[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] Tux Typing freezing

Barrett, Chad cbarrett at burke.k12.nc.us
Mon Sep 19 20:30:45 UTC 2011


My name is Chad Barrett and I deploy tux Typing at Burke County public Schools in Morganton, NC.  Lately, I have noticed that Tux Typing freezes when everyone tries to get on it at the same time, (from a server installation).

I run it ina basic Windows share with all file permissions, am I doing something wrong?  This happens in different schools.

Thanks in advance for any input...

Chad Barrett

Systems Engineer for BCPS

cbarrett at burke.k12.nc.us<mailto:cbarrett at burke.k12.nc.us><mailto:cbarrett at burke.k12.nc.us>

Schools I Serve

Jimmy C. Draughn High School
Drexel Elementary School
Rutherford College Elementary School
Mountain Crest Elementary School

"Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. "
Ronald Reagan<http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/r/ronaldreag183751.html>

Mission Statement
The mission of Burke County Public Schools is to educate diverse learners, nurture their potential, and empower them to be competitive, successful, and productive citizens.

Vision Statement
Burke County Public Schools, a world class model of exemplary education, inspires students to be life-long learners who can compete successfully on the global stage while contributing to their community as productive citizens.

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