[Tux4kids-discuss] Problem with Tux Racing repository system and apple app store...
Kento Locatelli
me at klocatelli.name
Sun Jun 10 09:51:57 UTC 2012
Hi all!
- Sorry, I was in a bit of a rush and really should have explained that
better... "Wrapping" would have been more accurate than "bundling", my
original intention was to use PhoneGap as a wrapper to the remote Tux
Racing webapp. Augment some of the features to take advantage of the
mobile platform (eg tactile feedback), but ultimately just a remote
website wrapped in an app so we could update without publishing a new
app to the app store. That's not allowed by Apple, and I guess for that
very reason (totally changing the app without Apple's permission). HTML5
apps *are* allowed, just not remote websites wrapped in an app. In our
case, that means simply moving the site from the web into the mobile
app. A very minor issue, it just means no auto-updates of the main app
- I hadn't thought of that, that sounds like a great alternative. There
shouldn't be any barrier to using local storage, but I'll have to ask
Apple and find out for sure. Loading code from an SD card could still be
a security concern for them I guess... but if not, I can't think of any
problems. The File API and drag-and-drop is support by about 50% of
desktop browsers right now, but we can fall back on flash for now.
- I like changing to rockets as well, it's more appealing. Spaceships
whizzing around, asteroids, aliens, planets... much more fun. Maybe for
variety some lightning-round bosses where the player has to answer
faster than normal to beat an NPC or escape a black-hole? I'm not sure
whether it falls under fair use, but it could be fun to allow players to
upgrade to some famous spaceships of history and scifi as well. Maybe
"Tux, Space Explorer"?
On 6/9/2012 11:31 PM, Brendan Luchen wrote:
> Hey all,
> Some brief thoughts before conking out-
> - Before rethinking everything, let's check with Apple to clarify the
> website restriction. I don't think PhoneGap would exist as such if its
> biggest platform couldn't actually be leveraged. Also, considering
> Apple was a driving force behind HTML5, I find it hard to believe
> they'd reject it out of hand.
> - The repository gotcha is more troubling. I guess it's a security
> consideration, which is reasonable. I don't see why you'd need
> teachers to fork the whole project to create modules, though. As long
> as the modules are sufficiently--er--modular, is there any barrier to
> having them read in from SD card or other local storage? That way they
> can still be downloaded (somewhat) conveniently, just not through the
> app itself. Maybe I misunderstand what you're saying, Kento.
> - Shame about the name, but I suppose it's not worth fighting over.
> One option is to keep the game's concept but change the aesthetic so
> instead of racing cars, you're racing rockets. Tux Launch, maybe? *shrug*
> Best,
> Brendan
>> Kento Locatelli <mailto:me at klocatelli.name>
>> June 9, 2012 4:56 PM
>> Hey all!
>> I think we decided to use this mailing list for discussing GSoC
>> project things, right? Heh I hope so, otherwise this is in the wrong
>> place :/ Anyway...
>> First, Tux Racing is definitely going to change name at some point...
>> I didn't think to check at the time, but there already are similarly
>> named games.
>> But more importantly, I was talking to some people about the
>> repository system [1] Tux Racing uses and learned of two Apple App
>> store rules that are problematic for Tux Racing:
>> - Apps can't download code in any way, including Javascript code. But
>> that's exactly what the repository/practice module system does,
>> download/run/update untested (but trusted) 3rd party code.
>> - Apps can't be bundled websites. Again that's exactly what Tux
>> Racing is, pure html5 webapp.
>> Tux Racing violates both rules, and I'm not sure how to solve them...
>> I have two proposed solutions, but I'd really appreciate community
>> input on the matter:
>> - The simplest is to simply not publish in the App store and hope
>> users make it to the website and set up a Web Clip (basically an icon
>> that launches the website). We lose publicity from the App store, but
>> retain the module repository system to allow teachers to make their
>> own practice modules for students.
>> - The other is to remove the repository system and have everything
>> bundled locally in the app, which allows us to meet both of those
>> guideline requirements. We'll definitely get more iOS users, but
>> practice modules are no longer self-updating and it becomes harder
>> for 3rd parties to create new modules for mobile platforms. In order
>> for a teacher to get their module working *in the Tux Racing mobile
>> app*, they have to get it bundled with Tux Racing, wait for users to
>> update their apps, and repeat the process for any updates. note this
>> is removing the repository system in general, not just for iOS.
>> I'm leaning towards the latter, but my reasoning is entirely based on
>> assumptions. My guess is if a teacher is creating a practice module,
>> simply forking TR will fulfill their needs. They can copy in their
>> module, upload to their website, and have students browse to the URL
>> on an internet-enabled device. Their module still works on mobile
>> devices, but through the web browser instead of the official app.
>> Looks the same, works the same, same code to hook in and everything.
>> Furthermore, I don't think there would be enough 3rd-party modules to
>> justify not being in the App store. Of course we can always re-add
>> the repository system and withdraw from the App store once more users
>> know about the application if it's determined the repository system
>> is genuinely useful in practice.
>> What are your thoughts on the matter? Do my assumptions hold? Is
>> there a better alternative to those two proposals?
>> Cheers!
>> Kento Locatelli
>> [1] - Tux Racing has a problem generator system. Repository system
>> allows adding/updating 3rd party problem generators to the game
>> without reinstalling/updating the application. The idea was for
>> teachers to create a problem generator for their students to
>> practice, and give their students a URL. The game then makes the new
>> problem generators available.
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