[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] Enhance Your Lesson with an eBook
Craig Knowlton
CraigKnowlton at SylvanDellPublishing.com
Mon Feb 1 21:13:28 UTC 2010
School Resource Grants Newly Available
If your school has not already received a free 1-year eBook site license from Sylvan Dell, apply now. It only takes a few minutes. The Sylvan Dell School Resource Grant awards 1-year unlimited eBook access to one school in every district and additional Title I/III schools nationwide.
Click image for grant awardee list
Sylvan Dell offers the most technologically advanced eBooks, featuring Auto-Read, Auto-Flip, 3D Page Effects, and Selectable English and Spanish text and audio! Spectacular with projection or smartboards, our eBooks are an essential tool when reading to children in the classroom. Children need to see the text as they hear the stories read aloud, and the eBooks merge visual and aural learning, improving literacy through technology. Children interact with multimedia everywhere, and a classroom full of children is better served by a page-flipping projection than by holding up a little book.
Sylvan Dell has created a comprehensive, cross-curricular reading program to help parents and teachers succeed in their teaching efforts. We want literacy scores up, and we want children to love reading and learning. At the elementary level, we feel strongly that science, math, and geography should always be integrated with fun reading and that exposure to a foreign language at any level of instruction has value.
Our program of Science and Math through Literature follows experiential learning methods to engage children in teachable moments. Contextual lessons are the heart of every new book we publish. We create real picturebooks with sweet stories and phenomenal art to generate foremost a love of reading. When kids are excited about the story, they are more receptive to learning the reading's peripheral science and math concepts.
Kids love to read when supported by group or family involvement.The more kids read, the more literate they become.The more literate they are, the better they learn EVERYTHING!We stress parent involvement. Yes, Mom and Dad are busy, but we have great faith in parents and believe that if we make it easy for them, they will engage their children and help their children's teachers. To that end, all of our online resources are free and wide-open on our website. We encourage schools using our eBook site license to send access information home to parents so that every classroom reading can be reinforced at home during family reading time.
Here are our showcased items for this e-mail. You can also access these items from our homepage, www.SylvanDellPublishing.com.
5 New Titles Arrive March 10th. Click on their images below for sneak previews:
Calendar of Special Days: A great listing of each month's "special days" with sources linked. This is one of the best compilations you'll find anywhere on the web. Teaching within context helps cognitive retention. Professional Discount for Teachers, Librarians, Homeschoolers, and Military families: enables these professionals to receive the same 20-30% discount that schools and libraries receive.School Resource Grants: free 1-year unlimited access to eBook site license for all school computers and the parents at home.eBook Site Licenses: Recommended for past grant recipients. Multi-school, multi-year, and small school discount available. Personal eLibraries available for single classroom/user.Teachable Moments updated weekly on our Sylvan Dell Blog, Facebook, and Twitter.We hope you enjoy our e-mails and find helpful resources for classroom and library use. If you wish to opt-out, we certainly understand and have made it easy. Simply hit "unsubscribe" at the bottom of this page, call toll free (877-958-2600), or e-mail us (info at sylvandellpublishing.com), and we'll take care of it. We are nice folks trying to make a difference in children's literacy and education, and we appreciate your interest and support.
Click here to find your local sales representative or call/email me with any questions.
Best Wishes,
Craig Knowlton
Education and Library Sales Manager
Sylvan Dell Publishing
976 Houston Northcutt Blvd., Ste. 3
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
843-971-6722, 877-958-2600 (toll free), 843-216-3804 (fax)
So Much More Than a Picture Book
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Sylvan Dell Publishing
976 Houston Northcutt Blvd., Suite 3
Mount Pleasant SC 29464
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