[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] Tuxtype 1.7.4 - missing files, translation problems

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 07:32:44 UTC 2009

Sorry, didn't send to the list:
Holger Levsen wrote:
 > On Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2009, Loïc Martin wrote:
 >> Also, I wonder if it would be a good idea to offer Linux binaries too
 >> on the site - no need for an Autopackage, but an archive would be
 >> nice for non-technical users.
 > I dont think it's worth the effort, I rather think that the programms
 > should work in the various dsitributions ;-)
All distributions will lag one way or another - I'm thinking about 
offering linux binaries to help spot translations mistakes. For problems 
that appear only in a particular language, there's not much people with 
enough technical knowledge (or time) to compile from source can do. For 
example, in 1.7.3, a few letters didn't appear in the menus when using 
French, even though the .po file looked perfect. In different languages 
like Tamil, there's nothing we could really do to spot the error. 
Considering the problem can creep in between to releases, if in this 
language the translator (or any user able to file a bug) uses a 
distribution that ships 1.7.2 for one year, the problem won't be spotted 
during an awfully long time.

Providing binaries might be a way to spot problems in the original 
archive - packaging problems can be spotted at the distribution level 
more easily, because if a distribution ships 1.7.2 for one or two years, 
that's a slower moving target.

I'm not suggesting organizing translators reviews for each release in an 
organized manner, but easing those reviews - unless, of course, every 
non-English users just happen to be on Suse or Fedora.

Then there's all the smaller distributions or derivatives that could be 
out of date for a long while - providing RPM and DEB isn't that much of 
a solution either.


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