[Tux4kids-discuss] New branch in repository

David Bruce davidstuartbruce at gmail.com
Sun Feb 6 17:09:26 UTC 2011


On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 4:48 PM, deepak aggarwal
<deepak.aggarwal9 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi David
> I want to ask if I can create a new branch in repository so that I can work
> on new feature and please tell me where to create this branch.

Sure - look up git remote branches, then create a branch in the
tuxmath repo with a suitable name, e.g. "server-deepak" or something
like that.

1. As you work in your branch, frequently merge the master tree into
your branch to keep it updated.  That is, while on your branch, do
"git merge master" once a day or so.  That way you can limit the
divergence so it will be easy to merge your branch back in when the
time comes.  (You can also accomplish the same with "git rebase",
which will make the commit history look like your branch was created
after the changes in master).
2. Keep your local branch synchronized with the branch in the repo
with git pull and git push, run when you have your branch checked out,
rather than master.

Hope that helps,


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