[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] Suggestions for TuxType Program

Melissa Newman melissa at newmanfamily.org
Sun Jun 12 16:22:35 UTC 2011

Hi.  I am a Software Engineer who is currently homeschooling her kids, so we
are using the TuxType program.  The program is fantastic, but I do have a
few suggestions for those working on the GSoC project.


1.       The Lesson menu option should be first, since a person should
complete the lessons before starting the games.

2.       There should be an option for a deeper menu structure for the word
lists for the games.  Once you get past 10 - 20, it will be too much to have
one list.

3.       The Phrase typing should either be a lesson or a game on the main
menu, not in the options menu.

4.       There should be the ability to have more than one phrase file.
What is the point of one phrase file for children?


New Feature Request:


1.       Picture word typing - Show a picture and the student has to type
the word:

a.       Show a picture of a cat, type the word "cat"

b.      Show a picture of a horse, type the word "horse"

2.       Mixture of word / picture typing.

a.       "I see a dog."  "I see a doctor."  "I see a horse."  But instead of
showing the text of dog, doctor, and horse, show a picture of a dog, doctor,
and a horse.

b.      Show a picture with no text, and the student has to type in a
sentence about the picture.  The picture and the text and then sent to the
teacher. (level 1)

c.       Type a title for a picture? (level 2)

d.      Type a paragraph for a picture? (Level 3)


Basically by the end of a child doing TuxTyping they should feel comfortable
typing whole paragraphs, and can move onto the next level of using an easy
word processing program.   There is a Jr. Word Processor Program in GCompris
that  looks good (simple interface, perfect for first time users), but it is
located in GCompris->Amusement->Word Processor . right next to TuxPaint.
That is not the first place that one would think to look for a program like
that.  It would better to take that program and incorporate it into TuxType
on the main menu.


So basically, the child should move from one skill to the next in the
following order:


1.       Learn the keyboard (alphabet)

2.       Word lists.

3.       Phrase lists (sentences).

4.       Type words from memory (picture to text).

5.       Create whole sentences from memory. (picture to text)

6.       Type whole paragraphs.

7.       Create whole paragraphs from memory. (picture to text)

8.       Simple word processing to create a 5 paragraph essay.


Melissa Newman


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