[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] [Tux4kids-discuss] [Tuxmath-devel] [fwd] Invitation: Apply to be a Mentoring Organization for GCI [Google Code-In; like GSOC, but for teenagers]

Jesus Mager fongog at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 04:38:25 UTC 2010

2010/10/27 Brendan Luchen <cheezmeister at gmail.com>:
> Jesus,
>> But what about tuxhistory? We need a nice GUI in SDL, some thing like
>> a menu, selecting options, maps, etc... It is may be also a GFX/litle
>> code task. (I strongly prefer more work on tuxhistory to make some
>> progress. :p )
> For a new project like TH, finding tasks small enough for the code-in
> might be tricky, but if you can think of a few, I'll be sure to
> include them!
> -Brendan
List of possible tasks:
 * Draw a animated roman priest (with all movements walk north,
northeast, northwest..., die, and convert).
 * Write simple menu in C+SDL, that uses mouse and colored surfaces,
with the following dynamic elements:

 * Button element
 * Container vector
 * Window element

It should be some thing like this:
 Some thing like:
#include "thgui.h"
th_win *win;
th_grid *grid;
th_button *button;
th_button *button2;

//to init

win = th_new_win("title", &SDL_Rect);
grid = th_new_grid(rows);

button = th_create("name", linked_func);
button2 = th_create("name", linked_func2);


// to draw


// to eval


If you think it is to complex we can reduce this last task, maybe
create only a part of this.

Jesus Mager

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