[Tux4kids-discuss] New Website

Bruno Dilly bruno.dilly at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 12:57:43 UTC 2009


On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Matthew McSpadden
<webmaster at anvilsmithtech.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> The time has come for some input from the community on the new website.
> We wanted to get a functional template before presenting it to see what
> you think. I would appreciate getting feedback on 3 specific things
> (there will be other later).
> First, if anyone who gets this would let Pam and I know what you think
> of the basic layout of the website. The colors, pictures, and the
> general feel for it. The link is
> http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org/newsitetest/

Very nice.

> Second, there was some talk of the current released files (downloads)
> page. Many people think it is difficult for a typical user to find
> things. I would have to agree. I have done some research on various
> sites and how they present their downloads. I looked at other open
> source projects as well as other program sites, computer sites, etc. I
> made up some dummy pages with 4 different ideas on how we might be able
> to display the downloads more effectively. I did them up all this
> afternoone, so they are a bit rough. Perhaps we could use one of them or
> a combination of some of them. Let me know your thoughts. The link is
> http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org/newsitetest/download.html

I think the first and second ideas are the best.

> Third, is some input on what you think should be on the menu, and what
> should just be a link on one of the pages.
> I would like all input, even criticisms :)
> Matthew
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