmp_node->submenu_size == 0)
+              {
+                if(return_choice)
+                {
+                  FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_unselected, items);
+                  FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_selected, items);
+                  return tmp_node->activity;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                  if(tmp_node->activity == RUN_MAIN_MENU)
+                  {
+                    /* go back to the root of this menu */
+                    menu = menus[index];
+                  }
+                  else
+                  {
+                    if(handle_activity(tmp_node->activity, tmp_node->param) == QUIT)
+                    {
+                      DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "run_menu(): handle_activity() returned QUIT message, exiting.\n");
+                      FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_unselected, items);
+                      FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_selected, items);
+                      return QUIT;
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                menu->first_entry = 0;
+                menu = tmp_node;
+                menu->first_entry = 0;
+              }
+              stop = true;
+            }
+            break;
+          case STOP_ESC:
+            if(menu->parent == NULL)
+            {
+              FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_unselected, items);
+              FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_selected, items);
+              return STOP;
+            }
+            else
+              menu = menu->parent;
+            stop = true;
+            break;
+          case PAGEUP:
+            menu->first_entry -= menu->entries_per_screen;
+            stop = true;
+            break;
+          case PAGEDOWN:
+            menu->first_entry += menu->entries_per_screen;
+            stop = true;
+            break;
+        }
+      }  // End of SDL_PollEvent while loop
+      if(stop)
+        break;
+      if(!stop && frame_counter % 5 == 0 && loc >= 0 && loc < items)
+      {
+        tmp_sprite = menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc]->icon;
+        if(tmp_sprite)
+        {
+          SDL_BlitSurface(menu_item_selected[loc], NULL, GetScreen(), &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc]->icon_rect);
+          SDL_BlitSurface(tmp_sprite->frame[tmp_sprite->cur], NULL, GetScreen(), &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc]->icon_rect);
+          UpdateRect(GetScreen(), &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + loc]->icon_rect);
+          NextFrame(tmp_sprite);
+        }
+      }
+      handle_animations();
+      /* Wait so we keep frame rate constant: */
+      frame_now = SDL_GetTicks();
+      if (frame_now < frame_start)
+        frame_start = frame_now;  // in case the timer wraps around
+      if((frame_now - frame_start) < 1000 / MAX_FPS)
+        SDL_Delay(1000 / MAX_FPS - (frame_now - frame_start));
+      frame_counter++;
+    } // End of while(!stop) loop
+    /* free button surfaces */
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "run_menu(): freeing %d button surfaces\n", items);
+    FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_unselected, items);
+    FreeSurfaceArray(menu_item_selected, items);
+  }
+  return QUIT;
+/* return button surfaces that are currently displayed (without sprites) */
+SDL_Surface** render_buttons(MenuNode* menu, bool selected)
+  SDL_Surface** menu_items = NULL;
+  SDL_Rect curr_rect;
+  SDL_Surface* tmp_surf = NULL;
+  int i, items;
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "Entering render_buttons()\n");
+  items = min(menu->entries_per_screen, menu->submenu_size - menu->first_entry);
+  menu_items = (SDL_Surface**) malloc(items * sizeof(SDL_Surface*));
+  if(NULL == menu_items)
+  {
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "render_buttons(): failed to allocate memory for buttons!\n");
+    return NULL;  // error
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < items; i++)
+  {
+    curr_rect = menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->button_rect;
+    menu_items[i] = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_SRCALPHA,
+                                          curr_rect.w,
+                                          curr_rect.h,
+                                          32,
+                                          rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
+    SDL_BlitSurface(GetScreen(), &curr_rect, menu_items[i], NULL);
+    /* button */
+    if(selected)
+      tmp_surf = CreateButton(curr_rect.w, curr_rect.h, button_radius * curr_rect.h, SEL_RGBA);
+    else
+      tmp_surf = CreateButton(curr_rect.w, curr_rect.h, button_radius * curr_rect.h, REG_RGBA);
+    SDL_BlitSurface(tmp_surf, NULL, menu_items[i], NULL);
+    SDL_FreeSurface(tmp_surf);
+    /* text */
+    tmp_surf = BlackOutline(_(menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->title),
+                            curr_font_size, selected ? &yellow : &white);
+    SDL_BlitSurface(tmp_surf, NULL, menu_items[i], &menu->submenu[menu->first_entry + i]->text_rect);
+    SDL_FreeSurface(tmp_surf);
+  }
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "Leaving render_buttons()\n");
+  return menu_items;
+/* recursively load sprites and calculate button rects
+   to fit into current screen */
+void prerender_menu(MenuNode* menu)
+  SDL_Surface* temp_surf;
+  MenuNode* curr_node;
+  int i, imod, max_text_h = 0, max_text_w = 0;
+  int button_h, button_w;
+  bool found_icons = false;
+  char filename[buf_size];
+  if(NULL == menu)
+  {
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "prerender_menu(): NULL pointer, exiting !\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  if(0 == menu->submenu_size)
+  {
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "prerender_menu(): no submenu, exiting.\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  for(i = 0; i < menu->submenu_size; i++)
+  {
+    if(menu->submenu[i]->icon_name)
+      found_icons = true;
+    temp_surf = NULL;
+    temp_surf = SimpleText(_(menu->submenu[i]->title), curr_font_size, &black);
+    if(temp_surf)
+    {
+      max_text_h = max(max_text_h, temp_surf->h);
+      max_text_w = max(max_text_w, temp_surf->w);
+      SDL_FreeSurface(temp_surf);
+    }
+  }
+  button_h = (1.0 + 2.0 * text_h_gap) * max_text_h;
+  button_w = max_text_w + ( (found_icons ? 1.0 : 0.0) + 2.0 * text_w_gap) * button_h;
+  menu->entries_per_screen = (int) ( (menu_rect.h - button_gap * button_h) /
+                                   ( (1.0 + button_gap) * button_h ) );
+  for(i = 0; i < menu->submenu_size; i++)
+  {
+    curr_node = menu->submenu[i];
+    curr_node->button_rect.x = menu_rect.x;
+    imod = i % menu->entries_per_screen;
+    curr_node->button_rect.y = menu_rect.y + imod * button_h + (imod + 1) * button_gap * button_h;
+    curr_node->button_rect.w = button_w;
+    curr_node->button_rect.h = button_h;
+    curr_node->icon_rect = curr_node->button_rect;
+    curr_node->icon_rect.w = curr_node->icon_rect.h;
+    curr_node->text_rect.x = ( (found_icons ? 1.0 : 0.0) + text_w_gap) * curr_node->icon_rect.w;
+    curr_node->text_rect.y = text_h_gap * max_text_h;
+    curr_node->text_rect.h = max_text_h;
+    curr_node->text_rect.w = max_text_w;
+    if(curr_node->icon)
+      FreeSprite(curr_node->icon);
+    if(curr_node->icon_name)
+    {
+      sprintf(filename, "%s/images/sprites/%s", data_prefix, curr_node->icon_name);
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "prerender_menu(): loading sprite %s for item #%d.\n", filename, i);
+      curr_node->icon = LoadSpriteOfBoundingBox(filename, IMG_ALPHA, button_h, button_h);
+    }
+    else
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "prerender_menu(): no sprite for item #%d.\n", i);
+    prerender_menu(menu->submenu[i]);
+  }
+void PrerenderMenu(int index)
+  prerender_menu(menus[index]);
+char* find_longest_text(MenuNode* menu, int* length)
+  SDL_Surface* text = NULL;
+  char *ret = NULL, *temp = NULL;
+  int i;
+  if(menu->submenu_size == 0)
+  {
+    text = SimpleText(_(menu->title), curr_font_size, &black);
+    if(text->w > *length)
+    {
+      *length = text->w;
+      ret = menu->title;
+    }
+    SDL_FreeSurface(text);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    for(i = 0; i < menu->submenu_size; i++)
+    {
+      temp = find_longest_text(menu->submenu[i], length);
+      if(temp)
+        ret = temp;
+    }
+  }
+  return ret;
+/* find the longest text in all existing menus and binary search
+   for the best font size */
+void set_font_size()
+  char* longest = NULL;
+  char* temp;
+  SDL_Surface* surf;
+  int length = 0, i, min_f, max_f, mid_f;
+  curr_font_size = default_font_size;
+  for(i = 0; i < N_OF_MENUS; i++)
+  {
+    if(menus[i])
+    {
+      temp = find_longest_text(menus[i], &length);
+      if(temp)
+        longest = temp;
+    }
+  }
+  if(!longest)
+    return;
+  min_f = min_font_size;
+  max_f = max_font_size;
+  while(min_f < max_f)
+  {
+    mid_f = (min_f + max_f) / 2;
+    surf = SimpleText(_(longest), mid_f, &black);
+    if(surf->w + (1.0 + 2.0 * text_w_gap) * (1.0 + 2.0 * text_h_gap) * surf->h < menu_rect.w)
+      min_f = mid_f + 1;
+    else
+      max_f = mid_f;
+    SDL_FreeSurface(surf);
+  }
+  curr_font_size = min_f;
+/* prerender arrows, stop button and all non-NULL menus from menus[] array
+   this function should be invoked after every resolution change */
+void PrerenderAll()
+  int i;
+  char fn[PATH_MAX];
+  SetRect(&menu_rect, menu_pos);
+  SetRect(&stop_rect, stop_pos);
+  if(stop_button)
+    SDL_FreeSurface(stop_button);
+  sprintf(fn, "%s%s", data_prefix, stop_path);
+  stop_button = LoadImageOfBoundingBox(fn, IMG_ALPHA, stop_rect.w, stop_rect.h);
+  /* move button to the right */
+  stop_rect.x = GetScreen()->w - stop_button->w;
+  SetRect(&prev_rect, prev_pos);
+  if(prev_arrow)
+    SDL_FreeSurface(prev_arrow);
+  sprintf(fn, "%s%s", data_prefix, prev_path);
+  prev_arrow = LoadImageOfBoundingBox(fn, IMG_ALPHA, prev_rect.w, prev_rect.h);
+  if(prev_gray)
+    SDL_FreeSurface(prev_gray);
+  sprintf(fn, "%s%s", data_prefix, prev_gray_path);
+  prev_gray = LoadImageOfBoundingBox(fn, IMG_ALPHA, prev_rect.w, prev_rect.h);
+  /* move button to the right */
+  prev_rect.x += prev_rect.w - prev_arrow->w;
+  SetRect(&next_rect, next_pos);
+  if(next_arrow)
+    SDL_FreeSurface(next_arrow);
+  sprintf(fn, "%s%s", data_prefix, next_path);
+  next_arrow = LoadImageOfBoundingBox(fn, IMG_ALPHA, next_rect.w, next_rect.h);
+  if(next_gray)
+    SDL_FreeSurface(next_gray);
+  sprintf(fn, "%s%s", data_prefix, next_gray_path);
+  next_gray = LoadImageOfBoundingBox(fn, IMG_ALPHA, next_rect.w, next_rect.h);
+  set_font_size();
+  for(i = 0; i < N_OF_MENUS; i++)
+    if(menus[i])
+      PrerenderMenu(i);
+void LoadMenu(int index, const char* file_name)
+  FILE* menu_file = NULL;
+  if(menus[index])
+  {
+    free_menu(menus[index]);
+    menus[index] = NULL;
+  }
+  menu_file = fopen(file_name, "r");
+  if(menu_file == NULL)
+  {
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "LoadMenu(): Could not load %s !\n", file_name);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    menus[index] = load_menu_from_file(menu_file, NULL);
+    fclose(menu_file);
+  }
+/* free all loaded menu trees */
+void UnloadMenus(void)
+  int i;
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "entering UnloadMenus()\n");
+  if(stop_button)
+  {
+    SDL_FreeSurface(stop_button);
+    stop_button = NULL;
+  }
+  if(prev_arrow)
+  {
+    SDL_FreeSurface(prev_arrow);
+    prev_arrow = NULL;
+  }
+  if(next_arrow)
+  {
+    SDL_FreeSurface(next_arrow);
+    next_arrow = NULL;
+  }
+  for(i = 0; i < N_OF_MENUS; i++)
+    if(menus[i] != NULL)
+    {
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "UnloadMenus(): freeing menu #%d\n", i);
+      free_menu(menus[i]);
+    }
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "leaving UnloadMenus()\n");

Added: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/menu.h
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/menu.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/menu.h	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  menu.h
+  Functions responsible for loading, parsing and displaying game menu.
+  (interface)
+  Part of "Tux4Kids" Project
+  http://www.tux4kids.com/
+  Author: Boleslaw Kulbabinski <bkulbabinski at gmail.com>, (C) 2009
+  Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution.
+#ifndef MENU_H
+#define MENU_H
+#include "globals.h"
+extern SDL_Rect menu_rect, stop_rect, prev_rect, next_rect;
+extern SDL_Surface *stop_button, *prev_arrow, *next_arrow, *prev_gray, *next_gray;
+void            SetActivitiesList(int num, char** acts);
+void            SetMenuSounds(char* mus_path, Mix_Chunk* click, Mix_Chunk* hover);
+void            SetImagePathPrefix(char* pref);
+void            CreateOneLevelMenu(int index, int items, char** item_names, char** sprite_names, char* title, char* trailer);
+int             RunMenu(int index, bool return_choice, void (*draw_background)(), int (*handle_event)(SDL_Event*), void (*handle_animations)(), int (*handle_activity)(int, int));
+void            PrerenderMenu(int index);
+void            PrerenderAll();
+void            LoadMenu(int index, const char* file_name);
+void            UnloadMenus(void);
+#endif // MENU_H

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/playgame.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/playgame.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/playgame.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
   Uint16 key_unicode;
   Uint32 last_time, now_time;
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_game)
     fprintf(stderr, "->Entering PlayCascade(): level=%i\n", diflevel);
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
       if (settings.hidden && curlevel == 3)
         sprintf(filename, "/images/hidden.jpg");
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_game)
         fprintf(stderr, "->>Loading background: %s\n", filename);
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
             /* See what Unicode value was typed: */
             key_unicode = event.key.keysym.unicode;
-            DEBUGCODE
+            DEBUGCODE(debug_game)
                       "\nkey_unicode = %d\twchar_t = %lc\t\n",
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
               key_unicode -= 32; //same for non-US chars
             LOG ("After checking for lower case:\n");
-            DEBUGCODE
+            DEBUGCODE(debug_game)
                       "key_unicode = %d\twchar_t = %lc\\n\n",
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
       /* Pause (keep frame-rate event) */
       now_time = SDL_GetTicks();
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_game)
         fprintf(stderr, "now_time = %d\tlast_time = %d, elapsed time = %d\n",
                 now_time, last_time, now_time - last_time);
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
 	char filename[FNLEN];
 	LOG( "=LoadOthers()\n" );
+	DEBUGCODE(debug_game)
 	  fprintf(stderr, "settings.theme_font_name is %s\n",
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_game) 
     /* NOTE need %S rather than %s because of wide characters */
     fprintf(stderr, "Spawn fishy with word '%S'\n", fish_object[*fishies].word);

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/practice.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/practice.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/practice.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
                                   medfontsize, phrase_draw_width);
         /* Draw the phrase to be typed up to the next wrapping point: */
-        DEBUGCODE
+        DEBUGCODE(debug_practice)
           wchar_t buf[200];
           wcsncpy(buf, &phrases[cur_phrase][prev_wrap], wrap_pt + 1); 
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
                                   medfontsize, &white,
                                   cursor - prev_wrap);
-        DEBUGCODE
+        DEBUGCODE(debug_practice)
           wchar_t buf[200];
           wcsncpy(buf, &phrases[cur_phrase][prev_wrap], cursor - prev_wrap); 
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
   int load_failed = 0;
   int labels_ok = 0;
-  DEBUGCODE { printf("Entering practice_load_media\n"); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_practice) { printf("Entering practice_load_media\n"); }
   /* load needed SDL_Surfaces: */
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@
   LOG("DONE - Loading practice media\n");
-  DEBUGCODE { printf("Leaving practice_load_media\n"); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_practice) { printf("Leaving practice_load_media\n"); }
   return 1;
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@
   text_height = fontsize * 1.5;
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_practice)
     fprintf(stderr, "Entering recalc_positions(), screen is %d x %d\n", screen->w, screen->h); 
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@
     return 0;
-  DEBUGCODE { printf("load_phrases(): phrases file is '%s'\n", fn ); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_practice) { printf("load_phrases(): phrases file is '%s'\n", fn ); }
   /* We know it will open OK because we already ran CheckFile() on it */ 
   fp = fopen(fn, "r");
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@
     if (EOF != fscanf(fp, "%[^\n]\n", buf))
       ConvertFromUTF8(phrases[num_phrases], buf, MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH);
-      DEBUGCODE {printf("phrase %d:\t%S\n", num_phrases, phrases[num_phrases]);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_practice) {printf("phrase %d:\t%S\n", num_phrases, phrases[num_phrases]);}
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@
-  DEBUGCODE{ fprintf(stderr, "wstr = %S\n", wstr);}
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_practice){ fprintf(stderr, "wstr = %S\n", wstr);}
   phr_length = wcslen(wstr);
@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@
     /* Copy string into buf and null terminate after point to be checked: */
     wcsncpy(buf, wstr, MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH);
     buf[word_end + 1] = '\0';
-    DEBUGCODE{ fprintf(stderr, "buf = %S\n", buf);}
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_practice){ fprintf(stderr, "buf = %S\n", buf);}
     /* Need to convert to UTF8 because couldn't get UNICODE version to work: */
     ConvertToUTF8(buf, UTF8buf, MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH);
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@
     /* whether or not we are at the end of the string:                      */
     if (test_w > width)
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_practice)
         fprintf(stderr, "width exceeded, returning end of previous word as wrap point\n");
         fprintf(stderr, "prev_word_end is %d\n", prev_word_end); 
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@
       if (i >= phr_length)
-        DEBUGCODE
+        DEBUGCODE(debug_practice)
           fprintf(stderr, "width not exceeded, returning because end of string reached\n");
           fprintf(stderr, "word_end is %d\n", word_end); 

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/scripting.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/scripting.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/scripting.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
     sprintf(script_path, "%s/scripts", settings.theme_data_path);
     if (CheckFile(script_path))
-      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "Using theme script dir: %s\n", script_path);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_scripting) {fprintf(stderr, "Using theme script dir: %s\n", script_path);}
       found = 1;
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
     sprintf( script_path, "%s/scripts", settings.default_data_path);
     if (CheckFile(script_path))
-      DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Using theme script dir: %s\n", script_path); }
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_scripting) { fprintf(stderr, "Using theme script dir: %s\n", script_path); }
       found = 1;
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
   /* If we get to here, we know there is at least a lesson script directory */
   /* but not necessarily any valid files.                              */
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "script_path is: %s\n", script_path); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_scripting) { fprintf(stderr, "script_path is: %s\n", script_path); }
   /* FIXME looks like a place for scandir() - or our own w32_scandir() */
@@ -201,14 +201,14 @@
     sprintf(script_filenames[num_scripts], "%s", script_file->d_name);
-    DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Adding XML file no. %d: %s\n",
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_scripting) { fprintf(stderr, "Adding XML file no. %d: %s\n",
                 num_scripts, script_filenames[num_scripts]); }
   } while (1); /* Leave loop when readdir() returns NULL */
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Found %d . xml file(s) in script dir\n", num_scripts); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_scripting) { fprintf(stderr, "Found %d . xml file(s) in script dir\n", num_scripts); }
   /* let the user pick the lesson script */
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
     return 0; // bail if any errors occur
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to run script: %s\n", fn); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_scripting) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to run script: %s\n", fn); }
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
   char str[FNLEN];
   FILE* f = NULL;
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_scripting)
     fprintf(stderr, "\nEnter load_script() - attempt to load '%s'\n", fn);

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/setup.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/setup.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/setup.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
   // Determine the current resolution: this will be used as the
   // fullscreen resolution, if the user wants fullscreen.
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_setup)
     fprintf(stderr, "Current resolution: w %d, h %d.\n", 
             video_info->current_w, video_info->current_h);
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) 
     video_info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
     fprintf(stderr, "-SDL VidMode successfully set to %ix%ix%i\n",
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
   LOG("WIN32 not defined\n");
-  DEBUGCODE { printf("LoadSettings: settings file is '%s'\n", fn ); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) { printf("LoadSettings: settings file is '%s'\n", fn ); }
   LOG("LoadSettings: trying to open settings file\n");
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@
     if (EOF == fscanf(fp, "%[^=]=%[^\n]\n", setting, value))
-    DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "%s = %s", setting, value );}
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "%s = %s", setting, value );}
       //For now we are not reading or saving the language selection: 
 //    if (strncmp( setting, "lang", FNLEN ) == 0 )
 //    {
-//      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting language to %s\n", value);}
+//      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting language to %s\n", value);}
 //      strncpy(settings.lang, value, FNLEN - 1);
 //      setting_found = 1;
 //      SetupPaths(value); /* Does this really belong here? */ 
@@ -258,25 +258,25 @@
 //    else
     if (strncmp( setting, "o_lives", FNLEN ) == 0 )
-      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting lives to %s\n", value);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting lives to %s\n", value);}
       settings.o_lives = atoi(value);
       setting_found = 1;
     else if (strncmp( setting, "mus_volume", FNLEN ) == 0 )
-      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting music volume to %s\n", value);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting music volume to %s\n", value);}
       settings.mus_volume = atoi(value);
       setting_found = 1;
     else if (strncmp(setting, "sfx_volume", FNLEN) == 0)
-      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting effects volume to %s\n", value);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting effects volume to %s\n", value);}
       settings.sfx_volume = atoi(value);
       setting_found = 1;
     else if (strncmp(setting, "menu_music", FNLEN) == 0)
-      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting menu music to %s\n", value);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "LoadSettings: Setting menu music to %s\n", value);}
       settings.menu_music = atoi(value);
       setting_found = 1;
@@ -287,19 +287,19 @@
     else if (strncmp( setting, "theme_font_name", FNLEN ) == 0 )
-      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "load_settings_fp(): Setting theme font to %s\n", value);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "load_settings_fp(): Setting theme font to %s\n", value);}
       strncpy(settings.theme_font_name, value, FNLEN - 1);
       setting_found = 1;
     else if (strncmp( setting, "theme_locale_name", FNLEN ) == 0 )
-      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "load_settings_fp(): Setting theme locale to %s\n", value);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "load_settings_fp(): Setting theme locale to %s\n", value);}
       strncpy(settings.theme_locale_name, value, FNLEN - 1);
       setting_found = 1;
       fprintf(stderr, "load_settings_fp(): Setting theme locale to %s\n", value);
-      DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "load_settings_fp(): unrecognized string: %s\n", value);}
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "load_settings_fp(): unrecognized string: %s\n", value);}
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
-	DEBUGCODE { printf("SaveSettings: settings file is '%s'\n", fn ); }
+	DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) { printf("SaveSettings: settings file is '%s'\n", fn ); }
 	LOG("SaveSettings: trying to open settings file\n");
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
   if (CheckFile(DATA_PREFIX))
     strncpy(settings.default_data_path, DATA_PREFIX, FNLEN - 1);
-    DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "path '%s' found, copy to settings.default_data_path\n", DATA_PREFIX);}
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "path '%s' found, copy to settings.default_data_path\n", DATA_PREFIX);}
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
     sprintf(full_theme_path, "%s/themes/%s", settings.default_data_path, theme_dir);
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_setup)
       fprintf(stderr, "SetupPaths(): checking for '%s' as theme path\n", full_theme_path);
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
       settings.use_english = 0;
       strncpy(settings.theme_data_path, full_theme_path, FNLEN - 1);
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup)
         fprintf(stderr, "settings.theme_data_path is: %s\n", settings.theme_data_path);
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
       /* Load fontname or any other theme-specific settings: */
       sprintf(theme_settings_path, "%s/settings.txt", full_theme_path);
+      DEBUGCODE(debug_setup)
         fprintf(stderr, "theme_settings_path is: %s\n", theme_settings_path);
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_setup)
     fprintf(stderr, "Leaving SetupPaths():\n");
     fprintf(stderr, "default_data_path: '%s'\n", settings.default_data_path);
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@
   if (CheckFile(VAR_PREFIX))
     strncpy(settings.var_data_path, VAR_PREFIX, FNLEN - 1);
-    DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "path '%s' found, copy to settings.var_data_path\n", VAR_PREFIX);}
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "path '%s' found, copy to settings.var_data_path\n", VAR_PREFIX);}
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
   if (CheckFile(VAR_PREFIX))
     strncpy(settings.var_data_path, VAR_PREFIX, FNLEN - 1);
-    DEBUGCODE {fprintf(stderr, "path '%s' found, copy to settings.var_data_path\n", VAR_PREFIX);}
+    DEBUGCODE(debug_setup) {fprintf(stderr, "path '%s' found, copy to settings.var_data_path\n", VAR_PREFIX);}

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/titlescreen.c
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/titlescreen.c	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/titlescreen.c	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -19,10 +19,72 @@
 #include "globals.h"
 #include "funcs.h"
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
 #include "titlescreen.h"
 #include "SDL_extras.h"
 #include "convert_utf.h"
+/* these are all menu choices that are available in tuxtype.
+   By using a define we can create both an enum and
+   a string array without writing these names twice */
+#define QUIT -2
+#define STOP -1
+#define ACTIVITIES \
+  X( RUN_QUIT ),\
+  X( RUN_INFO ),\
+  X( RUN_SETUP ),\
+  X( N_OF_ACTIVITIES )  /* this one has to be the last one */
+/* create enum */
+#define X(name) name
+enum { ACTIVITIES };
+#undef X
+#define X(name) #name
+char* activities[] = { ACTIVITIES };
+#undef X
+/*TODO: move these constants into a config file
+  (together with menu.c constants ? ) */
+const float title_pos[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.25};
+const float tux_pos[4]   = {0.0, 0.6, 0.3, 0.4};
+const char* bkg_path     = "/images/main_bkg.jpg";
+const char* standby_path = "/images/status/standby.svg";
+const char* title_path   = "/images/title1.svg";
+const char* egg_path     = "/images/title/egg.svg";
+const char* tux_path     = "/images/tux";
+char* menu_music_path    = "/sounds/tuxi.ogg";
+/* beak coordinates relative to tux rect */
+const float beak_pos[4]  = {0.36, 0.21, 0.27, 0.14};
+/* screen dimensions to which titlescreen graphics are currently rendered */
+int curr_res_x = -1;
+int curr_res_y = -1;
+SDL_Surface* logo = NULL;
+sprite* Tux = NULL;
+SDL_Surface* title = NULL;
+/* locations we need */
+SDL_Rect bkg_rect,
+         logo_rect,
+         tux_rect,
+         title_rect,
+         cursor;
 /* --- media for menus --- */
 /* images of regular and selected text of menu items: */
@@ -32,10 +94,8 @@
 static sprite* menu_gfx[TITLE_MENU_ITEMS + 1][TITLE_MENU_DEPTH + 1] = {{NULL}};
 /* --- other media --- */
-static SDL_Surface* title = NULL;
 static SDL_Surface* speaker = NULL;
 static SDL_Surface* speakeroff = NULL;
-static sprite* Tux = NULL;
 static Mix_Chunk* snd_move = NULL;
 static Mix_Chunk* snd_select = NULL;
 static Mix_Chunk* snd_welcome = NULL; 
@@ -47,11 +107,6 @@
 /* keep track of the width of each menu: */
 static int menu_width[TITLE_MENU_DEPTH + 1];
-static SDL_Rect Tuxdest;
-static SDL_Rect Titledest;
-static SDL_Rect spkrdest;
-static SDL_Rect cursor;
 /* Local function prototypes: */
 static void show_logo(void);
 static int load_media(void);
@@ -66,36 +121,7 @@
 /* --- menu text --- */
-/* --- define menu structure --- */
-/* (these values are all in the Game_Type enum in globals.h) */
-const int menu_item[][6] = {{0, 0,         0,         0,          0},
-			   {0, CASCADE,   LEVEL1,    LEVEL1,  EDIT_WORDLIST   },
-			   {0, LASER,     LEVEL2,    LEVEL2,  PHRASE_TYPING },
-			   {0, LESSONS,   LEVEL3,    LEVEL3,  PROJECT_INFO    },
-			   {0, QUIT_GAME, MAIN,      MAIN,    MAIN            }};
-/* --- menu icons --- */
-const char* menu_icon[][6] = 
-{{"", "", "", "", ""},
- {"", "cascade", "easy",   "grade1_", "list"   },
- {"", "comet",   "medium", "grade2_", "practice" },
- {"", "lesson","hard",   "grade3_", "keyboard"   },
- {"", "tux_config",  "tutor",  "grade4_", "lang" },
- {"", "quit",    "main",   "main",    "main"   }};
-static const char* menu_text[] = 
-{"", "",            "",             "",            ""    ,
- "",gettext_noop("Fish Cascade"),gettext_noop("Easy"),gettext_noop("Space Cadet"),gettext_noop("Edit Word Lists"),
- "",gettext_noop("Comet Zap"),gettext_noop("Medium"),gettext_noop("Pilot"),gettext_noop("Phrase Typing"),
- "",gettext_noop("Lessons"),gettext_noop("Hard"), gettext_noop("Ace"),gettext_noop("Project Info"),
- "", gettext_noop("Options"),gettext_noop("Instructions"),gettext_noop("Commander"),gettext_noop("Setup Language"),
- "", gettext_noop("Quit"),gettext_noop("Main Menu"),gettext_noop("Main Menu"),gettext_noop("Main Menu")};
 /*                                                                      */ 
 /*         "Public" functions (callable throughout program)             */
@@ -112,8 +138,12 @@
   Uint32 frame = 0;
+  Uint32 start_time = 0;
   Uint32 start = 0;
+  char fn[1000];
+  SDL_Rect tux_anim, title_anim;
+  int tux_pix_skip, title_pix_skip, curr_time;
   /* NOTE for 'depth', think pages like a restaurant menu, */
   /* not heirarchical depth - choice of term is misleading */
   int menu_depth; // how deep we are in the menu
@@ -121,8 +151,6 @@
   int i, j, tux_frame = 0;
   int done = 0;
   int firstloop = 1;
-  int menu_opt = NONE;
-  int sub_menu = NONE;
   int update_locs = 1;
   int redraw = 0;
   int key_menu = 1;
@@ -149,13 +177,6 @@
-  /* Load media and menu data: */
-  if (!load_media())
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "TitleScreen - load_media() failed!");
-    return;
-  }
   SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_ON); // User input goes to TuxType, not window manager
@@ -165,20 +186,22 @@
   LOG( "->Now Animating Tux and Title onto the screen\n" );
-  Tuxdest.x = 0;
-  Tuxdest.y = screen->h;
-  Tuxdest.w = Tux->frame[0]->w;
-  Tuxdest.h = Tux->frame[0]->h;
+  LoadBothBkgds(bkg_path);
-  Titledest.x = screen->w;
-  Titledest.y = 10;
-  Titledest.w = title->w;
-  Titledest.h = title->h;
+  /* load menus */
+  SetActivitiesList(N_OF_ACTIVITIES, activities);
+  SetImagePathPrefix(settings.default_data_path);
+  //SetMenuSounds(menu_music_path, sounds[SND_POP], sounds[SND_TOCK]);
+  sprintf(fn, "%s%s", settings.default_data_path, "/menus/main_menu.xml");
+  LoadMenu(MENU_MAIN, fn);
+  PrerenderAll();
-  spkrdest.x = screen->w - speaker->w - 10;
-  spkrdest.y = screen->h - speaker->h - 10;
-  spkrdest.w = speaker->w;
-  spkrdest.h = speaker->h;
+  /* load titlescreen images */
+  if(RenderTitleScreen() == 0)
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Media was not properly loaded, exiting");
+    return;
+  }
   /* --- wait if the first time in the game --- */
@@ -200,41 +223,53 @@
   SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
   /* --- Pull tux & logo onscreen --- */
-  for (i = 0; i <= (PRE_ANIM_FRAMES * PRE_FRAME_MULT); i++)
+  if(title && Tux && Tux->frame[0])
-    start = SDL_GetTicks();
-    SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), &Tuxdest, screen, &Tuxdest);
-    SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), &Titledest, screen, &Titledest);
+    /* final tux & title positioins are already calculated,
+       start outside the screen */
+    tux_anim = tux_rect;
+    tux_anim.y = screen->h;
+    title_anim = title_rect;
+    title_anim.x = screen->w;
-    Tuxdest.y -= Tux->frame[0]->h / (PRE_ANIM_FRAMES * PRE_FRAME_MULT);
-    Titledest.x -= (screen->w) / (PRE_ANIM_FRAMES * PRE_FRAME_MULT);
-    /* Don't go past 0; */
-    if (Tuxdest.y < 0)
-      Tuxdest.y = 0;
-    if (Titledest.x < 0)
-      Titledest.x = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < ANIM_FRAMES; i++)
+    {
+      start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
-    SDL_BlitSurface(Tux->frame[0], NULL, screen, &Tuxdest);
-    SDL_BlitSurface(title, NULL, screen, &Titledest);
+      /* Draw the entire background, over a black screen if necessary */
+      if(CurrentBkgd()->w != screen->w || CurrentBkgd()->h != screen->h)
+        SDL_FillRect(screen, &screen->clip_rect, 0);
-    SDL_UpdateRect(screen, Tuxdest.x, Tuxdest.y, Tuxdest.w, Tuxdest.h);
-    SDL_UpdateRect(screen, Titledest.x, Titledest.y, Titledest.w + 40, Titledest.h);
+      SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), NULL, screen, &bkg_rect);
-    while ((SDL_GetTicks() - start) < 33) 
-    {
-      SDL_Delay(2);
+      /* calculate shifts */
+      tux_pix_skip = (tux_anim.y - tux_rect.y) / (ANIM_FRAMES - i);
+      tux_anim.y -= tux_pix_skip;
+      title_pix_skip = (title_anim.x - title_rect.x) / (ANIM_FRAMES - i);
+      title_anim.x -= title_pix_skip;
+      /* update screen */
+      SDL_BlitSurface(Tux->frame[0], NULL, screen, &tux_anim);
+      SDL_BlitSurface(title, NULL, screen, &title_anim);
+      SDL_UpdateRect(screen, tux_anim.x, tux_anim.y, tux_anim.w,
+          min(tux_anim.h + tux_pix_skip, screen->h - tux_anim.y));
+      SDL_UpdateRect(screen, title_anim.x, title_anim.y,
+          min(title_anim.w + title_pix_skip, screen->w - title_anim.x), title_anim.h);
+      curr_time = SDL_GetTicks();
+      if((curr_time - start_time) < 1000 / ANIM_FPS)
+        SDL_Delay(1000 / ANIM_FPS - (curr_time - start_time));
-  recalc_rects();
   /* Pick speaker graphic according to whether music is on: */
-  if ( settings.menu_music )
+/*  if ( settings.menu_music )
     SDL_BlitSurface(speaker, NULL, screen, &spkrdest);
     SDL_BlitSurface(speakeroff, NULL, screen, &spkrdest);
   /* Start playing menu music if desired: */
   if (settings.menu_music)
     AudioMusicLoad( "/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1 );
@@ -244,608 +279,242 @@
-  /****************************
-  * Main Loop Starts Here ... *
-  ****************************/
+  run_main_menu();
-  menu_depth = 1;
-  firstloop = 1;
-  Tuxdest.y = screen->h - Tux->frame[0]->h;
+  LOG( "->>Freeing title screen images\n" );
+  LOG( "->TitleScreen():END \n" );
-  while (!done) 
-  {
-    start=SDL_GetTicks();
-    /* ---process input queue --- */
+/*                                                                      */ 
+/*       "Private" functions (local to titlescreen.c)                   */
+/*                                                                      */
-    menu_opt = NONE; // clear the option so we don't change twice!
+void DrawTitleScreen(void)
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Entering DrawTitleScreen()\n");
+  SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), NULL, screen, &bkg_rect);
+  SDL_BlitSurface(Tux->frame[0], NULL, screen, &tux_rect);
+  SDL_BlitSurface(title, NULL, screen, &title_rect);
+  //SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Leaving DrawTitleScreen()\n");
-    old_key_menu = key_menu;
+/* Render and position all titlescreen items to match current
+   screen size. Rendering is done only if needed.
+   This function must be called after every resolution change
+   returns 1 on success, 0 on failure */
+int RenderTitleScreen(void)
+  SDL_Surface* new_bkg = NULL;
+  char* path;
-    /* Retrieve any user interface events: */
-    while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
-    {
-      switch (event.type)
-      {
+  if(curr_res_x != screen->w || curr_res_y != screen->h)
+  {
+    /* we need to rerender titlescreen items */
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Re-rendering titlescreen items.\n");
-        case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
-        {
-          cursor.x = event.motion.x;
-          cursor.y = event.motion.y;
-          break;
-        }
-        /* Handle mouse clicks based on mouse location: */
-        {
-          cursor.x = event.motion.x;
-          cursor.y = event.motion.y;
-          for (j = 1; j <= TITLE_MENU_ITEMS; j++)
-          {
-            if (inRect(menu_button[j], cursor.x, cursor.y))
-            {
-              menu_opt = menu_item[j][menu_depth];
-              if (settings.menu_sound)
-              {
-                PlaySound(snd_select);
-              }
-              DEBUGCODE
-              {
-                fprintf(stderr, "->>BUTTON CLICK menu_opt = %d\n", menu_opt);
-                fprintf(stderr, "->J = %d menu_depth=%d\n", j, menu_depth);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          /* If mouse over speaker, toggle menu music off or on: */
-          if (inRect(spkrdest, cursor.x, cursor.y))
-          {
-            if (settings.menu_music)
-            {
-              AudioMusicUnload();
-              settings.menu_music = 0;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              settings.menu_music = 1;
-              AudioMusicLoad("/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1);
-            }
-            redraw = 1;
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-        case SDL_QUIT:
-        {
-          menu_opt = QUIT_GAME;
-          break;
-        }
-        /* Handle key press events based on key value: */
-        case SDL_KEYDOWN:
-        {
-          switch (event.key.keysym.sym)
-          {
-            case SDLK_ESCAPE:
-            {
-              /* Go to main menu (if in submenu) or quit: */
-              if (menu_depth != 1) 
-                menu_opt = MAIN;
-              else
-                menu_opt = QUIT_GAME;
-              if (settings.menu_sound)
-                PlaySound(snd_select);
-              break;
-            }
-            /* Toggle screen mode: */
-            case SDLK_F10:
-            {
-              SwitchScreenMode();
-              recalc_rects();
-              redraw = 1;
-              break;
-            }
-            /* Toggle menu music: */
-            case SDLK_F11:
-            {
-              if (settings.menu_music)
-              {
-                AudioMusicUnload( );
-                settings.menu_music = 0;
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                settings.menu_music = 1;
-                AudioMusicLoad("/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1);
-              }
-              redraw = 1;
-              break;
-            }
-            /* --- reload translation/graphics/media: for themers/translaters --- */
-            case SDLK_F12:
-            {
-              unload_media();
-              LoadLang();
-              load_media();
-              redraw = 1;
-              break;
-            }
-            case SDLK_UP:
-            {
-              if (settings.menu_sound)
-                PlaySound(snd_move);
-              key_menu--;
-              if (key_menu < 1)
-                key_menu = 5;
-              break;
-            }
-            case SDLK_DOWN:
-            {
-              key_menu++;
-              if (settings.menu_sound)
-                PlaySound(snd_move);
-              if (key_menu > 5)
-                key_menu = 1;
-              break;
-            }
-            case SDLK_RETURN:
-            {
-              if (key_menu)
-              {
-                menu_opt = menu_item[key_menu][menu_depth];
-                if (settings.menu_sound)
-                  PlaySound(snd_select);
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            default:     /* Some other key pressed - do nothing: */
-            {
-              break;
-            }
-          }             /* End of switch(event.key.keysym.sym) statement */
-        }               /* End of case: SDL_KEYDOWN: */
-        default:        /* Some other type of SDL event - do nothing;    */
-        {
-          break;
-        }
-      }                 /* End of switch(event.type) statement           */
-    }	              /* End of while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) loop     */
-    /* --- do menu processing --- */
-    if (menu_opt == QUIT_GAME)
-      done = 1;
-    if (menu_opt == LASER)
+    /* we keep two backgrounds to make screen mode switch faster */
+    if(CurrentBkgd()->w != screen->w || CurrentBkgd()->h != screen->h)
-      menu_depth = LASER_SUBMENU;
-      sub_menu = LASER;
-      update_locs = 1;
-      redraw = 1;
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == CASCADE)
-    {
-      menu_depth = CASCADE_SUBMENU;
-      sub_menu = CASCADE;
-      update_locs = 1;
-      redraw=1;
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == OPTIONS)
-    {
-      menu_depth = OPTIONS_SUBMENU;
-      sub_menu = OPTIONS;
-      update_locs = 1;
-      redraw = 1;
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == MAIN)
-    {
-      menu_depth = ROOTMENU;
-      update_locs = 1;
-      redraw = 1;
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == EDIT_WORDLIST)
-    {
-      not_implemented();
-//      ChooseFile();
-      redraw = 1;
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == PROJECT_INFO)
-    {
-      ProjectInfo();
-      redraw = 1;
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == LESSONS)
-    {
-//      not_implemented();
-      SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), NULL, screen, NULL);
-      SDL_Flip( screen );
-      unload_media();
-      if (settings.menu_music)
-        AudioMusicUnload( );
-      TestLesson();
-      load_media();
-      redraw = 1;
-      if (settings.menu_music)
-        AudioMusicLoad( "/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1 );
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == SET_LANGUAGE)
-    {
-      unload_media();
-      ChooseTheme();
-      LoadLang();
-      LoadKeyboard();
-      load_media();
-      redraw = 1;
-      if (settings.menu_music)
-        AudioMusicLoad( "/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1 );
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == LEVEL1)
-    {  
-      if (chooseWordlist()) 
+      new_bkg = LoadBkgd(bkg_path, screen->w, screen->h);
+      if(new_bkg == NULL)
-        unload_media();
-        switch (sub_menu)
-        {
-          case CASCADE: PlayCascade( EASY ); break;
-          case LASER:   PlayLaserGame(  EASY ); break;
-        }
+        DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "RenderTitleScreen(): Failed to load new background.\n");
+        return 0;
-      load_media();
-      if (settings.menu_music)
-        AudioMusicLoad("/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1);
-      redraw = 1;
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == LEVEL2)
-    {
-      if (chooseWordlist())
+      else
-        unload_media();
-        switch (sub_menu)
-        {
-          case CASCADE: PlayCascade( MEDIUM ); break;
-          case LASER:   PlayLaserGame(  MEDIUM ); break;
-        }
-        if (settings.menu_music)
-          AudioMusicLoad( "/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1 );
+        DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "RenderTitleScreen(): New background loaded.\n");
+        //set_current_bkg(new_bkg);
-      load_media();
-      redraw = 1;
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Re-rendering titlescreen items.\n");
+    bkg_rect = CurrentBkgd()->clip_rect;
+    bkg_rect.x = (screen->w - bkg_rect.w) / 2;
+    bkg_rect.y = (screen->h - bkg_rect.h) / 2;
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Re-rendering titlescreen items.\n");
+    /* Tux in lower left corner of the screen */
+    SetRect(&tux_rect, tux_pos);
-    if (menu_opt == LEVEL3)
-    {
-      if (chooseWordlist())
-      {
-        unload_media();
+    path = GetSpriteFullPath(tux_path);
+    Tux = LoadSpriteOfBoundingBox(path, IMG_ALPHA, tux_rect.w, tux_rect.h);
+    if(path)
+      free(path);
-        switch (sub_menu)
-        {
-          case CASCADE: PlayCascade( HARD ); break;
-          case LASER:   PlayLaserGame(  HARD ); break;
-        }
-        if (settings.menu_music)
-          AudioMusicLoad( "/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1 );
-      }
-      load_media();
-      redraw = 1;
-    }
-    if (menu_opt == LEVEL4)
+    if(Tux && Tux->frame[0])
-      if (chooseWordlist())
-      {
-        unload_media();
-        switch (sub_menu)
-        {
-          case CASCADE: PlayCascade( INSANE ); break;
-          case LASER:   PlayLaserGame(  INSANE ); break;
-        }
-        if (settings.menu_music)
-          AudioMusicLoad( "/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1 );
-      }
-      load_media();
-      redraw = 1;
+      tux_rect.w = Tux->frame[0]->clip_rect.w;
+      tux_rect.h = Tux->frame[0]->clip_rect.h;
-    if (menu_opt == INSTRUCT)
+    else
-//      unload_media();
-      not_implemented();
-//       switch (sub_menu)
-//       {
-//         case CASCADE: InstructCascade(); break;
-//         case LASER:   InstructLaser();   break;
-//       }
-//      load_media();
-//      if (settings.menu_music)
-//        AudioMusicLoad( "/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1 );
-      redraw = 1;
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "RenderTitleScreen(): Failed to load Tux image.\n");
+      return 0;
+    /* "Tux, of math command" title in upper right corner */
+    SetRect(&title_rect, title_pos);
+    path = GetSpriteFullPath(title_path);
+    title = LoadImageOfBoundingBox(path, IMG_ALPHA, title_rect.w, title_rect.h);
+    if(path)
+      free(path);
-    if (menu_opt == PHRASE_TYPING)
+    if(title)
-//      not_implemented();
-      unload_media();
-      Phrases(NULL);
-      load_media();
-      if (settings.menu_music)
-        AudioMusicLoad( "/sounds/tuxi.ogg", -1 );
-      redraw = 1;
+      title_rect.w = title->clip_rect.w;
+      title_rect.h = title->clip_rect.h;
-    /* ------ End menu_opt processing ----------- */
-    if (redraw)
+    else
-      LOG("TitleScreen() - redraw requested\n");
-      recalc_rects();
-      SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), NULL, screen, NULL); 
-      SDL_BlitSurface(title, NULL, screen, &Titledest);
-      if ( settings.menu_music )
-        SDL_BlitSurface(speaker, NULL, screen, &spkrdest);
-      else
-        SDL_BlitSurface(speakeroff, NULL, screen, &spkrdest);
-      /* Screen will be updated due to update_locs - see ~30 lines down: */
-//      SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      frame = redraw = 0;   // so we redraw tux
-      update_locs = 1;      // so we redraw menu
-      firstloop = 1;
+      DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "RenderTitleScreen(): Failed to load title image.\n");
+      return 0;
+    curr_res_x = screen->w;
+    curr_res_y = screen->h;
+    DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Leaving RenderTitleScreen().\n");
+  }
+  return 1;
-    /* --- create new menu screen when needed --- */
-    if (update_locs)
-    {
-      LOG("TitleScreen() - update_locs requested\n");
+/* handle titlescreen events (easter egg)
+   this function should be called from event loops
+   return 1 if events require full redraw */
+int HandleTitleScreenEvents(SDL_Event* evt)
+  return 0;
-      /* --- erase the last menu --- */
-      for (i = 1; i <= TITLE_MENU_ITEMS; i++)
-      {
-        text_dst[i].x = screen->w/2 - 70;//290;
-        text_dst[i].w = reg_text[i][menu_depth]->w;
-        text_dst[i].h = reg_text[i][menu_depth]->h;
-        SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), &menu_button[i], screen, &menu_button[i]);
-        menu_button[i].w = menu_width[menu_depth] + 20;
-      }
+/* handle all titlescreen blitting
+   this function should be called after every animation frame */
+void HandleTitleScreenAnimations()
+  static int frame_counter = 0;
+  int tux_frame;
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Entering HandleTitleScreenAnimations()\n");
+  /* --- make Tux blink --- */
+  switch (frame_counter % TUX6)
+  {
+    case 0:    tux_frame = 1; break;
+    case TUX1: tux_frame = 2; break;
+    case TUX2: tux_frame = 3; break;
+    case TUX3: tux_frame = 4; break;
+    case TUX4: tux_frame = 3; break;
+    case TUX5: tux_frame = 2; break;
+    default: tux_frame = 0;
+  }
-      update_locs = 0;
+  if (Tux && tux_frame)
+  {
+    /* Redraw background to keep edges anti-aliased properly: */
+    SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(),&tux_rect, screen, &tux_rect);
+    SDL_BlitSurface(Tux->frame[tux_frame - 1], NULL, screen, &tux_rect);
+    UpdateRect(screen, &tux_rect);
+  }
-      /* --- draw the full menu --- */
+  frame_counter++;
-      for (j = 1; j <= TITLE_MENU_ITEMS; j++)
-      {
-        DOUT(j);
-        DrawButton(&menu_button[j], 10, REG_RGBA);
-        if (reg_text[j][menu_depth] != NULL)
-          SDL_BlitSurface(reg_text[j][menu_depth], NULL, screen, &text_dst[j]);
-        if (menu_gfx[j][menu_depth] != NULL)
-          SDL_BlitSurface(menu_gfx[j][menu_depth]->default_img, NULL, screen, &menu_gfxdest[j]);
-      }
-      SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+/* return QUIT if user decided to quit the application while running an activity
+   return 0 otherwise */
+int handle_activity(int act, int param)
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_menu, "entering handle_activity()\n");
-      LOG("TitleScreen() - update_locs completed\n");
-    }
+  switch(act)
+  {
+      not_implemented();
+      break;
+      not_implemented();
+      break;
+    case RUN_INFO:
+      ProjectInfo();
+      break;
-    /* --- make tux blink --- */
+    case RUN_LESSONS:
+      SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), NULL, screen, NULL);
+      SDL_Flip( screen );
+      TestLesson();
+      break;
-    switch (frame % TUX6)
-    {
-      case 0:    tux_frame = 1; break;
-      case TUX1: tux_frame = 2; break;
-      case TUX2: tux_frame = 3; break;
-      case TUX3: tux_frame = 4; break;			
-      case TUX4: tux_frame = 3; break;
-      case TUX5: tux_frame = 2; break;
-      default: tux_frame = 0;
-    }
+    case RUN_SETUP:
+      ChooseTheme();
+      LoadLang();
+      LoadKeyboard();
+      break;
-    if (tux_frame)
-    {
-      SDL_Rect blink_src, blink_dest;
-      blink_src.x = 0;
-      blink_src.y = 0;
-      blink_src.w = Tuxdest.w;
-      blink_src.h = Tuxdest.h;
-      blink_dest.x = Tuxdest.x + blink_src.x;
-      blink_dest.y = Tuxdest.y + blink_src.y;
-      blink_dest.w = blink_src.w;
-      blink_dest.h = blink_src.h;
-//      SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), , screen, &Tuxdest);
-      SDL_BlitSurface(Tux->frame[tux_frame - 1], &blink_src, screen, &blink_dest);
-    }
-    /* --- check if mouse is in a menu option --- */
-    key_menu = 0;
-    for (j = 1; j <= TITLE_MENU_ITEMS; j++)
-    {
-      if ((cursor.x >= menu_button[j].x && cursor.x <= (menu_button[j].x + menu_button[j].w)) &&
-          (cursor.y >= menu_button[j].y && cursor.y <= (menu_button[j].y + menu_button[j].h)))
+    case RUN_CASCADE:
+      switch(param)
-        key_menu = j; // update menu to point
-        break;        // Don't need to check rest of menu
+        case 0:
+          PlayCascade(EASY);
+          break;
+        case 1:
+          PlayCascade(MEDIUM);
+          break;
+        case 2:
+          PlayCascade(HARD);
+          break;
+        case 3:
+          PlayCascade(INSANE);
+          break;
-    }
+      break;
-    /* --- return old selection to unselected state --- */
-    if (old_key_menu && (key_menu != old_key_menu))
-    {
-      SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), &menu_button[old_key_menu], screen, &menu_button[old_key_menu]);
-      DrawButton(&menu_button[old_key_menu], 10, REG_RGBA);
-      SDL_BlitSurface(reg_text[old_key_menu][menu_depth], NULL, screen, &text_dst[old_key_menu]);
-      SDL_BlitSurface(menu_gfx[old_key_menu][menu_depth]->default_img, NULL, screen, &menu_gfxdest[old_key_menu]);
-    }
-    /* --- draw current selection --- */
-    if ((key_menu != 0) &&
-       ((old_key_menu != key_menu) || (frame % 5 == 0))) // Redraw every fifth frame?
-    {
-      if (key_menu != old_key_menu)
+    case RUN_COMET_ZAP:
+      switch(param)
-        REWIND(menu_gfx[key_menu][menu_depth]);
-        PlaySound(snd_move);
+        case 0:
+          PlayLaserGame(EASY);
+          break;
+        case 1:
+          PlayLaserGame(MEDIUM);
+          break;
+        case 2:
+          PlayLaserGame(HARD);
+          break;
+        case 3:
+          PlayLaserGame(INSANE);
+          break;
+      break;
-      SDL_BlitSurface(CurrentBkgd(), &menu_button[key_menu], screen, &menu_button[key_menu]);
-      DrawButton(&menu_button[key_menu], 10, SEL_RGBA);
-      SDL_BlitSurface(sel_text[key_menu][menu_depth], NULL, screen, &text_dst[key_menu]);
-      SDL_BlitSurface(menu_gfx[key_menu][menu_depth]->frame[menu_gfx[key_menu][menu_depth]->cur], NULL, screen, &menu_gfxdest[key_menu]);
+      Phrases(NULL);
+      break;
-      NEXT_FRAME(menu_gfx[key_menu][menu_depth]);
-    }
+    case RUN_QUIT:
+      return QUIT;
+  }
+  return 0;
-    // HACK This is still more than we need to update every frame but
-    // it cuts cpu on my machine %60 so it seems better...
-    if ( settings.menu_music )
-      SDL_BlitSurface(speaker, NULL, screen, &spkrdest);
-    else
-      SDL_BlitSurface(speakeroff, NULL, screen, &spkrdest);
-    SDL_UpdateRect(screen, spkrdest.x, spkrdest.y, spkrdest.w, spkrdest.h);
-    for (i = 1; i < 6; i++)
-    {
-      SDL_UpdateRect(screen, menu_button[i].x, menu_button[i].y, menu_button[i].w, menu_button[i].h);
-    }
-    if (tux_frame)
-      SDL_UpdateRect(screen, Tuxdest.x, Tuxdest.y, Tuxdest.w, Tuxdest.h);
-    if (firstloop)
-      SDL_UpdateRect(screen, Tuxdest.x, Tuxdest.y, Tuxdest.w, Tuxdest.h);
-    firstloop = 0;
-    /* Wait so we keep frame rate constant: */
-    while ((SDL_GetTicks() - start) < 33)
-    {
-      SDL_Delay(20);
-    }
-    frame++;
-  } /* ----------- End of 'while(!done)' loop ------------  */
-  LOG( "->>Freeing title screen images\n" );
-  unload_media();
-  LOG( "->TitleScreen():END \n" );
+/* run main menu. If this function ends it means that tuxmath is going to quit */
+void run_main_menu(void)
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Entering run_main_menu()\n");
+  RunMenu(MENU_MAIN, false, DrawTitleScreen, HandleTitleScreenEvents, HandleTitleScreenAnimations, handle_activity);
+  DEBUGMSG(debug_titlescreen, "Leaving run_main_menu()\n");
-/*                                                                      */ 
-/*       "Private" functions (local to titlescreen.c)                   */
-/*                                                                      */
 static void show_logo(void)
   if (settings.show_tux4kids)
@@ -872,237 +541,7 @@
-/* Renders the menu text for all items and loads the associated */
-/* animated sprites, if any.                                    */
-static void load_menu(void)
-  char fn[FNLEN];
-  int max, i, j;
-  SDL_ShowCursor(1);
-  LOG("loading & parsing menu\n");
-  for (j = 1; j <= TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; j++)  /* Each 'depth' is a different menu */
-  {
-    max = 0;
-    for (i = 1; i <= TITLE_MENU_ITEMS; i++)
-    {
-      {
-        fprintf(stderr, "i = '%d'\tj = '%d'\ttext = '%s'\n",
-                i, j,  gettext(menu_text[j + 5 * i]));
-      }
-      /* --- create text surfaces --- */
-      reg_text[i][j] = BlackOutline( gettext(menu_text[j + 5 * i]), DEFAULT_MENU_FONT_SIZE, &white);
-      sel_text[i][j] = BlackOutline( gettext(menu_text[j + 5 * i]), DEFAULT_MENU_FONT_SIZE, &yellow);
-      /* (first make sure ptr valid to avoid segfault) */
-      if (sel_text[i][j] && sel_text[i][j]->w > max)
-        max = sel_text[i][j]->w;
-      /* --- load animated icon for menu item --- */
-      sprintf(fn, "/images/menu/%s", menu_icon[i][j]);
-      menu_gfx[i][j] = LoadSpriteNoPrefix(fn, IMG_ALPHA);
-    }
-    menu_width[j] = max + 20 + 40; // Not clear where '20' and '40' are coming from
-  }
-  recalc_rects();
-static void recalc_rects(void)
-  int i = 0;
-  Tuxdest.x = 0;
-  Tuxdest.y = screen->h - Tux->frame[0]->h;
-  Tuxdest.w = Tux->frame[0]->w;
-  Tuxdest.h = Tux->frame[0]->h;
-  Titledest.x = 0;
-  Titledest.y = 10;
-  Titledest.w = title->w;
-  Titledest.h = title->h;
-  spkrdest.x = screen->w - speaker->w - 10;
-  spkrdest.y = screen->h - speaker->h - 10;
-  spkrdest.w = speaker->w;
-  spkrdest.h = speaker->h;
-  /* --- setup menu item destinations --- */
-  menu_button[1].x = screen->w/2 - 120; //240;
-  menu_button[1].y = 100;
-  menu_button[1].w = menu_width[1];  //calc from width of widest menu item
-  menu_button[1].h = 50;
-  menu_gfxdest[1].x = menu_button[1].x + 6; // inset graphic by (6, 4) */
-  menu_gfxdest[1].y = menu_button[1].y + 4;
-  menu_gfxdest[1].w = 40;
-  menu_gfxdest[1].h = 50;
-  text_dst[1].x = screen->w/2 - 70;//290;
-  text_dst[1].y = menu_button[1].y + 15;
-  /* FIXME each menu item drawn hardcoded 60 pixels below last - */
-  /* perhaps increment should be "menu_button[j-1].h + MENU_ITEM_GAP" */
-  for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) 
-  {
-    /* --- setup location of button text --- */
-    text_dst[i].x = screen->w/2 - 70;
-    text_dst[i].y = text_dst[i - 1].y + 60;
-    /* --- setup location of button background --- */
-    menu_button[i].x = menu_button[i - 1].x;
-    menu_button[i].y = menu_button[i - 1].y + 60;
-    menu_button[i].w = menu_button[i - 1].w;
-    menu_button[i].h = menu_button[i - 1].h;
-    /* --- setup location of animated icon --- */
-    menu_gfxdest[i].x = menu_gfxdest[i - 1].x;
-    menu_gfxdest[i].y = menu_gfxdest[i - 1].y + 60;
-    menu_gfxdest[i].w = menu_gfxdest[i - 1].w;
-    menu_gfxdest[i].h = menu_gfxdest[i - 1].h;
-  }
-static void unload_menu(void)
-  int i,j;
-  for (i = 1; i <= TITLE_MENU_ITEMS; i++)
-  {
-    for (j = 1; j <= TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; j++)
-    {
-      if (reg_text[i][j])
-        SDL_FreeSurface(reg_text[i][j]);
-      if (sel_text[i][j])
-        SDL_FreeSurface(sel_text[i][j]);
-      if (menu_gfx[i][j])
-        FreeSprite(menu_gfx[i][j]);
-      reg_text[i][j] = sel_text[i][j] = NULL;
-      menu_gfx[i][j] = NULL;
-    }
-  }
-static int load_media(void)
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Entering load_media():\n");
-    fprintf(stderr, "default_data_path = %s\n", settings.default_data_path);
-    fprintf(stderr, "theme_data_path = %s\n", settings.theme_data_path);
-  }
-  /* Make sure everything is unloaded before we start: */
-  /* FIXME have not been to do this to run without crashing: */
-  //unload_media();
-  /* --- load sounds --- */
-  if (settings.menu_sound)
-  {
-    snd_move = LoadSoundNoPrefix("/sounds/tock.wav");
-    snd_select = LoadSoundNoPrefix("/sounds/pop.wav");
-    if (!snd_move || !snd_select)
-    {
-      fprintf(stderr, "Could not load menu sounds - turning menu_sound off\n");
-      settings.menu_sound = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  /* --- load graphics --- */
-  LoadBothBkgds("/images/main_bkg.png");
-  title = LoadImageNoPrefix( "/images/title1.png", IMG_ALPHA );
-  speaker = LoadImageNoPrefix( "/images/sound.png", IMG_ALPHA );
-  speakeroff = LoadImageNoPrefix( "/images/nosound.png", IMG_ALPHA );
-//  sel = LoadSpriteNoPrefix("/images/menu/sel", IMG_ALPHA);
-//  reg = LoadSpriteNoPrefix("/images/menu/reg", IMG_ALPHA);
-  Tux = LoadSpriteNoPrefix("/images/tux", IMG_ALPHA);
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "titlescreen.c load_media(): settings.theme_font_name is %s\n",
-            settings.theme_font_name);
-  }
-  /* Make sure we were successful: */
-  if (!CurrentBkgd()
-   || !title
-   || !speaker
-   || !speakeroff
-   || !Tux)
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "load_media() - could not load all needed files\n");
-    unload_media();
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /* Should probably call this directly from TitleScreen() */
-  load_menu();
-  return 1;
-static void unload_media(void)
-  LOG("Entering unload_media():\n");
-  /* --- unload sounds --- */
-  if (snd_move)
-  { 
-    Mix_FreeChunk(snd_move);
-    snd_move = NULL;
-  }
-  if (snd_select)
-  {
-    Mix_FreeChunk(snd_select);
-    snd_select = NULL;
-  }
-  if (snd_welcome)
-  {
-    Mix_FreeChunk(snd_welcome);
-    snd_welcome = NULL; 
-  }
-  /* --- unload graphics --- */
-  if (title)
-  {
-    SDL_FreeSurface(title);
-    title = NULL;
-  }
-  if (speaker)
-  {
-    SDL_FreeSurface(speaker);
-    speaker = NULL;
-  }
-  if (speakeroff)
-  {
-    SDL_FreeSurface(speakeroff);
-    speakeroff = NULL;
-  }
-  FreeBothBkgds();
-  if (Tux)
-  {
-    FreeSprite(Tux);
-    Tux = NULL;
-  }
-  LOG("Leaving load_media():\n");
-  unload_menu();
 static void not_implemented(void)
   SDL_Surface *s1 = NULL, *s2 = NULL, *s3 = NULL, *s4 = NULL;
@@ -1238,7 +677,7 @@
   /* If we get to here, we know there is at least a wordlist directory */
   /* but not necessarily any valid files.                              */
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "wordPath is: %s\n", wordPath); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_titlescreen) { fprintf(stderr, "wordPath is: %s\n", wordPath); }
   /* FIXME looks like a place for scandir() - or our own w32_scandir() */
@@ -1281,7 +720,7 @@
- DEBUGCODE { fprintf(stderr, "Found %d .txt file(s) in words dir\n", lists); }
+ DEBUGCODE(debug_titlescreen) { fprintf(stderr, "Found %d .txt file(s) in words dir\n", lists); }
@@ -1482,7 +921,7 @@
   left = right = NULL; /* Maybe overkill - about to be destroyed anyway */
-  DEBUGCODE { fprintf( stderr, "Leaving chooseWordlist();\n" ); }
+  DEBUGCODE(debug_titlescreen) { fprintf( stderr, "Leaving chooseWordlist();\n" ); }
   if (stop == 2)
     return 0;

Modified: branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/titlescreen.h
--- branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/titlescreen.h	2009-08-05 16:23:53 UTC (rev 1369)
+++ branches/commonification/tuxtype/trunk/src/titlescreen.h	2009-08-05 16:42:16 UTC (rev 1370)
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+/* trans_wipe() animation constants */
+#define ANIM_FRAMES                     30 /* frames to be displayed */
+#define ANIM_FPS                        25 /* max fps */
 /* --- SETUP MENU OPTIONS --- */
 #define TITLE_MENU_ITEMS                5

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