[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] tuxtype progress control
uwe.geercken at web.de
Thu Nov 5 19:56:43 UTC 2009
I am writing up a little document of my thought around this idea.
clearly I am not an expert when it comes to that, but I am a father and
a part-time teacher and I try to imagine what I would need.
it will take me a couple of more days to get a first draft, ok?
anyway, my basic idea would be that there is a seperate module
(web-based) that one can login to and find the answers to how good or
not a student or class is. to compare them to averages from previous
classes, to see progress and to find weaknesses. a place where teachers
and students can logon to.
then of course there needs to be a way of transmitting the results from
tuxtype to this module. we'll have to see. would you think this is a
good approach?
I think things you would want to capture are:
- sessions a student has done
- errors in these sessions, number of words, letters, sentences
- indicators: number of words per minute, errors per minute or errors
per number of words. errors per letter (weakness on certain fingers)
- results relatively to other students of same class or age
- trend of a student over time.
- ready for "final exam" evaluation
- last exercise done, number of exercise over time
and much more. but that should not be a problem once the data is there.
from a datawarehouse and business intelligence standpoint we have what
is called "dimensions" and "facts". dimensions are the views or key
aspects one can look at the data. e.g. per class, per time period, per
student, per age. and so on. so class, time, student and age (a,mongst
others) would be dimensions. then there are what is called the "facts".
the numbers and values that we capture. it is important to capture these
a the correct granularity. the more details one has, the more can drill
down from e.g. class to student to month and day maybe right down to the
hour and minute and find out the very details and answers one is looking
for. this of course means storing more data and processing more data. on
the other hand, if you don't use much granular data, later in the
process there is no way of going deeper into the data to find answers.
ok. enough for today. I hope this mail is not too long to be read.
have a nice day,
Am Dienstag, den 03.11.2009, 16:53 -0800 schrieb Jordan Erickson:
> Hi Uwe! I'm really happy to see you're interested in this.
> If you look very shortly back into the mailing list archives (starting
> with this post:
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/tux4kids-tuxtype-dev/2009-October/000496.html
> ) you will see what we've discussed so far. IANAP but I can help you out
> with what might be needed/wanted for something like this (it would be
> more about the specifics of what *kind* of data is collected, but not so
> much about the back-end (Im sure we can figure that out on our own ;) )
> I'll be asking teachers and existing school technicians what kind of
> data they need to be effective in grading students' progress). I will
> send an e-mail to them right after I'm done writing this.
> Thank you so much for your interest. I would absolutely love to see this
> become a reality and for many, many more schools to adopt TuxType (at
> least) as a main typing tutor because of this necessity.
> Cheers,
> Jordan
> uwe wrote:
> > hello everybody,
> >
> > my name is uwe, I am from germany, 45 years old, I have 3 kids and I am
> > working as an IT manager for a big company in Switzerland. I am an
> > allrounder but with emphasis on data: databases, migrations,
> > convertions, databases, datawarehouses and business intelligence. but I
> > am also programming in Java, using apache velocity, beanshell, groovy
> > and so on.
> >
> > apart from my daily work, I am teaching Linux 2 hours a week at our
> > local school to kids of 10-13 years (30 kids). this is my third year I
> > do this using Edubuntu and LTSP.
> >
> > in a chat on IRC some had a discussion about having a sort of progress
> > control in tuytype. so that the correct hits or the errors can be
> > tracked and evaluated.
> >
> > if there is interest I am willing to spend my time for this project,
> > doing some programming or database work or whatever is required.
> >
> > It would be good to collect some requirements or thoughts on this issue
> > to give me an idea. I don't have experience with tuytype or a similar
> > typing software.
> >
> > I wish you a nice evening.
> >
> > uwe
> >
> >
> >
> >
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