[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] Corrected French .po file + .desktop file translation for Tux Typing

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 21:38:59 UTC 2009


The French translation of Tux Typing had incomplete translation, 
inaccurate strings and about all accented letters missing. Two strings 
were translated in the .po file, but didn't make it to the .mo file 
(either the one in the tarball or after using msgfmt ) - fixed in the 
attached file.

I also added French translation to the .desktop file, and took the 
liberty to change the displayed name from TuxType to Tux Typing, since 
it's the name used on the web site.

Attached are the two files, plus a patch (I'm using quilt since it's the 
patch system used for the package in Debian) covering the two files 

I'd like to follow the French translation, but I'm already subscribed to 
  far more mailing lists than I could follow ;). Is there a way to be 
pinged of string changes short of remembering to check the site often or 
reading the mailing list without a fail?

A few questions:
- in the release announcement for 1.7.3 there was mention of an archive 
without the fonts - I can't manage to find it at 
http://alioth.debian.org/frs/?group_id=31080 ;
- is there any reason for the tarball to contain .gmo files since 
they're created from the .po files (and do the configure/make process 
included creates them)?
- is the tuxtype.ico file only used for Windows (or OSX, I'm no expert), 
or is it used for anything on *nix?
- is it possible to include either a 32x32 .xmp icon, a 42x42 .png 
(preferably the latter, unless Holger objects), or even better an .svg?

There was also talk about an .svg transition. I'd be happy to have a go 
at drawing the .svg, but I'd appreciate to know how far in the future 
the code will be able to support it. Also, in the meantime, would it be 
possible to use higher resolution bitmaps (in which case I could draw 
the .svg but export them to bitmap graphics and still be able to see the 
improvements ;) ) since tuxtype now support displaying to a monitor's 
native resolution?

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