[Tux4kids-discuss] TuxCode : Project Idea for GSOC 2016

Bruna Nayara brunanayaramlima at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 14:24:34 UTC 2016


I was looking again at the ideas page and for TuxCode they have this:

"It will be the very fresh project and interesting one too. The objective
of this project is teach programming tactics to beginners while they just
playing a game to achieve high score."

But there is the link for the bitbucket project page. Is the intention to
have it as a new project? Or is it to improve this one?

I'm thinking about propose a new development for this :)

On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 6:30 PM Bruna Nayara <brunanayaramlima at gmail.com>

> Thanks :)
> I'll sure look into the open issues.
> I'll take a look at Haxe and some other toolkits. I don't know how
> consolidated it is in using it.
> I just found the application template :D
> Bruna Moreira
> --
> Bruna Moreira
> Graduanda em Engenharia de Software
Bruna Moreira
Graduanda em Engenharia de Software
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