[Tux4kids-discuss] Tux4kids new website is live

Matthew McSpadden webmaster at anvilsmithtech.com
Thu Sep 10 14:46:11 UTC 2009

Hey All,

The summer has been pretty crazy, and my svn client did not work very 
well. I have gotten a new one so I should be able to start making some 
modifications to the website once again. I know there were a couple 
things on the downloads page. Also I forget who had tried to update the 
descriptions of the programs. I liked your descriptions way better than 
mine and if you can email them to me again I will see if I can get them 
up. I'm not sure why it is not updating other than the tree for that 
section was pretty messed up for a bit. If anyone else has noticed 
anything that should be corrected, added, modified, or in any way made 
better, please let me know. I have it back up and running and also have 
some time. For all those working on the code, thankyou. My new students 
love the programs and the old students still love them very much.

To the admins, if you can email me when you put out a new version I will 
make sure that the links are changed on the downloads page.

Also, i've noticed when I go to download the programs from a computer 
that I haven't ever downloaded from, that the security warning pops up. 
I know what it is and how to get past it, but I'm wondering if people 
have any trouble with it since the rest of the website does not need it. 
Should we write up anything on the security warning so people will know 
what to do?

Matt McSpadden

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