[Tux4kids-discuss] GSOC 2014

Pere Pujal i Carabantes perepujal at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 15:37:04 UTC 2014

El dv 07 de 02 de 2014 a les 09:59 +0100, en/na deneche abdelhakim va
> Hi Pere,
> I am a former GSoC student who worked on TuxCoding. I am interested
> into mentoring this year, and here is a list of tasks that can be done
> for TuxCoding:
> https://bitbucket.org/adeneche/tuxcoding/wiki/Home
Added permisions to edit the wiki to adeneche at gmail dot com  
Please, add the ideas that worth a GSOC project to our ideas list

> How should I proceed to become a mentor ?

sign in into melange, then if/when Tux4Kids gets selected, associate
with Tux4Kids org

> Best regards,
> AbdelHakim Deneche

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